[SW] Cargo ship and other WIP

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[SW] Cargo ship and other WIP

Post by Bounty »

Just some doodling I've been doing. It's supposed to be a small cargo vessel, based on the look of the Corellian Corvette but simpler and with a cargo hold instead of conference rooms and suites. Drawing a Star Wars ship was actually quite fun, since I don't know that much about the inner workings of SW vessels so I had to take a few detours to SWTC, Wookieepedia and the OT/TMP ICS books. I'm sure that I messed up a few parts and the engine block is basically a best guess since I couldn't find any reference materials for it.

She's 66 meters long, 28 meters wide and 16 meters high (17 landed), armed with one dorsal laser cannon. Sublight propulsion is provided by 6 small ion drives (two banks of three).

First, exterior views. Just the basic shape, really; I'm still trying to find a way to add good-looking weathering and hull panels.

Side view, landed, with personnel entry ramp and landing gear extended. The gear is a leftover from an earlier version of the ship that was quite a bit lighter, so the proportions aren't quite what they should be, but then again, many SW capital ships have flimsier legs.


Front view


Top view


Deck A (deck numbering goes from top to bottom)


Deck B, the main deck of the ship and the only one that runs the full length. The vault was added when I discovered I had one room to spare.


Deck C, bottom


Thoughts, opinions, errors, rants?
Last edited by Bounty on 2007-02-03 02:46pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AK_Jedi »

Looks good. I like the ladders instead of turbolifts. Too many star wars deck plans have turbolifts on ships that are only 2 or 3 decks high.

Everything looks good and logically laid out, though the hyperdrive and power core look a little squished in between the sublight banks.

Is that an airlock on the port side of the bridge section, and are those cargo doors on the bottom deck? If so, you should probably label them.
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Post by Bounty »

Is that an airlock on the port side of the bridge section, and are those cargo doors on the bottom deck? If so, you should probably label them.
The door on the port side is a docking port/emergency exit - there's no airlock attached to it. I'll update the labels.
though the hyperdrive and power core look a little squished in between the sublight banks.
I looked up SW power generation and engine systems, but apart from the mention of a "power core", the cutaway of the ISD-I's engine section in the OT ICS and the single image of the J-type hyperdrive I couldn't find much. Like I said, the engine block is just guesswork.
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Post by Deathstalker »

Your deckplan is nicely detailed an laid out well. My suggestion for the landing gear is to have legs come straight down from the four corners of the center section, similar to the Falcon's landing gear. For the weapons, you could go with the Falcon's gunpit, but with a weaker weapon.
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Post by The Jazz Intern »

very nice, I like it. :D
I'd go with- as said above- a falcon style gun pit with weaker guns, or maybe something like the outrider....
fro some pizzaz- what about one of those superlasers, like on the clone landers.
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Post by AK_Jedi »

Bounty wrote:
though the hyperdrive and power core look a little squished in between the sublight banks.
I looked up SW power generation and engine systems, but apart from the mention of a "power core", the cutaway of the ISD-I's engine section in the OT ICS and the single image of the J-type hyperdrive I couldn't find much. Like I said, the engine block is just guesswork.
If the power core is spherical like it is in the ISD, then you have it way too big to fit in between the engines like that. If it were more like a disk, then it would work better. If you have access to the ICS, try seeing if they show the power generator for the correlian corvette or rebublic cruiser from TPM. Since these are both similar in design to your ship, you could use a similar power generator.
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Post by Bounty »

If you have access to the ICS, try seeing if they show the power generator for the correlian corvette or rebublic cruiser from TPM. Since these are both similar in design to your ship, you could use a similar power generator.
There's no reactor in the Cruiser cutawaw. A vaguely cone-shaped device is called out on the Corvette page but the engine section is such a mess of wires and struts it's hard to see what, exactly, is part of the reactor and what is part of the hyperdrive and engine systems.

I thought of it as a disc, but I can see where you get the sphere idea...
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Post by Bounty »

WIP version of the new B-deck. I've only marked the changes, plus the radition suit locker that wasn't tagged on the older images.


Maybe I'll redo the whole engine block and turn it into a three-level engineering space.
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Post by Bounty »

Stofsk's excellent deckplan reminded me that I'm nearly finished with one myself: a courier vessel, based very loosely around the shape of the Consular-class, but a few sizes smaller. She's a general courier-slash-small cargo ship; the exterior views are nearly finished except for the comm dishes and turret, the interior is pretty much done except for cleanup, but since it might be some time until I can get back to work on it I thought I'd post the WIP and get some opinions. Keep in mind that there are probably a few bits left that don't quite line up. I'm also still working on a decent turret for the cargo ship above.

Exterior views:







A-deck, on top, with the cockpit and a hatch to the sensor maintenance room; a long corridor behind the bridge slopes down to B-deck:


B-deck, with the sensor maintenance area in front (accesible via the cockpit), three cabins, a bathroom, a common area flanked by escape pods, a galley (starboard-aft), stores (port-aft) and a weapons console far aft; two ladders lead down from the side corridors (the little squares with the Vs drawn in them):


C-deck, withe boarding ramp at the front, an airlock flanked by a droid hold starboard and a locker room port, plus three cargo bays (port, starboard and aft) and two escape pods:

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Post by Deathstalker »

Just a thought about your cargo ship. On deck B, there seems to be some wasted/excess space on the front module. The bridge has a large indent for the door, which I think if eleminated it would give you much more space, allowing the captain to sit in the middle and monitor things. Since this is not a warship, it is no big deal to have the door dead center in the rear of the bridge. The other space is the extra hallway between the bridge and the secure comm terminal. I would lose the comm terminal room and the vault. I'd turn the vault area into the sickbay, and turn the current sickbay into the captain's quarters. The comm room isn't needed, as ship comms should be handled through the bridge. I would also add a head somewhere on this deck, maybe at the end of the hallway next to the ladder.
I'd also have communal head on deck A, eliminating the individual heads in each room, excpet for the captains stateroom, rank has it's priviages. Assuming you turn the spare stateroom into the communal head, that would leave you with four crew staterooms. With two bunks in each room you'd have room for nine crew. That's a captain, first mate, purser, pilot, two or three engineers and two or three techs. It's a tight watch schedule, but a certain smuggler captain and his Wookie first mate got by well enough.
If you want some room to play with, have the lounge double as a sickbay for emergencies, which would pretty much be the case for anything more serious than the occasional cut or burn. If you feel generous you can give the first mate his own stateroom with head on deck B. If you feel really generous, you don't have the droid elevator go up to deck A and you add a stateroom for the purser. Assuming you go with all the changes suggested, your crew could be a captain, first mate, purser, pilot, three engineers and four techs for a total of 11 beings, which adds some padding for standing watches and performing shipboard tasks, but of course the more crew you have, the more it cuts into you profit.
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Post by Bounty »

On deck B, there seems to be some wasted/excess space on the front module. The bridge has a large indent for the door, which I think if eleminated it would give you much more space, allowing the captain to sit in the middle and monitor things. Since this is not a warship, it is no big deal to have the door dead center in the rear of the bridge.
The indent is an artifact of an older design for the corridor. You're right, I can trim it, though I'd like to keep the current bridge layout.
The other space is the extra hallway between the bridge and the secure comm terminal. I would lose the comm terminal room and the vault. I'd turn the vault area into the sickbay, and turn the current sickbay into the captain's quarters. The comm room isn't needed, as ship comms should be handled through the bridge.
The comm room isn't the only location from where the comunication systems can be accessed; I thought of it more as a dedicated terminal that is used to finetune the system and locate problems, while at the same time allowing the crew to send and receive messages in private. Also, when you rip out the vault and corridor you end up with a *huge* amount of floorspace, definitely too much for a sickbay on a ship with a crew of around half a dozen.

I might move the captain's quarters down a deck, but the original idea was to keep the crew quarters separate from the living area on B. Also, the current sickbay is barely bigger than the current cabins on C.
I would also add a head somewhere on this deck, maybe at the end of the hallway next to the ladder.
Good idea.
but of course the more crew you have, the more it cuts into you profit.
I figured that, with droids to do small maintenance and largely automated systems, a ship this size could run on a crew of six to eight - a captain, his second-in-command (so that's first mate?), a pilot, an engineer with two technicians and two SW equivalents of seamen.
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