Humans, I give...because they have done some rather fucked up things.Broomstick wrote:Oh, yeah, because the Humans either enslaving or systematically trying to genocide the entire Orc race is OK.
Which was the sole deed of one gnome because he was jealous and insane. Not to mention he had ties with the Dark Iron Dwarves. Hardly a good representation of the gnomesAnd we'll just give the Gnomes a pass on that radioactive/toxic wasteland that used to be their city.
Once again the work of a single, albeit high ranked Night Elf. Just instead of linked with a deeply corrupt organization, just a fuckwit with loads of power. Many Night Elves have expressed they wouldn't mind if Staghelm took a short walk off of a very large cliff.And the Night Elves trying to raise up another World Tree without proper deity authorization with the attendant problems of arrogance and corruption.
Honestly if we're doing those points I could say both the Tauren and Draenei are evil bastards because of Archimonde and Grimtotem.
Archimonde for being one of the main architects of the Burning Legion.
Grimtotem for the pursant creation of the Forsaken's second plague.
Every faction has it's major assholes....just the Humans and Orcs have the most...mostly because of the focus of who the games have centered around.
Actually after playing as much as I have...literally the worst is the Forsaken. They have little to any redeemable value, and are pursant of a goal to obliterate everyone but themselves.The point isn't that one side or the other is committing this evil act or that - it would be more accurate to say everyone has dirty hands and has done wrong at some point. Which is a darn sight closer to reality than MOST us-vs-them fantasy conflicts.
Like I said - there's an argument to be made for the Dranei and Tauren joining up, as they are possibly the least guilty groups, and letting the others go to hell
The Humans are like the Orcs a mix. A great deal of evil and good have come from both, and it is explicitly shown in who the Lich King is.
The Blood Elves are crack whores, who found their next fix...and only some have come to realize the real price.
The Trolls were the worst until smacked down, and then so far down the racial totem pole that if the Orcs didn't save them, the Murlocs would've destroyed them.
The Dwarves owe a very large debt to the humans almost as a mirror to the Trolls, because the Orcs and former kinsmen tried to obliterate them.
The Tauren and the Draenei are the most peaceful, but have their equal share of high level people with some truly monsterous plans.
The Night Elves, got woken up, shaken up and disturbed because of former arrogance and the Orc/Human wars. Literally they live peacefully with the hamburger boys and waited until the return of the Burning Legion.
The Gnomes are pretty much innocent of anything because they allied with the Dwarves and were drawn into said wars because of such. They like the Taurens help the humans because they were saved by them.
The splitting of teams also runs into the problem of literally adding that much for the sake of lore would then drown what do they offer besides skin color differences. 99% of WoW play it to go "I wanna be a(insert race) (insert class).". Yeah, there are people who have studied the lore, but really Blizz has shown they don't give a fuck about Lore(one only has to look at the insanity of squeezing in the Blood Knights and how many fudgings of former lore to go "Ummm...yeah.").I think it would be funny as hell if Blizzard did a major realignment of forces, rearranging which race teams with which. Smash guilds all to hell, force people to think differently --- but the folks locked into one mind set would bitch. >sigh<
Other possibilities include a different troll tribe uniting with the Alliance - the Forest Trolls as a possibility. Not that they like Humans or anyone else, but they're being crushed between the BE's and the Forsaken. Then they'll have to add something to the Horde. Pity we couldn't get a three-way conflict going - maybe Dranei, Tauren, and Forest Troll against an Alliance of Humans, NE's, Dwarves, Gnomes and a Horde of Orcs, Darkspear Trolls, Forsaken, and BE's. Hmm.... we'd need another arce for the Dranei-Tauren, FT's....
Anyhow, I've got Horde on one server and Alliance characters on the other. They're all interesting, I have a blast, and I keep it a game.