That does not change the fact that most discriminatory events are written from a Rebel perspective. The origin of Non-huMan itself is irrelevant.
Uh huh. Like Daala? And Varrscha? Major General Corvae? All cases of discrimination in the Imperial military, because all are EXPLICITLY STATED as unable to reach their ranks without unusual means due to discrimination FROM THE IMPERIAL PERSPECTIVE.
Bullshit. Or are you trying to say "non-huMan" does not refer to aliens?
Indeed it does refer to aliens, but I am NOT arguing that point, they are NOT relevant to a discussion about women. You have been told multiple times now to stop bringing in Red Herrings to disguise the fact you've presented no evidence AT ALL so far, apart from an 'analogy' which is pretty weak and has been countered, and your own reasoning, which is worthless and proves nothing.
Do I have to make the Rebellion comparison again?
Oh, please do. Make the comparison that in the EU there are an equal number of women in the Rebellion/NR to the Empire, which was the point I was disproving. It'll be hilarious.
No, you just assume that they got their positions through fighting discrimination even when it's not apparent, and then dismiss the others because they aren't high ranked enough.
As per the rules of canon. Sources must be reconciled if they can be. As there is nothing about these examples careers, the other EU evidence comes into play and states they were discriminated against. This is not contradicted, and stands. As for the examples who aren't high ranked enough, you're suggesting that a few TIE pilots in any way prove there was no discrimination? Are you genuinely retarded? Individuals can't be discriminated against when being promoted if THEY HAVEN'T BEEN PROMOTED AT ALL. Various examples of pilots, junior officers etc all fit in easily with the discriminatory policies, it's only officers of any high rank (post-rank and above, obviously) that might contradict this.
There's always an excuse isn't there? Force sensitivity? Quit grasping at straws.
It's called RECONCILIATION. To avoid the entire Star Wars universe tearing itself apart because every single goddamn source conflicts with every other one, sources have to be reconciled with each other. Force sensitivity EXPLAINS why this officer held the rank of Colonel in a discriminatory military.
Again, that is not my point. But even if it is. you're a hypocrite then, since you think all cases of Imperial female/alien officers should be discounted because you think they should be.
1. Stop the herring tactics right now, it's fucking offensive.
2. No, the evidence (which, by the way, you have none of) shows that these officers have factors which explain their rise in a discriminatory military.
So why doesn't an intelligence officer not count as a soldier? Cos she doesn't have a gun? She is a serving Imperial soldier, that she fights the Rebellion from behind the scenes in secrecy has nothing to do with her status as a soldier.
Go. Fuck. Yourself.
I have repeatedly stated in several different posts, which you have already acknowledged, that I am NOT saying Intelligence operatives do not count. I dealt with the examples in exactly the same way as the others. I SUGGESTED that in my personal opinion there will be a difference in the application of the discriminatory policies because Intel needs women, NOT that they are non-military.
On the grounds of the available evidence and not your wishful thinking, which is also worth shit in case you didn't know.
Oh, the available evidence, yeah? That available evidence, of which you have none of, yeah? That available evidence, which for you consists of 'there are only a few women in the Alliance on-screen'? Which proves ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING?
You really, really need to learn about what evidence is. Here's a hint: 'lack of women in the alliance on screen' leading to your conclusion 'there must therefore be discrimination in the alliance too' is NOT a sound argument, because the former IN NO WAY proves the latter. At most, it INDICATES something based on that evidence alone. The EU evidence, which despite your protestations to the contrary, stands, provides PROOF there was discrimination in the Imperial military. In contrast, it provides hundreds of examples of serving females in the Rebellion, and NOTHING about discrimination there.
Keep in mind that both Leia and Mothma are leaders of the Rebellion by virtue of their position as Senators, positions given to them by the Empire.
they were elected to by the people of Chandrila and Alderaan, opponents of the Empire. A senate the Empire then removed in its entirety because of problems like this, adding yet more evidence to the argument that IT DOES WHATEVER THE HELL IT WANTS.
No, I meant that the vast majority of personnel in the Rebellion are male, just as with the Empire.
Congratulations, you've just be anal raped by the EU evidence! This conclusion is proved utterly wrong by the ENTIRE FUCKING EU! Take your movie purist bullshit and go elsewhere.
And few to know military personnel if we use Lazarus' logic. If we don't, then still all we have are a couple of controllers and perhaps one pilot.
Once again, I'm forced to repeat those words of great wisdom.
Stop strawmanning my argument right the fuck now. I have, at no point, stated that Intelligence should be discounted. I have suggested that I, personally, am unconvinced exactly the same legislation applies, but I am NOT arguing that point. You have already acknowledged this, and bringing it into this argument again is fucking offensive.
How the fuck is mentioning aliens a red herring when I'm arguing against Non-huMan, a policy of discrimination against women and aliens?
Then get the fuck out of this thread and start another one on discrimination against aliens, because that is NOT what this is about.
Which implies a certain amount of cultural discrimination, it patently does not support some sort of institutionalised, policy of misogyny and racism.
So you thought you'd just ignore the patently obvious evidence for this policy on the form of Non-huMan then? Cos it's inconvenient and you don't like it?
Are you deliberately being daft? Bail Organa was the ruler of Alderaan and Senator for his sector before his daughter took over. Not Joe Schmoe Alderaanian. He used the resources of his position and his planet to support armed Rebellion.
So that justifies wiping out the entire fucking race then does it? Is there a passage in this 'constitution' that says 'in the event of treason, blow the motherfuckers to hell, and anyone near them, and anyone near
them too'? The Empire does whatever the fuck it wants, the constitution is a sham.
Why not? Oh, because you say they wouldn't? Brilliant. It's the evil empire! They don't obew laws, they kick people in the shins, they eat babies!
No, its the totalitarian Empire, they blow planets up, commit genocide, persecute religious and ethnic minorites, enslave entire races...
So you're saying then that it is utterly impossible for a totalitarian government to contravene it's own laws? That's patent bullshit and you know it.