Just to preempt any advice on gaming on my computer instead of getting a console, my home machine is an ancient piece-of-shit P3 that I use for writing and email and a little bit of old-school gaming, and that's about it. I'm planning on switching this older machine over to Linux so I can learn that OS, but I'm not really interested in trying to get a bunch of old DOS games working in that environment. The only worthy computer I have is the high-end laptop I'll be getting from my office soon to replace my desktop workstation, but for obvious reasons I'm not going to be gaming on that machine.
All that said, I'm a very casual gamer. I have very little time for gaming, so I'm not looking to make a ridiculous investment like dropping $600 or whatever it is on one of the new consoles. So I'd like to try to get some advice from the collected experience of the board on a handful of games I might want to try out. The below includes a lot of opinion on my personal gaming experiences in the past... I'm not really interested in debating anyone on their particular definition of what a fun game is. Some general things I'm looking for / not looking for include:
- I like games where I get to blow stuff up and kill stuff, so a lot of the racing or twitch games (like Mario Brothers) are out. Same for Tetris and the like. I'm looking for something I can blow off a little steam with, not get more stressed out over.
- Generally I don't give a shit about the bazillion-pixel rendering pissing contest... if a game plays like donkey balls it doesn't matter how good it looks, I'm not interested. Fighting games where you have to mash on twenty buttons in a particular order to do your Super-Duper-Fighting-Move otherwise you just sit there like a dumb shit... suck.
- I have very mixed feelings about First-Person-Shooters. I enjoyed the old Marathon series of games, but whenever I've tried games like Halo I've found them frustratingly difficult. I recently played a game called MechAssault on a buddy's Xbox, which I understand is an older game and maybe isn't technically a FPS, but I enjoyed playing it... the pace wasn't insane, the interface was good, and the graphics and sound were pretty cool. I also played a StarWars game called Battlefront (or maybe BF2?), which I found fun but only when I played head-to-head with a friend.
- I used to play a game called Mechcommander for the PC, which I thought was a lot of fun, mostly because it had lots of blowing stuff up, with the top-down "command level" interface of an RTS that avoids the need for teenager-on-Ritalin reflexes. But it also avoided all the boring crap of building a bunch of factories to pump out more guys in time to avoid the onrushing hordes of idiots, which it seems a lot of RTS games are filled with these days.
- If I'm going to be doing a lot of building, I'd rather it be turn-based. I've played Masters of Orion 2 and found it entertaining (if a little primitive). I liked the different levels of management found in that game, where I could set half my empire to construct a list of buildings, send a fleet to dispatch an enemy scouting party and let the captains handle it themselves, and then head on over to Rigel IV and give direct turn-by-turn tactical orders to my captains in a more difficult battle. The graphics and sound on this game blew chunks, but it worked in a game-play sense.
- I don't mind CRPG's, although they tend to get really involved and take more time that I'm willing to spend. I used to play a lot of D&D and so I enjoy the genre, but games like the old PC game Pools of Radiance: Return to Myth Drannor that are just an endless stream of pointless battles are not really any fun.
- One of the things I've found makes a good game is one where I can just pick it up and play without a huge investment of time. The sort of thing where I can play an hour to unwind and decompress after a long work day or to blow off an hour on a Sunday morning while I'm waiting for the coffee to kick in. A game where I can beat it and not feel like it's just time to throw away the game is good too... that's one of the things I really liked about Mechcommander is I could play it a lot without it getting old on me.