Wicked Pilot wrote:Falcon wrote:If you want to do that (no more winner take all in states) I suggest we go back to the old electorate system where the people elect representatives who vote independently for the President.
I never said that, that's a stupid idea. In fact, most states mandidate by law that those on the electorial college vote for whomever they were selected to vote for.
It isn't a stupid idea, it place a step between the people and the President. A people, it should be noted, who are mostly ignorent of how to choose a President. The people would still vote for representatives who favored their interests, but those electorates would hopefully be better informed\dedicated than the masses in general.
We should also go back to a state legislature elected federal Senate too.
No, that was a bad idea. Senate elections are fine the way they are currently. Minus the campaign contributions of course.
How is it fine that the Senate, which was supposed to represent the interests of the states and act as a counterbalance to the fickle mob, is now nothing more than a second House of Representatives with a longer term?
I disagree with the interfearing of districting, the point is that representatives be elected by what the people in that district want, not what the whole rest of the state wants.
They do get what they want. Even if people are in the minority, they can still get represented on the national level. The way it is set up now, a state can have 100% of their Representives representing only 51% of their population.
Thats the whole point, immediate gratification wasn't a part of the Constitution. America was set up as a balance between freedom, representation and law. Everyone (slavery aside, that was a renagade throwback that has no place in this discussion, before someone brings it up) was supposed to be free and equal under the law. The law was to be crafted by Representatives who governed under the Constitution, which established the limits on government. The Representatives were supposed to balance each other and represent different parts of society. The House was for the people, it has few powers, but can 'veto' any legislation. The Senate was for the states, to act as the stewards of the Constitution, it had most powers of the Legislature. The President was the counterbalance to the legislature, to prevent one branch from dictating policy. A legislature can trample rights as easily as a king. At no point in this process were the people supposed to just get anything they 'want' Ultimately the people can make any change that they see fit, but the process is long and difficult to prevent hasty actions. The people need to be removed from parts of the government so that statesmen can govern effectively without fear of retribution from a hasty mob. The people still choose (choose the electorates, the state legislatures, etc...), but their choice is checked by cooler, hopefully wiser, heads, and by time itself. I think we have deviated too far from that basic style, and it hasn't done us any good.
If we did it that way the representatives would no longer have a district to represent, they'd be representing a poll of an entire state,
They represent who voted for them. In the first seneario I mentioned, the three Reps represent the 43% of the state that voted for them, the three Dems represent their 43%, and the third party guy represents the 14% that voted for him.
On a state level, what if 3 district are 55% for party A, but state wide party B is makes up 80% of the population. Suddenly those three districts now have only 2 representatives (assuming 1 rep per 10%). Democracy isn't a goal here...
If two or three big cities who were heavily in favor of 1 party it would deny equal representation to the rest of the citizens in the state.
No, that is the way it is set up now. The big city citizens' votes will count just the same as Farmer Bob's.
Yeah, and the masses of city dwellers will overpower farmer bobs vote and he will have no representation, no hope of having a representative to look after his views.
Remember, the object of American government is not democracy.
You don't speak for the American government, only yourself. If you don't like democracy, there are other countries in the world that can accomodate you.[/quote]
The founding fathers were quite clear as to what their government was to be; a Republic, a Constitutional Republic to be exact. Democracy is a terrible style of government, mob rule no less. The majority trampling the rights of the minority, thats what Democracy is.