Darth Wong wrote:
Does he give his name, alma mater, program, and year of graduation for verification purposes?
The problem is, demanding he prove his credentials would no doubt be construed as a "personal attack" or "aggressive post" and the questioner would be banned or the thread locked (or both!).
The WotC site isn't as bad as TFN or EnWorld, but they have their share of ignorant teenagers and other wankers who can't tell
fact from
opinion and run crying to the mods when called out. Last July, I had a dust-up with a few LOTR nerds (one of whom claimed that the idea of dwarfs being short was invented by Tolkien!). The combination of so much stupidity and so many outright lies would make Scooter pop a load.
Sarli is in a class of his own when it comes to dishonest cretinism, though.