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Post by TimothyC »

Uraniun235 wrote:I play Red Storm Rising to while away the time during my stupid philosophy class.
Bastard. While I still have it, it is on a 5 1/4 in floppy, and thus I can't play it :(
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Post by Uraniun235 »

MariusRoi wrote:
Uraniun235 wrote:I play Red Storm Rising to while away the time during my stupid philosophy class.
Bastard. While I still have it, it is on a 5 1/4 in floppy, and thus I can't play it :(
Oh, just download it; you've got a license for it and it's not like anyone would ever care about it.
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Post by NeoGoomba »

X-Com, MoO2, and Wing Commander I & II are the classics on my old HD, and they are all I need.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Total Annihilation which I've recently started playing over LAN.
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Post by RogueIce »

2000AD wrote:I still play Star Wars: Supremacy (Rebellion for you in the US) every now and then.
Rebellion is awesome. I still haven't beaten a game I started back before 2000, but that's mainly because I am shamelessly dragging it out while I build a fleet far larger then I really need it to be. :D

As for other old school goodness, I still have a working Win95 box in my room. So...

Starcraft & Brood Wars
Warcraft II
Grand Theft Auto (the original, baby!)
Jane's USNF 97 (US Navy Fighters)
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
X-Wing Collector's CD-ROM
TIE Fighter Collector's CD-ROM
X-Wing Alliance

And for even older school action, I have the Quest for Glory Anthology and the Space Quest Collection.

Technically, SQC is "new" in the sense I only picked it up a few days ago. But the games are old, so it counts. :P
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Post by Vympel »

If anyone can figure out how to get System Shock working on XP with DosBox and walks me through it, I will worship the ground they walk on.
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Post by Stark »

Vympel wrote:If anyone can figure out how to get System Shock working on XP with DosBox and walks me through it, I will worship the ground they walk on.
Re-he-heally. :) Do you have the CD version with 'high resolution textures' and voiceovers? I could probably put my settings in a .conf file and just email it to you or something?
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Post by Vympel »

Let's discuss it in PMs- so far I've gotten it working with the cracked .exe but as you know on any resolution above the 320 range it goes into psychadelic colour mode and fucked if I can fix it ... :(
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Post by Lisa »

Favourite FPS to date is Duke Nukem

I should look for an apple // emulator so i can play my old apple games like load runner... days of entertainment back then.
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Post by Golan III »

FSTargetDrone wrote:
Got a link to those updated x-wing alliance / vs TIE fighter ships? I'd love to see some screenshots...

my favorite games ever, right there. That and the original Dark Forces.
Certainly! Here you go.

To clarify, it is for X-Wing Alliance only. It redoes nearly all of the ships, giving the Executor-class SSD its correct length, new cockpits for the fighters and some other stuff. You have to download a .zip or .exe for each individual model you want to update, which is a bit of a pain, but it does let you pick and choose:

Most of the ships seem to be done, since I last checked.

And yes, you can fly Darth Vader's Tie Fighter. :D
Holy crap! I've been playing this and the new changes are INCREDIBLE! It's cool to shoot a TIE fighter and have it burst into flames, or see flames and atmosphere shooting out of a damaged ship, or the ion electricity waves pulsing over a disabled target! Lots of updated stuff, and it's made this game awesome! Thanks for the heads-up!

Now did you say earlier that there's a similar project for TIE Fighter?
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Post by Rekkon »

Ah memories. Personally Deus Ex and X-Com have permanent places on my harddrive. Others will probabl never be uninstalled either, like Star Wars Rebellion. I should still have a save with an insane shipbuilding sector for my Empire. Just about every planet could pump out an ISD Mk. II per month. Mmmm, Star Destroyers.

I will have to check out that X-wing Alliance update. Does it work with the NCA patch?
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Post by Solauren »

Dungeon Keeper.

Gotta love a game where you can slap your minions TOO DEATH!!!!
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Post by Vympel »

I finally got System Shock working fully. It's crashed to desktop twice, but it's seemingly random and it doesn't affect my play in any significant way. I'm on the Research Level- to my shame, it's been so long since I last played that I forgot that the Elevator lobby is filled with Humanoid Mutants. A gas grenade and a barrage of darts from my SV-26 Dartgun dealt with them.

Ahhh ... memories.

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I love that part best.
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Post by FSTargetDrone »

Golan III wrote:Holy crap! I've been playing this and the new changes are INCREDIBLE! It's cool to shoot a TIE fighter and have it burst into flames, or see flames and atmosphere shooting out of a damaged ship, or the ion electricity waves pulsing over a disabled target! Lots of updated stuff, and it's made this game awesome! Thanks for the heads-up!

Now did you say earlier that there's a similar project for TIE Fighter?
Glad you got it running.

I think the puffs of gases from the ships' hulls when hit by cannon fire were always there, but a lot of that other stuff you describe is new. Perhaps you have full detail on and just never noticed it before? There are new cockpit designs for most of the fighters (though I can't get the Gunboat cockpit visuals looking right--they are "stretched" for some reason).

With some of the mods you can select different colored turbolaser beams and ion cannon beams.

If there is something for TIE Fighter, I haven't found it. Sorry for the confusion! As far as I know, there is just this project for X-Wing Alliance.

Anyway, I finished Kingpin and was kind of let down by the ending!
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Post by Aktariel »

Duke Nukem 3D
Lode Runner
Need for Speed: Underground
Star Trek: New Worlds
Command and Conquer: The First Decade [admittedly a new release, but they're old games...

Sadly, I'm too young to have played the "classics" - I remember playing Commander Keen and Castle of the Winds, but I don't own them...
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Post by AidanMcfay »

I loved Deus Ex, recently ploped that into the computer and played through it all, found so much stuff i didnt know about.
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Post by Vympel »

If there is something for TIE Fighter, I haven't found it. Sorry for the confusion! As far as I know, there is just this project for X-Wing Alliance.
There's a project using the X-Wing Alliance engine to totally remake TIE Fighter. As far as I know, it is complete, though I'm not sure if it includes the expansion packs. I believe there's a link to it on Wikipedia - or Wookiepedia? One of the two.
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Post by Sam Or I »

I curse all of you that mentioned NetHack. I am addicted all over again You Bastards!!! So much for a social life.

A few others to mention, Starflight 1 and 2, Star Control 1 & 2, Interstate '76, F/A-18 interceptor, Star Fleet Command II, Worms, Lemmings, Shadow of the Beast (Yes I still have an Amiga).
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Post by darthbob88 »

Sam Or I wrote:I curse all of you that mentioned NetHack. I am addicted all over again You Bastards!!! So much for a social life.
Unless I'm mistaken, that would be my fault. Mea culpa. Have you heard of SLASH'EM?
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Post by Rekkon »

AidanMcfay wrote:I loved Deus Ex, recently ploped that into the computer and played through it all, found so much stuff i didnt know about.
Every time I play the game I find something new, even in the early levels that I thought I had scoured fully. At the moment I have a save where I am trying to beat the whole game without killing anyone (well, besides those required). MIBs proved challenging, and I had to go through many deaths before I found a nonlethal takedown for the MJ12 power armor.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Have you Deus Ex fans ever done Sunglasses At Night?
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Post by Jade Falcon »

I still occasionally play Wing Commander IV.

I DID like to play Gabriel Knight I and 2, but I loaned them to someone and never got them back. :cry:
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The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.
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Post by The Vortex Empire »

I occassionally play Rogue Squadron 3D for the PC. The graphics may suck, but it's suprisingly addicting.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

I found a copy of Clive Barker's Undying at Half-Price Books a couple days ago.
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Post by Sam Or I »

I forgot one, Wing Commander Priveteer.
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