Latest creationist moron [April 12, 2007]

SLAM: debunk creationism, pseudoscience, and superstitions. Discuss logic and morality.

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Post by Teleros »

Oxygen has many of the same properties of God, you cant smell it, touch it, taste it or hear it, but does that mean it is not there? Of course it is there.
Yes, because we can conduct experiments to prove its existence. You can't do that for God.
one is how plants and animals change to fit a situation or circumstance
Which is evolution. Not macro- or micro-, just plain old evolution.
one is how a rock evolves into a rose.
That's called magic :P .
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Post by General Zod »

The Computer Wizard wrote:
Oxygen has many of the same properties of God, you cant smell it, touch it, taste it or hear it, but does that mean it is not there? Of course it is there.
Remove the oxygen from a room and you will die of suffocation. The same cannot be said for God.
The only way that you can know that there is no God is to know everything about everything, which would *make* you omnipotent, and if you know everything, then that would make you God.
Typical creationist nonsense. It's up to you to prove that your magic sky pixie exists. Not up to me to disprove him. Unless you'd care to disprove the existence of my invisible purple unicorn and the flying spaghetti monster that says your God is false and a bedwetter.

Macro Evolution
Micro Evolution
Look these terms up in your dictionary, one is how plants and animals change to fit a situation or circumstance, and one is how a rock evolves into a rose.
I suggest going back to biology 101.
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Post by Gil Hamilton »

Surlethe wrote:Speaking of substitution "the universe" for "God", all of the formal logic proofs of "God", like, say, Godel's ontological argument, rely on defining God so loosely that even if you accept their premises you'll only end up proving the necessary existence of the universe or the consistency of logic.
I think the problem is they want their cake and eat it too. On one hand they want to logically prove the existence of God and then turn around and say that God isn't bound by logic. Somehow, they miss the contradiction in that.
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Post by CaptHawkeye »

Oxygen has many of the same properties of God, you cant smell it, touch it, taste it or hear it, but does that mean it is not there? Of course it is there.
What the hell do you think your lungs are running off of right now. Magic?
The only way that you can know that there is no God is to know everything about everything, which would *make* you omnipotent, and if you know everything, then that would make you God.
Absense of evidence is evidence of absense. Wrap your head around that one, if you can.

Lianardo Da'Vinci once was quoted as saying, "In the absense of evidence of any other sort [the Bible and general nature] my thumb alone would convince me of a creator.
Right, now would like to show us this evidence for his existence? But, oh noes, you don't need it right? But you do? But you don't? Hmm?
Macro Evolution
Micro Evolution
Look these terms up in your dictionary, one is how plants and animals change to fit a situation or circumstance, and one is how a rock evolves into a rose.
I take it you haven't been to school in your entire life.
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Post by Ted C »

The Computer Wizard wrote: Oxygen has many of the same properties of God, you cant smell it, touch it, taste it or hear it, but does that mean it is not there? Of course it is there.
You can demonstrate the existence of Oxygen by chemical reactions. You can even measure the mass of an Oxygen atom and predict how it will interact with other atoms.

Can you verifiably and repeatable demonstrate God's existence, quantify God, or accurately predict God's behavior?
The Computer Wizard wrote:The only way that you can know that there is no God is to know everything about everything, which would *make* you omnipotent, and if you know everything, then that would make you God.
The same could be said of Vishnu. Do you believe in Vishnu? If not, why not?
The Computer Wizard wrote:Lianardo Da'Vinci once was quoted as saying, "In the absense of evidence of any other sort [the Bible and general nature] my thumb alone would convince me of a creator.
Even if Leonardo made such a statement (and I notice you don't identify the source), it wouldn't prove a thing. Anecdotes are not evidence.
The Computer Wizard wrote:Macro Evolution
Micro Evolution
Look these terms up in your dictionary, one is how plants and animals change to fit a situation or circumstance, and one is how a rock evolves into a rose.
Scientifically speaking, there is no distinction between "micro evolution" and "macro evolution". The same mechanisms underlie both. The separate terms are inventions of creationists, who like to think there's a magical barrier that stops divergent adaptation within a species from progressing to the point that some portion of the population actually qualifies as a distinct species.

At no point does the Theory of Evolution predict that roses evolved from rocks. You are either ignorant or a liar.
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Post by Metatwaddle »

The Computer Wizard wrote:Oxygen has many of the same properties of God, you cant smell it, touch it, taste it or hear it, but does that mean it is not there? Of course it is there.
Oxygen is detectable in chemical reactions. It's not hard to perform an experiment where you use electrolysis to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen, leaving you with pure oxygen. Get it in a test tube and stick a flaming match into the test tube, and the flame will amplify because oxygen is inflammable. So clearly there is an element which is part of water, is inflammable, is different from simple air, and is a gas at room temperature. We call it oxygen.

Provide a similar experiment that can be used to verify the existence of God with the properties given to him by the Christian religion (omnipotence, omnibenevolence, omniscience, answering prayers, and so on).

Oxygen and God are not even roughly comparable.
The only way that you can know that there is no God is to know everything about everything, which would *make* you omnipotent, and if you know everything, then that would make you God.
Do we need to know everything to know that there are no unicorns too? How about other gods? Must I be omniscient to say that there is no such god as Zeus?
Lianardo Da'Vinci once was quoted as saying, "In the absense of evidence of any other sort [the Bible and general nature] my thumb alone would convince me of a creator.
Appeal to misspelled authority. Da Vinci may have been an intelligent guy, but he didn't know a damn thing about evolution, which provides a much better explanation of biological complexity than creationism.

Macro Evolution
Micro Evolution
Look these terms up in your dictionary, one is how plants and animals change to fit a situation or circumstance, and one is how a rock evolves into a rose.
Leaving aside the ludicrous idea that a rock evolves into a rose, macroevolution and microevolution are really the same thing. Macroevolution is nothing more or less than many generations of cumulative microevolution.
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Post by Steven Snyder »

Holy blue fuck!
Oxygen has many of the same properties of God, you cant smell it,
You can't smell ozone? You you sure about that?
touch it,
Your touching it right now you moron, your lungs are especially touching it because otherwise you would be dead.
taste it
Sugar contains oxygen, you can sure as hell taste that.
or hear it,
I suspect we could all hear the wind whistling through the empty space between your ears quite well.
but does that mean it is not there? Of course it is there. The only way that you can know that there is no God is to know everything about everything,
You can't prove a negative.
which would *make* you omnipotent, and if you know everything, then that would make you God.
Omniscient, not omnipotent.
Lianardo Da'Vinci once was quoted as saying, "In the absense of evidence of any other sort [the Bible and general nature] my thumb alone would convince me of a creator.
Appeal to authority fallacy.
Macro Evolution
Micro Evolution
Look these terms up in your dictionary, one is how plants and animals change to fit a situation or circumstance, and one is how a rock evolves into a rose.
These are terms made up by creationists in an effort to "Move the Goalposts". And rocks don't evolve into anything...of course you would know this if you have any fucking clue about how evolution works but you don't so you make these idiotic claims...
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Post by Steven Snyder »

CaptHawkeye wrote:
Oxygen has many of the same properties of God, you cant smell it, touch it, taste it or hear it, but does that mean it is not there? Of course it is there.
What the hell do you think your lungs are running off of right now. Magic?
Intelligent Breathing Theory?
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Post by Darth Servo »

The Computer Wizard wrote:Oxygen has many of the same properties of God, you cant smell it, touch it, taste it or hear it, but does that mean it is not there? Of course it is there.
<breathes on hand> Guess what. I just felt oxygen. Looks like you're full of shit.

And you're confusinig properties with LACK of properties. Oxygen has properties that CAN be evalulated like our needing it to live, how it reacts with hydrogen to make water, etc. Name ONE property of 'God' that can be evaluated in any way, shape or form.
The only way that you can know that there is no God is to know everything about everything, which would *make* you omnipotent, and if you know everything, then that would make you God.
Beautiful circular logic.
Lianardo Da'Vinci once was quoted as saying, "In the absense of evidence of any other sort [the Bible and general nature] my thumb alone would convince me of a creator.
Appeal to authority fallacy. Da'vinci was actually wrong about a great many things. His opinion proves nothing.
Macro Evolution
Micro Evolution
Look these terms up in your dictionary, one is how plants and animals change to fit a situation or circumstance, and one is how a rock evolves into a rose.
Bullshit. They are the same thing, just of different scale.
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Post by Darth Servo »

General Zod wrote:I suggest going back to biology 101.
Back? That would require he took the class in the first place and its obvious he never set foot in a real biology class.
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Post by Surlethe »

The Computer Wizard wrote:Macro Evolution
Micro Evolution
Look these terms up in your dictionary, one is how plants and animals change to fit a situation or circumstance, and one is how a rock evolves into a rose.
I'll bet you didn't know that the derivative of a differentiable curve is a straight line. This means that when you zoom in really close to the curve, it looks like a straight line. When you zoom out and look at the whole curve, you can tell it's really curvy. This is directly analogous to the "difference" between microevolution and macroevolution, although I suspect the analogy will be lost on you because you probably have no idea what it means to be "differentiable", or to have a "derivative".

Put a different way, if you accept microevolution, then you have to accept macroevolution, because macroevolution is simply microevolution*time.
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Post by vargo »

I think The Computer Wizard's mind is melting right about now from the bombardment of responses.

Ether, we will never hear from him again, or he is heading to the closest creationists forum and asking for help.

I so hope he returns, this will be fun. :D
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Post by OmegaGuy »

I wonder if he realizes that in order for things to evolve, they have to reproduce.

Rocks don't reproduce.
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Post by Ted C »

vargo wrote:I think The Computer Wizard's mind is melting right about now from the bombardment of responses.

Ether, we will never hear from him again, or he is heading to the closest creationists forum and asking for help.

I so hope he returns, this will be fun. :D
Don't expect to hear from him again. From the Star Wars>Star Trek thread.
The Computer Wizard wrote:Goodbye, I was hoping to have a good discussion on topics, but I get treated like a bag of dirt. Oh I could not help but notice that fresh posts are far between, and that it seems that the same people are talking in each one of them. Sad. I used to be in a clan of about 100 people for a computer game, and those people not only were a heck of a lot nicer, they posted a lot more. You all can have your re-re-re-re-re-hashed arguments and your rudeness, I am outa here. I was going to take time and research thuroughly to counteract that guy that runs creation-theories, but I wont bother, its just not worth the effort and my time. Feel free to email me, but chances are I will block your email, and delete your email, feel free to respond here, but it will be just to other cronies.
Typical, really. Posers usually run when people aren't immediately swayed by their "brilliant" arguments.
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Post by Metatwaddle »

vargo wrote:I think The Computer Wizard's mind is melting right about now from the bombardment of responses.
I think the barrage of rebuttals is a testament to the fact that we don't get many creationists these days. On the rare occasion that we do get one, everyone wants to debate him, because it's pretty easy to do.
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Post by Darth Holbytlan »

The Computer Wizard wrote:Macro Evolution
Micro Evolution
Look these terms up in your dictionary, one is how plants and animals change to fit a situation or circumstance, and one is how a rock evolves into a rose.
This is like claiming that one can walk across town but not walk across country. The latter is a much longer slog, but it does happen. "Macro" evolution is just a bunch of "micro" evolution.

Oh, and "rock evolves into a rose"? Why not just say flat out that you don't know what you're talking about? It's so much simpler.
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Discombobulated wrote:I think the barrage of rebuttals is a testament to the fact that we don't get many creationists these days. On the rare occasion that we do get one, everyone wants to debate him, because it's pretty easy to do.
As Darth Servo pointed out in the Star Wars>Star Trek thread, it's more an indication of just how easy it is to see through his arguments. Several people instantly saw the weaknesses and simultaneously composed posts with very similar rebuttals.
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Post by Metatwaddle »

Destructionator XIII wrote:I also laughed at the way so many of you guys say you use chemical reactions to prove the existence of air (he said oxygen, but we know it is air he meant). That is valid, of course, but I just wave my hand and feel it. I can even blow something to move it, showing other people that I am not lying about feeling it. So much simpler.
If you assume he's talking about air, that works. But if you actually take him at his word and assume he's talking about oxygen, it doesn't. You can't deduce the existence of oxygen itself just from the movement of air.
Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things... their number is negligible and they are stupid. --Dwight D. Eisenhower
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Post by Ted C »

Destructionator XIII wrote:I also laughed at the way so many of you guys say you use chemical reactions to prove the existence of air (he said oxygen, but we know it is air he meant). That is valid, of course, but I just wave my hand and feel it. I can even blow something to move it, showing other people that I am not lying about feeling it. So much simpler.
He said "oxygen", so he got proofs of oxygen.
"This is supposed to be a happy occasion... Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who."
-- The King of Swamp Castle, Monty Python and the Holy Grail

"Nothing of consequence happened today. " -- Diary of King George III, July 4, 1776

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Post by Metatwaddle »

Ted C wrote:
Discombobulated wrote:I think the barrage of rebuttals is a testament to the fact that we don't get many creationists these days. On the rare occasion that we do get one, everyone wants to debate him, because it's pretty easy to do.
As Darth Servo pointed out in the Star Wars>Star Trek thread, it's more an indication of just how easy it is to see through his arguments. Several people instantly saw the weaknesses and simultaneously composed posts with very similar rebuttals.
Yeah, that too. Still, I think that if there were a creationist for every evolutionist on the board, fewer people would jump on any one particular post than jumped on this one. Everyone would have his own personal chew toy!
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

All these comparisons between oxygen and God make me wonder... is God combustible?
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Post by Metatwaddle »

DPDarkPrimus wrote:All these comparisons between oxygen and God make me wonder... is God combustible?
And what are the implications of this for the "on fire for Jesus" churches?
Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things... their number is negligible and they are stupid. --Dwight D. Eisenhower
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Post by The Vortex Empire »

DPDarkPrimus wrote:All these comparisons between oxygen and God make me wonder... is God combustible?

Good question. Hmm. Well, he supposedly made humans in his own image, and we are combustible, so I would say yes.
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Post by Karmic Knight »

The Vortex Empire wrote:
DPDarkPrimus wrote:All these comparisons between oxygen and God make me wonder... is God combustible?

Good question. Hmm. Well, he supposedly made humans in his own image, and we are combustible, so I would say yes.
That would explain the burning bush.
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Post by Ritterin Sophia »

DPDarkPrimus wrote:All these comparisons between oxygen and God make me wonder... is God combustible?
Of course he is, why do you thing the real hero of the Bible surrounds himself in Fire?
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