The question before this body is as follows: Should the user known as AVOGARDO be banned from the board?
He is accused of the following rules violations:
- PR1, legible English: Almost every single post
- PR3, requirement of honesty: Outright lies about what he has claimed, almost every single post
- DR4: Ignores any and all points made against him, regardless of rudeness or lack thereof
- DR5, broken record ban: Repeats the same bullshit page after page after page after failing to answer points
- DR6, evidence: Has not provided a single shred of evidence in 7 pages of debate, uses broken record instead
- DR7, dismissing an argument due to profanity: standard practice for this troll
- AR1, forum rules: Fuckwit quotes German consumer law, and an exception to burden of proof at that, to get off the hook for DR6
- AR3, complaining about enforcement of rules: Whines that everyone is being unfair because his bullshit is not accepted
- IR1, status as houseguest: Numerous instances of whining, see previous
As evidence, the trainwreck in question.
So, what say you? Ban or no ban?