dragon wrote:Ok is there a way to prevent from getting massed. I losed over 100k defensive troops and my mother ship got creamed.
No you can't stop a decent massing.
What did you do to the person or the alliance that hit you?
Hit someone over and over?
Hit someone in a war (the alliances tend to have vulture lists you get on then)?
Other, please specify.
Appearently the leader of or alliance pissed someone off and they been massing us all. Sucks went from rank 1345 all the way to over 4300. Oh well guess need a bigger defense for next time.
dragon wrote:Appearently the leader of or alliance pissed someone off and they been massing us all. Sucks went from rank 1345 all the way to over 4300. Oh well guess need a bigger defense for next time.
Don't bother if you want a defense against massing. In one of the bigger wars they kicked people with around 750 billion defense until it was gone. Just keep enough around to insure you are not an attractive target for farming.
Oh and ofcourse switch alliance, our resident necromancer is a much more composed leader (at least from the brief description you gave from the leader of your current alliance). That said some of us *whistles innocently* are easily exited and could end up doing the same.
dragon wrote:Appearently the leader of or alliance pissed someone off and they been massing us all. Sucks went from rank 1345 all the way to over 4300. Oh well guess need a bigger defense for next time.
Don't bother if you want a defense against massing. In one of the bigger wars they kicked people with around 750 billion defense until it was gone. Just keep enough around to insure you are not an attractive target for farming.
Oh and ofcourse switch alliance, our resident necromancer is a much more composed leader (at least from the brief description you gave from the leader of your current alliance). That said some of us *whistles innocently* are easily exited and could end up doing the same.
Yeah I guess I should switch alliances, maybe come over to the dark side .. um I mean stardestroyer (SDN).
Okay...some weirdness happened today (or "last night", according to my clock).
Some guy from Alpha Allegance attacks me six times, then gives up and goes away. Then some guy from Alpha who has the raw attack to beat my defense anyways attacks once and takes 1 bil naq.
Was he attacking with an ever increasing number of attack strength?
And did the first 5 result in a devastating defense?
If so then what he did was play recon for Magus.