Bastard. While I still have it, it is on a 5 1/4 in floppy, and thus I can't play itUraniun235 wrote:I play Red Storm Rising to while away the time during my stupid philosophy class.

Moderator: Thanas
Oh, just download it; you've got a license for it and it's not like anyone would ever care about it.MariusRoi wrote:Bastard. While I still have it, it is on a 5 1/4 in floppy, and thus I can't play itUraniun235 wrote:I play Red Storm Rising to while away the time during my stupid philosophy class.
Rebellion is awesome. I still haven't beaten a game I started back before 2000, but that's mainly because I am shamelessly dragging it out while I build a fleet far larger then I really need it to be.2000AD wrote:I still play Star Wars: Supremacy (Rebellion for you in the US) every now and then.
Re-he-heally.Vympel wrote:If anyone can figure out how to get System Shock working on XP with DosBox and walks me through it, I will worship the ground they walk on.
Holy crap! I've been playing this and the new changes are INCREDIBLE! It's cool to shoot a TIE fighter and have it burst into flames, or see flames and atmosphere shooting out of a damaged ship, or the ion electricity waves pulsing over a disabled target! Lots of updated stuff, and it's made this game awesome! Thanks for the heads-up!FSTargetDrone wrote:Certainly! Here you go.Got a link to those updated x-wing alliance / vs TIE fighter ships? I'd love to see some screenshots...
my favorite games ever, right there. That and the original Dark Forces.
To clarify, it is for X-Wing Alliance only. It redoes nearly all of the ships, giving the Executor-class SSD its correct length, new cockpits for the fighters and some other stuff. You have to download a .zip or .exe for each individual model you want to update, which is a bit of a pain, but it does let you pick and choose:
Most of the ships seem to be done, since I last checked.
And yes, you can fly Darth Vader's Tie Fighter.
Glad you got it running.Golan III wrote:Holy crap! I've been playing this and the new changes are INCREDIBLE! It's cool to shoot a TIE fighter and have it burst into flames, or see flames and atmosphere shooting out of a damaged ship, or the ion electricity waves pulsing over a disabled target! Lots of updated stuff, and it's made this game awesome! Thanks for the heads-up!
Now did you say earlier that there's a similar project for TIE Fighter?
There's a project using the X-Wing Alliance engine to totally remake TIE Fighter. As far as I know, it is complete, though I'm not sure if it includes the expansion packs. I believe there's a link to it on Wikipedia - or Wookiepedia? One of the two.If there is something for TIE Fighter, I haven't found it. Sorry for the confusion! As far as I know, there is just this project for X-Wing Alliance.
Unless I'm mistaken, that would be my fault. Mea culpa. Have you heard of SLASH'EM?Sam Or I wrote:I curse all of you that mentioned NetHack. I am addicted all over again You Bastards!!! So much for a social life.
Every time I play the game I find something new, even in the early levels that I thought I had scoured fully. At the moment I have a save where I am trying to beat the whole game without killing anyone (well, besides those required). MIBs proved challenging, and I had to go through many deaths before I found a nonlethal takedown for the MJ12 power armor.AidanMcfay wrote:I loved Deus Ex, recently ploped that into the computer and played through it all, found so much stuff i didnt know about.