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Post by RedImperator »

Lord Poe wrote:
RedImperator wrote:No, you misread my argument and are now trying to cover your mistake by accusing me of debating dishonestly.
No, fuck this ass-covering. Your original summation of oBSG was "Duh, all they could think of was a casino planet!" Own up to your bullshit. You only started "explaining" what you meant when I showed you TOS had as much cheese as oBSG.
Yeah, that's right. You showed me how much cheese TOS had and totally demolished my "oBSG sucks because it's full of cheese" argument. That's why I never said anything like this:
I wrote:oBSG for me certainly doesn't work as drama and it doesn't work as cheesy space fun, either. And I'm not opposed to cheesy space fun by any stretch of the imagination; I love TOS, which beats oBSG like the proverbial red-shirted stepchild.
Oh wait. I did say exactly that. So fuck you.

You took "casino planet" to mean "I object because it's cheesy" instead of "I object because it doesn't fit the premise, especially in the pilot episode". That's your fault, not mine, and no matter how big a temper tantrum you throw, that won't change. Next time, read what I actually write. The worst you could accuse me of is not being clear enough in my statement, which I would have happily conceded if you'd called me on it. But you chose to attempt to use your psychic powers to divine my real meaning and have accused me, twice now, of dishonesty with absolutely no basis for doing so. I hate to break it to you, but being an Internet blowhard doesn't qualify you to read minds.

And meanwhile, speaking of stuff I actually said, can I assume you've conceded the entire debate on the specifics of Starbuck's behavior on Carillon in "Saga of a Star World", seeing as you have declined to respond to a single point?
Any city gets what it admires, will pay for, and, ultimately, deserves…We want and deserve tin-can architecture in a tinhorn culture. And we will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed.--Ada Louise Huxtable, "Farewell to Penn Station", New York Times editorial, 30 October 1963
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Post by Ender »

consequences wrote:
Ender wrote:
Darth Wong wrote: Oh yeah, I forgot. In real armies, every person hates every other person and there are no decent people at all, just different flavours of asshole. Right?
Yes, actually. 99.99% of the people I work with are scum.
From my personal experience, I think Ender may be exaggerating. By about one decimal place.
There is no such that as 999.9% guy
To put it in a more serious manner, my roommates for most of my year deployed, my posse, who I felt closer to after maybe two months than my frakking sister, all had an assortment of reprehensible qualities. The people that I would not willingly choose to spend my free time with were at best gutter scum. Said gutter scum tended to group together, to the point that an entire room got chaptered out of the military because of drug possession.
We should probably continue this in the mess.
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Post by Lord Poe »

RedImperator wrote:Yeah, that's right. You showed me how much cheese TOS had and totally demolished my "oBSG sucks because it's full of cheese" argument.
No, I countered your argument. Which you seem to have a problem with.
That's why I never said anything like this:
Nice cherry picking, but let's re-examine your original post:
I look at oBSG the same way I do Voyager: excellent premise, good production values, decent acting (Lorne Green trumps Kate Mulgrew, certainly), awesome ship design (again, way cooler than Voyager and overall better than nBSG's Galactica), great villains (in Voyager's case, this would be the Borg, not the Kazons or whatever other lameass space rednecks they found), all of it wasted on terrible writing. You have a fantastic premise, a deadly enemy, an entire galaxy to play with and an enormous budget and the best you can come up with in the first season is a casino planet? Come on.
Your "summation" as it were, complained that the reason oBSG doesn't work as drama and it doesn't work as cheesy space fun was exemplified by "the casino" planet. Yet when I pointed out all the various theme planets TOS had, only THEN did you decide to expand on your OP, and re-interpret it. So again, thanks for moving those goalposts, pal.
You took "casino planet" to mean "I object because it's cheesy" instead of "I object because it doesn't fit the premise,
Yes, especially since that's what you meant in your OP before deciding to "re-imagine" it.
That's your fault, not mine, and no matter how big a temper tantrum you throw, that won't change. Next time, read what I actually write.
I did. Next time, own up to what you fucking write.
The worst you could accuse me of is not being clear enough in my statement, which I would have happily conceded if you'd called me on it.
Nice try. Of course I didn't "call" on not being clear. I called you on basing your "oBSG doesn't work" on "Duh, casino planet!" Which is what you originally wrote.
But you chose to attempt to use your psychic powers to divine my real meaning and have accused me, twice now, of dishonesty with absolutely no basis for doing so.
Other than your OP, which is quite clear. If you'd stop being a baby about it, you'd admit to it.
I hate to break it to you, but being an Internet blowhard doesn't qualify you to read minds.
No, but it does allow me to see through backpedaling assholes who want to re-interpret what they originally said when their OP is countered with the same bullshit they thew against the wall. That's not psychic powers, that's experience.
And meanwhile, speaking of stuff I actually said, can I assume you've conceded the entire debate on the specifics of Starbuck's behavior on Carillon in "Saga of a Star World", seeing as you have declined to respond to a single point?
To a point, yes. Because unlike you, I didn't look up an oBSG episode guide before I posted, and relied on memory of the old show. And again, this isn't psychic powers; you stated in your OP that:
My dad has the pilot movie. I tried to watch it. After the destruction of the colonies, it started to suck and I eventually turned it off halfway through.
So, looking at an episode guide, we find that you're right about the populace of Carillon being unaware of the Cylon's campaign of destruction. However, we also see that Starbuck finds time to screw Cassiopia on the flight deck on his off time, and isn't in an emo funk even on his off hours. We see him take advantage of the "casino" even over the protests of Boomer. So no, I wasn't wrong about Starbuck's behavior or personality. I've no interest going round and round with you as you find new avenues to reinterpret your posts.

"Brian, if I parked a supertanker in Central Park, painted it neon orange, and set it on fire, it would be less obvious than your stupidity." --RedImperator
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Post by Darth Wong »

The pilot episode of the original BSG was a heavily cut-down version of the theatrical movie, wasn't it? The biggest problem with the original BSG was the incredible stupidity of the politicians. The catastrophe with the Cylon surprise attack was due to political stupidity, as was the whole bit with Yuri wanting to make peace with the Cylons and settle on the casino world.

Then again, neoBSG had that incredibly stupid "don't network your computers or the Cylons will kill us all" bullshit. At least politicians really do have a capacity for limitless stupidity.
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Post by RedImperator »

Lord Poe wrote:
RedImperator wrote:Yeah, that's right. You showed me how much cheese TOS had and totally demolished my "oBSG sucks because it's full of cheese" argument.
No, I countered your argument. Which you seem to have a problem with.
You countered the argument you imagined I made. Quite effectively, too. Unfortunately, that's not the one I made no matter how many times you insist otherwise.
I look at oBSG the same way I do Voyager: excellent premise, good production values, decent acting (Lorne Green trumps Kate Mulgrew, certainly), awesome ship design (again, way cooler than Voyager and overall better than nBSG's Galactica), great villains (in Voyager's case, this would be the Borg, not the Kazons or whatever other lameass space rednecks they found), all of it wasted on terrible writing. You have a fantastic premise, a deadly enemy, an entire galaxy to play with and an enormous budget and the best you can come up with in the first season is a casino planet? Come on.
Your "summation" as it were, complained that the reason oBSG doesn't work as drama and it doesn't work as cheesy space fun was exemplified by "the casino" planet. Yet when I pointed out all the various theme planets TOS had, only THEN did you decide to expand on your OP, and re-interpret it. So again, thanks for moving those goalposts, pal.
And where in all of that are the words "that's too cheesy"? It's not about cheesiness and never was, or else I wouldn't like TOS. A casino planet is more than just cheesy, it's a betrayal of the entire premise of the show, and it happened in the pilot. It's more or less equivalent to Voyager encountering Romulans on the third or fourth episode in a show that's supposed to be about exploring a virgin part of the galaxy.

Starbuck acting like a fuck is just a further betrayal of the premise--and unlike the rest of the series, they can't blame network meddling or a short schedule for it, either.

<snip "You're a liar"/"You can't read" exchange since it's obviously going nowhere>
And meanwhile, speaking of stuff I actually said, can I assume you've conceded the entire debate on the specifics of Starbuck's behavior on Carillon in "Saga of a Star World", seeing as you have declined to respond to a single point?
To a point, yes. Because unlike you, I didn't look up an oBSG episode guide before I posted, and relied on memory of the old show. And again, this isn't psychic powers; you stated in your OP that:
My dad has the pilot movie. I tried to watch it. After the destruction of the colonies, it started to suck and I eventually turned it off halfway through.
While that's a reasonable inference, once again, you're wrong. I still have the DVD and actually watched the scenes in question to make sure I remembered it correctly.

And if you'd like to accuse me of lying about this, I'll be happy to provide a photo of myself holding the DVD case.
So, looking at an episode guide, we find that you're right about the populace of Carillon being unaware of the Cylon's campaign of destruction. However, we also see that Starbuck finds time to screw Cassiopia on the flight deck on his off time, and isn't in an emo funk even on his off hours.
Following orders, staying on mission during the biggest crisis in the history of the entire species, and acting with what any reasonable human being would consider the bare minimum of basic responsibility is being in an emo funk now? He doesn't need to be miserable, but if he's supposed to be a "good guy", he fucking well ought to act like one. He can tell dead Caprican baby jokes for all I care while he's doing it, but if the writers had any idea what the fuck they were doing, they would have chosen another time to develop his "fun loving rogue" character or come up with a different honey trap.
We see him take advantage of the "casino" even over the protests of Boomer. So no, I wasn't wrong about Starbuck's behavior or personality.
Since you seemed to disagree with me when I called him a sociopath, despite the fact he was plainly acting like one, yes, you were wrong.
I've no interest going round and round with you as you find new avenues to reinterpret your posts.
Yeah, sure. I'm sure it has everything to do with me "reinterpreting" my posts and nothing at all to do with the fact you don't have a leg to stand on.
Any city gets what it admires, will pay for, and, ultimately, deserves…We want and deserve tin-can architecture in a tinhorn culture. And we will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed.--Ada Louise Huxtable, "Farewell to Penn Station", New York Times editorial, 30 October 1963
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Darth Wong wrote:The pilot episode of the original BSG was a heavily cut-down version of the theatrical movie, wasn't it?
Actually, it's the other way around: the three parts of "Saga of a Star World" total 148 minutes, while the theatrical film is 125 minutes long.
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Post by Knife »

Darth Wong wrote:The pilot episode of the original BSG was a heavily cut-down version of the theatrical movie, wasn't it? The biggest problem with the original BSG was the incredible stupidity of the politicians. The catastrophe with the Cylon surprise attack was due to political stupidity, as was the whole bit with Yuri wanting to make peace with the Cylons and settle on the casino world.

Then again, neoBSG had that incredibly stupid "don't network your computers or the Cylons will kill us all" bullshit. At least politicians really do have a capacity for limitless stupidity.
Actually, I think nBSG pretty much mirrored the stupidity of the origninal. 'Make peace with the Cylons groups/anti military groups' and one year after the total destruction of the colonies, 'lets settle on this random planet' four months later 'badguys haven't shown up yet, lets stand down the majority of our remaining military and go live in muddy tents.'
They say, "the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." I suppose it never occurred to them that they are the tyrants, not the patriots. Those weapons are not being used to fight some kind of tyranny; they are bringing them to an event where people are getting together to talk. -Mike Wong

But as far as board culture in general, I do think that young male overaggression is a contributing factor to the general atmosphere of hostility. It's not SOS and the Mess throwing hand grenades all over the forum- Red
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Post by Spyder »

Knife wrote:
Actually, I think nBSG pretty much mirrored the stupidity of the origninal. 'Make peace with the Cylons groups/anti military groups' and one year after the total destruction of the colonies, 'lets settle on this random planet' four months later 'badguys haven't shown up yet, lets stand down the majority of our remaining military and go live in muddy tents.'
Populaces are dumb, plenty of examples of that in our world.
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Post by Darth Wong »

The original Battlestar Galactica is sort of like that girl you thought was so fucking hot back in grade 9, but hasn't aged well. The new Battlestar Galactica is sort of like the woman who looks great but but is so egotistical that actually living with her would be an exercise in self-flagellation.
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Post by Vympel »

Knife wrote: Actually, I think nBSG pretty much mirrored the stupidity of the origninal. 'Make peace with the Cylons groups/anti military groups'
I don't think "mirror" is the right word. The "Demand Peace" movement were a small bunch of morons- the Cylon peace initiative in oBSG was agreed to by the damn President, a man so fucking stupid that he declined to launch Vipers even as thousands of Raiders came bearing down on the fleet, looking to that ratfuck Baltar while his ship exploded around him like an incompetent little crybaby- never mind the absurdity of him accepting "maybe it's a Cylon welcoming party!" as a reasonable excuse.
and one year after the total destruction of the colonies, 'lets settle on this random planet' four months later 'badguys haven't shown up yet, lets stand down the majority of our remaining military and go live in muddy tents.'
It took a year for the military to get reduced to a shadow of it's former strength- it was foolish to assume the Cylons would never find them because they were shielded by that nebula or whatever, but a year of no action after running for months and months non-stop would surely want to make a significant faction of the fleet ... heh ... lay down its burdens.
Last edited by Vympel on 2006-12-12 10:25pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Stofsk »

Darth Wong wrote:The original Battlestar Galactica is sort of like that girl you thought was so fucking hot back in grade 9, but hasn't aged well. The new Battlestar Galactica is sort of like the woman who looks great but but is so egotistical that actually living with her would be an exercise in self-flagellation.
That's a pretty apt analogy, because even though I'm a fan of the new show and don't very much care for the old (I had virtually the same experience Red had when he first watched oBSG), I can completely see what you mean about nBSG - it comes across as too 'heavy' most of the time, when they should take the time out to have a little fun.
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Post by Stofsk »

Vympel wrote:It took a year for the military to get reduced to a shadow of it's former strength- it was foolish to assume the Cylons would never find them because they were shielded by that nebula or whatever, but a year of no action after running for months and months non-stop would surely want to make a significant faction of the fleet ... heh ... lay down its burdens.
I don't think it's so foolish. The Cylons only found them through the most impressive of flukes - Gina detonating a nuke one year before, and the light of that explosion travelling 1 LY away which just happened to have a Cylon stand up and notice "Where did all these emissions just come from?"
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Post by Knife »

Vympel wrote:
I don't think "mirror" is the right word. The "Demand Peace" movement were a small bunch of morons- the Cylon peace initiative in oBSG was agreed to by the damn President, a man so fucking stupid that he declined to launch Vipers even as thousands of Raiders came bearing down on the fleet, looking to that ratfuck Baltar while his ship exploded around him like an incompetent little crybaby- never mind the absurdity of him accepting "maybe it's a Cylon welcoming party!" as a reasonable excuse.
Yeah, perhaps 'mirror' isn't the best word for it. However, the point remains. Demand Peace (thanks for reminding me of the name) was just a stupid as oBSG Adar. Adar may have been a complete fool not to see what was coming, yet the Demand Peace morons DID see what the Cylons did and turned around and blamed it on the colonial military and demanded peace talks with the Cylons.
It took a year for the military to get reduced to a shadow of it's former strength- it was foolish to assume the Cylons would never find them because they were shielded by that nebula or whatever, but a year of no action after running for months and months non-stop would surely want to make a significant faction of the fleet ... heh ... lay down its burdens.
Still find it moronic. One year after the total annihlation of their home system and millions if not billions of people with no quarter and then being pursued for most of that year, they set down roots on a mud ball.

That was foolish enough, but to then, four months later, decide that no cylon had shown up yet, so they won't ever...lets more or less decimate the military is a new type of stupid.

Baltar's decion to colonies New Caprica was nothing but political, much like I think the oBSG's Adar decision to have 'peace talks' with the Cylons was. Both were a monument to stupidity.
They say, "the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." I suppose it never occurred to them that they are the tyrants, not the patriots. Those weapons are not being used to fight some kind of tyranny; they are bringing them to an event where people are getting together to talk. -Mike Wong

But as far as board culture in general, I do think that young male overaggression is a contributing factor to the general atmosphere of hostility. It's not SOS and the Mess throwing hand grenades all over the forum- Red
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Post by ray245 »

About the oBSG colonial reaction, maybe it has something to do with fighting a war for a 1000 yahrens (years).

When you have causalities mounting everyday, you have to accept it because if you disagree to fight, the Cylons are still coming for you.

Cain did mention the 5th fleet was lost with lots of ships. Could it be the reason why the colonies are desperate for peace? Maybe that's all of their major fleet units, even the lost of a highly popular leader. The morale may sink to all time low and be convinced they really cannot fight back anymore.

Hence the peace will highly supported by the people, who think there safety is ensured.
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Post by consequences »

Ender wrote:
consequences wrote:
Ender wrote:Yes, actually. 99.99% of the people I work with are scum.
From my personal experience, I think Ender may be exaggerating. By about one decimal place.
There is no such that as 999.9% guy
I meant 99.9%, but no doubt expressed myself completely incorrectly.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Knife wrote:
Vympel wrote:I don't think "mirror" is the right word. The "Demand Peace" movement were a small bunch of morons- the Cylon peace initiative in oBSG was agreed to by the damn President, a man so fucking stupid that he declined to launch Vipers even as thousands of Raiders came bearing down on the fleet, looking to that ratfuck Baltar while his ship exploded around him like an incompetent little crybaby- never mind the absurdity of him accepting "maybe it's a Cylon welcoming party!" as a reasonable excuse.
Yeah, perhaps 'mirror' isn't the best word for it. However, the point remains. Demand Peace (thanks for reminding me of the name) was just a stupid as oBSG Adar. Adar may have been a complete fool not to see what was coming, yet the Demand Peace morons DID see what the Cylons did and turned around and blamed it on the colonial military and demanded peace talks with the Cylons.
That's actually much worse. The peace movement at the beginning of oBSG may have been the culmination of many negotiations and apparent military stand-downs or concessions; you can make up whatever backstory you want. There was really nothing at all that was stupid about trying to negotiate peace with the Cylons; the stupidity was basically due to one man: the President refusing to scramble fighters when it became obvious that it was a ruse. However, that can't be compared to the stupidity of holding a similar attitude after the Cylons razed their worlds.
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Post by Darth Servo »

Need I remind the anti-oBSG people that the war between humans and Cylons in oBSG had been going on for 1000 years. How desperate would YOU be to accept a peace treaty after that?
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Post by Spyder »

Darth Servo wrote:Need I remind the anti-oBSG people that the war between humans and Cylons in oBSG had been going on for 1000 years. How desperate would YOU be to accept a peace treaty after that?
There'd be desperation to end the conflict one way or another. If you've been fighting an enemy bent on annihilation for 1,000 years, I'd dear say wiping them out first would likely be the preferred option.

I'd demand some kind of negotiations on neutral ground where a mutual cease fire could be arranged before a peace treaty would be on the cards and again this would involve the establishment of recognized territorial boundaries and a neutral zone. After 1,000 years of war there would be absolutely no trust whatsoever.
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Post by Vympel »

Darth Wong wrote: That's actually much worse. The peace movement at the beginning of oBSG may have been the culmination of many negotiations and apparent military stand-downs or concessions; you can make up whatever backstory you want. There was really nothing at all that was stupid about trying to negotiate peace with the Cylons; the stupidity was basically due to one man: the President refusing to scramble fighters when it became obvious that it was a ruse. However, that can't be compared to the stupidity of holding a similar attitude after the Cylons razed their worlds.
In the morons "defence", the nBSG mythos is coloured by the fact that man created the Cylons- the interrogation between Adama and one of the foolish leaders went like this:

"The Cylons attacked us."


Think nutty bleeding hearts x 1000, and they were only a few of them. They were also under the influence of a Cylon Agent (another No. 6 copy)- but even then she didn't tell them her true nature ... "even their devotion has limits".
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Post by Spyder »

I think it's important to note that there's a strong difference between having characters act like morons because the writers wanted morons on the show and having characters act like morons because the writers are morons.
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Post by Adrian McNair »

What I don’t understand about the staunch defenders of the original series is that they elevate it to the level of art, when it was clearly a campy Mormon wankfest. It betrayed its own premise through the way that the journey was conveyed. To call it science-fiction would be an insult and an affront to the genre.

We’re supposed to believe that these scant remnants of a once proud civilisation, perilously close to extinction are all that is left. So why are there numerous outposts of humanity constantly encountered in the quest? Why is the prevailing attitude throughout the fleet a positive one, where everyone takes the apocalypse in their stride? These factors prevent the series from having any credibility.

If the ultimate point is to convey an upbeat space adventure then they should have done away with the core premise of the holocaust and the voyage to Earth entirely. It just feels tacked on and contrived otherwise. How can they even defend this bilge?

And the main arguments of the oBSG apologists against nBSG stem down to shallow and petty ones. Why should it even matter if Starbuck and Boomer have had their genders altered? As far as I am concerned this is a positive step since it offers new and diverse storytelling opportunities. The “re-imagined” series was touted as being a different interpretation on the basic foundation, not as a continuation like they mistakenly believe.

So instead of accepting this and moving on, they instead have the temerity to screech about their childhoods being raped and their fond nostalgic memories being ruined, as though they were actually deceived!

Neo Galactica is far truer to the main plot-line than its predecessor ever was. Yes, the outlook is grim but that is because the situation is grim. How would you behave if everything that you knew and cherished was obliterated? We see the best and worst of humanity on nBSG constantly, which is as it should be.
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Post by Lord Poe »

Adrian McNair wrote:What I don’t understand about the staunch defenders of the original series is that they elevate it to the level of art,
Wrong. oBSG know how silly a lot of the show was. But it was still enjoyed anyway.
And the main arguments of the oBSG apologists against nBSG stem down to shallow and petty ones. Why should it even matter if Starbuck and Boomer have had their genders altered?
Because it was unnecessary and a blatant slap in the face to the old fans, that's why. It wasn't based on any high-brow storytelling element; it made nBSG look like it was produced by the Lifetime channel.

"Brian, if I parked a supertanker in Central Park, painted it neon orange, and set it on fire, it would be less obvious than your stupidity." --RedImperator
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Post by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba »

Lord Poe wrote:It wasn't based on any high-brow storytelling element; it made nBSG look like it was produced by the Lifetime channel.
... Since I see so many space battles, suicide bombings, torture scenes, nukes, and Iraq war analogies on the Lifetime Channel these days. It's so true.
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Adrian McNair
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Post by Adrian McNair »

Lord Poe wrote: Wrong. oBSG know how silly a lot of the show was. But it was still enjoyed anyway.
It was enjoyed despite the glaring contradictions and insults to ones intelligence, naturally.
Because it was unnecessary and a blatant slap in the face to the old fans,
that's why.

It would be "unnecessary" and a "blatant slap in the face" if it was a continuation in the first place, which it isn't. See that's what you and the others that are part of the inflexible and rigid old guard don't get. This is Moore's vision of the concept. His interpretation. Therefore, he has the creative freedom to pursue whatever scenarios or avenues he chooses.

Nothing has been "ruined" or "degraded". oBSG and nBSG are distinctly separate entities. Anyone who has seen more than two episodes can reach that conclusion.
It wasn't based on any high-brow storytelling element; it made nBSG look like it was produced by the Lifetime channel.
Oh, so just because it has contemporary relevance it's suddenly comparable to the Lifetime channel. What pretentious nonsense. The themes of torture, genocide, political manipulation and so on have universal resonance.
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Darth Wong
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Post by Darth Wong »

Adrian McNair wrote:
Lord Poe wrote:Wrong. oBSG know how silly a lot of the show was. But it was still enjoyed anyway.
It was enjoyed despite the glaring contradictions and insults to ones intelligence, naturally.
It was enjoyed in the same sense that the original Dukes of Hazzard was enjoyed. It was not created with the intent of winning any Academy Awards. It was intended from the start to be light entertainment.
Because it was unnecessary and a blatant slap in the face to the old fans, that's why.

It would be "unnecessary" and a "blatant slap in the face" if it was a continuation in the first place, which it isn't. See that's what you and the others that are part of the inflexible and rigid old guard don't get. This is Moore's vision of the concept. His interpretation. Therefore, he has the creative freedom to pursue whatever scenarios or avenues he chooses.
What "rigid old guard" are you referring to? Is it so unreasonable to point out that if he wanted to change the concept that much, then perhaps he should have just created an original series rather than trying to cash in on 1970s nostalgia without actually producing a nostalgic product?

The problem here is not some kind of mindless worship of the old show as you seem to suggest; I am quite willing to recognize its flaws. The problem is simply that to some people, Moore's shameless marketing ploy is offensive.
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