It may be hard to let go, Adama may have been bluffing, but it went like this:phongn wrote:It's not like Adama went through with it, and he was clearly bluffing anyways. There will be no "fatal accidents" - the Chief is going to let this go.
Tyrol: "Look, Captain, we are on strike until you do something about these shitty conditions, things aren't right here and we shouldn't have to live like this."
Adama: "Ah, no. You are going to go back to work or we're calling this a mutiny. Than means we are going start executing mutineers. Starting with your wife and then your deck crew."
Tyrol: "We have a kid!"
Adama: "Tough titties, call it off or Cally gets it and then the rest of your deck crew gets it."
Tyrol: "Fuck. Hey Cally, get everyone back to work."
Cally: "We won?"
Tyrol: "*lying to his wife about how Adama just totally schooled him and didn't give in to a single demand* Yeah, we won."
Cally: "Squee! I'm so proud of you!"
Tyrol: "Fuck, fuck, fuck."
Adama: "Now go have a good cry to the President. Later, I'm out."
The only reason the episode resolved somewhat peacably at all was that Roslin decided to give a shit and let them have a union. She could have easily done the same thing that Adama did. I don't think the Chief is going to forget what Adama did there though, particularly not after Baltar was fucking with his head about the Adamas and the Admiral threating to have his wife executed.