Sadly, Eastern European games and game-breaking bugs seem pretty common. Guild 2 anyone? Hell, basically any game released by JoWood anyone?

Moderator: Thanas
Sounds sweet.My god the AI in this game is fucking awesome. The military just assaulted the town I was in and was systematically clearing it out until the stalkers rallied and pushed them back. I had assumed that the all of the military grunts were dead (As the NPC's had pretty much resumed what they were doing after they had executed any wounded military grunts that had gotten left behind. Though in retrospect the guards were going nuts, checking the entire area bit by bit.) when all of a sudden the guy I was walking past took a bullet to the head and died. It turned out that the military stalkers fell back, left a rear-guard to cover their retreat while they found places to snipe at the town from. Needless to say I was impressed. The military also won because they managed to put down most of the more heavily armed guards before the NPC's in the town could figure out what the hell was going on.
The core developers are all from STALKER, the universe is one of my favourite post-apocalypse settings, the book author is closely involved... what can go wrong?From what I gather, it won't be that good.
Most of the time I get ammo from the weapon when I kill them, but sometimes the ammo magicly teleports to the body. It appears inconsistant on when it occurs.Stark wrote:It's really starting to bother me that communication is so limited. The loners love me, but I can't organise or command them in any way. Not even 'holy shit there's like a dozen bandits coming clear out guys'. Or 'meet up with my other homies here so we can wtfpwnzor the guys over there'. And the huge spawning armies of bandits is fucking LAME. In my first trip to the Garbage I killed upwards of 40 bandits... and there are maybe half a dozen loners on the map. Also, picking up guns always resulting in a non-automounted, empty gun (apparently on death bullets teleport into the pockets of the victim) is sad. I want Hitman style rolling gunbattles with constant scooping of new guns, not having to stand like an idiot looking at a corpse diddling around getting ammo.
Amen. It makes me cry inside when I kill someone and pick up ~16 AK arounds, and then kill someone else and get 16 shotgun slugs. There is no concept of how much better some ammo types are, or how much of the stuff you will use.Also, 'the NPCs never run out of bullets but always drop maybe 12' is deeply lame.
The kicker is; soliders & bandits will work together and do so rather well for AI, so it isnt like it is imposible with the AI they do have.With some kind of tactical system, the game would be awesome - but as it is, you can't even work with allies who are fighting: they just fight alone and ignore you. I'm not talking SWAT-level interaction, just the ability to spontaneously form battles like the first mission. 'Attack here now' or 'take cover here now' would pretty much cover it.
Yeah I've noticed this now - it seems I simply never got 'loaded' guns for the first few hours of the game. Still, they're loaded with perhaps 8 or 9 bullets, not really what I'm looking for 'track ammo usage'-wise.Xon wrote:Most of the time I get ammo from the weapon when I kill them, but sometimes the ammo magicly teleports to the body. It appears inconsistant on when it occurs.
Many bandits don't have a PMM but still have more than two dozen 9x18 rounds... and SEVEN bullets for the AK74 they were hosing you with. Of course it's 'loot tables', as the 'harder' guys seem to consistently drop better shit (on my first trip below the agroprom all the guys were dropping 20-30 rounds, so I've got HUNDREDS now.Amen. It makes me cry inside when I kill someone and pick up ~16 AK arounds, and then kill someone else and get 16 shotgun slugs. There is no concept of how much better some ammo types are, or how much of the stuff you will use.
Sadly, the weapon spread and auto seem to be totally broken. With an AK74, even single shots are pretty damn inaccurate. I've luckily killed someone at 20+ meters with the sawnoff, but can't do the same with an AK74. Bullets seem to go 'high' very, very often, and for someone who uses irons as much as me that's irritating.Fire hosing with a shotgun is simply imposible and stuff simply dies in 2 hits as long as it is pointed at them in under 15 metres. But with anything with an automatic setting, unless you score a lucky headshot (hard at range) you sure as hell are going to use more than 2 rounds to kill something.
Yeah - like in the Garbage, you save that Bes guy and his mates (letting Bes die to steal his silenced AK74 of course). Then you walk off for a bit - and come back 5 minutes later. They're all dead, there's like a dozen bandits in there and it's a fight for your life. I haven't done much 'backtracking' yet, but it looks like the whole game is going to be bandit-filled in no time.The kicker is; soliders & bandits will work together and do so rather well for AI, so it isnt like it is imposible with the AI they do have.
But the suicidal gimps you get saddled with for a very large chunk of the starting game sure as hell cant.
4 = use grenadeDPDarkPrimus wrote:I can't even equip my grenade.
WTF? It runs bloody perfectly, it's just these crashes are annoying.[error][ 1455] : The paging file is too small for this operation to complete.
I've got 2gig RAM as well- how do I determine my page file size?Stark wrote:I haven't had a crash yet, in half a dozen hours of straight play. I've got 2gb and a 1gb page file. Sometimes it pauses, and sometimes I've thought I've crashed, but it catches up with itself after 3-4 seconds and it's fine.
What difficulty level are you playing at, btw? I ask because when I checked options it was set to "Master" by default.Also, from my experiences elsewhere some zones are worse than others spawnwise. Garbage is *disgusting*, with five minutes away being long enough for a dozen bandits to have retaken the hanger or junkyard (oh yeah, killing a dozen MP5-armed guys with a pistol and a sawnoff was fun) but the later levels aren't nearly as bad. Agroprom was pretty bad - the army tend to spawn near the eastern entrance - but not as bad.
I'd really like to see some logic behind the spawns. I'm fine if the soldiers chopper in, or the bandits come from offmap where they have a base or something - but army guys spawning near a gate to a level with NO FUCKING ARMY GUYS is just stupid. The 'bandit base' near the Garbage entrance to Agroprom is a campfire and four guys - but this is a massive spawnpoint with dozens of guys generated per hour. What's past the gate? Not a fucking bandit to be seen, but heaps of army guys. Where's the internal logic?
My page file is 2046MB.Stark wrote:Rightclick 'My Computer', advanced, performance.
That was anoying, but I was kinda of expecting something like that.Resinence wrote:So, how many people here jumped when they heard the scream in the sewers and then the thing started fucking with you're head and camera?