willburns84 wrote:The rather, ummm, passionate, exchanges in the 12 Billion $$$ to Israel thread
http://bbs.stardestroyer.net/viewtopic.php?t=9652 brought up the issue of how Israel combats terrorism and how it fights, or reacts, rather to homicide bombers from the Gaza strip and West Bank. The exchanges were spirited and made me wonder about how a "western democracy" - I use the term in quotations to amuse some and annoy others - should combat terrorism - particularly terrorism that is aimed squarely at the murder of innocents.
Let's look at Timothy McVeigh's case. They investigated, tracked him down, arrested him, and executed him. They did not harm his family in any way, or his friends, even though some of them were undoubtedly cognizant of his intentions.
I specifically mentioned "murder of innocents" because the common reaction to the death of law enforcement or military personnel is: "Well, these people knew the risks when they put on the uniform." Somehow implying that their lives have less value than someone who is not uniform.
It is not that their lives have less value; they have deliberately chosen to risk them. They think that whatever they are risking them for is worth it. A noncombatant has not made this choice, and has the right NOT TO HAVE THE CHOICE MADE FOR HIM/HER.
1) Internal threat. Group or groups of people with similar political beliefs are dedicated to the overthrow of the government - through any means necessary... Some factions of the group engage in non-violence, political activism, legal harrassment... Others are more violent - advocating and carrying out murder and other violent crimes to achieve their goals... These groups do not have the support of the populace as a whole, indeed have relatively little support from the "mainstream population."
This has already happened, so there is no need to speculate on how it would be handled.
2) Internal threat, modified. As number #1 save say 20% of the population have no problem with any of what the terrorists are doing and in fact support them - "They killed the governor? I never liked him anyway..."
This has also happened (see Waco). Again, there is no need to speculate on what would happen since we can simply observe from precedent. They could have simply used rockets and bombs to annihilate the whole compound, Israeli-style, but they didn't. They tried to go in while causing as few casualties as possible; I saw it live on TV, with the rammer poking a hole in the wall, the troops moving in, and the flames starting from the opposite end of the compound. They tried their best. If they were the IDF and the Branch Davidians Arab, they would have flattened the whole building with heavy weapons, no questions asked. And Shep would be cheering them on.
3) External threat. Small groups of people, clandestinely supported by both foreign governments and private individuals from aboard (money - safe havens - training etc), engage in acts of terrorism against a Western country. How is the Western country to proceed?
Those are called acts of war. They should proceed by declaring war on the sponsoring states and taking appropriate action. However, this is not what they do; they never declare war on anybody. Instead, they try to hit specific targets here or there in retaliation.
4) External threat - modified. A country, say non-nuclear third-world nation has dedicated itself to destroying your country through clandestine and terrorist means. And the vast majority of its population, say 80%, is supportive of this and moreover *hates* your country - if invaded directly, these people would suicide themselves in trying to kill your invading troops.
If they've declared war on you, declare war on them. I don't see the problem.
5) External threat. Occupation. Your nation (for better or for worse) has invaded the terrorist sponsoring state in example number 4 in order to stop the attacks upon your country and topple the existing terrorist-sponsoring state...
You have to find and arrest the terrorists, and either build up the state into a viable colony or erect a puppet government to do it for you. It is your property now, and you must treat it accordingly. The treatment of terrorists should be the same as it was in scenarios #1 and #2.