Forget not the derivative where said moron wingman crashes into you. I had a long and successful German mission once, downed two dive bombers and a fighter or two and was dogfighting another with my wingman. Wingman was of course useless. He kept overshooting the ultra slow Soviet fighter. After lots of maneuvering, I was coming in for the kill shot, when out of the blue, my wingman slams into me head on. Much cursing there was.Vympel wrote:1. You and your squadron, after a perfect mission where all four/eight of you killed all the opposiiton, with no losses, heads back home. In the process, two of your moron wingmen crash into each other and both fucking die. This just happened to me. Lost two Lieutenants- one of whom who actually had kills.
So I got Il-2 Sturmovik 1946
Moderator: Thanas
There's no boonty box software that I can tell, by the way.
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Yeah, that was pretty much just for the download Pe-2 expansion. Good thing too, it's a hassle.Vympel wrote:There's no boonty box software that I can tell, by the way.
Back to the wingman issue, I don't have 1946 yet, but I've never once had an issue with colliding wingmen (that is, colliding with me), so has something changed with 1946?
A few expansions back there were some issues with AI A-20s hitting some low hills during a low level mission, but that was apparently corrected with a patch. I can't say I've seen all that many collisions between aircraft. Usually it occurs when I order my own to attack large bombers or see other fighters attacking a particularly large bomber formation--either a fighter hits a bomber during an attack, or one bomber drifts into another during a turn or due to damage forcing a bomber to fall out of formation. Sometimes, wreckage from an exploding bomber will take out one of its neighbors (which is always spectacular to watch!).

Wingman collisions happened in the original for me as well, so maybe it's just my bad luck 

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- Arthur_Tuxedo
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Got this in the mail two days ago. Lots of fun. I can't believe how much better the graphics are than the original. Perhaps it's a function of how well it runs on a modern system and how poorly LO:MAC still does, but the graphics look better to me than LO:MAC's. I'm still horrible at it, though. I put a lot of time into IL-2 and never improved the slightest bit, but I had fun with corny stunts and getting shot down in amusing ways anyway. This will be more of the same, I think.
"I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark." - Muhammad Ali
"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
It's the most beautiful flight sim on PC I think.Arthur_Tuxedo wrote:Got this in the mail two days ago. Lots of fun. I can't believe how much better the graphics are than the original. Perhaps it's a function of how well it runs on a modern system and how poorly LO:MAC still does, but the graphics look better to me than LO:MAC's. I'm still horrible at it, though. I put a lot of time into IL-2 and never improved the slightest bit, but I had fun with corny stunts and getting shot down in amusing ways anyway. This will be more of the same, I think.
now if we can just get a modern flight sim with ace combat graphics...

Saying smaller engines are better is like saying you don't want huge muscles because you wouldn't fit through the door. So what? You can bench 500. Fuck doors. - MadCat360

From where did you order it? I looked around town, but the local Gamestops do not have it in their records, anywhere.Arthur_Tuxedo wrote:Got this in the mail two days ago. Lots of fun. I can't believe how much better the graphics are than the original. Perhaps it's a function of how well it runs on a modern system and how poorly LO:MAC still does, but the graphics look better to me than LO:MAC's. I'm still horrible at it, though. I put a lot of time into IL-2 and never improved the slightest bit, but I had fun with corny stunts and getting shot down in amusing ways anyway. This will be more of the same, I think.