UFO: Extraterrestrials

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Post by Nephtys »

Stark wrote:Yeah well everything about Apoc sucked and they would have been better served spending time noticing how brainsuckers made the game lame and unplayable. It had interesting ideas (I liked the vehicle config) but pretty much everything about the tactical level was shit. :)
Don't forget poppers too. Them and brainsuckers... ugh. Those two are the only way any of your troops ever died. Not to enemy fire, that's for sure.

'Hey troops. Don't worry, there's just a bunch of aliens on the next room, dug in, with dimensional destruction hyper-blasters! Charge, because they can't harm us at all! HAHAHA!'


'Oh god! Run for your lives! Two poppers and one Brainsucker! Everyone crawl so the brainsuckers can't get you!! And fly so the poppers can't blow you up.. oh sh---!'
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Post by Stark »

It's sad that after a few battles had instilled in me a fear of brainsuckers, I cheated to see the whole research tree. The fact that you never get a countermeasure ensured I'd never play the game again. I mean, come on, the number-1 threat to your guys (it's not the five guys with lasers, it's the one guy shooting suckers lol) and you never invent helmets. Pffft.
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Post by Nephtys »

What's even worse is that these brainsuckers could also hijack your robot soldiers. Or leap up 10 stories to get that guy you have with the flying armor... the only countermeasure is to crawl through every mission, since they can't get crawling soldiers somehow.

Don't forget suckers can 'hatch' out of dead enemy corpses if they were carrying sucker pods on them. Even worse. I had to burn the bodies with fire every time I killed one alien. :(
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Post by Vympel »

MKSheppard wrote:
You can tell that vympel has never played the first two games; floors would magically float in midair. It was Apocalypse which added the collapsing floor.
I didn't say "X-COM: UFO Unknown, X-COM: Terror from the Deep, and X-COM: Apocalypse", I said X-COM. I'm precise in my wording like that.

And I've played all three.
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Post by Vympel »

Stark wrote:Yeah well everything about Apoc sucked and they would have been better served spending time noticing how brainsuckers made the game lame and unplayable.
Pfft, if you couldn't deal with brainsuckers it was you who sucked, not the game :)

The amount of times my dudes shot a brainsucker in mid air as it made it's jump ...

I liked Apocalypse a lot.
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Post by Stark »

Vympel wrote:Pfft, if you couldn't deal with brainsuckers it was you who sucked, not the game :)

The amount of times my dudes shot a brainsucker in mid air as it made it's jump ...

I liked Apocalypse a lot.
By 'deal with' you mean 'hope to christ your huge battery of rapidfire guns intercepts the brainsuckers midflight'. :) Oh I did that, yes indeed: but relying on the broken snap fire rules (in realtime it appeared to simply be random if anyone bothered to shoot it or not, and the moved too fast to click on) is not a way to enjoy a game. Whether or not you liked it, I'd be very surprised if you thought it'd be WORSE with LESS brainsucker lameness. :)
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Post by Tasoth »

I like Apoc, especially on Real Time mode. I'd put soldiers on cautious and crouch and just sneak through the mission. You equip them right, and anything that rears its head gets a face full of fire team death.

And the brainsuckers were nothing. It was the poppers inside places like police stations that fucking sucked.
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Post by Vympel »

Stark wrote: By 'deal with' you mean 'hope to christ your huge battery of rapidfire guns intercepts the brainsuckers midflight'. :) Oh I did that, yes indeed: but relying on the broken snap fire rules (in realtime it appeared to simply be random if anyone bothered to shoot it or not, and the moved too fast to click on) is not a way to enjoy a game. Whether or not you liked it, I'd be very surprised if you thought it'd be WORSE with LESS brainsucker lameness. :)
Yeah, without brainsuckers it would've been less frustrating, but really, the difference between brainsuckers and those floating psychic thingies in the original is largely one of degree. Damn psychics.

All in all though, I liked Apocalypse's approach globally.
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Post by GuppyShark »

Apocalypse's outdoors mode was great fun. I generally just focused on shooting down the UFOs and harassing the cultists, since the tactical game was so meh.

Not like in X-Com, which I actually played through all the way. Naming the soldiers was a bonus, we'd see who of our friends would survive the longest. :twisted:
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Post by Edi »

Apoc was my favorite after the original. I liked teh real time combat mode in that because you could pause it and give orders so that the squads acted more or less in concert. Never lost asoldier to a brainsucker, they always nailed them either in midair or shot them after they'd attached but before they managed to kill the grunt.

The losses I did get was from grenades and collapsing buildings, a few from poppers.

But a basic remake of the original X-COM with the additionof collapsing buildings would be the best.

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Post by Stark »

Vympel wrote:Yeah, without brainsuckers it would've been less frustrating, but really, the difference between brainsuckers and those floating psychic thingies in the original is largely one of degree. Damn psychics.
What about the 'I have as many time units as it takes to kill you' brain things from Terror? :)

Edi, 'never lost asoldier to a brainsucker'? Are you exaggerating? This idea simply boggles my mind.
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Post by Vympel »

Well, what I do, anyway- is load the game if I don't like the result of the tactical combat.

Me gamey bastard.
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Post by Andrew_Fireborn »

After I leaned that prone prevents them from brainwashing your soldiers, I never lost one to them. (Since they die/coma out if they fail to brainswap a soldier.)

Apoc was rediculously easy though...

UFOD/EU was the original, it's got nostalgia on it's side. I played TFTD first, so it was kinda cake to me after getting constantly trashed against the Aquatoids.

Still, if they can catpure the feeling of the original and TFTD... I'll be more than happy. The vulnerability of your troops, the darkness of the map, even at mid day... It could be beautiful.
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Post by wautd »

I liked how you could terrorise the city yourself by raiding everyone you damn well pleased, or bombing their buildings to rubble

Offcourse, having the government against you didn't make things easier, but it was nice to have the option
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Post by White Haven »

Meh. In realtime, brainsuckers were a joke. Just move a soldier who's about to get jumped on, and they miss. Or they just get one-shotted by anyone. I wonder what, if anything, they'll do differently about tanks and other armor or aerial support elements.
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Post by Netko »

Well, the gameplay video on the game's site seems promising in that regard. The tactical combat seems an eerily familiar, in fact I think the snake guys are a direct ripoff of XCOM (their death sound sure as hell is). There are a few moments in there where an unfortunately positioned enemy "tank" (unit taking up 4 tiles) wipes out the squad with bullets not penetrating its armor. Ah, good old times! ;)

Speaking of tanks, it seems you have a whole bunch of vehicles. From some sort of IFV, to walker mecha to tanks, all in different variants. Mmmm...

I think my only major disappointment will be the fictional world instead of Earth - it just takes out a lot of the atmosphere. But other then that, after seeing the gameplay video, I'm cautiously optimistic.
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Post by eyl »

is there a demo up anywhere? (or plans for one)
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Post by Edi »

Stark wrote:Edi, 'never lost asoldier to a brainsucker'? Are you exaggerating? This idea simply boggles my mind.
If I am, it's not by much. Never move the soldiers anywhere in squads smaller than four, in emergencies three an in really drastic, catastrophic "sky is falling on our heads" calamities I'd send them out in pairs. Slow and methodical does it. In real-time mode, they'd wipe the brainsuckers out too quickly for the critters to do any damage. There were a few close calls when you had a squad swarmed by five or six at a time when they managed to attach to a couple of soldiers but the remaining two fortunately took care of that quick enough and saved the day.

The only troops I lost was either getting severe direct hits from Piggy-Oink (our nickname for the larger alien beam gun) or the blue aliens and the skeletoids throwing out vortex mines and froggy grenades like candy. Or from the missile launchers. Those were brutal.

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