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Post by LadyTevar »

Sorry.. I thought it was Canon that the Emperor'd been alive that long.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Thanks for the comments guys. I'll look into those corrections as well Feil, thank you.

I've lately been slogging through seasons 3 and 4 over the past few days, and while that has since completely confused my thoughts on SG-1 and the SGC (exacerbated by watching many episodes out of order... aieee), it has given me a few ideas I plan to use somewhere down the line.
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Post by Xon »

Teleros wrote:
Shroom Man 777 wrote:You can't help but wonder what the hell SGC's gonna do with a bunch of 40k nuts.
Indeed - not to mention poor SG1 in the 40K universe. "Why don't we talk to the orks"... eep.
This does not mean 40k-verse shares the same timeline as SG-1's timeline. The Stargate has connected radically different timelines together before. SG-Atlantis has the SGC having the required tech to punch holes to other universes at will.
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Post by Teleros »

Tch, stop spoiling my fun :P . You're right of course, I just tend to assume the "original" universe in these things though, at least until we know more.

Anyway Gaius, looking forwards to the next chapter :) .
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Post by LadyTevar »

I'd actually find it funny if the Emperor was an Ancient who'd been hiding all this time. :lol:
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Post by darthbob88 »

The group's spokesman straightened visibly and responded a second later, sounding a little confused. "SG... 1?"
Would it be a bad thing that the theme music to Stargate was running through my head as I was reading this?
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Wooo, quite awhile since I updated this. Apologies for the long hiatus. A combination of other projects consuming my time and a rabid binge of seasons 3-7 of SG-1 completely muddled my sense of continuity in regards to this crossover fic. I think I've finally cleared my brain up enough to entrench myself back in late season 2, and I've finished the other half of the current chapter accordingly.

Now, I'm a huge stickler for continuity nuances and trivia, but I may occasionally slip up with the later seasons addling my mind, so if anyone spots a continuity error or something SGC/SG-1 shouldn't know yet, please please please nail me for it so I can re-write the offending portion ASAP.

darthbob88 wrote:
The group's spokesman straightened visibly and responded a second later, sounding a little confused. "SG... 1?"
Would it be a bad thing that the theme music to Stargate was running through my head as I was reading this?
I'll take that as a good sign, since the structure is intended to resemble an actual televised episode. I tend to visualize the scenes of my story in terms of cinematography -- how they would be shot, the dialog, the actors, and so on -- and then translate that into text, so I'm glad it seems to be coming through in the writing.



"Colonel, I think we should at least try talking to them first!"

Doctor Jackson, as usual, was the voice of peace and understanding in the group. As the team's expert on culture and language, he often ended up as the de facto diplomat. The team was making their way closer to the archaeological dig site, making use of what little cover was available to conceal their approach, though their stealthy maneuver was hampered somewhat by Jackson's hushed insistence that peaceful contact be attempted.

"Think of what they can provide! They obviously have weapons. They could make invaluable allies against the Goa'uld!" Daniel was getting a little desperate, and appealed to the military pragmatism of the older man. To the archaeologist's relief it seemed to be working, since O'Neill called a halt and turned to face him.

"I'm just a little concerned right now that they might decide to use those weapons on us. They don't look very friendly." The colonel replied in strained, equally hushed tones, not wishing to alert the mysterious soldiers to their presence.

"So, what, you're just going to go in, guns blazing, against a group of humans we know nothing about?"

O'Neill frowned. For a scientist, the man did have a point. "All right. Fine." He turned to the other two team members taking up the rear. "Carter, Teal'c. Cover us. If we don't make it back, fall back and attempt to make contact with Earth ASAP and let Hammond know what's going on."

Carter frowned inwardly but gave her commander a curt nod. "Yes sir." The Jaffa merely inclined his head, and then the two took up positions behind the hill, MP5 and staff weapon at the ready.

"All right, let's see what they have to say." O'Neill and Jackson set out over the ridge, striding toward the dig site in plain view, weapons stowed non-threateningly. It wasn't long before a pair of troopers noticed them, alerting their comrades with shouts and military gestures. The colonel frowned as the rest of the rust-colored soldiers took up firing positions, training their rifles on the two approaching stargate personnel. A voice rang out, calling for the pair to identify themselves.

"Colonel Jack O'Neill, United States Air Force!" By now the two had come as close as they dared to the armed squad, hands raised slightly to display their peaceful intentions. O'Neill looked over the array of weapons pointed at them dubiously, pointedly settling his gaze on the commander now striding forward to meet them. Almost as an afterthought, he added casually, "We... come in peace."

The commander of the military squad, a thickset man who looked to be in his late twenties, drew himself up to his full, albeit decidedly diminutive, height and addressed O'Neill. "Guard, huh? Well then Colonel, perhaps you can tell me what happened here. And what you are doing here." Scowling, the young commander adjusted his rust-red collar as he spoke, where it had become ruffled in his encounter with the dark figure from earlier.

O'Neill glanced over toward the two shredded corpses, taking his typically tactless approach to diplomacy. "If you mean those two guys, they were like that when we found 'em."

Jackson was quick to interject. "What the Colonel means to say is that we've just recently arrived, and we were hoping you might know. You see, we're peaceful explorers from a planet called -"

The commander cut Dr. Jackson off with an angry grunt. "Recently arrived? From where? There hasn't been a freighter here in weeks."

"Well we came through the -" Once more Daniel was cut off, this time by O'Neill.

"We crashed. Real doozy of a landing. We're good now though." The archaeologist threw an incredulous look at Jack and the commander narrowed his eyes, not looking entirely convinced. Squaring his shoulders, the stocky man gestured for his troops to close in.

"Come with me."
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Post by fusion »

Hey I see the Star Gate character shields are starting to kick in. :D
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Post by Coalition »

Very nice story so far. Should be an interesting debriefing for the SG-40k team that popped through.
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Post by Spearfish »

This is pretty damn good. I'm impressed - it's not that easy to cross 40K with anything without pushing the boundaries of plausibility, but you seem to be succeeding.

Just an idle thought, though: is there anything in the gate room that could concieveably be a major threat to the Astartes, should he get violent? I can only remember seeing tripod MGs, which wouldn't penetrate.
(I mean, I'm not saying he would, but it would depend on what chapter he is originally from before being seconded to Deathwatch - a Black Templar might react badly to the idea that the Emperor doesn't really exist yet).
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Post by Lord Revan »

Well considering he had (apparently) no problems with the team using the Stargate, he can't be from one of more radical chapter (like the Black Templars). If he was from the one of better informed chapter (Blood Ravens, Grey Knights,...etc) he might even have no problems with the emperor yet existing (or at least not public yet) and considering that a Space Marine would likely kill everyone in SGC before stopped (ending any decent story there).
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Post by Elheru Aran »

Spearfish wrote: Just an idle thought, though: is there anything in the gate room that could concieveably be a major threat to the Astartes, should he get violent? I can only remember seeing tripod MGs, which wouldn't penetrate.
The tripod-mounted MG's are .50 calibre IIRC, so they'd put a dent in his armour but would effectively be nigh useless to stop him, yes. Pretty much no modern weapons smaller than artillery or a grenade launcher could really hurt an Astartes in power armour, certainly nothing much man-portable.
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Post by LadyTevar »

There are the two missile racks in the ceiling ;)

Or getting him to stand in front of the 'flushie'
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Post by Keevan_Colton »

LadyTevar wrote:There are the two missile racks in the ceiling ;)

Or getting him to stand in front of the 'flushie'
I dont think they've been installed yet... :D
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