DPDarkPrimus wrote:
You honestly think Palpatine, as Sideous, would say "capture and kill me"?
Caveat: I don't know shit about the Clone Wars Era EU so if the following is clearly contradicted by it, sucks to be me.
No, he wouldn't. But that assumes Grevious knew Palpatine was Sideous, which from what I gathered from the movie PT he didn't. IOW as far as Grevious knew, he was capturing the Republic Chancellor, not his Master, and was doing so in accordance with Sideous' plans (which he was, if not quite the way he thought).
'Next time I let Superman take charge, just hit me. Real hard.'
'You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues.'
'No. No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.'
'Tactically we have multiple objectives. So we need to split into teams.'-'Dibs on the Amazon!'
'Hey, we both have a Martian's phone number on our speed dial. I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt.'
'You know, for a guy with like 50 different kinds of vision, you sure are blind.'
Even had Grievous defied orders and tried to kill Palpatine it wouldn't have set back Palpatine's plans significantly. Palpatine would toss Grievous into a wall and then fry him. A Sith lord is going to be much harder to fight without the force on your side than it would be to take on several Jedi. Simply because a Sith Lord has absolutely no qualms with electricuting you or crushing you.
Sig images are for people who aren't fucking lazy.
DPDarkPrimus wrote:
You honestly think Palpatine, as Sideous, would say "capture and kill me"?
Caveat: I don't know shit about the Clone Wars Era EU so if the following is clearly contradicted by it, sucks to be me.
No, he wouldn't. But that assumes Grevious knew Palpatine was Sideous, which from what I gathered from the movie PT he didn't.
No, that assumes that Palpatine didn't say "we need him alive".
Mayabird is my girlfriend
Justice League:BotM:MM:SDnet City Watch:Cybertron's Finest "Well then, science is bullshit. "
-revprez, with yet another brilliant rebuttal.
Napoleon the Clown wrote:Even had Grievous defied orders and tried to kill Palpatine it wouldn't have set back Palpatine's plans significantly. Palpatine would toss Grievous into a wall and then fry him. A Sith lord is going to be much harder to fight without the force on your side than it would be to take on several Jedi. Simply because a Sith Lord has absolutely no qualms with electricuting you or crushing you.
Actually it would have been disasterous. Killing Grievous that early would essentially end the war too early for Palp's wishes. He would have to surrender his emergency powers, or suffer a huge political backlash from the populace of the Republic. Remember, the people only backed Palpatine AFTER the Jedi made an "attempt" on his life.
LoE and the RotS novel clearly show that Sidious ordered Grievous to take Palpatine alive, and that Grievous doesn't know they are the same. He reflects that he is disobeying orders when he abandons ship and leaves Palpatine to die, but reasons that Sidious would understand. "There was a war on, after all."
"I spit on metaphysics, sir."
"I pity the woman you marry." -Liberty
This is the guy they want to use to win over "young people?" Are they completely daft? I'd rather vote for a pile of shit than a Jesus freak social regressive.
Here's hoping that his political career goes down in flames and, hopefully, a hilarious gay sex scandal. -Tanasinn
You can't expect sodomy to ruin every conservative politician in this country. -Battlehymn Republic
Ok, so he should have kept Palpatine. He still didn't need to leave the Jedi alive. If you are the leader of an army, and you have an enemy like the jedi, I don't care what kind of barganing rights the capture of two Jedi would give you. Especialy two Jedi who are able to penetrate a ship by entering through one of your fighter bays. Especialy two Jedi who just happened to Kill Count Dooku, one of the most powerfull and influential members of the CIS. Why would you evan take them out of the ray sheilds in the first place? The whole incident on board the Invisible Hand was very slopy. Grevious should have known better. Alas, It's a movie, and to many what if's. If we were to go really deep into it, The Republic would know what ship the Chancelor was on. They would have it tagged in some battle network, and they would have alot more ships attempting to disable it then just those one or two ships that gave it a broadside. The CIS would have focused the whole battle on allowing the Invisible Hand to get away, evan if it ment Literaly making a wall to clear a path. The way the Movie showed it, It was just a huge free for all, with ships randomly placed everywhere.
The CIS would have focused the whole battle on allowing the Invisible Hand to get away, evan if it ment Literaly making a wall to clear a path.
That's exactly what they were trying to do, but it might have seemed a bit unclear in the movie. We do see the IH at the center of a large CIS formation trying to move in one direction, but the whole area is flooded with Venators and other Republic vessels barring their progress.
Anguirus wrote:LoE and the RotS novel clearly show that Sidious ordered Grievous to take Palpatine alive, and that Grievous doesn't know they are the same. He reflects that he is disobeying orders when he abandons ship and leaves Palpatine to die, but reasons that Sidious would understand. "There was a war on, after all."
You'd think that Grevious would've found it a bit fishy that Sidious never brought up the loss of Palpatine when he contacted him again on Utapau, and for that matter, it's strange that he wasn't as forthright with apology with his Sith master about the loss either.
That coversation could have taken place earlier, however. Alternately, Grievous could have been attempting to pretend it never happened and Palpatine just didn't give enough of a damn to bother calling him on it.
Sig images are for people who aren't fucking lazy.
DPDarkPrimus wrote:
No, that assumes that Palpatine didn't say "we need him alive".
In the ROTS novel, we have a scene where Grievous complains to Sidious why he didn't let him escape with Palpatine. Presumably, this suggests that he didn't know of Palpatine dual identity. Similarly, he also attempted to advise Count Dooku about the mistake of them remaining at Coruscant, not realising that Dooku meant to strand Grievous there and blame him for the entire war.
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
ColonialAdmiral wrote:Ok, so he should have kept Palpatine. He still didn't need to leave the Jedi alive. If you are the leader of an army, and you have an enemy like the jedi, I don't care what kind of barganing rights the capture of two Jedi would give you. Especialy two Jedi who are able to penetrate a ship by entering through one of your fighter bays. Especialy two Jedi who just happened to Kill Count Dooku, one of the most powerfull and influential members of the CIS. Why would you evan take them out of the ray sheilds in the first place? The whole incident on board the Invisible Hand was very slopy. Grevious should have known better. Alas, It's a movie, and to many what if's. If we were to go really deep into it, The Republic would know what ship the Chancelor was on. They would have it tagged in some battle network, and they would have alot more ships attempting to disable it then just those one or two ships that gave it a broadside. The CIS would have focused the whole battle on allowing the Invisible Hand to get away, evan if it ment Literaly making a wall to clear a path. The way the Movie showed it, It was just a huge free for all, with ships randomly placed everywhere.
That's probably why LoE or even ROTS novelisation is considered so important to the movie.
We learn that the Republic didn't know where the Chancellor was. In the conversation between Lieutant Commander Needa and Grievous, Needa himself ask for confirmation that Grievous was holding Palpatine hostage.
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner