What do you think the best mmorpg game is?

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Here some of the more popular mmorpg games but which is your favorite?

World of Warcraft
Maple Story
D&D online
No votes
Silk Road
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Guild Wars
Final Fantasy XI
City of Heroes/City of Villains
Total votes: 50

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What do you think the best mmorpg game is?

Post by Schuyler Colfax »

The other day I was debating (arguing) with some of my friends about what they thought the best mmorpg game was out there.

Yes and I do realize that most of you would most likely say world of warcraft but hey maybe you will suprise me.

The one's on put on the poll are some of the fan favorites but typically wow is on top if you were to list them.

But if I had to pick a favorite it be close race between Guild wars, silk road, and D&D online but guildwars always comes out top for me

(I wouldn't be suprised if someone else posted this topic already but I didn't see this topic anywhere else)
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Post by R.O.A »

Ive always prefered Guild Wars.
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Post by Schuyler Colfax »

Maple story is alot more popular than I thought it was 2D mmorpg would would have ever thought that would work
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Post by Nephtys »

Any decent MUSH over all of those combined.
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Post by Ritterin Sophia »

I prefer CoH/V, what person wouldn't want to escape reality to a comicbook world where you save the lives of innocent civilians or you are a criminal Mastermind With Three Soldiers, Two Spec Ops, and a Commando(Pun intended). You don't have to worry about ninjas (Unless of course you're fighting the Tsoo, certain Scrappers and Stalkers, or a Ninja/ Mastermind) since you recieve your loot directly and there's no need to pick it up and I don't need to change weapons and armour every couple levels, just a couple dozen enhancements.
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Post by General Zod »

General Schatten wrote:I prefer CoH/V, what person wouldn't want to escape reality to a comicbook world where you save the lives of innocent civilians or you are a criminal Mastermind With Three Soldiers, Two Spec Ops, and a Commando(Pun intended). You don't have to worry about ninjas (Unless of course you're fighting the Tsoo, certain Scrappers and Stalkers, or a Ninja/ Mastermind) since you recieve your loot directly and there's no need to pick it up and I don't need to change weapons and armour every couple levels, just a couple dozen enhancements.
I played City of Heroes for awhile, but by the time I got up to level 21 I was tired of the repetitiveness of the missions, villains and everything else in the game.
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

I've got a soft spot for city of villains...but I'd have to go with EVE Online...ELITE as a MMORPG, who can fault that?
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Post by Schuyler Colfax »

Keevan_Colton wrote:I've got a soft spot for city of villains...but I'd have to go with EVE Online...ELITE as a MMORPG, who can fault that?
Holy shit I forgot about eve, how did that happen
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Post by Starglider »

Keevan_Colton wrote:I've got a soft spot for city of villains...but I'd have to go with EVE Online...ELITE as a MMORPG, who can fault that?
If it actually was 'Elite - MMORPG' I'd be all over it, but it isn't. I'm sure the non-combat stuff is ok, but the combat is just 'select targets, select weapons, wait for stats to crunch'. It's been three years now since I tried it, but the combat was considerably less interesting than even the Star Fleet Command games. It'd be a lot more fun (for me) if it was more like X-Wing versus Tie Fighter, and/or give you more ways to use (real world, not stat) skill and experience in capship fleet combat. Otherwise it's a trading and strategy game with pointless delays and eye candy - might as well do that as a web game, it'd be faster and cheaper.
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Post by Broomstick »

WoW - because that's the only one on the list I've played. Given the limited amount of time I have to play such games, it's unlikely I'd be on more than one at a time. I might try another if/when I tire of WoW, but until then, one is enough.
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Post by bilateralrope »

The only MMO's I've played are Guild Wars, Maple Story and Eve Online. But Maple Story global (as I'm in New Zealand I only get to use global) was infested with hackers so I can't vote for it and Eve Online isn't even on the list. So that leaves Guild Wars which is the one I keep being drawn back to.

I thought about having a look at WoW, but when I found out that I'd have to par per month and per expansion I decided against taking a look as it seemed too expensive compared to other MMOs.

So for those people that do play WoW, what does it offer over the MMO's I've played to justify charging both per month and per expansion ?
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Post by wautd »

Eve online

With Outbreak my favorite corp

I'm not biased at all :roll:
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Post by Lord Pounder »

WoW to other MMO's is what running on a treadmill is to a running a Marathon. Sure you put in a lot of effort but when all is said and done you're in the same place you started. I'm going back to UO when the graphics update is done.
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Post by DarkSilver »

Lord Pounder wrote:WoW to other MMO's is what running on a treadmill is to a running a Marathon. Sure you put in a lot of effort but when all is said and done you're in the same place you started. I'm going back to UO when the graphics update is done.
What Shard Pounder?

I just reopened my account and started playing back on Oceania.
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Post by Vympel »

How come Ultima Online isn't on the list?
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Vympel wrote:How come Ultima Online isn't on the list?
Look at the OP, look at the OP's name, and read the idiot's posts.

I believe Ultima Online would be *old skool* to this brainless chimp.

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Post by InnocentBystander »

Call me crazy, but I had a lot of fun back in the early days of Everquest. It got stale, as all MMOs do, but there were a few months there where it was just a really great game. WoW was fun, but I just really enjoyed the early days of Everquest.

What the heck is "Maple Story" and "Silk Road"?
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Post by General Zod »

InnocentBystander wrote:Call me crazy, but I had a lot of fun back in the early days of Everquest. It got stale, as all MMOs do, but there were a few months there where it was just a really great game. WoW was fun, but I just really enjoyed the early days of Everquest.

What the heck is "Maple Story" and "Silk Road"?
They sound like one of those lame, "free" web-based mmos.
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Post by Faram »

Medievia, wasted way to much time of my life :)

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Post by Ghost Rider »

General Zod wrote:
InnocentBystander wrote:Call me crazy, but I had a lot of fun back in the early days of Everquest. It got stale, as all MMOs do, but there were a few months there where it was just a really great game. WoW was fun, but I just really enjoyed the early days of Everquest.

What the heck is "Maple Story" and "Silk Road"?
They sound like one of those lame, "free" web-based mmos.
I believe Maple Story is(Basically a Korean MMO), and I think Silk Road is Chinese.

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Post by Lord Pounder »

DarkSilver wrote:
Lord Pounder wrote:WoW to other MMO's is what running on a treadmill is to a running a Marathon. Sure you put in a lot of effort but when all is said and done you're in the same place you started. I'm going back to UO when the graphics update is done.
What Shard Pounder?

I just reopened my account and started playing back on Oceania.
Britania I think it was.
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Post by SilverWingedSeraph »

I don't touch MMO's. They're evil, soul-sucking monstrosities. First, you buy the game. Then you pay monthly fees. Then you waste cash illegaly purchasing uber-items and gold. Then you waste your life away, doing raids with your clan while neglecting your girlfriend/wife/children.

I know it's harsh, but damnit, that's how I feel. My best friend keeps trying to get me to play WoW. Bastard just won't take "no" for an answer.
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Post by Tanasinn »

None of those- I vote for Eve Online. Often dull, yes. Slow-paced, yes. It still looks, plays, and has a better community than any MMO I've played of any kind.

I still don't play the game any more, however. I have no interest in paying for a game on a monthly basis that can be exceeded in graphics, gameplay depth, etc. by other games that I only have to buy once.
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Post by K. A. Pital »

Okay now.. where the hell is Lineage 2? :?
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Post by rhoenix »

I didn't see an option for "I don't think mmorpg's are fun in the least." So, that's my vote.

I'm not trying to be a curmudgeon here, I just like being able to solo all quests and everything else if I want to, and you simply can't do that with most mmorpg's.
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