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Post by Ford Prefect »

Heck, I don't even know what Pun-Pun is. Except that he's a kobold. I know that.

This class stuff is actually quite useful. While the paladin character - who is actually Samuel L. Jackson - won't be mounted, I could use that elsewhere. And the werechicken. Oh I will be using that.

I will also eventually have to break another party of adventures, though so far I only know that there's a female priest and your usual moody archer in there.
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Post by Raxmei »

A rather silly one: Half elf anything that has diplomacy as a class skill (Paladin counts and has some Charisma synergy).

You'll need the Book of Exalted Deeds for some of this.
Nymph's Kiss
Sacred Vow
Skill focus:Diplomacy
The other four feats left to player's discretion.
Max ranks in Diplomacy, and get five ranks each in Knowledge (royalty and nobility), bluff, and sense motive.
As soon as possible get a circlet of persuasion and a big cloak of Charisma.

The critical bonuses to diplomacy are 34, 44, and 59. Those will allow you to roll a one and still turn a hostile character indifferent, friendly, and helpful, respectively, as a full round action.

At first level you only get 4 ranks, +4 or so from Charisma, +2 racial, and +2 or +3 through a feat for a total of +13 or 14. At 2nd level you gain access to two of the three synergies and of course you get a fifth rank, bringing you up to +18 or 19. Third level, one more feat and one more rank, bringing us up to +22. Sixth, three more ranks, one more feat, +27. 7th, another rank, plus you finally get the bluff synergy, +30. 9th level, two more ranks and the last feat that I know of, +34. You can now reliably turn hostile NPCs indifferent in six seconds, and have an even chance at turning them friendly. With more levels and more equipment you can get 11 more ranks, +6 enhancement to Charisma, 5 more points of charisma from levels, a +5 inherent bonus from wishes or a tome, and a +3 competence bonus from the circlet of persuasion. That's a total of +56. You can't reliably get them helpful with that, but it'll still happen fairly often.

I'm sure if you looked hard enough you could find the extra +3 you need to get up to +59. Off the top of my head if the DM lets you use the Arms and Equipment Guide you can get a +5 or +10 competence bonus from an item in there, the Choker of Eloquence. The +10 version would do it, and the +5 one would only let you fail (leaving the hostile guy at friendly) on a 1.

This character is extraordinarily Good (as in the alignment). So good he's Exalted. Bad guys see how amazingly good he is and lay down their arms or even join his cause. So good it's infuriating to all of the other characters who would much rather be killing things and taking their stuff.

Pick up the Leadership feat too while you're at it. I suggest a bard cohort to sing your praises and entertain your multitude of followers. Did I mention your scores of adoring fans? See how many of them can be bards, so they can wander far and wide telling everyone how great you are.
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Post by Ford Prefect »

I have to work that in now too, because that's hilarious.
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Post by Dargos »

I tell you guys what.....DnD has come a looooooong way from when I used to play it. I won't pretend to understand even half of what you guys are talking about.
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Post by Yogi »

Ford Prefect wrote:Heck, I don't even know what Pun-Pun is. Except that he's a kobold. I know that.
Gaze upon Pun-Pun, ye mighty and despair/
I am capable of rearranging the fundamental building blocks of the universe in under six seconds. I shelve physics texts under "Fiction" in my personal library! I am grasping the reigns of the universe's carriage, and every morning get up and shout "Giddy up, boy!" You may never grasp the complexities of what I do, but at least have the courtesy to feign something other than slack-jawed oblivion in my presence. I, sir, am a wizard, and I break more natural laws before breakfast than of which you are even aware!

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Post by Master Arachnos »

Call me old-fashioned but I prefer the classic approach of abusing Savage Species..

Anthropomorphic Baleen Whale for the win
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Post by SirNitram »

Ford Prefect wrote:Heck, I don't even know what Pun-Pun is. Except that he's a kobold. I know that.
A kobold that abuses the creatures known as 'Sarruhk' in Forgotten Realms and their badly-worded ability 'Manipulate Form'. It can only be used on things with the Reptilian subtype, so a Kobold with a Viper familiar can manipulate each other to insanity.

Personally, I don't think it works anymore. Kobolds aren't reptilian; they're draconic. Which, ironically, destroys the uber-ness over the top insanity of Pun-Pun, but opens up alot of truly cool, actually balanced, concepts for them.
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Post by Ritterin Sophia »

SirNitram wrote:Personally, I don't think it works anymore. Kobolds aren't reptilian; they're draconic. Which, ironically, destroys the uber-ness over the top insanity of Pun-Pun, but opens up alot of truly cool, actually balanced, concepts for them.
Why, when was this changed, is there some errata I know about since Races of the Dragon came out? Because I have the book and in Chapter 3: Kobolds, it lists their type as Humanoid (dragonblood, reptilian), if that's what you're talking about.
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Post by Civil War Man »

I think next time I play D&D, I'll have to see if the DM will let me play a Kobold cleric that worships Pun-Pun, especially since Pun-Pun actually would be able to grant spells with his arbitrarily high divine rank.
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Post by Ford Prefect »

Well, now I know, and knowing is half the battle.

But now I need to understand just what a 'Binder' is. It's not a class I've ever heard of before.
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Post by SirNitram »

General Schatten wrote:
SirNitram wrote:Personally, I don't think it works anymore. Kobolds aren't reptilian; they're draconic. Which, ironically, destroys the uber-ness over the top insanity of Pun-Pun, but opens up alot of truly cool, actually balanced, concepts for them.
Why, when was this changed, is there some errata I know about since Races of the Dragon came out? Because I have the book and in Chapter 3: Kobolds, it lists their type as Humanoid (dragonblood, reptilian), if that's what you're talking about.
I had missed that they had both types. That's all.
Ford Prefect wrote:But now I need to understand just what a 'Binder' is. It's not a class I've ever heard of before.
It's from Tome Of Magic. They take the remnants of otherwise lost souls(Bits of dead god, stolen souls, et cetera) and use a form of summoning magic to fuse with them and gain power.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

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Post by Raxmei »

Ford Prefect wrote:Well, now I know, and knowing is half the battle.

But now I need to understand just what a 'Binder' is. It's not a class I've ever heard of before.
One of the new classes in Tome of Magic, one of several attempts at making a new magic system for D&D. Binders gain power by forming pacts with things called vestiges. Vestiges are not-quite-dead things whose only outlet to the world is through binders. Their powers are considered supernatural powers, which makes them easier to use than spells. In flavor it's a lot like a warlock only more so.

As an example, the vestige Amon gives you access to 60' darkvision, 1d6/level fire breath usable every five rounds, and a natural attack. Aym lets you move at normal speed while wearing armor, a halo of fire that hurts foes who hit you in melee and every foe you hit in melee, improved sunder, medium armor proficiency, fire resistance 10, and you deal double damage against inanimate objects.

You start out able to bind only one vestige at a time, and the power of the vestiges you can bind depends on your level. A binding ordinarily lasts 24 hours, but you can cut that short with a feat. You also get a few other abilities.
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Post by Ford Prefect »

That sounds generally badass.
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Ford Prefect wrote:That sounds generally badass.
It's a nice class and quite flavorful.
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Post by Akhlut »

Well, for #5, I have a good character idea, although, I don't have the books handy on me.

Anyway, the character's race is a diopsid. They're beetle people who can take any feat with "two-weapon" in the name and can ignore the dex prequesite. And, because they have four arms, they can duel-wield greatswords. And, best of all, their level adjustment is either just +1 or they have none at all. Alas, as the book is back in my room and I'm at the computer lab, I can't check that for you (the book is the Dragon Magazine Compendium).

Anyway, one of those with either 2 or 4 levels of fighter (for all those awesome bonus feats from the two-weapon fighting tree) with five levels of rogue. From here, I'd either go for the Thrall of Demogorgon prestige class in Vile Darkness and/or the Assassin prestige class until level 20. I'd have to look at the stuff the Thrall of Demogorgon gets again to see how cool it is, though, but, once more, my book is in my room.

I'll expand on this a bit more once I can, though, as this sounds like a nice, bizzare, and thoroughly evil character.

Also, if you want a character that is sheerly wrong, there's always the gnome-giant centipede tauric creature that one of my DM friends says he'd never allow me to play because he doesn't want to know how the creature arose. I don't know what class I'd go into with it, though, as it could most of them reasonably well. Although, now that I look at it more, I'd probably go with gnome-monstrous scorpion, as it would then get bonuses to strength and con and get minuses to nothing, not even charisma. So, really, it could go into any class.
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Post by Ford Prefect »

While I'll be sticking with Nitram's build (simply because the character is intended to be the token fanservice object), the idea of a character that duel-wields greatswords is in itself totally abnormal.

And I don't really want to know how a gnome ends up up with monstrous scorpion/giant centipede blood. Ever. Though I do want to know how being half monstrous scorpion poses no detriment to charisma.
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Post by Akhlut »

Ford Prefect wrote:While I'll be sticking with Nitram's build (simply because the character is intended to be the token fanservice object), the idea of a character that duel-wields greatswords is in itself totally abnormal.
I personally love the idea of a giant beetle man duel-wielding greatswords.

Anyway, after reviewing BoVD, the Thrall of Demogorgon idea is really good. For one, the Thrall of Demogorgon Beetle-Man gets four bonus feats (any feat of one's choice!), +4 natural armor, a bunch of spell-like abilities, and limited wish once per day at 10th level. And, then, take a few levels of assassin just for a few spells and more sneak attack damage.

Oh, and the diopsid get +1 LA. I still like 'em, though. :D
And I don't really want to know how a gnome ends up up with monstrous scorpion/giant centipede blood. Ever. Though I do want to know how being half monstrous scorpion poses no detriment to charisma.
Because the tauric creature template (as in, creating a creature like a centaur, with a gnome top and a monstrous scorpion bottom) uses the humanoid portion for Int/Wis/Cha and the animal portion for Str/Dex/Con. Since gnomes don't take a hit to Cha, nor would a gnome/monstrous scorpion tauric creature take such a hit.

I like the idea that people would be just as well disposed toward a gnome-scorpion sin against the gods as they would be toward a standard gnome.
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Post by lance »

Ford Prefect wrote:And I don't really want to know how a gnome ends up up with monstrous scorpion/giant centipede blood. Ever. Though I do want to know how being half monstrous scorpion poses no detriment to charisma.
I want to know why those disgusting humans and elves don't get a penalty to charisma. The are so hairless like a balding monkey. They really are sickening.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »


duel weapon wielding catboi with enough cuteness that even if you do make your save against the paralyzing cute you suffer too many penalties to be able to hit him.... oh and the duel weapons are katars....

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by Ford Prefect »

I got together 5000gp worth of diamonds, because I need yet more broken characters. This isn't quite as important as the last, but I thought I'd do it anyway.

Chapter the fourth introduces a few new characters. I can't really ask for Norin because there's some secret stuff, but I can ask for the others. For one, we have Elvira who is a cleric, and Rutger, who is a druid. Apart from Rutger's tyrannosaurus, the only real requirement is that the two can throw down big time - I like implosions and earthquakes and disintegrations and such.

Also, as a bonus, who can put together a really interesting set of classes for Sadramu-het, the ulitharid who tossed yon soul-eating Samael into the squishy tissues of a giant brain?
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Post by Starglider »

Ford Prefect wrote:Chapter the fourth introduces a few new characters. I can't really ask for Norin because there's some secret stuff, but I can ask for
I am still waiting eagerly for the werechicken.
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Post by Ford Prefect »

Starglider wrote:I am still waiting eagerly for the werechicken.
By all rights, that's asking for its own act. Chicken of the Baskervilles or A Thayvian Werechicken in Shadowdale.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Before 3.5 came out, I had a dervish character who dual-wielded keen scimitars and had improved critical. 13+ was a crit.
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Post by Starglider »

Ford Prefect wrote:By all rights, that's asking for its own act. Chicken of the Baskervilles or A Thayvian Werechicken in Shadowdale.
You may want to read this first, it's truly hilarious. Though personally I think a werechicken would be too cute to be an evil monster.

Actually Werewolf/Mafia might be a fun game to try on this forum, though I suppose it would be with Jedi and Sith instead.

EDIT: The results of the linked game, for the curious but lazy

~ The Dead ~

Diamond Took, the Halfling Poet ~ Villager ~ Pecked to death on Night 1
Nilpaurion Felagund the Elven Pigeon-Summoning Ninja ~ Wereduck ~ Waxed on, waxed off on Day 1
Dancing Spawn of Ungoliant the Spider Loving Orcish Astronaut ~ Wereduck ~ Stuffed full of spiders and choked to death on Day 2
Elu Ancalime the Didgeridoo Dwarf ~ Villager ~ Struck by Mod Fire from above on Day 2
Lalaith the Halfling Chubb Fuddler ~ Werenightingale ~ Boiled, mashed, and cooked in a stew on Night 3
Roa Aoife the Batwoman ~ Villager ~ Not dead, but rejoined her regiment on Day 3
Sleepy Ranger the Exiled Jedi Master ~ Villager ~ Not dead, but departed with a droid on Day 3
JennyHallu the Halfling Mountaintop Guru ~ Wereduck ~ Pitchforked to death on Day 3
Anguirel the Baritone Bird Catcher ~ Werehawk ~ Gunned down with an M16 on Night 4
Glirdan the Entish Tree Herder ~ Wereowl ~ Consumed by flames from the Hawk’s cigarette lighter on Night 4
Lote22 the Elven Igloo Maker ~ Villager ~ Encased in a block of ice on Day 4
Mithalwen the Elven Saggar Maker's Bottom Knocker ~ Wereowl ~ Melted down and made into pottery glaze on Night 5
Mormegil the Elven Idleman ~ Villager ~ Worked to death on Day 5
Valier the Dwarven Millet Spray Picker ~ Villager ~ Sucked dry by giant vampire mosquitoes from the black swamp on Night 6
Nogrod the Dwarven Personal Fitness Instructor ~ Villager ~ Beaten to death with dumbbells and various sundry fitness equipment on Day 6
Cailín the Bird-portraitist ~ Villager ~ Drowned in a bucket of magenta paint on Day 6

~ The Living ~

Saucepan Man the Orcish Scarecrow ~ Weregoose
Kath the Rainbow Catcher ~ Wereduck

Result: Duck/Goose victory

There are assorted other nearly-as-amusing one involving orcs, cats, penguins etc.
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