Let's count the waysLadyTevar wrote: Do I really want to know how you get 4 mana in 2 turns? Or is this more of the Speed Magic Kill-em-before-they-blink junk.
!st turn mountain, orcish lumberjacks
second turn forest, tap lands for mana, use 'jack on forest, play shivan wurm.
Turn 1 llanowar elf, turn two play another land, priest of titania, then instill energy on priest.
Turn 1 mana vault. Turn two 5 mana.
Ad nauseum.
When was this mythical time of taking time to play larger creatures? Seriously some of you old timers must be going senile.Jesus... I remember when it took TIME to build up to the larger creatures, when you could smirk evilly at your opponent and tell them "it's coming... one more mana..." and have them fearing what madness would be in your hand. Then you play that Craw Wyrm, or Shivan Dragon, or Force Of Nature, and watch it trample all over your opponent's attempts to block. (Or whimper as they counterspell the damn thing)