NeoGoomba wrote:Morning Star wrote:
As a forenote I'd like to say that I'm enjoying this debate although at times I forget what side I'm debating on... I think I just like debating in and of itself.
Same here
Afternote What if: Lets say that the One had not been found and Sauron resolved to use force of arms to conquer ME without the One. Now let's say that Saruman was defeated by the ents and huorns just like in the book, and the Captains of the West could not breakthe Morannon.
Do you believe Middle-earth would have been able to stop him after those events? Most of the Elves had left, there were few Ents, but the realm of men was uniting quickly... what would happen?
No, Sauron would have owned Middle Earth. His forces at the Black Gate were ready to curb stomp the Lords of the West. All that stoped him was the Ring being destroyed. Men, without strong leaders like Aragorn and Imrahil, would have been quickly scattered, as Sauron would probably have nailed Minas Tirith right afterwards. Only in Lorien and Rivendell would Sauron be held off for a little while, but their strength had been so diminished over the years, plus Lorien was already fighting off assaults from Dol Guldur. There just wouldn't be enough good guys to face Sauron's immense war machine.[/quote]
I think Gondor would have been stomped on, but many man would've escaped to Eriador where Lindon, Imladris and ther last of the great Elves were. The Three would still maintain the Elven realms as the One had not been destroyed.
Lorien was
withstanding the assaults and Erebor and the remnants of Dale were holding up the northern armies with aid arriving from the iron mountains. The Rohirrim would have been largley mobile and probably intact. The Ents would possibly have been willing to fight when Eriador and the west were attacked as some ents still farmed in that are, below the Shire.
Now I'm not saying Sauron would get his ass handed to him or anything, he'd probably overrun the south and east, but I think the mobilization of Men that took place at that time could have made it hard for Sauron to just storm the West. Plus the Elven strongholds in that area kicked ass, and the Dwarves were just beginning to realise that they were still strong. Just my opinion, though.
Necro99 wrote:BUt i wonder WHERE did the elfs go?
Valinor, the Land of Gods on the Isle of Almaren, where no mortal could go.
Uranium235 wrote:Ok, Middle Earth is in decline... why?
Because the Elves are leaving, as their time is over. They are taking the magic of their realms with them and many lores will be lost forever. But on the upside, the Dominion of Men is beginning.
Marxism is rubbish.
But Groucho was okay.