Kojiro wrote:I don't care if he want to control two factions, so long as he plays two factions. Perhaps it's simply ill advised to take up the reigns of a faction that is looking for your downfall, and it's certainly bad RP to do a 180 on your allies for no reason, especially when that just happens to be your old position. As U235 pointed out, Earth is now Marxis light.
Brian, I'll try it one more time for you. I. Don't. Care. About. The. Game. Mechanics. Sure I'd like them to be a bit more refined in this mod but that's not exactly unique to me. I don't care if the MVB is still the most powerful group. I care about people exploiting the game. Your argument goes something like 'But you beat all the cheaters, why do you care if they cheat?' Cheating isn't an exact match, but the analogy serves well enough. I care that you'll do something so blatant as build Brad a fleet for war against me then try to pass it off as someone else's fault, like you didn't do it yourself.
Of course I did it myself, but I had an RP justification for it. It would've been cool. B5 is
all about proxy wars, all about manipulation. I don't understand how you don't get this, you being a B5 fan who remembers different types of Hyperion. In some ways you are the perfect Vorlon, hating the Shadows working behind the scenes and manipulating people. You took the role far too seriously.
Also, you are being less than honest. A long long time ago in a thread far far away, somewhere in the first B5 thread, there was a huge problem. Vorlons bombed some Narn world. You said openly that game mechanics do not dictate RP, but game mechanics are a stalemate breaker. In other words, back then, you cared about game mechanics, a lot, and never tried to go against them. Now your view has changed, over the course of the game, partially because the game mechanics were broken. But saying they don't matter now, hundreds of turns in, when your position was earlier they did matter, is just revisionist.
EDIT: Also, you do not seem to understand that to other people
game mechanics do matter. It is a game after all. You know, Tuxedo never watched Babylon Five until recently. When he simmed his ships against yours, he was like what the fuck. In Babylon Five, the Vorlons were not invincible. Generally if you came out of hyperspace and fired... let's say a Whitestar, a Narn Cruiser, and a Sharlin all at a Shadow ship, while having a few telepaths aboard, you could disable a Shadow ship. But in the game, this was entirely wrong... 100 Shadow or Vorlon ships could destroy a YR fleet with 0 losses. Even when it was 10, 20, 100 to 1 odds, due to the range. Do you know how frustrating that is? And when you come in and accuse others of "exploiting game mechanics" when you yourself have broken ships, well that just looks like sore winner. Even if the Vorlons are "supposed" to have powerful ships, so what. If there's a little bit of exploit on the other side, it will never equal your "natural" exploit, so why accuse others of exploiting game mechanics. But you never understood this.
Want to ally with Guppy? Go ahead, but don't do it with his enemy you just happen to have acquired. Imagine if Neph somehow acquired the Brakiri and suddenly they start to help the Vorlons, giving a fleet away to them?
Part of what you don't get was I was trying to extend the fun. EA + CS + Minbari + Vorlons >>>>>>>>>>>>>> than broken defeated Shadows + Brakiri. If Nephtys had acquired the Brakiri, it would've been game over because there would be no enemy. By moving the EA closer to the Shadows, I was attempting to prolong the game and make it more exciting and competitive.
And yes, I take how people play seriously. The game may not matter but the way we play it does. For that matter I agree with Uranium, let the thing die. I know I'm done with it, among other things.
As for kicking up a fuss, I seriously didn't expect it to make a difference.
Then why don't you come straight out when you have a problem with certain things instead of letting it fester until you're pissed enough to call someone
pathetic. You know if you had a problem with my RP you could just bring it up right away. This was supposed to be a friendly game not some kind of grudge war.
I don't think you did it on purpose any more than Trogs built unarmed troops, but who would you say was responsible for those failed executions? You did something, it crashed the game. I never implied it was your intent, only the outcome of your actions.

if you didn't want to imply it was my intent, why did you say "Well that will happen when you do something completely lame like commandeer a faction then completely reverse it's direction and devote it's resources to yours and your allies goals." You know when you use the phrasing "Well that's what will happen" in general that implies you're accusing someone else of doing something.
Actually Tobor does have mass drivers. And the reason the weapons platforms are a big deal is a) dickheads saying 'oh it's so easy lol I'm not telling you how to play' and b) despite the fucking critical nature of it there was no rollback. 70 ships lost, including those with planet capable attacks, and nada.
1. It happened over more than 1 turn. Five or six turns IIRC. I kept looking at the turn and going, "what the fuck are you doing Tobor, your ships are being blown out of the sky."
2. The ships he had in orbit of the planet in general lacked mass drivers. He used Quad Pulsars. He may have mass drivers now, but his general run of ships did not have them installed, at least not a lot of them.
3. It was
just eight weapons platforms, and when I sim I can consistently glass an entire planet with just a handful of ships.
Try it now set up 20 ships versus a planet with 8 of those weapons platforms. Hell I bet it works with 10. The weapons platforms lose. Part of the problem is that under optimal firing range you may have set "do not target planets." You need to turn that off to shoot at a planet.
4. Most important of all, Tobor
did not request a rollback at least not to my knowledge. We would've had to go back five or six turns.
5. If all else failed... heavily armored planet killers with troops could've gone past the eight weapons platforms. A planet killer can have upwards of 30k armor. Eight weapons platforms would not stop it.
It is so easy because if your ships are not tough enough, add more armor. I am sorry, that's the way it was.
I don't want to keep playing if there's going to be OOC threats of retaliation "Damage is done, lesson learned, actions to be taken" come on Kojiro.
Who said anything about retaliation?
What is that supposed to mean then, if not retaliation?
You know let's forget it. I don't want to hate you just because of a fucking bad modification. SE:V has so much more potential. There's only 4 mods out, none of them themed (no star wars no star trek no b5 nothing.) Let's get working on that instead.