Star Wars Galactic History AH

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Star Wars Galactic History AH

Post by Fellwinter »

Me and my friend have been playing a lot of role playing in star wars lately, this lead us to the point where we had a thousand question and no answers. Mainly because the canon doesn't explain the history in star wars to the degree which we needed. For example: 25000 year old republic, is a very old republic, especially since Palpatine in episode II, only claims it to be 1000 years old, which is a bit less then original canon.

So since there are a lot of blanks in the history we decided to create this work. Once we were done, we decided to share with the rest of the world. Voila, here it is...

Galactic History

14th Republic: Now

4th Empire: Emperor Palpatine

13th Republic: Ends in the Clone Wars

Sith Theocracy: the Great Force Wars, Battle of Russan

10th Federation: Lasted over 2000 years

12th Republic: The great trade wars, ended the Trade Federations

9th Federation: Corporative Federation, creation of Black Sun

11th Republic: Golden Age

10th Republic: Created by the Jedi

Jedi Theocracy: Jedi Council takes power from the emperors

3rd Empire: Founded by the Talbac Dynasty

8th Federation: Economic collapse overthrew the 8th Federation

9th Republic: Corporative Republic

7th Federation: Great Anti-Force Users Purges

Sith Theocracy: Silver age of the Sith

8th Republic: Destroyed by the Sith, Jedi Civil War

6th Federation: Destroyed by Mandalorian Crusades

7th Republic: The 5th federation turned into a republic through election

5th Federation: The first regime after the long anarchy

6th Republic: Destroyed by the Hutt Warlord Gnuba the Conqueror

5th Republic: Disputed to have existed, lasted for less then an year

2nd Empire: Ruled by the force user dynasty of Unim-Ty

1st Empire: Founded by the legendary Dash Sunstrider

Sith Theocracy: Time of Markos Ragnos and his nearest successors

4th Federation: Galactic split between the Federation and the Corellian Kingdom

4th Kingdom: Corellian Kingdom

4th Republic: Rise of the Corellia

3rd Federation: First supported government by the Jedi

Jedi Theocracy: The great experiment

3rd Republic: First documented Jedi-Sith War

3rd Kingdom: First galaxy wide economy

2nd Federation: First Senate meeting held on Coruscant

2nd Republic: First really big republic

1st Federation: Foundation of the Sith Order

1st Republic: Creation of "Galactic Constitution"

2nd Kingdom: Last sights of the Elder Races

1st Kingdom: Xim the Tyrant: Legendry First Galactic Ruler

Time of Chaos: Foundation of the Jedi Order

War of the Heavens: The Elder Races almost destroys the galaxy
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Post by Fellwinter »

We have also written a bit about each period to make the simpler to view. Here we have included a few historical facts, but not all. Since this history covers a very, very large period, to say the least, only very big events will actually be mentioned and naturally comments are welcome...

I'd also like to mention that I written this story together with my friend Doshniel, who might also appear as a member of this community to post a few of his works.

Pre-ancient Times

Time of Chaos, War of the Heavens and the time before
Over 10.000 years ago ancient races fought violent battles across the skies. They also misfired and destroyed a few planets while there were at it. Then came the great cataclysm and everyone went mad. During the time of madness very few sources exist. Most of them write of things that cannot be believed and others about things that cannot be understood. Most of the time this period is not talked about, except in mythological terms. Only two elder races are now remembered are the Rejadajeh and the Brontolith.
At the end of the Time of Chaos stability once again returned to parts of the galaxy. The Rejadajeh started going into their great sleep and the Brontolith started disappearing. In the emptiness left by the elder races the first kingdoms and federations are created. Among those orders crated under this time was the Jedi Order, who may or may not exist before the cataclysm.

1st and 2nd Galactic Kingdom, Order Returns
One of the many kingdoms that dotted the galaxy was the Kingdom of Zaim under the rule of the legendary king Xim the Tyrant. Xim defeated his neighboring star kingdoms and created the first galactic government, although it could be argued that Xims kingdom that was the most powerful kingdom at the time had little influence of the majority of the galaxy, even though most of it was still languishing in a most barbaric age. Many races have tried to claim Xim as one of their own, but the best historians have failed to place his origin on any race in particular. One theory that seems likely is that Xim was half duros and half some other today nonexistent race. It’s unknown how long the 1st kingdom existed but Xim and his descendants ruled for many hundreds of years to be succeeded by the even more unknown Vorn dynasty who founded the 2nd Kingdom.
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Post by Redleader34 »

The first races were probably the Rataka, which in KOTOR seemed to create the wookies, and influnce a lot of planets, just to let you know...
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

All you've done is devise a timeline (with NO DATES) and put up two paragraphs. Hopefully this isn't what you consider a "chapter."
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Post by Fellwinter »

Ancient Times

Foundation of Democracy: 1st Republic and Federation
The last King of the Vorn Dynasty Jin the Incompetent was overthrown by his nobles. None of the nobles was powerful enough to claim the kingship so they created the nobles circle, the forerunner to the senate. The Nobles created the first galaxy constitution. This senate was often claimed to inconclusive since so many were left out for different reasons, such as the great traders and cooperative owners of the galaxy. The 1st republic expanded in the galactic center but fell son to bickering and internal quarrellings. The power of the nobles circle fell and the great middle class took over and founded the first Federation.
During this time many Jedi decided to gain great strength through methods that many deemed to morally wrong and dark. The Jedi tried to make their own kind stop these experiments and stay true to their first path. The dark Jedi, tired of the many limits that held many of these powerful Jedi back, started their own orders. One among these orders were called the Sith order and would eventually become the main protagonist of the Jedi.

The speeding of Democracy: 2nd Republic and Federation
The 1st federation evolved itself into the 2nd Republic and its borders increased. The 2nd republic is in many xenomorphic eyes the very first republic since it included most other races in the galaxy. It also created freedom and the right of speech for most it’s inhabitants, except the slaves, like the beautiful twi’leks who are now mentioned for the first time. The Ithorians are said to have started the first new genesis projects to help the republic spread. The republic didn’t just spread It’s borders but most importantly it spread it’s ideas and ideals over the galaxy fighting back barbarians, such as the Mandalorians, the Hutts or the Sukeleseth and tyranny.
The second republic had no capital world, although both Duros and Muun was often used as a powerbase. During one of the many negotiations with the lesser races it was agreed use a more neutral ground for the senate, the multigalactic planet Coruscant, since it’s inhabitants and history bound together many of the races. However the 2nd republic many new member worlds were dissatisfied with the constitution and this destabilized the republic. The Sukleseth made a major invasion of what was left of the republic plunging further into chaos.
Once the Sukleseth and a few other barbarian hordes had passed through what was left of the republic, the rebuilding started. The interest for a new republic was at the time low, due to the many wars, so once again a federation was instead created.

The rise of Decadence: 3rd Kingdom and the first New Republic
The federation was weak and very few rules applied to galaxy at large. This didn’t suit the major powers of the galaxy, who by this time was connected to each other. They therefore started to make their own rules and laws. The federation was powerless to stop them and in the end it was removed to make place for a kingdom were the elite elected the king who ruled the galaxy. Great oppression was created during this time and many became slaves. The rich often remember this period as a great era. The poor often regards this era as a disaster. The only thing “good” ever to come out of the 3rd Kingdom was the destruction of the Sukleseth.
Many rebellions started during the end of the 3rd kingdom. Hole noble houses were slaughtered. The rebellions soon turned on the each other as rebels do. In the end, the warlord Daki Mirinn conquered all the other rebel factions and created the first new republic. This 3rd Republic was under its lifetime plagued by violence and unrest.
Some of the noble houses and trade federations who survived the slaughter wanted to overthrew the republic. They allied themselves with a new power in the galaxy, the first Sith Empire. The Jedi themselves first didn’t want to get involved with this new conflict inside the new republic, but after seeing the horrors of the Sith, they decided against pacifism and so the first terrible Sith-Jedi war started.
After winning the war, the Jedi decided that the galaxy needed guidance that could only be provided by the Jedi Order; therefore they created the first force theocracy.

Jedi Ascendance: Jedi Theocracy and the 3rd Federation
The Jedi Theocracy was mainly controlled by the Jedi council who at the time held much power within society at large. They tried to share this power with as many as possible within a publicly elected senate, known as the people senate. The people senate became corrupt and many of the merchants lost much of their economic power due to Jedi policies concerning wealth sharing. The great experiment is said to have mainly failed because of the economic problems it created. Although many poor people of the galaxy upheld a very good living standard during the rule of the Jedi, the welfare society weakened.
In the end the Jedi saw only one solution to the problem, giving the government back to the people and went back to isolation, after all the Jedi had no more enemies to defeat within the galaxy. The 3rd Federation was left whiteout its guides and soon fell back to internal problems leading to a strong republic that rose in its place.

The Corellian Age: 4th Republic, Kingdom and Federation
The 4th Rebublic strove to be like its great predecessor the 2nd Rebublic and closely emulated its constitution. Under a long time it felt that a second golden age was happening and most of this success can be traced to Corellia, a planet that soon became capital of the 4th republic competing with the Planets Duros, Muun and Coruscant in influence and beauty. The Rodians was now forced to submit themselves to the republic. Likewise were other barbarian races humiliated and subjected under glorious leadership of Corellia. Names such as Undian Ibeko, Kon Willko and Ymas Oleg where hounded as great chancellors over the Rebublic.
However it was the Randeso Family under the great chancellors Junina, Odem, Limal and Enom Randeso that showed such powers and greatness that when Enom Randeso asked to be chancellor permanently nobody objected. Enoms Son Odem the Younger married Pnela of the Willko house and declared himself King over the galaxy. The 4th Kingdom was born and Odem I was a great King and the people rejoiced. However bad rulers follow good and the noble’s houses of Corellia soon became corrupt. Rulers such as Junina IV, Deso II and Odem IX became so despised by the population that great uprisings took place putting the kingdom in a permanent civil war.
Under the monarch Ibil II half of the Kingdom succeeded at becoming independent and declared itself the 4th Federation. The Federation with Coruscant and Duros as leading worlds continued fighting the Corellian Kingdom for many hundred of years of bitter warfare until an upcoming Sith warlord arrived on the galactic Stage. This period of time was for many worlds the last times of peace before the great darkness that was before them.
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Post by Fellwinter »

Darth Fanboy: Actually so far, you are absolutely right. However we decided not to post everything at once, mainly because we thought that some people might not like that. We don't usually post our works on forums, although we do write quite a lot of them.

Redleader34: That's interesting and well worth mentioning I guess. I have read a lot of canon material, but I expect many of the people on this forum to have read more then me. Or rather Doshniel has read a lot of canon material, while I haven't, but I've read a lot more fanfics then him.

We have decided to include only two of the races which features a lot in our current history line, for various reasons, but it's likely that the Rataka are already accounted for in our more detailed plotline, were we included a lot more then just the two races mentioned. Actually neither the Brontolith or the Rejadajeh has much to do with the normal story of starwars. They are just some extra material, that might be fun to add, however this timeline doesn't concentrate very much on them, so there's really no reason to discuss them in detail.
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Post by Fellwinter »

Galactic Dark Ages

Markos Ragnos: the Eternal
The greatest of all the sith lords came to conquer not only all of the sith, but also the rest of the galaxy as well. The first wars were swiftly over thanks to the many good generals that obeyed Markos Ragnos as well thanks to his own strategic and tactical genius. Once most of the federation had been conquered, he was generous and offered the others a glorious but complete surrender. Markos Ragnos then started an empire together with many of the more powerful races and noble houses. However the corellian king Odem XVIII wanted his kingdom back and attacked the new government from within. Having predicted this coup the Sith quickly acted and set most of the new empire against the corellians and their allies.
A longer war ensued and during this war the corellians sought out help from the Jedi. The Jedi decided to help the corellians on condition that they would help them create a new republic. The war was hard and lasted for ten long years, but Markos Ragnos was victorious yet again. Corellia was ruthlessly plundered and the king was executed. Then Markos Ragnos turned to Jedi. The Jedi were enslaved to the very last force user.
Markos Ragnos then created a mighty hierarchy, which he proclaimed would last for an eternity. Although Markos Ragnos died of old age, being a great administrator and a great tactician, he failed in choosing a successor. Soon the sithlords started there petty quarreling again. The quarreling erupted into a great civil war, were sithlord hunted down other sithlords and warlords for the title of Markos Ragnos. None of them would achieve it.
The Jedi lead a rebellion from their slavery during these warlord wars and soon gathered their own army which they turned on their enslavers. They captured and destroyed most of Markos Ragnos old Sith and Sith once again disappeared.

The Great Dynasties, Sunstriders and Unim-Ty: 1st and 2nd Empires

After the chaos of the Sith Civil Wars the galaxy was hunted by many problems, foremost of them were the warlords. One Human Warlord of Coruscant named Dash Sunstrider started conquering the others and battle after bloody battle he built an empire, creating peace by blood and order. He had seen that under Markos Ragnos the galaxy had been peaceful and orderly and sought to emulate this. His dynasty, the Sunstriders came to dominate the galaxy under a long time killing pirates, upholding laws and smashing barbarians. At the end of his long life the childless Galactic Emperor Dash XXIV chose the Doros Ubika Unim-Ty as his successor.
Ubika I first emperor of the Unim-Ty Dynasty and the 2nd Empire continued his predecessors great work keeping the peace. The Unim-Ty dynasty where Force Users and wanted to keep other force users down. The small Jedi Order at the time where forced to swear fealty to the Empire and the Sith where mercilessly hunted down. The 2nd Empire was as great as the first but barbarians at the borders grow restless and led by the Mandalorians, the Thradoshians and the Ibikerians waited for a chance to strike. The chance came when the young Emperor Omib IV was killed by the Sith Warlord Darth Faust in a duel leaving no heirs. The barbarians attacked.

The Long Anarchy: 5th and 6th Republic
Under the guiding hand of the emperors the empire navy and army was a fearful organizations. But without them they soon fell to infighting. The Noble houses of Coruscant organized a great council and decided that it now was time for a New Republic but they only had support from less then a third of the armed forces. It was to little to late, the barbarians was already overrunning half of the former empire and after many battles the republic decided to only try to defend the territories it held. It was hopeless and after a great battle Coruscant fell to the Mandalorians and was plundered. The 5th Republic lasted less then a year and the long anarchy begun.
The 6th Republic was founded on Muun but existed in name only. The republic changed capitol planet several times and tried to maintain a small place of order of the galaxy. It was eventually destroyed by the Hutt Warlord Gnuba the conqueror. The Jedi Order hid and was forced to fight for its survival against Sith, Mandalorians and other threats like the rest of the galaxy. For the Great Mandalore Clans this was the golden age and several Mandalorian empires existed in perpetual state of war against everyone and themselves. This period existed for almost a thousand years until peace at last come to a weary galaxy. Countless archives, artifacts and great buildings was destroyed or vanished during these evil and dark times.

A Return to Civilization: 5th Federation and 7th Republic
Once the wars at last started to fade away from the galaxy, the merchants, nobles, Jedis, Ithorians and the industrialists started to rebuild the galaxy. The ruins were many this time though and despite many efforts very little were achieved during the first hundred years of rebuilding. After a while enough had been done to unite most planets and colonies under a rather disorganized galactic federation.
The barbarians and pirates weren’t defeated though and started doing countless raids through out the fragile little federation. Therefore a more organized defense was needed. During the organization of the great peacekeeping fleets a new government took form, almost of itself. Soon it became necessary to form a republic and a great election was held on Coruscant. Many pirates were taken prisoner and executed during this republic, while the mandalorians fell on each other over some religious or honorable cause.

Reign of Warlords: 6th Federation
The new republic depended heavily on it’s armed forces and heavy taxation to hold the line against galactic disorder and for a time it was successful. The heavy taxation made many distrusting towards the government and many feared that it would eventually turn into a new empire. Rather then falling back to a new empire, several influential factions such as the banking clans, the mega cooperative systems, the great union and the protectorate of the galactic arm decided to declare themselves independent, therefore creating the sixth federation. Needless to say pirates, barbarians and Mandalorians took advantage of the situation.
The Mandalorians were very successful in their new wars and soon realized that they had surpassed most races in military technology and knowledge, the time had come to conquer all races beneath their iron feats. More and more alliances were made to defeat the Mandalorians but all of them were defeated and soon the Mandalorians had the galaxy on their knees. Then the jedis decided to react against the Mandalorians. Some Jedis decided against participating in the conflict and created their own order called “The way of light”. The rest of the jedi fought hard to defeat the Mandalorians, only to become Sith on their way to victory and then turn upon their former allies.

Force Upheaval: 8th Republic
From the ashes of the 7th republic and the traitorous 6th federation did the 8th republic rise. But it was a war tired republic, even in its birth fighting Mandalorians, Sith and other Warlords. The first threat of greater magnitude was the Sith Exar Kun that temporarily united the Mandalorians under his banner and attacked Coruscant and destroyed several other worlds.
After Exar Kun the Mandalorians continued to attack and burn more worlds for the republic but was defeated by the Jedi Revan who turned to the dark side and returned as Darth Revan to attack the republic. The Jedi was under this time more and less powerless to do anything about this being in a civil war. It’s under this confusion period between the 8th Rebublic and the 7th Federation that the Sith once aging rose to ascendance.

The Sith Lords: Sith Theocracy
The sith gained in power, but not at all like when Markos Ragnos was their supreme lord. No, this time the sith wasn’t rulers or lords, they behaved more like warlords, or marauders. They destroyed more worlds then they kept and plundered instead of protected the riches of the galaxy. In a way it was more of an anarchy then a theocracy and although the new sith demanded sacrifices, tributes and worship they made little effort to turn into something that lasted more then their lifetime. Such evil sith, such as darth Nihulus, darth Anarchy, darth Reign and darth Inanis caused such devastation that it almost looked like they were trying to murder the entire galaxy and leave nothing behind.
Ancient cities were laid to ruin, country sides were left empty of all civilization, hole planets became ghost planets and the galaxy trade disappeared. No one dared to venture into space, even too visit any administrations worlds, or to exchange news with their neighbors. Entire races came close to die, or even died without anyone even trying to save them or check if at least some of them were still around.
The galaxy tried to keep the order by means of diplomacy and warfare, but any armies they built were quickly destroyed or fell into long guerilla warfare on some destroyed world and stayed there for decades. However the victories that the Sith won was made hollow by more then there appetite for destruction, soon their jealousy and strife came into play. Even feasting on the galaxy couldn’t keep the Sith from each others necks. As soon anyone of them showed weakness, the others threw him or her down and devoured her violently.
Despite all the destruction of the great destroyer Siths, this was also time, when many sith philosophers wrote down their thoughts and ideas. Sith philosophers such as darth Treya, darth Ecstasy and darth Speculum changed the way the Sith thought and lived. They also created new ways to learn about the force and understand morality and galaxy itself. Their works became important for many people interested in force philosophies, but most of them were banned by the jedi.
In the end the cruel and insane jedi Inanis who ate souls ended the Siths rule over the galaxy with one last terrible war, which almost eradicated the last parts of galactic civilization as we know it.

Force Purges: 7th Federation
The hatred against any sorts of force users whatsoever grew to heights never again seen. The public thought that anyone capable of using the force was guilty of having helped the Sith destroy almost the hole galaxy. This gave rise to the greatest force user purge of the galaxy. The 7th Federation rose to power by promising to end the “force threat”. Many innocents where killed and imprisoned under this tyrannical rule of fear and hate and both Jedi and Sith went into hiding while many smaller force traditions where totally wipeout. The flames of hate died out after a while and the federation found other things to care about. The federation lasted only for little over a hundred years too be replaced by another constitution. Most historians look back to this period in shame.
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Post by Fellwinter »

Galactic Mercantile Age

Rise of the Trade Lords: 9th Republic
The need for a stronger state created the 9th Rebublic. Already from the beginning it was the republic that controlled the might of the trade organizations in the galaxy. Creating a fleet and an army more suited to hunting pirates then fighting wars. The rich rulers of the new galaxy was the Banking Union, the Outer Trade Guild, the Finance Club and of course the Trade families. Instead of Planets it was cooperatives, banks and unions who were the holders of the Senate. This worked for a while but soon questions begun to arise such as if taxes where a good idea or where did the money of the sate go to. The greedy Merchant Lords fought in the senate but came nowhere, to keep the galaxy together the Muuns of the Banking Union suggested a lesser government and the days of the 9th republic was over. Under this time the Jedi Order reappeared from hiding.

The Great Depression: 8th Federation
The loosely held together Federation worked better for the new rulers of the galaxy then the previous government and for over 500 years it worked without major disasters, but a lot of dissent, but it held the roots to its own undoing. The weak central government couldn’t act when an economic galaxy wide depression happened and almost felled the galaxy into anarchy and chaos, destroying countless trade cooperatives, unions and families. There are many theories to why the great depression happened but many historians blame, economic overheating, Sith or Jedi terrorism, sabotage by the banking clans or simply bad luck. In any case the Galactic Federation fell and an empire rose in its place.

The Banking Emperors: 3rd Empire
The Banking Empire otherwise called the Muun Empire came to power on Muun itself. The First Emperor Jubia Talbac simply bought the galaxy by taking all the loans of the Federation into his own hands. The Talbac Family then ruled over the galaxy as if it was there own private company using the military to crush economic enemies or take resources. By giving good gifts too their allied companies, the family ruled by old fashion divide and conquer tactics. The corruption and suffering of the galaxy by the Muun Emperor drove the Jedi into action.
The jedi who normally never invoke civil unrest or disorder, now saw no other choice then to start a civil war. Only then could the Muun empire overthrown and a more caring republic once again arise to save the masses from tyranny. The civil war lasted for many decades before the last Muun emperor was overthrown.

The Ascetic Jedi Lords: Jedi Theocracy
Once the Muun surrendered there was no one to rule the galaxy. Great disputes ensued and while they lasted the jedi started to control most of the galaxy. They set themselves up as temporary lords over different sectors of the galaxy. When at last the leaders of the rebellion agreed upon a new constitution, the jedi was already ruling the galaxy. They saw the new constitution as flawed, and they saw the government as unfit for ruling. The jedi didn’t want to see a new tyrant or new corrupt federation take over the galaxy.
Instead they tried to created a universal utopia were everyone would have their needs meet as long as they weren’t to hard to meet. Indeed many poor people gained both security and hope, but the economy for the galaxy as a hole suffered badly and new companies couldn’t press the market the way they used to, or had to. This made it very difficult for new companies to establish themselves on the galactic market. This period is therefore seen as a period of technological and economic stagnation.

A Return to Democracy: 10th Republic
Soon the Jedi realized that not all could live as Jedi do and that the jedi themselves became corrupt, because the power they wielded. It was not for them to rule, they rather preferred to serve, protect and advise. They left the power to the people once more, but warned them that if they could not create a good government, the Jedi would come back and reclaim the power. The people set about to create a new republic, one that was based more on democracy and cooperation between the species, then the need for power and money.
This new creation they called the 10th republic and they tried to make it perfect. The military became a voluntary professional army, the trade was regulated by many rules of conduct. The weak was protected and the poor given aid. Also slavery became abolished on many worlds. Among the many newly liberated worlds were the twi’lek of Ryloth. The galaxy enjoyed a freedom and prosperity that they had never seen, since the ancient times.
The bureaucracy grew vast and very difficult though and soon the government who hade built so many good things for its inhabitants started getting slow and incomprehensible. Everything took to much time and nothing seemed to ever get done right. So many procedures existed simply to protect the constitution already built, that it was almost impossible to change anything.

The Golden Era: 11th Republic
To put an end to the slow tiresome bureaucracy many methods were tried, but the one that seemed to be the most successful was to rebuild many reforms from the very start and then when the time was right change all of it at once. This led to a lot of drastic changes and some people got caught in the storm that erupted from this sudden change. A lot of people lost their fortunes and had to rebuild their lives when the government changed.
The new government called itself the 11th republic and had a priority program were they changed things according to a certain priority ladder and tried to simplify things already decided by the government. Politics was open for everyone and anyone could add their part to the new republic. During this age many holohubs were created and holonet reached the galactic status it had in the later part of galactic history. Much research and discoveries were made and many important inventions came to be.
There were also very little wars, although a few galactic famines appeared and killed many people. During this age there were very little warlords or pirates of note. It was truly a golden age.

Corruption of the Senate: 9th Federation
When trade blossomed strongly and the wealthy became more and more powerful, many of the senators also became great traders. This didn’t bode well for their politics, since they started using their elected power to gain more power for themselves, rather then caring for the galaxy itself. Soon many people accused the politicians of being greedy and started making rules to stem the new corruption.
The politicians took away the rules and instead created privileges for themselves. What they didn’t expect was that the great mogul traders of the galaxy saw this as just another trophy to conquer. They bought the places in the senate and started to replace the politicians. However economic interests were in many ways worse then politic ones.
It’s during this time that the criminal empire known as the Black Sun is said to have been created. Built on the principle of criminal economic power that tries to corrupt the politicians, rather then on being corrupt politicians, the way the Hutts were, this criminal empire soon thrived in the new federation.
The trade moguls took away the 11th republic since it protected the interests of the people and not the interest of their trade. Only the wealthy could be heard within the senates walls during these times and the 9th federation soon grew to be a very corrupt and insecure government.

The Great Trade Wars: 12th Rebublic
Soon the aggressive economic pressure that the new politicians put on the republic turned into small scale wars for resources. These wars started small, but soon grew to full galactic war. It was during this time that everything really could be bought by money. Great armies of mercenaries arose and held battle on many distant worlds. Poor worlds with much resources were often the target for many of these wars, which left them burning and decaying. Much work was created for the ecological Ithorians to put right.
The Jedi could no longer watch this travesty without reacting. They decided to lead yet another rebellion against the now corrupt government. After a very long and tiresome war, the trade princes were hunted down and their empires brought down. The war shook the galaxy to its very core and even Coruscant felt the fires of the war. Once again many worlds were destroyed and ruthlessly plundered.
Once victory came, the Jedi sought to build yet another successful republic, but alas it was not to be since the economy had taken such great toll on the galaxy.
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Post by Fellwinter »

The New Age

The Longest Peace: 10th Federation

The end of the Trade Wars ended the might of the Trade Princes but at the cost of the 12th republic that heavy with monetary problems was quickly transformed to a Federation. This Federation, the tenth in order would be the longest standing government in galactic history, existing contingently in over 2000 years. The central government and senate were weak and sectors where more or less governing themselves with the state only stepping in as a neutral part in conflicts.
For most of the galaxy this period is remembered as the longest peace period in modern history with the exception of the thousand year’s peace of the 13th republic. Conflicts still happened of course, like the newer ending battle between the Jedi and the Sith, the Spice Wars of Kessel, and other low-intensive conflicts. But it was in the conflicts of the force users that would doom the Galactic Federation for good.

The Great Force Wars: Sith Theocracy
The federation was weak, it could not defend itself against strong and resourceful enemies, such as the Sith. Most had forgotten about them, but they had grown methods to conquer and take over the galaxy. They had gathered enormous forces which they used to conduct their warfare with. They had developed new weapons and new ways to fight and seemed to come out of nowhere. The weak federation had nothing to stop them with and could only watch as they were being mercilessly conquered.
The evil sith laughed as they tore the galaxy to pieces between them. However the jedi resisted and created their own army to fight the Sith. Both the Sith and the Jedi assumed great titles and ranks within the galaxy, but at the end the Sith was temporarily victorious under the great dark lord Dominus. His rule didn’t last though, soon a civil war broke out among the Sith who all wanted to rule and none wanted to give in to the other.
Then darth Kain appeared preaching his philosophy about his dark brotherhood, were all Sithlords were equal, but it was too late for the Sith. A great leader had arisen among the Jedi who held supreme genius of both strategy and tactics, lord Hoth. This magnificent warrior soon destroyed Siths army and started to reclaim the galaxy, to create yet another republic. The Sith tried every possible way to destroy the jedi and in the end they were forced to either win or be vanquished. The last battles stood on the world of Ruusan were thousands of Jedi and Sith battled alongside their armies, completely destroying the planet. Yet even when most of Ruusan had already turned to ashes and most of the armies had been killed off, the battle between Sith and Jedi continued.
The Sith were losing despite their great numbers and experience. They knew the end was coming and wasn’t looking forward towards being imprisoned the rest of their lives on some fringe Ice world, they decided that they would rather die then do this. So they made a thought bomb with the force and killed all living beings on Ruusan. Ruusan itself became invisible to the force after the battle and the site for this battle was forgotten, since no records of it survived.

The Old Rebublic: 13th Rebublic
After the horrid battles of the Great Force Wars did the main political fractions of galaxy one again found themselves on Coruscant debating an new government. The chose fell on an republic where the Jedi submitted themselves whole too this new government. This was to display the Republic's peaceful ideals, as the Republic used Jedi Knights as "keepers of the peace."
For most of its history since the Battle of Ruusan, the Republic did not maintain an army except as a token force for military parades and showing the flag. Several trade organizations, such as the Trade Federation and Commerce Guild, kept armies of droids in order to protect their profits, but benefited from this, such as when the Trade Federation invaded and occupied Naboo, resulting in the Battle of Naboo. Individual sectors also maintained their own security forces, such as Naboo Security Force or the CorSec from Corellia, and these were sometimes used to combat small threats. However there was no centralized command and the members of the Republic were loath to change this. Since most of the military power within the Republic's territory was not actually controlled by the Republic, but by member planets such as Naboo or organizations such as the Techno Union and the Intergalactic Banking Clan, the ability of the Senate to enforce its decrees was severely limited, and it was forced to rely on the Jedi. Conversely, however, the Trade Federation and other cartels within the Republic, some of which were represented in the Senate, held that a Republic government which lacked significant military power was just what they wanted, since it couldn't control them.

The Clone Wars changed all this. The Republic initially had no standing military to the Confederacy of Independent Systems and a Military Creation Act was proposed, which was strongly opposed by many of the Republic's pacifist leaders.

The Republic had grown unbearably corrupt. Palpatine of Naboo became the Chancellor after his predecessor, Finis Valorum, who was voted out in a no confidence vote in a wave of protest against his handling of the conflict with the Trade Federation. Traditionally, the Chancellor could only serve two four-year terms, but Palpatine stayed in office much longer, due to the prolonged Separatist Crisis as well as the threat posed by the "Jedi Rebellion."

The crisis occurred when several of the Republic's member Star Systems and organizations united in order to separate from the Republic. This unified organization became known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Tensions between the Republic and the Separatists eventually escalated into all-out war, and the conflicts that would later be known as the "Clone Wars" began (chronicled in Attack of the Clones).

The Senate granted Palpatine emergency powers to deal with the Separatist Confederacy in a motion introduced by Representative Jar Jar Binks. Palpatine's first move, widely supported at the time, was to create a vast army of clone warriors to serve as the Republic's fighting force against the Confederacy. The Republic had not previously needed an army, since until then any small conflicts with in the Republic could be solved with the "peacekeeping" Jedi. However, the fact that the Confederacy had access to an enormous army of droid soldiers required the Republic to construct a more formal military to effectively fight.

In the ensuing years, the Senate increasingly granted enormous amounts of power to Palpatine, who became the war's political Commander-in-Chief. Such actions were justified in the name of security, and were considered a perfectly reasonable way to increase the wartime government's efficiency. Eventually, Palpatine gained enough power that he effectively did not need the approval of the Senate. In effect, he was now a dictator (though he commanded an overwhelming majority in the Senate in any case).

At the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Palpatine addressed the Senate. First he related the story of the unsuccessful assassination attempt by the Jedi. Claiming that it was a "rebellion" against the Republic, he declared the Order to be enemies of the Republic. Then he announced that the Galactic Republic would become a Galactic Empire so strong as to never be threatened by outside forces again.

Palpatines Empire: 4th Empire

The New Republic: 14th Empire

This overview doesn't serve a number of different purposes, for a lot of different reasons. For example it doesn't really tell when different books, or comics has there time period outlined. Neither does it really have any dates, after all most of star wars history is based loosely upon either a great part of the EU, or words from the movies, such as Obi-Wans comment about there being a thousand generations, more or less 25 000 years with jedihistory.
He also seemed to indicate that this history was peaceful and good and before the empire, for most 25000 years. For many reasons this buggs me and Doshniel. History is a complex matter and is very hard to imagine a galaxy built out of 25 000 years of mostly peace.

There's even more to this then simply the 25000 years, there's also reference to the age of the republic. Which interpret to be just as long. This is probably fine with some people, but it's an almost infinite time frame with mostly unwritten history. One way to interpret this is to say that nothing happened and then Star Wars. This is probably fine, if you aren't interested in getting some order in star wars history. If nothing ever happened, then you get to say nothing about it, which kinda makes a history about nothing.
In a way that's not history, it's just a number. The advantage is that anyone can fill in the blanks, not just the author of the work, in this case George Lukas. However there are many ways to fill these blanks out and some of them aren't very good. As I'm sure many of Eu:s readers have noticed by now. And if there's something in this time frame that is wrong, an empire or maybe a federation, there's no need to worry, you only need 3 million clone troopers to remove it anyway...
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Post by LadyTevar »

Perhaps this should be moved to "Pure StarWars" where it can be better appreciated and judged?
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Fellwinter wrote:Darth Fanboy: Actually so far, you are absolutely right. However we decided not to post everything at once, mainly because we thought that some people might not like that. We don't usually post our works on forums, although we do write quite a lot of them.
It's an explanation at least. But there are plenty of other writers who start fanfics consisting of one or two paragraphs, call it a chapter, and sit back thinking they'll get accolades and praise. You needed to start with a little more, though I do appreciate not posting everything you've done all at once.

There's nothing here really hooking me though, a lot of it is just a retelling of stuff that I already know has happened (same with anyone who has watched the movies).
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
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Post by Doshniel »

"It's an explanation at least. But there are plenty of other writers who start fanfics consisting of one or two paragraphs, call it a chapter, and sit back thinking they'll get accolades and praise. You needed to start with a little more, though I do appreciate not posting everything you've done all at once.

There's nothing here really hooking me though, a lot of it is just a retelling of stuff that I already know has happened (same with anyone who has watched the movies)."

I didn't know there were a lot of people doing that...
Well, never the less, this wasn't anything more then just a timeline. I guess we should have posted it in Pure star wars, rather then here, but it has a few other uses as well. I'm thinking about writing a very, very long fanfic based on this timeline. However since it's still in the works and so far I've mostly just talked about it, don't expect any time soon.

I do however have a combat manual that I'm going to post here. It's a lot more like fanfiction, although it doesn't really have a story and is mostly about space combat. Hmm, maybe I should post a bit of my fanfic first, then post material like this...

Ohh, never mind.
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Post by Doshniel »

I suppose ladyTevar might have a point there...
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Post by Doshniel »

Last but not least, it strikes me that a lot of words are actually missing in the text, which kinda makes some of it hard to read. Although just how many they are and why, I don't know. We are probably going to consider to post a revised version, well at least on the ones with a lot of obvious spelling mistakes.
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

There was only one mistake that really struck me, and that was repeated use of the word "Rebublic".
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
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Yes, maybe it was used a bit too many times.
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Doshniel wrote:Yes, maybe it was used a bit too many times.
It's not that it was used too many times, it's spelled wrong.
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)

"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
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Post by Doshniel »

Yes and on numerous occasions as well...

I wonder why the spelling program didn't spot it. As I am wondering why I didn't myself see it. Thanks for putting that to my attention. This error is made worse because the bad spelling is consistent on parts of the work...

I didn't notice it, when you wrote it either, thats also funny. Wonderful, just wonderful.
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