Ghost Rider wrote:You still have yet to get through your goddamn thick why they would use a lesser form of propulsion for one particular situation would be useful?
You have yet to prove that Warp Drive is a lesser type of propulsion
So should we have vehicles that are made for just in case situations?
Considering that multiple SW books detail how Imperial forces were ALSO trapped by gravity wells...
All you have been touting with I've been polite is that The Enterprise feared the technobabble warship new uber weapon means that obviously it'll have use because it penetrates ST shields...
And you failed to take into consideration all of the known and logical applications this weapon has outside of attacking a shielded planet.
I understood after you gage the Interdiction but do not concede it would have USES.
WTF is that supposed to mean? I stated the fact that the properties of an Interdictor would NOT stop warp drives from operating. That is fact, nothing more. This alone gives Warp a tactical advantage over Hyperspace.
And you still have yet to give one fucking reason why they would use a cloak that baffles ST sensors in combination to SW cloaks. SO it baffles ST FUCKING WHAT?!
Well if you actually had eyes, you would have noted I was talking about VISUAL cloaking being used on SW fighters. So your asking me for something I am not even debating about nor care about. Try staying with the debate rather then side tracking it.
So please elucidate.
I already did, then I did it again, and again, and again, and again...
I guess it takes repitition to get through your thick skull.