fanfic idea

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Jason von Evil
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fanfic idea

Post by Jason von Evil »

Ok, I'm going to write a ST fanfic and I need some help. The story is based years after the Dominion war, a feddy admiral has successfully staged a coup and taken over the feddies. At the sametime, he sends a fleet of loyalist ships to the Klingon homeworld and BDZ it, at the sametime, a small fleet of loyalist ships drop out of warp around the Founders homeworld and fire a bio genic warhead into the planet, infecting the Founders. So, by the time Admiral Magova (temp name) completes his take over, the Klingons (who could've posed a threat to his regime) are knocked out of commision and the Dominion are also out of the picture. He attacked the Founders because he's a war vet and wanted revenge.

Obviously, not everyone in the Federation (now called the Terran Empire, he named it after the one in the mirrorverse), amongst them Picard and Sisko, who is sent back by the Prophets. Anyways, a Federation civil war erupts and during the course of this, Picard dies.

The main character is Commander Cho, Picards new First Officer (replacing the guy he got in Nemesis), who after Picard dies in a surprise attack, he must take control of the resistence.

Anyways, I can't decide what type of ship the E-F would be (I'm toying with the idea that the E-E ends up getting destroyed and with some help from the Rommies who are officially neutral, they manage to quickly build a new Enterprise).
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Post by Durandal »

Well shit, you just gave away the fact that Picard dies! You might as well not write the blasted thing! :wink:

Enterprise-F ... I dunno. How radically different from the other 7 could it be?
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Jason von Evil
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Post by Jason von Evil »

Well, since the Rommies help build it, and the resistence uses Rommie materials and some tech, it'll have a Federation/Romulan design scheme to it.
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

An intresting fan fic idea.
Go for it.
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