And Starglider, but color coding was just about the ONLY thing that distinguished the original Transformers.

Moderator: NecronLord
Almost all the CGI I've seen in the trailers is awesome. I mean I know they picked the best parts to show off, but I'm impressed.DPDarkPrimus wrote:The transformations I've seen in the trailers are pretty awesome...
LOL Seekers LOL Ironhide?DPDarkPrimus wrote:And Starglider, but color coding was just about the ONLY thing that distinguished the original Transformers.
Not true! All the toys came with different accessories!DPDarkPrimus wrote:And Starglider, but color coding was just about the ONLY thing that distinguished the original Transformers.
Which seems reasonable to me since this is a movie we're talking about with a decent budget, not a low-to-no budget saturday morning cartoon.DPDarkPrimus wrote:You bring up TFtM
'Everyone liked more'? What's your personal list of characters who should've made it to the movie but didn't, or did make it into the movie but shouldn't have? I thought it was a pretty good selection.neglect the two seasons of the cartoon before it, which has all the characters everyone liked more in it.
Well, yeah, they had to reuse cels and make it easy for the toys to reuse moulds. I doubt the animators wanted it that way. No such excuses apply for the new designs.You know, like the three jets that were different colored... or the three OTHER jets who were different colors... or the two vans who were different colors... or the two pick ups who were different colors... or the five or so cars who were different colors (and some had horns!). And who could forget the three sports cars who were different colors?
Can someone post a link to trailers with the CGI? The official trailer doesn't show shit.Stark wrote:Almost all the CGI I've seen in the trailers is awesome. I mean I know they picked the best parts to show off, but I'm impressed.DPDarkPrimus wrote:The transformations I've seen in the trailers are pretty awesome...
I'm not stating my personal opinion, I'm stating the widely-held opinion of the TF community.Starglider wrote:DPDarkPrimus wrote:'Everyone liked more'? What's your personal list of characters who should've made it to the movie but didn't, or did make it into the movie but shouldn't have? I thought it was a pretty good selection.neglect the two seasons of the cartoon before it, which has all the characters everyone liked more in it.
The TV trailers are what you need to see.JLTucker wrote:Can someone post a link to trailers with the CGI? The official trailer doesn't show shit.Stark wrote:Almost all the CGI I've seen in the trailers is awesome. I mean I know they picked the best parts to show off, but I'm impressed.DPDarkPrimus wrote:The transformations I've seen in the trailers are pretty awesome...
There was a mention in the comic about that being Starscream and his crew making a brief stopover on Mars, IIRC.Spanky The Dolphin wrote:The producers have since said that the content of that particular trailer (specifically, that was the teaser trailer) will have absolutely nothing to do with the actual final film.ColonialAdmiral wrote:The only preview I saw was in a movie theater a few months back, that had a transformer trashing a mars rover.
Also, lGN.DPDarkPrimus wrote:The TV trailers are what you need to see.JLTucker wrote:Can someone post a link to trailers with the CGI? The official trailer doesn't show shit.Stark wrote: Almost all the CGI I've seen in the trailers is awesome. I mean I know they picked the best parts to show off, but I'm impressed.
I think they're on Yahoo?
That flip under the dam bridge was pure badass.Ford Prefect wrote:I think Starscream looks rather awesome, actually.