This is the General Theory of Relativity
http://library.thinkquest.org/27930/med ... tensor.gif
Later, the Kaluza-Klein theory arose by simply adding a fifth dimension to 4-d Relativity, which then yielded both Gravity AND Electromagnetism, the force which manifests itself as electricity, magnetizm, light, and chemical bonding.
http://feynman.physics.lsa.umich.edu/se ... ture11.gif
Eventually, you could add two more dimensions to describe the Weak Nuclear Force...responsible for certain kinds of nuclear decay...and then four more dimensions to describe the Strong Nuclear Force, which binds together quarks into protons and neutrons.
Now there is this other little thing called the Standard Model:
http://boomeria.org/physicslectures/sec ... dmodel.jpg
which arranges various elementary particles by the properties of mass, charge, and spin.
A dimension is basically a linear measurement.
If space and time are dimensions, are mass, charge, and spin dimensions, too?
If so, can the 11-d supergravity/supersymmetry/superstring/M-theory have added to it three more dimensions of the Standard Model?