FOG3 wrote:Winston Blake wrote:Gee, thanks. The fact is that the Rebel X-wings only carried a single pair of torpedoes because they were so expensive, supporting my point that missiles are more expensive than blaster cannons.
Watch him backpedal. From a missile that costs as much as multiple AT-ATs to merely blasters are cheaper then missiles. No shit, sherlock.
I didn't know it was possible to backpedal on a point that I
already conceded. By the way, that was a cruise missile carrier costing several AT-ATs, not a single missile.
Winston Blake wrote:The only period in which we see missiles in common use is during the Clone Wars, the only full scale war in 25 000 years. Your explanation for this is 'Hur, hur, Empire stoopid'. My explanation is that only a superpower facing another superpower needs the capability provided by jam-resistant missiles
So you're saying I can make the missiles even cheaper, because I don't need to make them as jam resistant, which means I can use them more liberally when in the Clone Wars they already had lots of them on effectively expendable unit. Wow, that would utterly blow away your previous position, why on Earth would say something like that?
Huh? Are you missing the fact that the Rebels still had ECM?
Winston Blake wrote:All Imperial starships, including the smallest one-man fighters, incorporate sensor jamming equipment. According to SWICS, advanced TIE fighters employ sophisticated sensor suites that "must overcome the extremely powerful jamming signals used by all combat craft". The DS also employed "hundreds of Kuat Drive Yards 220-SIG tactical jammers" that prevented the attacking X-Wings from being able to use their onboard sensors (ref. SWEGWT). And of course, the Imperial fleet broadcast so much sensor interference during the Battle of Endor that the Rebel fleet was unable to determine whether the DS2 shield was up or down until they destroyed the fleet's primary communications ship (ref. ROTJ novelization).
You speak of ECM as if it only works in the most crude forms possible, the Battle of Endor example indicates a little more elegance in operation then you seem to appreciate, but given you've already declared the Empire doesn't need "jam resistant" missiles, what your point?
your point with this? It's like you were starting something about how a misunderstanding of ECM invalidates a point of mine, then - nothing. By the way, that's a misquote, it's not from me, it's from the main site.
Winston Blake wrote:During the OT missiles are seen very rarely, and the Empire has no formidable enemy, nobody with resources even approaching its own. The use of AT-ATs despite the possibility of guided missiles can be rationalised by considering that, while missiles are possible, the Empire can't justify the cost, complexity and labour of using them any more. Not when the biggest and best opposing force are pitiful guerilla raiders like the Rebels.
Those are some very good points. I concede everything.
Winston Blake wrote:If I could have found one big enough, I would have compared it to an artillery shell. That would still have been too resource-intensive, since my point was that blaster bolts don't require any manufacturing/shipping etc, and hence are cheaper than complex autonomous missiles that are continuously destroyed. I don't know what point you thought you were attacking.
If you're saying used up, Tibanna gas, parts, etc will also be used up. It'd really have helped if you'd bothered to look back and find out what my position was as opposed to associating me with others.
Are you incapable of seeing anything quantitatively? My whole point is that blasters bolts will obviously use up resources at a much lower
Winston Blake wrote:If you'd limited yourself to didn't field you'd be correct. Couldn't isn't, especially if Anquarius' reference to quad laser cannons being able to blow them away in DE is legit.
May I ask if English is your first language, or if you have any kind of mental condition like dyslexia?
I could ask the same.
My answers would be yes and no, Mr "
I know you are but what am I".
Winston Blake wrote:What do you think quoting this achieves? It doesn't say anything about urban warfare there. Insurgents can be based in frozen wastes and jungles, not necessarily cities. Are you trying to say that fighting the Rebellion was an actual war? What would you call fighting guerillas recruited from the Empire's subjects, if not counter-insurgency?
What part of Galactic Civil War and the Alliance to Restore the Republic is so hard for you to comprehend? Yes, it was a war, and your lame begging of the question doesn't change the ramifications of what is required to legitly consider a piece of equipment versatile in "counter-insurgency." As you've not brought forward a valid counter argument concession accepted.
If it really was a civil war, what areas of the galaxy did the Rebellion control? What systems declared their opposition to the government and allegiance to the Rebellion? None. I don't know how anyone could watch Star Wars and think the Rebellion was anything but a covert network of revolutionaries. The Clone Wars were a civil war (hell they were based on the American civil war), the Rebellion was just that - a rebellion. What does 'Alliance to Restore the Republic' have to do with war?
You posted a dictionary definition and it proved you wrong,
I should be the one spitting 'concession accepted'. Here are all the definitions of 'insurgent' referenced at, none of them mentioning anything urban, all of them fitting the Rebel Alliance.
in·sur·gent /ɪnˈsɜrdʒənt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[in-sur-juhnt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a person who rises in forcible opposition to lawful authority, esp. a person who engages in armed resistance to a government or to the execution of its laws; rebel.
2. a member of a section of a political party that revolts against the methods or policies of the party.
in·sur·gent (ĭn-sûr'jənt) Pronunciation Key
1. Rising in revolt against established authority, especially a government.
2. Rebelling against the leadership of a political party.
1. in opposition to a civil authority or government
1. a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions)
2. a member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage and harassment [syn: guerrilla]
Main Entry: in·sur·gent
Pronunciation: in-'s&r-j&nt
Function: noun
1 : a person who rises in revolt against civil authority or an established government; especially : one not recognized as a belligerent
2 : one that acts contrary to the established leadership (as of a political party, union, or corporation) or its decisions and policies
Winston Blake wrote:You're the one who assumed that counter-insurgency implied urban warfare, even though I was clearly referring to the Rebellion which certainly isn't based in cities. Carrying blaster cannons which can be manufactured and maintained for cheap, dialed to any yield, and which provide a huge number of stowed kills is more versatile than a rack full of cruise missiles. I say 'versatile' because even though 'general' is the antonym of 'specialised', it's ambiguous.
If you are conducting counter insurgency you need to at least be able to conduct operations in urban areas as these are your centers of power, doofus. It's implied, you don't like it, don't BS with general terminology you're to ignorant to comprehend.
The Rebels were not based in the Empire's centres of power. You know what, if you have such a huge problem with the meaning of the particular term 'counter-insurgency', why don't you try mentally substituting my use of it with 'counter-Rebellion'? Insisting that 'But, but - it's
implied' doesn't get you anywhere.
Winston Blake wrote:Where did I say that AT-ATs would have no problem navigating streets? YOU said AT-ATs wouldn't even fit in 'the biggest boulevards' and I corrected you. Your point that AT-ATs would suck at walking through urban terrain is a strawman, since I never suggested AT-ATs for urban warfare.
You mean this?
FOG3 wrote:Try taking up the biggest boulevards completely by itself further encouraging dissent, if it can go at all. So unless you're hiding something up your sleeve that leaves heavy handed burned earth policy, which will only encourage them all the more.
So you've stooped to lying to give yourself traction, doofus?
Not to mention you're to ignorant to comprehend what I'm actually talking about, pathetic.
What exactly did I lie about? I merely proved that AT-ATs are smaller than you claimed they were.
Winston Blake wrote:OK, so making CAS aircraft could be done.
I'm getting tired of this CAS nonsense. CAS is a role, and the mission I'm outlining is a Strike mission with potential SEAD, both of which the A-10 is known to be exceeding capable in doing.
More semantic nitpicking. I've used the term 'CAS aircraft', which the A-10 undoubtedly
is. The fact they can do other missions is irrelevant.
Winston Blake wrote:Now how would you sell that to an Imperial Appropriations Committee, with the Clone Wars long gone and no opposing forces left anywhere near the power of the Empire? Policing criminal activities and skirmishing with guerillas and gangs doesn't justify enabling new capabilities through developing powerful, expensive new systems.
Fine no AT-ATs _period_ by the same exact logic.
Did you miss the whole 'existing AT-ATs' thrust of my position? New implementations are always restricted by existing ones. My main concept is old Clone War transports (see the extremely similar behind-front-lines AT-OT) fitting neatly into the assault gun role during the post-Clone-War cutbacks. The other one was considering the AT-AT as an AT-HE-based
kangaroo vehicle.
Winston Blake wrote:If not for Luke Skywalker and the hidden Rebel ion cannon, the AT-ATs would have been undefeated and no Rebel ships could've escaped.
And if they'd all just instantly converted, there never would have been a fight. You already have the deck utterly stacked in the Imperials favor and you're still trying to cheat? So much for your confidence in the "effectiveness" & "versatility" of AT-ATs.
What are you babbling about? You're judging the vulnerability of AT-ATs based on the actions of a superhuman who's fated to save the galaxy, and judging the Imperial lack of haste based on the assumption they already knew about the huge honking space gun that would assrape their blockade of the planet.
Winston Blake wrote:You go on about how small nuclear yield weapons (missiles/mines) can be to kill AT-ATs. You even say they could fit in MANPADS. Let's assume there's no reason why missiles aren't commonly used. Why wouldn't that work even better against CAS aircraft? Your squadron of A-10s and AC-130s gets a face full of nuclear fireball as soon as it crosses the horizon. Now, in a Rebel-controlled battlefield full of jamming which nullifies missiles, snowspeeders would outmaneuver them and shoot them down.
It wouldn't work better because the aircraft could manuever and actually effectively utilize ECM. The level of jamming you seem aware of isn't going to make the round not follows it's ballistic path which is sufficient against a target that can hardly be said to move. WW1 has solid evidence of this where many of the early tanks got knocked out by artillery once the shock wore off, despite they basically had to get a direct hit on them. They needless to say were a heck of a lot smaller, and had a lot more targetting issues the SW should.
Evasive maneuvers aren't going to do much against kilometer-wide nuclear fireballs. Why have you switched over to A-10s vs AT-ATs? I thought this was about A-10s replacing AT-ATs.
Winston Blake wrote:The lack of CAS aircraft can be rationalised by a lack of armour, the kind of heavy armour that made snowspeeder blasters and Rebel gun emplacements utterly impotent against the AT-ATs. A-10s certainly can't carry MBT-level armour.
It can carry bigger, better deflector screens then a starfighter, which are the primary defense in the SW universe, not armor. As a matter of fact if I was really in the mood for a fight I could go further with that, but I'm not.
What makes you think an AT-AT wouldn't be able to carry even
more powerful shields than a small aircraft, if it was that simple?
Winston Blake wrote:Ok then, let's limit these super-Bradleys to WWI tank speeds. Now would you rather replace them with A-10s? It could be done, but it's a matter of 'why?' rather than 'why not?'.
Limit? Clock them yourself, Luke's ability to use the Force at this point was between little and none, and the whole antics after he gets shot down clearly show just how slow they're going.
Are you incapable of staying on subject, or are you just dodging? You whine that the Bradleys in my analogy should move as slow as AT-ATs, then when I do that, you whine that I'm saying AT-ATs are fast? What the hell?
Furthermore don't call them Super-Bradleys, you sound like Sparks. Why would I use Aircraft/Airborne? Because doofus, if it didn't fail to slip your notice they utterly failed their primary mission objectives because they took so long that when they got there the base was practically abandoned, and the transports were already outside but apparently positioned such that the Imperials couldn't find them and neutralize them (Aerial recon would have been nice). Considering they used snail slow vehicles, you don't see the problem here, or why I'd pull the Aircraft/Airborne card as opposed to the Air Assault or Mechanizard card?
I'll call them whatever the fuck I want, or how about you quit making references that most people here aren't going to understand (fucking Gavins). You sound like Darkstar.
I'll quote myself in the first post on the previous page, because you're apparently to dense to have noticed:
FOG3 wrote:[snip]
I admit that I assumed your plan was to send conventional transports after the air assault (A-10s + humvees), which was actually LordShaithis' plan (replacing 'cruise missile + warhead' with 'aircraft + munition').
I have already addressed and went over this, fool. The only way an AT-AT even works is if you have something like an orbitting fleet supressing them from just running/outmaneuvering, at Hoth we had the Elite of the Elite. As any competant guerilla knows, you avoid the frontline troops whenever possible and target the REMFs, supply lines, and otherwise except for the final push. AT-ATs can't keep up with anything we have let alone the common speeder.
So? When is the Empire
not going to have space superiority? At Hoth we also had a fat Rebel ion cannon, which the Imperials obviously weren't aware of. Are you saying that the Rebels
weren't avoiding the 'frontline troops'? They were literally hiding underground in a remote backwater, and they got found by Vader's roaming expeditionary force. The only time they engaged the main Imperial forces was at the Battle of Endor, which was, exactly as you describe, the final push.
Note that Ackbar acknowledged that the entire Rebel fleet was outclassed by the Imperial ships present, even though most of the Imperial fleet was spread thin across the galaxy just trying to find the Rebels.
AT-ATs can move faster than modern tanks, with a top speed of 60 km/h. Abrams tanks are listed as
48 km/h cross country. I use the cross-country value because, simply by virtue of the sheer scale difference, terrain that's cross-country to a tank is flat to an AT-AT.
You can save a bunch of money on manufacturing cost by producing stuff with a Safety Factor of 0.1, but it won't do the job it needs to do so you might as well have flushed it down the toilet.
That's cute, but if you can save having to field five new different types of vehicle for different roles by re-purposing an existing vehicle for general purpose use, choosing the latter is plausible. All you're doing is whining about how much the AT-AT sucks and doesn't do the job. We've got our evidence (the Empire uses AT-ATs) so we have to either rationalise its problems, or take the cop-out of assuming character stupidity. Anything else is just masturbating. What is
your explanation for the use of AT-ATs?