New title for Ted?

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Is Ted: Horny Teen

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New title for Ted?

Post by The Yosemite Bear »

I was thinking "Horny Teen"

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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Hm, I like that.
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Post by Zaia »

Yes, yes, definitely something along those lines, but I think we can be a bit more creative...
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Post by XaLEv »

Rabid Horndog?
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Post by God Emperor »

I can't really say yes or no because Ted will not always be a teen so the name would have to be more general.
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Post by J »

I was thinking stalker but that's a little harsh despite the fact that he's been following me around in hopes of getting swimsuit pics. :?

In any case the title has to have something about his picture obsession and how he follows all the chicks on the board around. I'll try to think of something...
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

XaLEv wrote:Rabid Horndog?
This one is about perfect!
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Yeah, Ted needs a good title to describe him. He was just about enough posts for a custom title anyways :D
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Post by Stormbringer »

XaLEv wrote:Rabid Horndog?
That's a true and honest despriction of him. The little perv needs to be settled down some how.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

I was thinking of an adjective other than "rabid", like "desperate horndog", or "perverted horndog".
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Post by HemlockGrey »

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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Mini-Cav, that'll set him off big time. :twisted:
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

My second Suggestion would be "Sick Puppy"

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Post by Ted »

I will need a new title seeing as I've unsubscribeed from the BotM, and the AIIF, and the ATJ.
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Post by Coyote »

"Desperate Horndog" is good.
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Post by Enlightenment »

Assuming RayCav Jr. is out of the question, 'Tesosterone Poisoned' fits quite well.
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Post by Stormbringer »

I don't care what he gets I'm just getting sick of his little pervert antics. He's pissing off every woman on the boards and is annoying the hell out of the rest of us.
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Post by Lagmonster »

Ted does seem to think with his unit. I mean, you know, more than the rest of us guys do.

I imagine that if the women of the board actually have a case to bring against Ted, that it would be best for Mike to at least reprimand the little Peter Puller. I should think that the female members of the board shouldn't have to get asked to post wanking material of themselves.
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Post by Stormbringer »

Lagmonster wrote:Ted does seem to think with his unit. I mean, you know, more than the rest of us guys do.

I imagine that if the women of the board actually have a case to bring against Ted, that it would be best for Mike to at least reprimand the little Peter Puller. I should think that the female members of the board shouldn't have to get asked to post wanking material of themselves.
That's what I mean. It's one thing to ask what someone looks like and another to blatantly hound them in hopes of getting something to jack off to. I honestly think Ted's actions run towards harassment.
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Post by Vympel »

This thread reminds me, the user rank/titles list is in need of updating.
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Post by Lagmonster »

Ted wrote:I will need a new title seeing as I've unsubscribeed from the BotM, and the AIIF, and the ATJ.
You do understand, lad, that this isn't being proposed as a reward for good behaviour, right?
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Post by InnerBrat »

Lagmonster wrote:Ted does seem to think with his unit. I mean, you know, more than the rest of us guys do.

I imagine that if the women of the board actually have a case to bring against Ted, that it would be best for Mike to at least reprimand the little Peter Puller. I should think that the female members of the board shouldn't have to get asked to post wanking material of themselves.
Have any female members actually been complaining about him? Hands up Kelly, Zaia, Jmac, if you're seriously offended by him?
Ted's mostly harmless... he certianly doesn't take himslef serioiusly, and neither, I thought, did any of us girls....
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Post by Stormbringer »

innerbrat wrote:Ummm....
Have any female members actually been complaining about him? Hands up Kelly, Zaia, Jmac, if you're seriously offended by him?
Ted's mostly harmless... he certianly doesn't take himslef serioiusly, and neither, I thought, did any of us girls....
I won't presume to speak for the ladies of although not all seem to share your attitude toward Ted.

I'm as ticked about his little pervish antics as anyone. He's been a desperate little horndog for a long time and some of the stuff he does gets on my nerves. He just can't help and it's irriatating to have to see him so desperate for anything he can beat off to.
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Post by Kuja »

Once in A&P, someone just mentioned a girl he'd gone skiiing whith, and Ted started screaming "POST PICS!"

Recently in the BotM forum, he posted a thread begging for people's porno passwords. If that's not fucking desperate, I don't know what is.

"Rabid Horndog" sounds good.
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Post by Lord Pounder »

Mini-Cav should be reserved for that sicker fucker who keeps talking about underage sex and rape.

Horny Teen fits Ted.
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