Xisiqomelir wrote:No, that would be about 3 lines of your massive spam. The rest is just copypasta PS3 bashing and "I dare you to justify spending money, and don't mention FF, lol". Don't even fucking try to pretend otherwise. Edi and Stark think Sony is dicking buyers over on D-cables (I agree), and that it's unjustifiable (I disagree). YOUR post is filled with mindless drivel and absurd "value" arguments. They are making reasonable points, you are doing nothing of the kind.
ZOMG SPAM! You're right, I didn't write any of that at all. It's all copypasted.
Oh, wait, it wasn't. But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night. You're trying to justify why Sony didn't ship with an essential component, not me. You're the one trying to claim that statistics are on your side. Here's something to chew on: 300 million people in America, if only 15% have HDTVs, how many is that?* Is it more or less than all of the HD consoles sold in the past year? Hmm, I wonder. Of all the PS2 owners, you are the only one I've ever interacted with that has honest to goodness HD cables with your PS2. Ever. So where is the assertation that all PS2 owners have this cable already coming from? Your ass? I know that I bought a PS2 when it finally hit the $110 mark (slimline, even) and hey, no supercables!
Wow, if a PS2/3 D-cable @
$5.95 + shipping is an outrageous omission, what the fuck is a
$99.99+shipping 802.11b/g/a 360 wireless attachment? I remind you, you brainless stupid fuck, that wireless networking adoption rates in ALL 3 major vg-purchasing regions are FAR higher than HDTV adoption rates.
Wait, what's that? You're so desperate you're grasping at straws? HD is CORE to the PS3's supposed supremacy. Not including a key part to VIEWING THE CONTENT IN HD IS A HUGE OMISSION! Meanwhile, online play is an extra bonus, it doesn't come with every game, and in fact, with the Xbox, you pay extra for the service. Not only that, but you get a better connection with the Cat5 connection already included in the machine. Given that a large number of broadband subscribers get cable broadband, and most likely have the cable modem by the TV (and a router of some sort) all you need is the included six foot cable.
So yeah, that analogy falls apart real fast. But hey, not like you've been making good arguments so far anyway.
Wow, are we still on this shit?
Early adopter: already had component from his PS2 or doesn't care about an extra $6-20 purchase.
Revision 2 hardware buyers: give them cables because now some people have HDTVs
Magical current "I have an HDTV and I HAET HAET HAET you for not giving me component Sony!" consumers right now: Not that many, if any
Again, where the fuck did these PS2 owners magically get HD cables? I've not seen them yet, so I must surmise that you're full of shit. Second, Joe Average is going to take one look at the "package deal" with no games, one controller, and no HD cables, then look at the various package deals that come with the Xbox and buy that instead. This was especially true during the PS3 shortage. Sales of the Xbox over the last few months support this, and you're a fucking moron for not realizing that.
Also, you're making the (moronic) assumption that someone buying a $600 console at or near launch will bargain hunt for the cheap, non-name brand cables, rather than the jacked-up price cables right next to the machine with a sales associate breathing down his neck saying "well golly mister, you won't see everything pretty until you get that". This isn't a discussion about YOU, you fucking idiot, it's about the general consumer.
You are such a moron. Attacks on my integrity ("lol Xis might be a Sony shill") and reasoning ("You should buy a 360 instead of a PS3 or you're dumb, durr hurr") ARE personal attacks.
We know Sony is capable of dirty tricks like that. They've actually got people in forums doing this shit, they made a blog for this shit, they've printed false press reports, they've lied about their games, etc. Suddenly here you come going "ZOMG AWESOME" and I begin to wonder. So far, you've not done much to discount that as far as I'm concerned. Do I seriously think you work for Sony? Not really, but the more you harp on it and the more personal you take the attacks on Sony, the more I have to wonder...
And what I've been saying is that if you're in the market for a HD console, the 360 makes more sense than the PS3. This is not just my opinion, but it is also shown by the buyers, who have been devouring 360's ever since the PS3 was released. You've been making the argument that a PS3 is a sensible purchase for an average consumer.
Would larger letters help? Sony. Is. Fucked.
Backpedal harder.
Prove that your strawman was my original position you whiney little cunt.
End of 2010, PS3 WW LTD > 360 WW LTD. I'll bet my SDN account against yours, you imbecilic shitbag.
Fuck off and die. Prove what I'm saying is wrong or go to hell.
The PS3 launch has beaten the 360 launch in North America, where 60% of 360 sales occur. This despite pricing 50% higher and with two next-gen competitors, where the 360 had none. Once you factor in the #2 market Japan, where 360 is dogfood, Sony's selling faster now than Microsoft was then. It's on track to surpass 360 WW by the end of '08, and it hasn't even launched in Europe yet. re: Ebay/retail, I guess meeting demand is a bad thing now? Good thing Nintendo didn't do it this Christmas.
As I recall things, the 360 beat the PS3 and the Wii for total sales on the weekend both were launched.
Yahoo wrote:According to research firm NPD, Microsoft sold two million Xbox 360 consoles in the United States from the beginning of November through Christmas Eve. Over the same period, Nintendo sold 1.8 million Wii consoles, while Sony moved some 750,000 PlayStation 3 units.
While Sony might have had a slightly better launch, it was mostly due to the MONSTER hype machine behind the whole thing and banking on brand loyalty. Now we've got PS3s gathering dust and being sold for less than retail on Ebay, while Microsoft is making out like a fucking bandit, using Sony's hype against them.
As far as Japan, while the 360 hasn't worked it's way in, Nintendo is beating the living shit out of Sony. Of course, most of the reason that Microsoft hasn't made inroads into Japan is not because the console isn't any good, but for other reasons, like fierce brand loyalty to national brands. Of course, this means they don't have a problem taking Nintendo over Sony, and with the loss of Dragon Quest to Nintendo, this is only going to get worse.
While we're on the topic of shelf-sitting consoles, you'll notice that Microsoft announced shipping 10.4M recently. However, considering that their US LTD is 4.5M, that gives a WW LTD of 7.5M (4.5*100/60). That's a much larger volume of unsold product than the PS3.
They can afford that, because they have more SOLD product than the PS3, and you can bet your candy ass that the second Halo 3 comes out, everyone who was waiting for an excuse to get a 360 will. But I guess with your nose buried in numbers you don't understand, you kinda forgot about little things like that, huh?
It is the best Playstation ever. For once, the hardware is the best on the market, rather than the absolute worst. The back library is larger than both previous consoles. The online experience is leaps and bounds better than either of the other two, and it's free. The format the PS3 carries is superior to DVD and CD.
Spec-wise, it may be fantastic, but I don't judge a console purely by it's high-end components, but rather how well they use them and how many fun games come out on it. Again, I point you to the Jaguar. It was the best Atari machine EVER man. The Saturn was awesome too, and it let you play all your Genesis cart games just like that! Man those fucking rocked, didn't they? Weren't they AWESOME consoles?
Pretty colors does not a good console make. History has shown us this over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Nice, one final strawman. Please, show me where I said everyone ought to buy a PS3 right now. I think the price point is above what most consumers will accept, the same way the PS2's price was until 4 years after launch. FYI, the 360 is also above that critical threshold.
No, I'm referring to you assuming that everyone who buys a PS3 also has a PS2, or that all PS2 owners already have HD cables, or that all consumers are going to comparison shop when their kids are screaming at them, etc. and so forth and so on. But I guess these little things don't matter so much when you can just ignore the little things.
Since you are simple, I will take extra time to respond to this. I mention my Wii not in defence of my future PS3 purchase, but to deny it to you as an argument. I have a Wii, therefore "360+Wii=better, lol", doesn't apply to me. The purchase decision is then strictly between the HD consoles, and the options are:
a) $400 360, no wireless, no HD movies, no network play
b) $900 360, with the above
c) $600 PS3
Oh, HD movies are now a factor! Fantastic! Let's grab the newest DVD format before a winner has been decided! How many Betamaxes and Laserdiscs have you pawned off on Ebay already? Wireless is a minimal concern, for reasons previously stated, which leaves you with Xbox live, which, from all the reports I hear, is still the most stable and fully functional online matchmaking service of the three. Of course, there always is that version of Gran Turismo that would have cost about $900 to get the whole thing.
This is without mentioning that the 360 has exactly 2 exclusive games I consider worth playing (Gears of War + Viva Piñata), and that the PS3 already has more (DR, RR7 and Resistance). The PS3 then gets VF5 a half year before the 360 does. I'm not even mentioning the multiplat franchise exclusives here.
Right, so I'll never see Assassin's Creed on 360 until much after the PS3 gets it...oh, wait. Last I checked, Sony lost most of their "exclusives" already.
Whatever, I could go over the games I like on the Xbox versus the PS3, but to be honest, fighting and racing games were never my ball of wax, and they appear to be yours, hence a pointless go around.
But hey, why listen to anything I'm saying? It's clear that I'm just copypasting all of this and thus it can all be ignored (never mind that if I WERE copypasting and it WAS relevant, your ignoring it as such would still be wrong).
But yeah, sure, Sony is doing great, they made the right decision, it's all a part of the master plan, blah blah blah. Why don't you just fucking admit that not including HD cables was a fucking stupid move and we can move on?
Hint: It's more than 10 million, but less than 100 million