The Hutt Gambit, one finds the following passage:
It was only too obvious that he'd [Han Solo] thought the worst -- that she [Bria Tharen] was [Moff Sarn] Shild's concubine. Sobs shook her. That was what he was supposed to think, after all. THat was what Sarn Shild wanted everyone to think.
In truth, the Moff's sexual preferences did not run to human females.
This could be an implication of homosexuality, or it could be merely indicative of xenophilia (the latter being documented in the case of Grand Admiral Miltin Takel). In
Rebel Dawn Lando Calrissian adds that "from what I've heard about that guy, he did indeed have some very odd... tastes... in partners." The matter is sufficiently vague to be interpreted in a number of ways.
Rebel Dawn, Jabba the Hutt mentions missing Han Solo during his absence, and the elder Jiliac the Hutt comments:
"Jabba, you are talking about a human. And a human male at that. Have your tastes changed? I thought you had a penchant for those tiresome scantily clad dancers you fancy. It is hard for me to picture Solo in a dancing costume, cavorting with that great hairy brute of a Wookiee before your throne."
Of course, the fact that Hutts are hermaphroditic xenomorphs who are male and female in turn makes the nature of this potential liaison questionable (in any case, Jiliac's question turned out to be based on a misinterpretation; Jabba missed Solo solely for the fact that he was a profitable operator, not based on any particular fondness for the man himself).
The clearest implication of homosexuality is in
Planet of Twilight, in which Corporal Daala describes Moff Getelles, Governor of Antemeridian Sector, as a "boot-kissing, talentless, jumped-up catamite" and a "quibbling, incompetent, boot-licking, corset-laced little sand maggot." The description as "corset-laced" actually agrees somewhat with the Princess Leia's separate and independent recollection of him as having been noted for "hail-fellow-well-met fairness." Daala's particular phrasing ("corset-laced") is actually suggestive of transvestitism, and may be intended as a crude insinuation of homosexuality on Getelles's part, which is no doubt very strongly colored by Daala's jealousy and hatred for her former classmate (she also called him "incompetent," despite the fact that he actually graduated from the Academy and received a commission -- both of which she conspicuously failed to do). The Princess Leia's more dispassionate description does not suggest transvestitism or homosexuality so much as it implies that Getelles was characterized by a certain effeminacy, or perhaps by dandified courtly manners.
On the other hand, the term "catamite" is unambiguously homosexual. Taken in context with the rest of Daala's logorrhea, it may simply be that she was casting about for abusive words for a former classmate whose success rather pointedly contrasted with the dismal failures of her own career (such as it was). In any event, regardless of whether he actually is homosexual or not, Getelles remains the only character to have been explicitly called such (albeit in the midst of a torrent of vituperation).