Civil War #7 - Spoilers

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Post by KrauserKrauser »

Ummmmm America was founded on a revolution that was against the laws of an increasingly distant foreign government trying to maintain control with harsher and harsher taxes.

I think CAPTAIN FUCKING AMERICA would be knowledgable enough about history OF AMERICA, which you obviously aren't, to see when a revolution against an unjust system is appropriate.

This wasn't trying to get them off the street, this was forced conscription into a governemtn run and controlled Army.

Try again sailor, you are all wrong on this one.
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Post by Edward Yee »

I second DPDarkPrimus. I bought PWJ #4 and even waited before I'd left the store to start flipping through it. Genius.
I'd rather he had the thought provoking moment while he cleaning off Stark's brain matter from his shield after he beat the life out of that fucker.
If not for the sudden jumping by first responders, I think we could've had that. Instead, I frankly would rather have had the thought provoking moment a tad bit more drawn out.
How the fuck can they justify keeping the character that they have made Iron man into? They have removed all of his redeeming qualities and turned him into a government shill that used theWar to make billions. HE NEEDED TO DIE. Or atleast his cahracter needed to be brought back down to earth and I don't thrown in prison or something.
I blame whoever decides continuity policy over in Marvel.
"Yee's proposal is exactly the sort of thing I would expect some Washington legal eagle to do. In fact, it could even be argued it would be unrealistic to not have a scene in the next book of, say, a Congressman Yee submit the Yee Act for consideration. :D" - bcoogler on this

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Post by Oddysseus »

I think their is an argument on both sides about the wisdom to take this fight into the "streets", and this is going back to the moment SHIELD put a gun to Cap's head and asked him to pick a side.

But what really bugs me at looking through these books and seeing these characters is that...doesn't this feel like a melodrama. No, I know that comics have big action, big emotions, etc, at times.

But, maybe melodrama is the wrong term...pantomime. Maybe that is better.

From the start, the power grab by Stark and his acceptance if this police power. Richards mystery uncle then Foundation rip off, then okaying and looking the other way as Thor is cloned and used to kill. Both using Bullseye, Venom, Green Goblin (the guy that murdered Spidey’s love, and loves tormenting his family), and others as tools to hunt down their friends. Then you have Cap using the Punisher and Kingpin, then going weepy at the right moment. And then Team Cliché, as the emergency responders charge in and jump Cap.

It all feels so much like an act. One could almost read it as a big con by the heroes, but it isn't. It is just really cheesy writing, planned out ahead of time. This is all about an end, one that has been gotten to cheaply and incompetently. It is stilted moves of characters, pushed to places that don't make sense for them. They have to move because that is where the story NEEDS them. That is poor poor writing.

And after it all, the way the writing goes, it feels like I am supposed to admire Richards and Stark, brave noble men doing what has to be done. Sue has to come home, she's learned her lesson. And the heroes line up to do "their duty". Get drafted, or go to prison. Remember B5, and the Psi Corp? Wasn't this there method? Didn't we see them as villains? Weren’t we supposed to?

Man, if Marvel actually wanted this to be the long term future of the world, let us bring back Hulk. I would start to welcome the coming of Maestro.

You know, if Iron Man or Richards has offered up some looming real threat that required the organizing of Marvel's heroes I would at least have some sympathy for their desperation to bring this about. Instead it is a mish mash. And now we have the BIG CONSPIRACY that is suppose to arise in the final issue of Frontlines.

Man the big companies really inspire me, to not buy from them.
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Post by JME2 »

Oddysseus wrote:Man, if Marvel actually wanted this to be the long term future of the world, let us bring back Hulk. I would start to welcome the coming of Maestro.
That's what I'm really hoping will happen with "World War Hulk". Tony puts all this time and effort into cooperating with the government and organizing the 50 State Initiative and then the Jolly Green Giant gets home and destroys it all in a matter of hours... :twisted:
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Post by Edward Yee »

Theory that popped into my head when I read #7's ending was "history is written by the winners," due to the ending in part being written in Reed's perspective, as well as shown in Stark's.

Bit of an oddity, btw, with the ending -- "Deputy Commander" Hill's reaction to Stark's ordering her about (in particular for what is a really menial task) seemed to contradict her own asking him to be a successor, back in a recent New Avengers (?) issue.
"Yee's proposal is exactly the sort of thing I would expect some Washington legal eagle to do. In fact, it could even be argued it would be unrealistic to not have a scene in the next book of, say, a Congressman Yee submit the Yee Act for consideration. :D" - bcoogler on this

"My crystal ball is filled with smoke, and my hovercraft is full of eels." - Bayonet

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Post by TheDarkling »

Oddysseus wrote: You know, if Iron Man or Richards has offered up some looming real threat that required the organizing of Marvel's heroes I would at least have some sympathy for their desperation to bring this about.
They did, the humans would have attempted genocide without the SHRA (at least according to Stark and Reed).

Of course since the SHRA won't do jack to prevent another Stamford all Tony has done is make sure they can all be marched off to the camps quickly and efficiently.
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Post by TheDarkling »

Edward Yee wrote:Theory that popped into my head when I read #7's ending was "history is written by the winners," due to the ending in part being written in Reed's perspective, as well as shown in Stark's.
I wish it were so but Millar believes that it is 100% correct - "Cap's surrender after realizing his guys were wrong. Crime was down, the public felt safer and Tony only had the best of intentions.".
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Re: hmm

Post by TheDarkling »

jimthegray wrote: you don't get it he did not surrender because he was beaten,
Nor did I say he did.
he did it because he relised that he was the bad guy, he was wrecking the american dream, being the supervillian.
The American dream involves locking people up without trial and enslaving those who are different?
he was fighting against democracy.
Democracy endorsed slavery, the extermination of native Americans, the internment of Japanese citizens and the sustained removal of peoples rights based upon their skin colour.

Democracy isn't some holy ideal to anybody but the most simple minded.

it does not matter if he disagreed with the law, but he chose to use violance to try and change it.
Really, so when he expressed his disapproval with a law that didn't even exists they tried to arrest him and then shot at him.

It seems like his methods were chosen for him.
he became a terrorist in the eyes of the normal humans.
A grown up would realise it doesn't matter how other people see you as long as you are doing the right thing.
it does not matter if the law is good or bad, when you start attacking jails, fighting even killing cops trashing midtown etc in opposition to the law you become the bad guy.
Sorry to go Godwin on you but would you have us believe that people violating the law in Nazi Germany and aiding Jews were the bad guys, what about those printing seditious materials in the USSR and WARPAC countries?
he looked around and saw that violance was not goign to fix things,
Which was obvious from day one to anybody with two braincells to rub together.
that the normals consider him the bad guy and saw that he was exactly why the normals want supers to be registered
The normals want the supers registered because they are sheep and their masters in government have made them believe that the SHRA will make them safer whilst only costing the pesky freedoms of a minority.
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Post by Oddysseus »

TheDarkling wrote:
Oddysseus wrote: You know, if Iron Man or Richards has offered up some looming real threat that required the organizing of Marvel's heroes I would at least have some sympathy for their desperation to bring this about.
They did, the humans would have attempted genocide without the SHRA (at least according to Stark and Reed).

Of course since the SHRA won't do jack to prevent another Stamford all Tony has done is make sure they can all be marched off to the camps quickly and efficiently.

The problem for me in this argument is that it is really a what if one. Jumping to the worst case and taking the most extreme countermeasure to it doesn't win me over. It seems just irrational and contemptable. For example, the people who wanted to intern the Japanese for their own protection get the same scorn as the ones who thought they were all bad.

Taking this extreme step is ridiculous. For me, especially from Reed. How many seemingly impossible struggles has he entered? Does he care for the odds? No. He's a hero (Was.), he fights the good fight. Galactus is going to eat the world. Flee? Save as much of humanity as is possible? No, go up and face him. How about the number of times he has been drawn into social experiments (Latveria, etc.), that always blows up in his face. So going here seems just ridiculous.
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Re: hmm

Post by Oddysseus »

TheDarkling wrote:
jimthegray wrote:
that the normals consider him the bad guy and saw that he was exactly why the normals want supers to be registered
The normals want the supers registered because they are sheep and their masters in government have made them believe that the SHRA will make them safer whilst only costing the pesky freedoms of a minority.
Have any in univers polls been mentioned? Anything saying how the public feels about the Act? Is it overwhelmingly, up to the 90's in support, or just mid 50's? Ot somewhere in the middle?
- Odd Jack, Jaded Skeptic
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Re: hmm

Post by TheDarkling »

Oddysseus wrote: Have any in univers polls been mentioned? Anything saying how the public feels about the Act? Is it overwhelmingly, up to the 90's in support, or just mid 50's? Ot somewhere in the middle?
It was in the 90% at the beginning, it may have fallen somewhat but it still seems to have a solid majority.

The way the MU US public has been portrayed in this event means I'm waiting with baited breath until Bullseye slips his bonds and kills them in amusing ways.

I'm almost rooting for the Inhumans to kill thousands of them (I wish Blackbolt would man up and level DC or Baltimore or somewhere) and I hope the Hulk eats the President live on TV.
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Post by Cincinnatus »

TheDarkling wrote:
Oddysseus wrote: You know, if Iron Man or Richards has offered up some looming real threat that required the organizing of Marvel's heroes I would at least have some sympathy for their desperation to bring this about.
They did, the humans would have attempted genocide without the SHRA (at least according to Stark and Reed).

Of course since the SHRA won't do jack to prevent another Stamford all Tony has done is make sure they can all be marched off to the camps quickly and efficiently.
The Warriors wouldn't have engaged Nitro in the middle of a population center if they were properly trained and held accountable for their actions, so yes, the SHRA does go a long way to preventing another Stamford.

Also, if meta humans are trusted by the public, then attempts to push harsher measures on superheroes won't gain any traction, which was why Stark was pushing the SHRA.

Frankly, Captain America was acting like a retard. The SHRA provided security, stability, and would have eased off a lot of anti-superhuman feelings. Being a vigilante is not a civil right, and the question should have been a no brainer.
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Post by Oddysseus »

And if the law was limited to vigilantes and people who wanted to be active, their may be a point.

But every person with a power is to be registered. And not just registered, drafted. Some people wanted to just reg, retire, and move on. Iron Man and SHIELD have other plans.

The new Marvel saying:

With great power, comes a legally binding duty to join up or face lifetime imprisonment.

That's just inspiring.
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Post by TheDarkling »

Cincinnatus wrote: The Warriors wouldn't have engaged Nitro in the middle of a population center if they were properly trained and held accountable for their actions, so yes, the SHRA does go a long way to preventing another Stamford.
Of course they would, Cap was trained by the army and he does it all the time.

Ms Marvel was in the air force and is charged with training other heroes under the SHRA, she battled a horde of super infectious zombies in NYC(whilst dragging along an under age persons and not calling for backup, they under age hero got part of her face torn off and is in intensive care), during this very issue Tony doesn't break off his attack because they are in the middle of New York.

The SHRA isn't going to make a jot of difference, look at Tony he was employing Stature in his army and she is a school kid of 15 years and a couple of months, she has very little in the way of training.

Let us also not forget that the new warriors would have pulled it off if Nitro hadn't had a power boost nobody could have known about, a power boost given to him by corrupt corporate America, but did we see new legislation targeting companies who were truly responsible for Stamfor? no.

In fact the government swept it all under the rug (until Wolverine killed the people responsible).

The SHRA isn't about making the world safer it is about giving the politicians control of the super humans so that a) the super humans can't come after them or their corrupt friends and b) they can be used to further US foreign policy around the globe.
Also, if meta humans are trusted by the public, then attempts to push harsher measures on superheroes won't gain any traction, which was why Stark was pushing the SHRA.
These people have saved the earth countless times and it only took one mistake by some guys in costume and the public turned on them, whatever trust the super huamns have will vanish in a flash once the next mistake happens.
Frankly, Captain America was acting like a retard. The SHRA provided security, stability, and would have eased off a lot of anti-superhuman feelings. Being a vigilante is not a civil right, and the question should have been a no brainer.
The right to trial is however and people are denied that under the SHRA, people also shouldn't be enslaved by the government but all super humans have now been drafted (or will be shortly) for life in peace time which is involuntarily servitude in my book, in addition to which there is no age limit - the US government can now draft ten year olds if they like (they have set-up accommodation for the children in Stark towers where they will be moved to for training - kids taken form their parents without the parents being able to say no).

Lets not even get into giving Bullseye and Venom badges or cloning somebody against their will and using that clone as an untested battlefield weapon and nobody being held responsible for the resulting death.
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Post by Praxis »

So, who died?

There's a series of future comics titled:
Civil War: Fallen Son
covering various character's feelings on the "death of a true hero".

Other places reference someone important dying in Civil War.

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Post by JME2 »

Praxis wrote:So, who died?

There's a series of future comics titled:
Civil War: Fallen Son
covering various character's feelings on the "death of a true hero".

Other places reference someone important dying in Civil War.

Goliath, Clor...and several Marvel subscriptions.
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Post by Oddysseus »

Maybe they'll find someone in the rubble of fighting...dead. You know, talk on a meaningless death to a pointless event.
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Post by Cincinnatus »

TheDarkling wrote:
Cincinnatus wrote: The Warriors wouldn't have engaged Nitro in the middle of a population center if they were properly trained and held accountable for their actions, so yes, the SHRA does go a long way to preventing another Stamford.
Of course they would, Cap was trained by the army and he does it all the time.
If he does it when he has the ability not to, then it's bad writing. Stark made it pretty clear that the superheroes trained under the 50 State Initiative would be trained not to repeat the New Warriors mistakes.
Ms Marvel was in the air force and is charged with training other heroes under the SHRA, she battled a horde of super infectious zombies in NYC(whilst dragging along an under age persons and not calling for backup, they under age hero got part of her face torn off and is in intensive care),
I haven't read this comic, but it sounds like she didn't have any choice but to fight in the middle of New York, unlike the New Warriors. Also, her incompetence is a problem with Ms. Marvel, not the SHRA.
during this very issue Tony doesn't break off his attack because they are in the middle of New York.
Captain America was the one who brought the fight into New York, not Iron Man, and he really didn't have the choice to stop fighting.
The SHRA isn't going to make a jot of difference, look at Tony he was employing Stature in his army and she is a school kid of 15 years and a couple of months, she has very little in the way of training.
I haven't read this comic series either, but I would assume she was only being employed because of the Civil War. I don't think they would be using untrained 15 year olds in peace time.
Let us also not forget that the new warriors would have pulled it off if Nitro hadn't had a power boost nobody could have known about, a power boost given to him by corrupt corporate America, but did we see new legislation targeting companies who were truly responsible for Stamfor? no.
This is an argument for prosecuting these corporations, not an argument against the SHRA.
The SHRA isn't about making the world safer it is about giving the politicians control of the super humans so that a) the super humans can't come after them or their corrupt friends and b) they can be used to further US foreign policy around the globe.
SHIELD is an international organization under the UN, isn't it? Superheroes wouldn't be under the authority of specific politicians, but under Tony Stark, who has made his intention to clean up SHIELD very clear.
Also, if meta humans are trusted by the public, then attempts to push harsher measures on superheroes won't gain any traction, which was why Stark was pushing the SHRA.
These people have saved the earth countless times and it only took one mistake by some guys in costume and the public turned on them, whatever trust the super huamns have will vanish in a flash once the next mistake happens.
The reason people got so pissed about Stamford is that the New Warriors:

a)engaged the supervillians right next to a school
b)were making a crappy reality TV show
c)weren't under any kind of authority that can be held accountable.

While we disagree about whether a) would happen anymore, it's clear that b) and c) wouldn't. If something like Stamford happened again, meta humans wouldn't be held accountable, SHIELD would.
Frankly, Captain America was acting like a retard. The SHRA provided security, stability, and would have eased off a lot of anti-superhuman feelings. Being a vigilante is not a civil right, and the question should have been a no brainer.
The right to trial is however and people are denied that under the SHRA,
Then fight this within the system, like She-Hulk was trying to do, instead of inflaming public opinion more like Captain America was doing.
people also shouldn't be enslaved by the government but all super humans have now been drafted (or will be shortly) for life in peace time which is involuntarily servitude in my book
They keep going back and forth about this at Marvel. In some comics it's explicitly stated that superhumans will be drafted, in others it's ignored. In the Iron Man/Captain America Casualties of War Oneshot, when Captain America is presenting his strongest arguments against the SHRA, he doesn't even mention drafting, and just voices his concerns about supervillians getting access to secret identities.

Even if a draft is a part of the SHRA, Captain America should have registered and then refused to serve under SHIELD, and taken the battle into the courts. Working from within the system would have garnered him much more support, and would have prevented bloodshed.
in addition to which there is no age limit - the US government can now draft ten year olds if they like (they have set-up accommodation for the children in Stark towers where they will be moved to for training - kids taken form their parents without the parents being able to say no).
What is this from?

Again, this is something that should have been opposed from within the system, since it sounds massively unconstitutional.
Lets not even get into giving Bullseye and Venom badges or cloning somebody against their will and using that clone as an untested battlefield weapon and nobody being held responsible for the resulting death.
Did their system against keeping them in line ever fail? I recall reading about some sort of internal corruption that lead to someone being killed by one of the supervillians, but that's not exactly the same thing. If they never actually killed anyone, then I don't see a problem with it.
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Post by Praxis »

Even if a draft is a part of the SHRA, Captain America should have registered and then refused to serve under SHIELD,
He did. First issue, remember? Captain America refused to help hunt down and arrest other superheroes, and Maria Hill tried to have him arrested.

JME2 wrote:
Praxis wrote:So, who died?

There's a series of future comics titled:
Civil War: Fallen Son
covering various character's feelings on the "death of a true hero".

Other places reference someone important dying in Civil War.

Goliath, Clor...and several Marvel subscriptions.
They've already dealt with Goliath's death. Clor is not a 'true marvel hero'.
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Post by JME2 »

Praxis wrote:Clor is not a 'true marvel hero'.
True, but me can't help but wonder what the true Thunder God's reaction will be to the Pro-Registration's attempts at playing God, mmm? 8)
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Post by Cincinnatus »

Praxis wrote:
Even if a draft is a part of the SHRA, Captain America should have registered and then refused to serve under SHIELD,
He did. First issue, remember? Captain America refused to help hunt down and arrest other superheroes, and Maria Hill tried to have him arrested.
I do remember, yes, and I should have been more clear. He should have practiced civil disobedience and allowed himself to be taken into custody from the beginning. If he had done that, he would have enjoyed much more support form both the public and from other superheroes.
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Post by mr friendly guy »

TheDarkling wrote:
Of course he started getting upset when police men and firemen attacked him to save Tony Stark(vomit inducing scene # 2).

He even starts crying.
I knew Cap was a wuss since Operation Galactic Storm. :P

This just confirms it.
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Post by Stofsk »

mr friendly guy wrote:
It took you this long. :lol: Welcome to the light.
My friend is trying to get me onto DC. And I'm like ""

Ex Machina rocks my socks but.
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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

Ok here is how i would clean this up. As a longtime Marvel fanboy i hope they go this route or something close to it...

Remember in that recent Thunderbolts/Civil War thing where Zemo got a hold of the two gravity stones from Moonstone and became nearly omnipotent, then Songbird shattered one and he is sent into a time vortex? (Or something like that...anyway...)

Ok heres how i would write the Fallen Son follow up.

Zemo went back in time, and after getting that Hill chick on his side, he had her seduce and then murder Iron Man, resulting in his abrupt change of heart about the SHRA.

He uses plastic surgery to assume the identity of Tony Stark, and thus Iron Man, and sets up the SHRA to create this division within the superhuman community. Then he manipulates Reed Richards into giving him the cloning tech to create an army of superhuman clones (Clor being the prototype).

After all this, he captures and (tried) to kill Cap, then unleashes his army of clone supers, made in secret, and uses Stark's "Thor Buster" armor in conjuction with the gravity stones, which he retrieved, to create an indestructible powerbase and conquer the US and is setting his sights on the world, all under the guise of Tony Stark and the SHRA, using his position in SHIELD as leverage to get his agendas pushed through the UN.

Cap escapes and with the remaining superheroes not rounded up in Zemo-Stark's "Night of the Long Knives" he forms a resistance to fight against Zemo-Stark.

This begins a series of 'French Resistance' type stories involving the few remaining superhumans fighting Zemo-Stark's army which is conquering the globe through 'democracy'. Draw parallels to Nazi Germany, the War on Terror, whatever you please.

Later the REAL Stark, still alive somehow (Comic Book Deth!!!!11!1) returns as well as the real Thor, and the Avengers are re-assembled.

The Big Three and the Good Heroes engage Zemo-Stark, his supervillains and the Clones in a final pitched battle in some remote location, leading to many deaths (Comic Book Deth!!11!11!) and finally Cap faces off against Zemo-Stark, stripping him of his gravity stones and weaking him for the final tag team with Thor and the genuine Shellhead.

Together they defeat the evil Zemo and send him back into the time vortex, and at the end the newly reunited Cap, Thor and Iron Man stand triumphant as the heroes they are.

But we see at the end that Zemo is still alive in the time vortex, and planning his eventual escape (Comic Book Deth ZOMG!!11!1!)

So what do you think of this ending. Yes it's corny, it's a comic book.
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Post by TheDarkling »

Cincinnatus wrote: If he does it when he has the ability not to, then it's bad writing.
Maybe so but bad writing or not it is canon.
I haven't read this comic, but it sounds like she didn't have any choice but to fight in the middle of New York, unlike the New Warriors. Also, her incompetence is a problem with Ms. Marvel, not the SHRA.
She is training people under the SHRA if she is incompetent then so will everybody she trains and she did have a choice, she knew an AIM base was in the area and she attacked it instead of getting backup and clearing the area.

I can also point out that she attacked Julia Carpenter in the middle of a busy road at speed approaching triple digits, that is recipe for a multi car traffic accident.

Ironman in his own book engaged Sentry in the middle of NY as well and so on and so forth, if you read comics at all you must see it happening all the time.
Captain America was the one who brought the fight into New York, not Iron Man, and he really didn't have the choice to stop fighting.
Well neither did the New Warriors since they were spotted but the fact remains under the SHRA fighting in public places hasn't changed.
I haven't read this comic series either, but I would assume she was only being employed because of the Civil War. I don't think they would be using untrained 15 year olds in peace time.
They shouldn't be using them full stop, not if we are too believe they are showing a larger degree of responsibility now.

But Ms Marvels new sidekick has only just turned 16 (and they actually press ganged her a few days before her birthday) and she is yet another one who shouldn't be drafted at that age.

The basic problem here is that Marvel isn't going to alter how they do things, so teenagers will still fight crime, people will still try to lone wolf it instead of calling for backup and fights will still take place in populated areas, which mean the SHRA won't deliver.
This is an argument for prosecuting these corporations, not an argument against the SHRA.
No, it is a demonstration that the government has simply hijacked the issue to push through a piece of legislation they have long wanted and they don't actually care about changing the possibility of another Stamford.
SHIELD is an international organization under the UN, isn't it?
Yes and no, in theory it is but in fact the head of SHIELD is always an American and they always act like the President gets to choose the director.
Superheroes wouldn't be under the authority of specific politicians, but under Tony Stark, who has made his intention to clean up SHIELD very clear.
Stark has to do what he is told or he will get fired and replaced, I would also point out that the super humans belong to the US government being to shield, they can tanfers them to the CSA or the army if they want.
The reason people got so pissed about Stamford is that the New Warriors:

a)engaged the supervillians right next to a school
b)were making a crappy reality TV show
c)weren't under any kind of authority that can be held accountable.

While we disagree about whether a) would happen anymore, it's clear that b) and c) wouldn't. If something like Stamford happened again, meta humans wouldn't be held accountable, SHIELD would.
SHIELD doesn't get held accountable, they murder hundreds of savage landers and walked away with anything being done, the media cannot write any stories about SHIELD so the public doesn't have a clue what is going on - heroes are actually less accountable now than before.

In any case you are missing the point, it was reaction against the super humans putting lives in danger, if that is still the case under the current legislation then the people will demand more draconian legislation by Stark and Reed's own admission.
Then fight this within the system, like She-Hulk was trying to do, instead of inflaming public opinion more like Captain America was doing.
Fighting within the system requires being able to
a)challenge the law in the courts - Tony specially ensured this can't happen because the prison is outside the US.
b)you need to be able to tell people what is going on - something which is highly compromised in the MU
c)have the electoral power to back up youself - and the super humans are such a minority that they can't achieve this.

There is no fighting within the system, Stark made sure of it and again, they tried to arrest Cap when the law hadn't even been brought into force, they are the ones who forced him under ground.
They keep going back and forth about this at Marvel. In some comics it's explicitly stated that superhumans will be drafted, in others it's ignored.
In the Iron Man/Captain America Casualties of War Oneshot, when Captain America is presenting his strongest arguments against the SHRA, he doesn't even mention drafting, and just voices his concerns about supervillians getting access to secret identities.
True but Cap missing an argument doesn't change that She Hulk has been drafted and Ironman admitted Jessica Jones (who is no longer a super hero) could be drafted.

Furthermore Marvel has indicated that The Initiative focuses around the new super human army than everybody is drafted into.
Even if a draft is a part of the SHRA, Captain America should have registered and then refused to serve under SHIELD, and taken the battle into the courts. Working from within the system would have garnered him much more support, and would have prevented bloodshed.
They would have thrown him in 42 and denied him getting to courts - that was the entire point of 42, Tony spells it out in Amazing Spider man that they chose the negative zone so that only the supreme court had jurisdiction and he "knew for a fact" that they wouldn't involve themselves.

You sure what they tried to do to him when he voiced concerns even before it was the law.
What is this from?
Ms Marvel "There is no lower age limit of the SHRA".

They were gracious enough to allow the man's daughter to stay with him because there were no other trainees about but she had to go to Stark towers after school every day and for the entire weekend (which basically means she would be sleeping at home but little else).
Again, this is something that should have been opposed from within the system, since it sounds massively unconstitutional.
And anybody who doesn't consent gets thrown in 42 and thus can't challenge the situation, this is the entire point.
Did their system against keeping them in line ever fail? I recall reading about some sort of internal corruption that lead to someone being killed by one of the supervillians, but that's not exactly the same thing. If they never actually killed anyone, then I don't see a problem with it.
Osborne managed to break free in Front line.
Bullseye crippled Jack Flag on purpose and got away with it, Swordsman then went up to the crippled Jack Flag and started beating on him and wasn't stopped.

It is only a matter of time before the nano collars are defeated somehow given that it has already happened and that Clor proves the competency of the New World orders techs department.
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