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Post by jaeger115 »

Jadeite, if you go ahead and "covertly distribute copies of it around the school" you might get a much bigger backlash than you think. Suppose some of the people who get copies of her diary are diary-writers themselves? They will feel like they're in HER place, not in yours, and this little "power struggle" might go against you.

Trust me. I have done it before and got flamed seven ways from Sunday. I'm still in highschool, by the way.
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Post by weemadando »

jaeger115 wrote:Jadeite, if you go ahead and "covertly distribute copies of it around the school" you might get a much bigger backlash than you think. Suppose some of the people who get copies of her diary are diary-writers themselves? They will feel like they're in HER place, not in yours, and this little "power struggle" might go against you.

Trust me. I have done it before and got flamed seven ways from Sunday. I'm still in highschool, by the way.
I believe you are referring to my "suggestion" there.

Though I by no means advocate such action, I believe that I recommended "stealing" the diary again secretly before doing it. That way, it would be assumed that whoever stole it had done it. And if you had previously returned it with an apology/explanation then you would likely not be suspected by her.

But like I said, I don't advocate such action. And hell, its more trouble than its worth to do something like that to someone who doesn't really deserve it.

Shit, I've lapsed again...
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Post by J »

The one thing I truly hated about high school was the constant power games that were played out by various cliques. I'm not naive enough to believe that everyone could just get along, but the amount of petty gossiping and backstabbing was unreal. Sure being popular and well liked is nice and all but at what cost? What kind of person are you if you're spreading lies, gossip, and private information to gain popoularity? think about that.
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Post by Enlightenment »

Plainfield. Infantile Brats.

Enough said.
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Post by Ted »


Now that I've got your attention:

Near the end of the movie, D'Arcy happens to read what Bridget wrote about him (it was REALLY bad, makes the jadeite shit look like a compliment) what he does is go out and gets her a new diary, to START OVER.

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Post by Coalition »

OTOH: She could be angry at you for something, and decided to vent in the notebook instead of screaming at you in class.

OTOH: She could care a lot about you, and be angry that you haven't noticed it yet.

OTGH: She could have left that notebook at your place on purpose, and the suff about you and Andrew (?) was written to trap you.

Or is my paranoia going too far?

Just kidding. I hope the two of you remain friends anyway.
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Post by Drewcifer »

Return the sketchbook without comment.

If she's a good friend, talk to her about it later.

If not, forget about it and chalk it up as a life lesson to never read other people's journals/diaries. No good ever comes of it.
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Post by Jadeite »

Well, I did it. I told her everything in a note, the note sorta had a angry ranting mood to it. I gave it to her as she got on the bus to go home. I wonder what her reaction was, ill find out tomorrow. I read it again last night, and noticed that at one part, she implies that I might become a rapist/pedo later in life! :evil: So yeah, all feelings toward her right now have been canceled out with cold rage.
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Post by Ted »

What did your note say in it?
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Post by Lagmonster »

Jadeite wrote:I do realize that I violated her privacy. But I do think I have a right to know what she really thinks about me. This is a no-win situation.

Kid, trust me. You don't have a right to her thoughts. She may be smiling to your face, but hating you inside. Unfortunately, being NICE to everyone, whether we really like them or not, is what makes us a peaceful society. Frankly, I would return the book and never mention that you read it. It will work out badly for you in the long run. You don't have to be her friend anymore, but at least you now know that you should get to know how people feel about you before you can have a relationship with them!

Besides which, I've written things in fits of anger and depression when I was a teenager, most of which I would look back on today as the ravings of a hormone machine. It may just be a venomous reaction to a mood swing.
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Post by salm »

stop being a nerd
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Post by Jadeite »

stop being a nerd
What do you mean by that?
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Post by salm »

Jadeite wrote:
stop being a nerd
What do you mean by that?
problem: she doesnt like because you´re nerd. that´s what she wrote in her scetchbook.
solution: stop being a nerd.
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Post by RedImperator »

Frankly, you were an asshole for reading it. You've probably blown up a perfectly good friendship because you couldn't constrain your egotistical curiousity, compounded by the fact you gave her a chickenshit note instead of actually talking to her, and, by your own admission, making the note pissy in tone. Her journal is her private thoughts, and none of yours or anyone else's business. So she wrote something nasty about you. Start acting like a man and stop caring about shit people say or think behind your back.
Any city gets what it admires, will pay for, and, ultimately, deserves…We want and deserve tin-can architecture in a tinhorn culture. And we will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed.--Ada Louise Huxtable, "Farewell to Penn Station", New York Times editorial, 30 October 1963
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Post by Jadeite »

problem: she doesnt like because you´re nerd. that´s what she wrote in her scetchbook.
solution: stop being a nerd.
Yeah, shes a bit hypocritical there. She has the same interests I do.
Anyway, advice on how best to accomplish that?
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Post by Jadeite »

Frankly, you were an asshole for reading it. You've probably blown up a perfectly good friendship because you couldn't constrain your egotistical curiousity, compounded by the fact you gave her a chickenshit note instead of actually talking to her, and, by your own admission, making the note pissy in tone. Her journal is her private thoughts, and none of yours or anyone else's business. So she wrote something nasty about you. Start acting like a man and stop caring about shit people say or think behind your back.
Actually, I had to make it a note, as I have no classes with her anymore, we just got new class schedules. And lets see, she has the same style, she dumped one of my best friends using a note.
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Post by RedImperator »

You had to give the book back to her, didn't you? At SOME POINT, you had to be in actual physical contact with her to give her the book. And if not, if you gave it back through a third party, there's still the telephone.

And so what if she dumped somebody with a note? How does the fact that she pulled a chickenshit move then change the fact that you pulled a chickenshit move now?
Any city gets what it admires, will pay for, and, ultimately, deserves…We want and deserve tin-can architecture in a tinhorn culture. And we will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed.--Ada Louise Huxtable, "Farewell to Penn Station", New York Times editorial, 30 October 1963
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Post by salm »

Jadeite wrote:
problem: she doesnt like because you´re nerd. that´s what she wrote in her scetchbook.
solution: stop being a nerd.
Yeah, shes a bit hypocritical there. She has the same interests I do.
Anyway, advice on how best to accomplish that?
dont let your mom buy your clothes.
dont talk to other people about the cool features of a light sabers.
dont talk to people about your fantasies which have anything to do with taking over the world.
dont talk to people about your last frag in a quake deathmach even if it was ueber cool.
if that doesnt help, buy a skateboard. i´ve never seen a skateboarder who was considered a nerd.
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Post by Durandal »

Jadeite wrote:Well, I did it. I told her everything in a note, the note sorta had a angry ranting mood to it. I gave it to her as she got on the bus to go home. I wonder what her reaction was, ill find out tomorrow. I read it again last night, and noticed that at one part, she implies that I might become a rapist/pedo later in life! :evil: So yeah, all feelings toward her right now have been canceled out with cold rage.
Notes are a bad idea. Let me ask you something. Did you just pound out this note and then give it to her? Did you write it last night? Did you even read it over and think to yourself, "Is this really what I want to say?" Did you even give her the journal back?
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Post by Durandal »

Jadeite wrote:
problem: she doesnt like because you´re nerd. that´s what she wrote in her scetchbook.
solution: stop being a nerd.
Yeah, shes a bit hypocritical there. She has the same interests I do.
Anyway, advice on how best to accomplish that?
Oh for fuck's sake, stop letting other people rule your damned life for you. Being a nerd doesn't mean you're automatically excluded from doing anything social. Get some fucking self-confidence. Do martial arts, sports, theatre, singing, something that will build your confidence. You could write Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfiction for your English class, but it won't matter if you can comfortably tell people to go fuck themselves.

Christ, I'm geeky beyond all belief (I'm an ASVS regular), and I still go to parties every weekend and school and get a fair share of play.
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Post by Jadeite »

Notes are a bad idea. Let me ask you something. Did you just pound out this note and then give it to her? Did you write it last night? Did you even read it over and think to yourself, "Is this really what I want to say?" Did you even give her the journal back?
I didnt write it last night, I wrote it today during school. I did read it over, even got a couple peoples opinions on it (people who already knew about the situation) and yes, i gave her the sketchbook back.
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Post by 2000AD »

2000AD wrote:"Accidently" leave a sketch book / diary / etc. at her house with something like, "I looked through her sketch book and found she had a diary in it. After reading what she said about me i feel betrayed, etc. etc." Make sure you note down that you just wanted to look at her artworkand you DIDN'T want to root through her private life.
That's what i said earlier and i'm sticking by it.
If she looks through it then :
A) She knows how you feel about her "backstabbing"
B) She's just as guilty as you.

Kill two birds with one stone.
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Post by aerius »

Jadeite wrote:Well, I did it. I told her everything in a note, the note sorta had a angry ranting mood to it. I gave it to her as she got on the bus to go home. I wonder what her reaction was, ill find out tomorrow. I read it again last night, and noticed that at one part, she implies that I might become a rapist/pedo later in life! :evil: So yeah, all feelings toward her right now have been canceled out with cold rage.
That was cowardly and fucking stupid beyond belief. Don't be surprised if you get slapped and kicked in the nuts, because by god you deserve it. You violate her privacy and you don't have the decency and balls to face up to it, and on top of that you write and angry note to her? You are a fucking scumbag for doing this. I'm sorry for being blunt but that's the way it is.
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Post by Jadeite »

That was cowardly and fucking stupid beyond belief. Don't be surprised if you get slapped and kicked in the nuts, because by god you deserve it. You violate her privacy and you don't have the decency and balls to face up to it, and on top of that you write and angry note to her? You are a fucking scumbag for doing this. I'm sorry for being blunt but that's the way it is.
Actually, in the first paragraph of the note, I mention that me and her need to talk about it next time she comes over.
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Post by Jadeite »

Ok lets see, she wrote me a note today, wanting to know why me and andrew read it, and also apologized for writing that.
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