True. He also had the best death scene in all of the EU. It actually got me teary-eyed when I first read it, and still manages to impact on subsequent readings.CmdrWilkens wrote:Where is Tom Phaanan? Seriously I need t vote for a guy who is half cyberntic but all about the love. That and he has the best sense of humor this side of HK-47.
Well what can I say...I love X-wing fights. Plus I give it props for relegating Leia and Luke to mere cameos, with Han not even in sight. Needed more Lando though.Faqa wrote:The first X-wing books are good. Until they devolve into "Rogue Squadron does the impossible. Repeat ad-nauseum.". Corran's fun, but wanked-out.
But then, all of the EU needs more Lando.
As for Corran, meh. I really rather liked his portrayal in I, Jedi for one. But then I'm pretty oblivious to the whole "Mary/Gary Stu" thing, probably because whenever I get off my butt and do some writing I'll be doing plenty of it myself.
Yeah, that was an awesome and amusing series. And, as noted above, had pretty much the best dramatic moment out of the EU I've read. Sorry, Anakin biting it in Star by Star was good, but not the same level as Phannan in Iron Fist.Faqa wrote:Personally, I prefer Alliston's take on X-Wing. It's the A-Team in Spaaaaaaaaace..... . Seriously, I expected Wedge to pull out a huge cigar several times in Wraith Squadron......
They would've done better to leave him dead. Or, failing that, to at least suffer some consequences for his deeds. Instead it seems that all is forgiven with him.Faqa wrote:Seriously, Kyp Durron is a wanked-out piece of shit. His only useful role was being Luke's foil in the NJO.
Say what you will about Stackpole, but at least he introduced the fact that not all of the galaxy is "just fine" with Kyp Durron.