SE V Balance Mod RP Thread
Moderator: Thanas
USS Vandez - Federation Colony Ship
"What is it Ensign."
"Unidentified vessel approaching, bearing three-two-one mark two-five."
"On screen."
"I can't get a fix on it sir... it's being jammed."
"Dammit." Jamming meant only one thing, a military ship. "No active scan, we don't want to provoke them. Anything on subspace radio?" Was it Klingon, Romulan?
"They don't even have a subspace field sir. Something on another channel... the universal translator can't make heads or tails of it. Wait -- something's coming on, English!"
"What's it say?"
"Hierarchy... battle thrall... that's all I can make out, sorry sir. Wait one more thing... hu... hu-men scum."
"I've been called a lot of things but never that. Helm, change course, keep ourselves out of range of that thing. Get me a channel to Earth."
"What is it Ensign."
"Unidentified vessel approaching, bearing three-two-one mark two-five."
"On screen."
"I can't get a fix on it sir... it's being jammed."
"Dammit." Jamming meant only one thing, a military ship. "No active scan, we don't want to provoke them. Anything on subspace radio?" Was it Klingon, Romulan?
"They don't even have a subspace field sir. Something on another channel... the universal translator can't make heads or tails of it. Wait -- something's coming on, English!"
"What's it say?"
"Hierarchy... battle thrall... that's all I can make out, sorry sir. Wait one more thing... hu... hu-men scum."
"I've been called a lot of things but never that. Helm, change course, keep ourselves out of range of that thing. Get me a channel to Earth."
- Nephtys
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6227
- Joined: 2005-04-02 10:54pm
- Location: South Cali... where life is cheap!
Nouveau Paris, at the seat of Francophonic Power...
"Possibly Armed Drones?! Within five light-minutes of Nouveau Paris?" the Empress cluched her fist around the arm-rest of the throne, standing now in her full majesty.
"Oui, your Imperial Majesty. Our detection grid is sure of it. And they have rejected diplomatic demands for the removal, although they are ensuring us of their intent to evacuate their colony location, as required by our treaty."
She turned back to a grand display of the star system, closing her eyes. "And how are they justifying this?"
The assistant Foreign Minister looked to her levelly. "They claim the drones cannot be removed for the safety of their people. However, they refuse to allow us permission for a recon flight to visually verify the nature of their drones as non-armed recon modeles." he added candidly.
A bite crossed her lip again and the Empress grimmaced "Have a single recon fighter launch from an orbital base. Send a message informing them that the militarization of our space will be considered a violation of the treaty. You have the ship inspect the drones to confirm their payload..." she turned back to face her minister, eyes cold.
"I do not want a war. Especially not as given how any war between us can only ravage both our peoples. But do not suggest in the slightest that we will back down."
"Yes your Majesty." he turned, and moved to a small communications console to one side of the grand hall aboard the floating palace, now crossing towards a military airbase near the outskirts of the capital city.
At least... should they be mad enough to seek war... she thought ironically, keying up a button on the side of her crystal-carved throne.
"Yes, Your Majesty?"
"Admiral. You are now granted a thirty percent increase in funding for munitions development. I want Project Taillefer completed soon."
It would be a tense few days.
"Possibly Armed Drones?! Within five light-minutes of Nouveau Paris?" the Empress cluched her fist around the arm-rest of the throne, standing now in her full majesty.
"Oui, your Imperial Majesty. Our detection grid is sure of it. And they have rejected diplomatic demands for the removal, although they are ensuring us of their intent to evacuate their colony location, as required by our treaty."
She turned back to a grand display of the star system, closing her eyes. "And how are they justifying this?"
The assistant Foreign Minister looked to her levelly. "They claim the drones cannot be removed for the safety of their people. However, they refuse to allow us permission for a recon flight to visually verify the nature of their drones as non-armed recon modeles." he added candidly.
A bite crossed her lip again and the Empress grimmaced "Have a single recon fighter launch from an orbital base. Send a message informing them that the militarization of our space will be considered a violation of the treaty. You have the ship inspect the drones to confirm their payload..." she turned back to face her minister, eyes cold.
"I do not want a war. Especially not as given how any war between us can only ravage both our peoples. But do not suggest in the slightest that we will back down."
"Yes your Majesty." he turned, and moved to a small communications console to one side of the grand hall aboard the floating palace, now crossing towards a military airbase near the outskirts of the capital city.
At least... should they be mad enough to seek war... she thought ironically, keying up a button on the side of her crystal-carved throne.
"Yes, Your Majesty?"
"Admiral. You are now granted a thirty percent increase in funding for munitions development. I want Project Taillefer completed soon."
It would be a tense few days.
- Arthur_Tuxedo
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 5637
- Joined: 2002-07-23 03:28am
- Location: San Francisco, California
So far, the Ur-Quan were just another species. Their green, carniverous looking leader was certainly menacing, but that didn't mean they were necessarily evil. A species had to have some rudimentary ethical constructs if they were ever to reach the stars in the first place.
These French, however, were intriguing. Arthurius knew that there used to be a nation called France on the human homeworld Earth before the formation of the Federation. At first Arthurius thought that they might have been transported from the past, yet his historians assured him that this could not be, as the French empire had dissolved long before space travel was invented on Earth. They could be from the future after the breakup of the Federation, of course, but their designs didn't feature nacelles or anything that would suggest a warp drive. So this must be some alternate timeline where the French conquered all of Earth and the Federation was never formed. If this was true, that would make these French formidable indeed. The humans had forced a grudging respect from any Romulan that had dealings with them. Without a Prime Directive to hold them back, there's no telling what they might do.
Arthurius sent Non-Agression Treaty offers to both species. The Eris Imperium had sent a cryptic reply to the treaty offer. "We will withdraw," it had said, but they had not agreed to the treaty, leaving the relations between the two empires rather uncertain. If they would not agree to any sort of treaty, then perhaps they were preparing for an invasion. If so, perhaps Arthurius should invade first and more forcefully. Yet they had little idea of the technology of the Eris, and he'd hate to start a war and then lose it. Arthurius decided to make another attempt at sending a treaty, and to steer clear of Eris ships in the mean time.
These French, however, were intriguing. Arthurius knew that there used to be a nation called France on the human homeworld Earth before the formation of the Federation. At first Arthurius thought that they might have been transported from the past, yet his historians assured him that this could not be, as the French empire had dissolved long before space travel was invented on Earth. They could be from the future after the breakup of the Federation, of course, but their designs didn't feature nacelles or anything that would suggest a warp drive. So this must be some alternate timeline where the French conquered all of Earth and the Federation was never formed. If this was true, that would make these French formidable indeed. The humans had forced a grudging respect from any Romulan that had dealings with them. Without a Prime Directive to hold them back, there's no telling what they might do.
Arthurius sent Non-Agression Treaty offers to both species. The Eris Imperium had sent a cryptic reply to the treaty offer. "We will withdraw," it had said, but they had not agreed to the treaty, leaving the relations between the two empires rather uncertain. If they would not agree to any sort of treaty, then perhaps they were preparing for an invasion. If so, perhaps Arthurius should invade first and more forcefully. Yet they had little idea of the technology of the Eris, and he'd hate to start a war and then lose it. Arthurius decided to make another attempt at sending a treaty, and to steer clear of Eris ships in the mean time.
"I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark." - Muhammad Ali
"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
San Francisco
"So what do we have here?"
"Three new contacts Admiral, and a message from the Ur-Quan."
"What do we know about these Ur-Quan?"
"Not very much sir. A garbled message from a ship we passed, but nothing beyond that. They want -- wow sir, they want a lot."
"Let me take a look at that. Refueling rights, colonization permits, repair facilities, star charts... no, the President will never agree to this, we don't know anything about them. Send them a counter-offer. Oh, and make sure they know the Quesstris system is ours."
"Yes sir. Next on the list is the... Rhak'Thran Exiled."
"A democracy, that's good. Where was first contact?"
"USS Texas sir, a colony ship in the Tesshana system with one of their colony ships?"
"Were they there first?"
"Yes sir."
"Damn. Order the colony ship to stay put. Let's see if they'll let us plant an observer in that system. And next?"
"The Davion Federation."
"Federation huh? I like them already."
"Same system as the Rhak'Thran."
"Ouch. We don't want to get the Federation in a land dispute. Make sure they know we're not interested in the Tesshana system as long as they don't send anything past Texas into Achenar. And next?"
"The Hiigaran Kiithid. They've got some kind of brotherhood treaty with the Rhak'Thran. It could get messy sir: they've got a warship in Jokala and a colony ship in Cretrik."
"Colony ship, no colony?"
"As far as we can tell sir. We've been in Cretrik for more than two stardates now."
"Looks like an exchange is in order. Tell the Hiigarans we'll give them Jokala if they give us Cretrik. Oh, and they have to let us put an observer in Jokala too."
"Yes sir. What should I tell the President?"
"Tell him I'll be there at oh-six-forty."
"So what do we have here?"
"Three new contacts Admiral, and a message from the Ur-Quan."
"What do we know about these Ur-Quan?"
"Not very much sir. A garbled message from a ship we passed, but nothing beyond that. They want -- wow sir, they want a lot."
"Let me take a look at that. Refueling rights, colonization permits, repair facilities, star charts... no, the President will never agree to this, we don't know anything about them. Send them a counter-offer. Oh, and make sure they know the Quesstris system is ours."
"Yes sir. Next on the list is the... Rhak'Thran Exiled."
"A democracy, that's good. Where was first contact?"
"USS Texas sir, a colony ship in the Tesshana system with one of their colony ships?"
"Were they there first?"
"Yes sir."
"Damn. Order the colony ship to stay put. Let's see if they'll let us plant an observer in that system. And next?"
"The Davion Federation."
"Federation huh? I like them already."
"Same system as the Rhak'Thran."
"Ouch. We don't want to get the Federation in a land dispute. Make sure they know we're not interested in the Tesshana system as long as they don't send anything past Texas into Achenar. And next?"
"The Hiigaran Kiithid. They've got some kind of brotherhood treaty with the Rhak'Thran. It could get messy sir: they've got a warship in Jokala and a colony ship in Cretrik."
"Colony ship, no colony?"
"As far as we can tell sir. We've been in Cretrik for more than two stardates now."
"Looks like an exchange is in order. Tell the Hiigarans we'll give them Jokala if they give us Cretrik. Oh, and they have to let us put an observer in Jokala too."
"Yes sir. What should I tell the President?"
"Tell him I'll be there at oh-six-forty."
Chamber of the Advisory Board
DOS 1.0 was the oldest living Androsynth, and that was really saying something. With their superior DNA and the advanced medicine they'd developed in the years since fleeing Earth, their average lifespan was much, much longer than that of the average human. DOS 1.0 was one of the first benefactors of that advanced medicine. The only remaining Androsynth who'd participated in the Clone Revolt on Earth, DOS 1.0 currently felt as if there were would be slavemasters on all sides.
"You worry too much about our human neighbors," DAK of the VUX said. "Just because they are hideous does not mean they are dangerous."
"And if they do try and enslave us, it will give us the chance for glorious battle *snork snork*!" Nargle of the Spathi exclaimed.
The other Board members looked at him strangely. The remnant of the Ur-Quan armada had never gone to Spathiwa in their flight from the Alliance; the only reason they had Spathi among their number was because they had chanced to discover the Black Spathi Squadron in their search for the Androsynth. They had not yet adjusted to having a super-aggresive Spathi in their midst.
"Let's play a joke on them, yes?" Bob of the Umgah chuckled. "We could engineer a plague and release it on them! Good joke, right?"
As usual, everyone ignored Bob.
"I agree with the mollusk!" Bronk of the Thraddash exclaimed. "If they come to us, we will enjoy cutting them to tiny little pieces!"
"So long as we are allowed to spread Juffo-Wup, the Mycon are happy," Glob said.
DOS 1.0 sighed. I'm surrounded by idiots, he thought.
"Look, this United Federation of Planet's ships look like an evolved version of the Earthling Cruiser, France was a nation on Earth, and a lot of these other nations look human, too," DOS 1.0 said. "If any of them know what we did back in our home universe, they might all come after us. Do any of you believe we could beat them all back?"
"YES!" Bronk exlaimed, pounding on the table with his huge fists.
"This from the being who thinks that a nuclear winter is essential to cultural evolution," Nargle said scornfully.
"Silence, mollusk!" Bronk shouted.
"Stop, you ugly idiots," DAK said. "DOS 1.0 is correct. If the human nations united against us, we will be destroyed."
"But what can we do?" asked Gorgon of the Ilwrath. "The Thirteen are devouting minimal resources to armament. We can't override them."
"And so far they seem only too happy to cuddle up to the humans," DOS 1.0 said sadly. "Master One asked me how to say hello in French yesterday."
"We don't even have any autonomy anymore," DAK said. "We are powerless."
"Perhaps not," DOS 1.0 said, very softly. He leaned in close to his fellow Board members. "I'm sure this room is bugged. Can you meet me tonight?"
Chamber of the Advisory Board
DOS 1.0 was the oldest living Androsynth, and that was really saying something. With their superior DNA and the advanced medicine they'd developed in the years since fleeing Earth, their average lifespan was much, much longer than that of the average human. DOS 1.0 was one of the first benefactors of that advanced medicine. The only remaining Androsynth who'd participated in the Clone Revolt on Earth, DOS 1.0 currently felt as if there were would be slavemasters on all sides.
"You worry too much about our human neighbors," DAK of the VUX said. "Just because they are hideous does not mean they are dangerous."
"And if they do try and enslave us, it will give us the chance for glorious battle *snork snork*!" Nargle of the Spathi exclaimed.
The other Board members looked at him strangely. The remnant of the Ur-Quan armada had never gone to Spathiwa in their flight from the Alliance; the only reason they had Spathi among their number was because they had chanced to discover the Black Spathi Squadron in their search for the Androsynth. They had not yet adjusted to having a super-aggresive Spathi in their midst.
"Let's play a joke on them, yes?" Bob of the Umgah chuckled. "We could engineer a plague and release it on them! Good joke, right?"
As usual, everyone ignored Bob.
"I agree with the mollusk!" Bronk of the Thraddash exclaimed. "If they come to us, we will enjoy cutting them to tiny little pieces!"
"So long as we are allowed to spread Juffo-Wup, the Mycon are happy," Glob said.
DOS 1.0 sighed. I'm surrounded by idiots, he thought.
"Look, this United Federation of Planet's ships look like an evolved version of the Earthling Cruiser, France was a nation on Earth, and a lot of these other nations look human, too," DOS 1.0 said. "If any of them know what we did back in our home universe, they might all come after us. Do any of you believe we could beat them all back?"
"YES!" Bronk exlaimed, pounding on the table with his huge fists.
"This from the being who thinks that a nuclear winter is essential to cultural evolution," Nargle said scornfully.
"Silence, mollusk!" Bronk shouted.
"Stop, you ugly idiots," DAK said. "DOS 1.0 is correct. If the human nations united against us, we will be destroyed."
"But what can we do?" asked Gorgon of the Ilwrath. "The Thirteen are devouting minimal resources to armament. We can't override them."
"And so far they seem only too happy to cuddle up to the humans," DOS 1.0 said sadly. "Master One asked me how to say hello in French yesterday."
"We don't even have any autonomy anymore," DAK said. "We are powerless."
"Perhaps not," DOS 1.0 said, very softly. He leaned in close to his fellow Board members. "I'm sure this room is bugged. Can you meet me tonight?"
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
Federation Council
"Romulans," Shan said. The Andorian wiggled his antennae. "Romulans still exist!"
A hundred years ago when the antimatter peak exploded into galactic conflict, the Romulans had the advantage of not relying exclusively on antimatter warp cores. The Klingons and Romulans had waged a bloody war. Subspace relay networks went offline, but all had thought the Klingons had annihilated the Romulans. After all, if the Romulans had survived, how come they hadn't conquered Earth over the past century?
"Peace." Speck raised his hand. "These Romulans may not be the aggressive race they once were. Much can change in a century."
"Starfleet," Trevalyen rose, "Starfleet disgrees."
Murmers resonated through the council chamber. The Vice President banged his gavel. "Order, we will have order."
"And what does Starfleet know that we do not? Starfleet, with its ragtag obsolete fleet of trash compactors," Shan said. "Starfleet, who can't even find the Romulans before the Suran. We had to beg for intelligence of the Romulans from primitive religious zealots! Apparently the Romulans have been here the whole time under our noses. Who knows how many spies they've infiltrated in the Federation while our borders remain open. And Starfleet is useless."
"You vastly underestimate Starfleet," Trevalyen said. "The Andorian ambassador is out of line."
"I agree. The Andorian delegate will refrain from calling Starfleet's vessels obsolete trash compactors," the Vice President said.
"Talk, talk, all you humans do is talk. The Andorians will not allow the Romulans to destroy the Federation. We demand an immediate increase in military spending."
"For Starfleet?" Trevalyen said.
Shan glared at Trevalyen and spat as he spoke. "Whatever is done, the Romulans cannot be allowed to penetrate our borders. And where is our esteemed President? Does he think us all fools, avoiding the council when matters of galactic importance are at stake? Our scientists have detected spatial and temporal anomalies throughout the whole Alpha Quadrant, species and races we have never heard of, and a resurged Romulan Empire. Why, there could be cloaked warbirds in orbit ready to destroy us this very moment!"
"Romulans," Shan said. The Andorian wiggled his antennae. "Romulans still exist!"
A hundred years ago when the antimatter peak exploded into galactic conflict, the Romulans had the advantage of not relying exclusively on antimatter warp cores. The Klingons and Romulans had waged a bloody war. Subspace relay networks went offline, but all had thought the Klingons had annihilated the Romulans. After all, if the Romulans had survived, how come they hadn't conquered Earth over the past century?
"Peace." Speck raised his hand. "These Romulans may not be the aggressive race they once were. Much can change in a century."
"Starfleet," Trevalyen rose, "Starfleet disgrees."
Murmers resonated through the council chamber. The Vice President banged his gavel. "Order, we will have order."
"And what does Starfleet know that we do not? Starfleet, with its ragtag obsolete fleet of trash compactors," Shan said. "Starfleet, who can't even find the Romulans before the Suran. We had to beg for intelligence of the Romulans from primitive religious zealots! Apparently the Romulans have been here the whole time under our noses. Who knows how many spies they've infiltrated in the Federation while our borders remain open. And Starfleet is useless."
"You vastly underestimate Starfleet," Trevalyen said. "The Andorian ambassador is out of line."
"I agree. The Andorian delegate will refrain from calling Starfleet's vessels obsolete trash compactors," the Vice President said.
"Talk, talk, all you humans do is talk. The Andorians will not allow the Romulans to destroy the Federation. We demand an immediate increase in military spending."
"For Starfleet?" Trevalyen said.
Shan glared at Trevalyen and spat as he spoke. "Whatever is done, the Romulans cannot be allowed to penetrate our borders. And where is our esteemed President? Does he think us all fools, avoiding the council when matters of galactic importance are at stake? Our scientists have detected spatial and temporal anomalies throughout the whole Alpha Quadrant, species and races we have never heard of, and a resurged Romulan Empire. Why, there could be cloaked warbirds in orbit ready to destroy us this very moment!"
- Kingside_Bishop
- Youngling
- Posts: 96
- Joined: 2007-05-03 02:19pm
- Location: Belen, New Mexico
It was a momentous day for all gathered. Within the tremendous bulk of K'Thra -- a chief Arbiter, high ranking among the Forgiven -- thousands of Exiled were gathered, awaiting the fulfillment of the dream worked towards by so many, for so long.
From lightyears away, a series of dim flashes can be seen, perceptible only by those who know where, when, and how to look. It is the message of the High Arbiter, D'Norr, and it comes across in the deep, soothing blues and purples of the honorific. <The final blessing be upon you, my brothers... you have proven yourselves worthy once more to take up the mantle of terrestrial existence... Heed K'Thra in all things, and remember always that you remain Exiles, and so, continue on in your dedication to the protection of the Innocent...>
With this blessing, K'Thra descends to the icy surface of the planet with his precious cargo, as all aboard breathe a sigh of ecstacy along with their caretaker, revelling in the atmospheric pressure that they have gone so long without feeling.
Meanwhile, however, the scarred form of D'Norr orbits torturously in the void, a mangled bulk of misshapen crystals grown accustomed to the starvation of the void, accompanied by the assistants and retainers that any head of state would have beside them. Lights flash within his bulk as images play across his inner surface -- the sign that Rhak'Thrallan symbiots are thinking to themselves...
The past year has been a busy one, requiring movement much more rapid than any slow-growing crystal being would be accustomed to. Fortunately, the quick-thinking bacterial colony that helps make up the being is able to compensate -- and so, the administration of the Exiles has, to a certain extent, been successful, though new challenges appear on every horizon.
The Davion, to the east, have thus far proven to be honorable partners, sustaining the ruled boundaries as established by mutual agreement. Though the presence of unprotected Rhak'Thrallan Forgiven within Davion borders is unsettling to the High Arbiter -- grand protector of his people -- the behavior of the humanoids has been nothing short of everything that was desired and asked for. Distrust remains, however, for it is in the very nature of the elected leader.
The Hiigarans, however, have proven themselves to be a most worthwhile ally -- similar in disposition to the Exiled, having themselves been through a period of banishement. Indeed, this bond has grown close as a result of shared experiences, and as both empires expand, trust continues to grow as quickly as the newly-bonded symbiot when gifted with much sugar and water.
To the south, the recent emergence of a Federation-Suran alliance has disturbed the interfaces within D'Norr, leading him to some degree of apprehension. Recent treaty offers have done much to assuage these emotions, but still, the High Arbiter retains a suspicious attidue towards his neighbors, who will be watched closely with much vigiliance.
But, scenes such as those occuring around K'Thra are increasingly common, as the Rhak'Thrallan Exiled slowly work their way to repentence, and, in the process, expand their territories to include many new iceworlds suitable for the new Forgiven caste.
From lightyears away, a series of dim flashes can be seen, perceptible only by those who know where, when, and how to look. It is the message of the High Arbiter, D'Norr, and it comes across in the deep, soothing blues and purples of the honorific. <The final blessing be upon you, my brothers... you have proven yourselves worthy once more to take up the mantle of terrestrial existence... Heed K'Thra in all things, and remember always that you remain Exiles, and so, continue on in your dedication to the protection of the Innocent...>
With this blessing, K'Thra descends to the icy surface of the planet with his precious cargo, as all aboard breathe a sigh of ecstacy along with their caretaker, revelling in the atmospheric pressure that they have gone so long without feeling.
Meanwhile, however, the scarred form of D'Norr orbits torturously in the void, a mangled bulk of misshapen crystals grown accustomed to the starvation of the void, accompanied by the assistants and retainers that any head of state would have beside them. Lights flash within his bulk as images play across his inner surface -- the sign that Rhak'Thrallan symbiots are thinking to themselves...
The past year has been a busy one, requiring movement much more rapid than any slow-growing crystal being would be accustomed to. Fortunately, the quick-thinking bacterial colony that helps make up the being is able to compensate -- and so, the administration of the Exiles has, to a certain extent, been successful, though new challenges appear on every horizon.
The Davion, to the east, have thus far proven to be honorable partners, sustaining the ruled boundaries as established by mutual agreement. Though the presence of unprotected Rhak'Thrallan Forgiven within Davion borders is unsettling to the High Arbiter -- grand protector of his people -- the behavior of the humanoids has been nothing short of everything that was desired and asked for. Distrust remains, however, for it is in the very nature of the elected leader.
The Hiigarans, however, have proven themselves to be a most worthwhile ally -- similar in disposition to the Exiled, having themselves been through a period of banishement. Indeed, this bond has grown close as a result of shared experiences, and as both empires expand, trust continues to grow as quickly as the newly-bonded symbiot when gifted with much sugar and water.
To the south, the recent emergence of a Federation-Suran alliance has disturbed the interfaces within D'Norr, leading him to some degree of apprehension. Recent treaty offers have done much to assuage these emotions, but still, the High Arbiter retains a suspicious attidue towards his neighbors, who will be watched closely with much vigiliance.
But, scenes such as those occuring around K'Thra are increasingly common, as the Rhak'Thrallan Exiled slowly work their way to repentence, and, in the process, expand their territories to include many new iceworlds suitable for the new Forgiven caste.
~ Kingside_Bishop
- Arthur_Tuxedo
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 5637
- Joined: 2002-07-23 03:28am
- Location: San Francisco, California
So the Federation existed in this universe, as well. Arthurius had finished sending standard greetings to the other newly encountered empires, but didn't send anything for the Federation humans. Arthurius laughed at what must be going through their minds as he let them eat static. They were probably panicking about phantasms of cloaked warbirds watching their every move.
The Eris, however, would require more forceful action. They had blockaded a warp point without bothering to tell Arthurius, and had attacked a colony ship as it came through, destroying it and its millions of hopeful Romulans. Clearly, this was a xenophobic, psychotic species that could not peacefully co-exist with any other race.
The first course of action would be to fortify the warp points, but Arthurius wanted to make sure something like what happened to his colony ship would not happen to someone else. He sent out a broadcast.
The Eris, however, would require more forceful action. They had blockaded a warp point without bothering to tell Arthurius, and had attacked a colony ship as it came through, destroying it and its millions of hopeful Romulans. Clearly, this was a xenophobic, psychotic species that could not peacefully co-exist with any other race.
The first course of action would be to fortify the warp points, but Arthurius wanted to make sure something like what happened to his colony ship would not happen to someone else. He sent out a broadcast.
The following warp points have been blockaded to protect the sovereignity of the Romulan Star Empire. Please be advised that all ships entering through these warp points will be fired upon unless a specific treaty says otherwise. Please mark the Chara, Bogmire, Remnorak, and Quikill systems as systems to avoid.

"I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark." - Muhammad Ali
"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
The Federation had snubbed the treaty offer that the Thirteen had seen fit to extend to them. Instead they had offered a much more restrained treaty, one that allowed for warships to fight in systems occupied by one side or the other. Maximum international trade was capped at a mere 5% of the GDP.
DOS 1.0 was no fool. The Federation didn't want Ur-Quan ships in their space because they didn't want the Ur-Quan to see their military buildup. This Federation was clearly some kind of off-shoot of the UN government which had controlled the Earth back home. And they were doubtlessly planning an invasion.
The Thirteen had opted to accept the Federation's offer.
DOS 1.0 didn't care. He was here, underneath a remote overpass in the slums of Central City, to take matters into his own hands.
He didn't have to wait long before his fellow conspirators arrived. DAK, Nargle, Bronk, and Gorgon appeared from the shadows, all of them looking nervous. DOS 1.0 didn't share their anxiety; he knew the Ur-Quan didn't consider them important enough to have watched.
"Greetings, friends," DOS 1.0 said.
"Bob and Glob aren't coming," DAK said, ignoring the hello. "Bob said he wouldn't tell the Ur-Quan. Thinks whatever you're planning will surely be hilarious. Glob won't tell anyone, I think. You know how Mycon are."
"So what is your plan, puny human-like creature?" Bronk asked.
"Yes, tell us," Gorgon hissed. "I'd like to know how you plan to execute a rebellion. The Thirteen have made no secret of their plans to break the domes if the colonies rebel."
DOS 1.0 smirked. "Why should we organize a revolt on the colonies? All the power of this nation is concentrated right here, on Sa-Varsa."
"Rebellion here?" Nargle asked. "We Spathi of the Black Squadron are agressive but not stupid! The Ur-Quan will slaughter us!"
"Not rebellion, just a coup," DOS 1.0 assured them. "Quick, clean, relatively bloodless. The Thirteen will be our only targets."
"Brilliant," DAK said sarcastically. "And just how are we to get at them? We only ever see one of them at a time. Striking one of them will be disasterous."
"The tentacle-faced one is right!" Bronk agreed. "We have no access to the whole Thirteen! *Groan* Our power is not great enough to make this work!"
"I know," DOS 1.0 said.
A huge insectoid form suddenly emerged from the shadows with lightning speed. Everyone let out a cry of panic, save for DOS 1.0.
It took several moments for the assembled beings to realize that the Ur-Quan that had dropped in on them was not green, but black.
"Welcome, Lord Genocide," DOS 1.0 said, grinning.
The Federation had snubbed the treaty offer that the Thirteen had seen fit to extend to them. Instead they had offered a much more restrained treaty, one that allowed for warships to fight in systems occupied by one side or the other. Maximum international trade was capped at a mere 5% of the GDP.
DOS 1.0 was no fool. The Federation didn't want Ur-Quan ships in their space because they didn't want the Ur-Quan to see their military buildup. This Federation was clearly some kind of off-shoot of the UN government which had controlled the Earth back home. And they were doubtlessly planning an invasion.
The Thirteen had opted to accept the Federation's offer.
DOS 1.0 didn't care. He was here, underneath a remote overpass in the slums of Central City, to take matters into his own hands.
He didn't have to wait long before his fellow conspirators arrived. DAK, Nargle, Bronk, and Gorgon appeared from the shadows, all of them looking nervous. DOS 1.0 didn't share their anxiety; he knew the Ur-Quan didn't consider them important enough to have watched.
"Greetings, friends," DOS 1.0 said.
"Bob and Glob aren't coming," DAK said, ignoring the hello. "Bob said he wouldn't tell the Ur-Quan. Thinks whatever you're planning will surely be hilarious. Glob won't tell anyone, I think. You know how Mycon are."
"So what is your plan, puny human-like creature?" Bronk asked.
"Yes, tell us," Gorgon hissed. "I'd like to know how you plan to execute a rebellion. The Thirteen have made no secret of their plans to break the domes if the colonies rebel."
DOS 1.0 smirked. "Why should we organize a revolt on the colonies? All the power of this nation is concentrated right here, on Sa-Varsa."
"Rebellion here?" Nargle asked. "We Spathi of the Black Squadron are agressive but not stupid! The Ur-Quan will slaughter us!"
"Not rebellion, just a coup," DOS 1.0 assured them. "Quick, clean, relatively bloodless. The Thirteen will be our only targets."
"Brilliant," DAK said sarcastically. "And just how are we to get at them? We only ever see one of them at a time. Striking one of them will be disasterous."
"The tentacle-faced one is right!" Bronk agreed. "We have no access to the whole Thirteen! *Groan* Our power is not great enough to make this work!"
"I know," DOS 1.0 said.
A huge insectoid form suddenly emerged from the shadows with lightning speed. Everyone let out a cry of panic, save for DOS 1.0.
It took several moments for the assembled beings to realize that the Ur-Quan that had dropped in on them was not green, but black.
"Welcome, Lord Genocide," DOS 1.0 said, grinning.
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
Starfleet Command
Underground Bunker
"What... is it?" Trevalyen said. The thing was grotesque, its tentacles restrained by security cuffs and its single eye rotating in its too small socket. He half expected the thing's slime to burn through the security cuffs.
"We found it in the Quesstris system sir," Ensign Yates said. "It came in a remarkably advanced starship right through our defensive screen. No warp drive to speak of, and we estimate its beam weapon could have fired at four hundred gigajoules or more."
"Quesstris has minimal defenses. If his vessel was so advanced how was he captured?"
"He... it jettisoned itself in a lifecraft and self-destructed his vessel. He surrendered."
Damn. Starfleet engineers were still having problems replicating older technology, and a working alien vessel would have been a godsend. "What else do we know?"
"You--" It said. It extended its right tentacle, tugging at its restraints. The security officers raised their phaser rifles.
"Hold your fire," Trevalyen said. "I thought you said it didn't understand English."
"This is the first time it's spoken," Yates said. "It's definitely not our universal translator."
"You. Admiral Trevalyen. You are perfect, beautiful. My name is ZEX. I was once an Admiral as well. Admiral of a mighty war fleet, master tactician and hero of the Great War."
Yates smiled. "It seems to have taken a liking to you."
Damn thing, what the hell did it want? "You say you're an Admiral. Admiral of who, and of what? What do you want from us?"
"Beautiful. I must have you."
"You will answer my questions--"
"Yes of course." ZEX blinked. "But only your questions. We have much to discuss, Admiral Trevalyen. For one, I know much about your mortal enemies."
The Romulans. At last, some real intelligence. "How many Romulan ships in Federation space? What are their intentions? Do you have prefix codes, troop and ship movements, anything that can help us? The Federation can offer you asylum."
"Romulans?" ZEX laughed. "No, no, human. Your enemies are far more dangerous than the Romulans. You face the mighty Hierarchy, former masters of a thousand races and their battle thralls. You face the Ur-Quan."
Ur-Quan. "Leave us," Trevalyen said. "Give me that rifle."
"But Starfleet regulations state--"
"Leave us now Ensign. All of you."
Underground Bunker
"What... is it?" Trevalyen said. The thing was grotesque, its tentacles restrained by security cuffs and its single eye rotating in its too small socket. He half expected the thing's slime to burn through the security cuffs.
"We found it in the Quesstris system sir," Ensign Yates said. "It came in a remarkably advanced starship right through our defensive screen. No warp drive to speak of, and we estimate its beam weapon could have fired at four hundred gigajoules or more."
"Quesstris has minimal defenses. If his vessel was so advanced how was he captured?"
"He... it jettisoned itself in a lifecraft and self-destructed his vessel. He surrendered."
Damn. Starfleet engineers were still having problems replicating older technology, and a working alien vessel would have been a godsend. "What else do we know?"
"You--" It said. It extended its right tentacle, tugging at its restraints. The security officers raised their phaser rifles.
"Hold your fire," Trevalyen said. "I thought you said it didn't understand English."
"This is the first time it's spoken," Yates said. "It's definitely not our universal translator."
"You. Admiral Trevalyen. You are perfect, beautiful. My name is ZEX. I was once an Admiral as well. Admiral of a mighty war fleet, master tactician and hero of the Great War."
Yates smiled. "It seems to have taken a liking to you."
Damn thing, what the hell did it want? "You say you're an Admiral. Admiral of who, and of what? What do you want from us?"
"Beautiful. I must have you."
"You will answer my questions--"
"Yes of course." ZEX blinked. "But only your questions. We have much to discuss, Admiral Trevalyen. For one, I know much about your mortal enemies."
The Romulans. At last, some real intelligence. "How many Romulan ships in Federation space? What are their intentions? Do you have prefix codes, troop and ship movements, anything that can help us? The Federation can offer you asylum."
"Romulans?" ZEX laughed. "No, no, human. Your enemies are far more dangerous than the Romulans. You face the mighty Hierarchy, former masters of a thousand races and their battle thralls. You face the Ur-Quan."
Ur-Quan. "Leave us," Trevalyen said. "Give me that rifle."
"But Starfleet regulations state--"
"Leave us now Ensign. All of you."
Central City
Random Street Corner
"All right, I'm here," DOS 1.0 said irritably. "Now what is this big emergency you contacted me about?"
DAK looked around nervously before speaking, his single eye seeming even larger than usual. Finally, he said, "ZEX is gone."
DOS 1.0 frowned. "ZEX is dead. He died long before the Battle of the Sa-Matra. The human captain with the Precursor ship killed him."
DAK shook his head. "No, that's what most everyone believes, but it isn't true."
He quickly explained the bargain that the human captain had made with ZEX in order to get the Shofixti maidens, and how it had gone terribly wrong for the retired admiral.
"The Beast would've killed ZEX, but apparently it had eaten until it was full," DAK said. "It knocked ZEX unconsious and then went to sleep. ZEX woke up first and killed it. He found that the human had plundered his menagerie while he was out and set out to replenish it."
"Shouldn't he still be bouncing around the home galaxy, then?" DOS 1.0 asked.
"No. When he heard about the Battle of the Sa-Matra, he thought we'd need his skills again and found the remnants of the Armada," DAK said. "I helped him sneak in under the name of his late sub-commander, DAX. ZEX had a lot of friends in high places among VUX command. Somehow he was able to hide his modified Intruder somewhere to keep it from being scrapped like the rest of the Armada was."
"And he took off?" DOS 1.0 asked. "Where the hell did he go?"
DAK swallowed. "Federation space."
"Why?!" DOS 1.0 demanded.
"ZEX was...unusual. That's why command retired him once the Great War was over," DAK said. "He...he liked the human form."
DOS 1.0 felt his heart go cold. ZEX, the most brilliant commander to arise from the Great War, the creator of the Dynamic Triangle and Fortress Square formations, the one who had held the mighty Yehat Empire at bay, had apparently defected to the Federation.
"You knew ZEX was here and you didn't have people keep an eye on him?!" DOS 1.0 seethed.
"Of course I did," DAK said, indignant. "As I said, though, ZEX had friends from the Great War. I underestimated just how many."
"Magnificent," DOS 1.0 said.
"What does this mean for our plan?" DAK asked timidly.
"We accelerate it," DOS 1.0 said flatly. "If the humans have ZEX, we can't afford this passive stance that the Masters are taking for a moment more than neccessary."
Central City
Random Street Corner
"All right, I'm here," DOS 1.0 said irritably. "Now what is this big emergency you contacted me about?"
DAK looked around nervously before speaking, his single eye seeming even larger than usual. Finally, he said, "ZEX is gone."
DOS 1.0 frowned. "ZEX is dead. He died long before the Battle of the Sa-Matra. The human captain with the Precursor ship killed him."
DAK shook his head. "No, that's what most everyone believes, but it isn't true."
He quickly explained the bargain that the human captain had made with ZEX in order to get the Shofixti maidens, and how it had gone terribly wrong for the retired admiral.
"The Beast would've killed ZEX, but apparently it had eaten until it was full," DAK said. "It knocked ZEX unconsious and then went to sleep. ZEX woke up first and killed it. He found that the human had plundered his menagerie while he was out and set out to replenish it."
"Shouldn't he still be bouncing around the home galaxy, then?" DOS 1.0 asked.
"No. When he heard about the Battle of the Sa-Matra, he thought we'd need his skills again and found the remnants of the Armada," DAK said. "I helped him sneak in under the name of his late sub-commander, DAX. ZEX had a lot of friends in high places among VUX command. Somehow he was able to hide his modified Intruder somewhere to keep it from being scrapped like the rest of the Armada was."
"And he took off?" DOS 1.0 asked. "Where the hell did he go?"
DAK swallowed. "Federation space."
"Why?!" DOS 1.0 demanded.
"ZEX was...unusual. That's why command retired him once the Great War was over," DAK said. "He...he liked the human form."
DOS 1.0 felt his heart go cold. ZEX, the most brilliant commander to arise from the Great War, the creator of the Dynamic Triangle and Fortress Square formations, the one who had held the mighty Yehat Empire at bay, had apparently defected to the Federation.
"You knew ZEX was here and you didn't have people keep an eye on him?!" DOS 1.0 seethed.
"Of course I did," DAK said, indignant. "As I said, though, ZEX had friends from the Great War. I underestimated just how many."
"Magnificent," DOS 1.0 said.
"What does this mean for our plan?" DAK asked timidly.
"We accelerate it," DOS 1.0 said flatly. "If the humans have ZEX, we can't afford this passive stance that the Masters are taking for a moment more than neccessary."
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
Chazzawar System
Nebular Mass 4
Resource Field 23
Chiisur's harvester settled down on the floating chunk of rock and set to work flaying it into it's constituent elements. A harvester was hardly the kind of work one wanted to do all day, but it's been peaceful and there's nothing wrong with getting your hands dirty. Again.
The field of rocks spun in orbit of a dismembered gas giant, some kind of protoplanet mass that might one day collapse itself down into something interesting, if they hadn't been pulling it apart for the past year or so. Hiigarans were biologically land-dwelling, but few did nowadays, and colonies were nearly exclusively mining operations. Their populations were so low from the long eons of genocide, piracy and banishment that nearly their entire population rested comfortably on Hiigara, off near the center of the galactic mass. At the moment, the workers of Kiith Manaan were closer to Kharak than Hiigara, and the swirling ugly yellow clouds of hydrogen reminded them of that prison world. Rocks spun in the mustard colored haze, and in the distance, a glitter of crystal. It was on it's way to one of the icy worlds nearby, slated to drop a colony soon. There was going to be a party to celebrate, but miners weren't invited.
"I like 'em," Chiisur said across his comm. "They remind me of big fish. Big crystal space fish. I miss the ocean."
"Who? The Exiles?" The Sobani helmsman of the Khar-Manaan crackled back. "I'm not sure why they're exiled, from what I can tell it's some kind of criminal act. I'd be concerned if we weren't considered war criminals ourselves. It's all a matter of point of view, I suppose."
"Yeah. It's a pretty similar sort of story. Really, they remind me of a shot we never had at working with the Kadeshi." Chiisur flug a bit of worthless silicate out towards the central mass of the gas ball, picking through the good parts like a crab on the sea floor.
"Maybe not enough like them, I don't like how trusting we're being," the Sobani replied in a forseeable admission of concern. It was the Sobani's mission in life to be concerned. "We're in a rather tenuous position here, so far from Hiigara. All these neighbors makes me agitated. Did you hear about the mining operation that headed spinward? Ran smack into a black hole."
The loss was devastating, but Chiisur wasn't sure what those two things had to do with each other. The Helmsman continued before he could raise the point.
"It just shows you how little we know about this area. When we retook Hiigara, we did it as a group, not as far-flung independant Kiith. We shouldn't be too hasty to make alliances. The Exiles are as close to us as you can get, but I think they are a little too eager to make friends with people."
Hiigarans, as a rule, have few strong allies. Once part of a great galactic council, they were decimated when an ally, compelled by the rules of that council, turned on them and decimated their military. Those same rules, however, kept aid from coming when the vengeful forces of the Taiidani ravaged Hiigara and obliterated their civilization. Those who carried out the council's attack were so shamed by the events that they abandoned military endeavors and wandered the stars as peaceful merchants, repaying their debt during the Kushan's return to Hiigara. It was a complicated, and long history, and reading it had made the Kushans, now Hiigarans, cagey. A growing fundamentalism back home did not help, as cults of the Sajuuk-khar began to unite under Makaan of the Vagyr. It's a force the Hiigarans may need to deal with in some year's time, and cause for mining operations like these out here. It had been a long time since Kiith Somataaw had defeated the Beast plagueships, but the value of a strong, independant Kiith was not lost on Fleet Command... even if it was an issue of popular political dissent.
"Still," Chiisur said, "By reinforcing the Kiith structure, we spread out our power base, and make us less likely to be chased off again. We need these operations, we can't just sit on Hiigara and build up. And Hiigaran doesn't have enough resources to build vessels like we need. Kharak could barely provide enough for the first Mothership, let alone the planned new one."
The Sobani disagreed, but didn't feel the need to argue. He was out here, afterall, and would do his part.
"I'll just be happy when Karan gets out here," he added. "Too bad we don't have a Mothership around. The Khar-Manaan is the biggest ship in this sector, but I doubt she'll be staying with us."
Chiisur's heart dropped. He had hoped to get a look at her, preferably in her skinsuit. Well, preferably out of the skinsuit. He ventured a question: "Any idea when they're showing up?"
"Negative," the Sobani replied in a clipped tone. "But I wouldn't tell you anyway, don't know who is listening. Shouldn't be long, though. Our security is in order. And once she does show up, we'll finally be able to engage these other nations in some serious conversation."
Nebular Mass 4
Resource Field 23
Chiisur's harvester settled down on the floating chunk of rock and set to work flaying it into it's constituent elements. A harvester was hardly the kind of work one wanted to do all day, but it's been peaceful and there's nothing wrong with getting your hands dirty. Again.
The field of rocks spun in orbit of a dismembered gas giant, some kind of protoplanet mass that might one day collapse itself down into something interesting, if they hadn't been pulling it apart for the past year or so. Hiigarans were biologically land-dwelling, but few did nowadays, and colonies were nearly exclusively mining operations. Their populations were so low from the long eons of genocide, piracy and banishment that nearly their entire population rested comfortably on Hiigara, off near the center of the galactic mass. At the moment, the workers of Kiith Manaan were closer to Kharak than Hiigara, and the swirling ugly yellow clouds of hydrogen reminded them of that prison world. Rocks spun in the mustard colored haze, and in the distance, a glitter of crystal. It was on it's way to one of the icy worlds nearby, slated to drop a colony soon. There was going to be a party to celebrate, but miners weren't invited.
"I like 'em," Chiisur said across his comm. "They remind me of big fish. Big crystal space fish. I miss the ocean."
"Who? The Exiles?" The Sobani helmsman of the Khar-Manaan crackled back. "I'm not sure why they're exiled, from what I can tell it's some kind of criminal act. I'd be concerned if we weren't considered war criminals ourselves. It's all a matter of point of view, I suppose."
"Yeah. It's a pretty similar sort of story. Really, they remind me of a shot we never had at working with the Kadeshi." Chiisur flug a bit of worthless silicate out towards the central mass of the gas ball, picking through the good parts like a crab on the sea floor.
"Maybe not enough like them, I don't like how trusting we're being," the Sobani replied in a forseeable admission of concern. It was the Sobani's mission in life to be concerned. "We're in a rather tenuous position here, so far from Hiigara. All these neighbors makes me agitated. Did you hear about the mining operation that headed spinward? Ran smack into a black hole."
The loss was devastating, but Chiisur wasn't sure what those two things had to do with each other. The Helmsman continued before he could raise the point.
"It just shows you how little we know about this area. When we retook Hiigara, we did it as a group, not as far-flung independant Kiith. We shouldn't be too hasty to make alliances. The Exiles are as close to us as you can get, but I think they are a little too eager to make friends with people."
Hiigarans, as a rule, have few strong allies. Once part of a great galactic council, they were decimated when an ally, compelled by the rules of that council, turned on them and decimated their military. Those same rules, however, kept aid from coming when the vengeful forces of the Taiidani ravaged Hiigara and obliterated their civilization. Those who carried out the council's attack were so shamed by the events that they abandoned military endeavors and wandered the stars as peaceful merchants, repaying their debt during the Kushan's return to Hiigara. It was a complicated, and long history, and reading it had made the Kushans, now Hiigarans, cagey. A growing fundamentalism back home did not help, as cults of the Sajuuk-khar began to unite under Makaan of the Vagyr. It's a force the Hiigarans may need to deal with in some year's time, and cause for mining operations like these out here. It had been a long time since Kiith Somataaw had defeated the Beast plagueships, but the value of a strong, independant Kiith was not lost on Fleet Command... even if it was an issue of popular political dissent.
"Still," Chiisur said, "By reinforcing the Kiith structure, we spread out our power base, and make us less likely to be chased off again. We need these operations, we can't just sit on Hiigara and build up. And Hiigaran doesn't have enough resources to build vessels like we need. Kharak could barely provide enough for the first Mothership, let alone the planned new one."
The Sobani disagreed, but didn't feel the need to argue. He was out here, afterall, and would do his part.
"I'll just be happy when Karan gets out here," he added. "Too bad we don't have a Mothership around. The Khar-Manaan is the biggest ship in this sector, but I doubt she'll be staying with us."
Chiisur's heart dropped. He had hoped to get a look at her, preferably in her skinsuit. Well, preferably out of the skinsuit. He ventured a question: "Any idea when they're showing up?"
"Negative," the Sobani replied in a clipped tone. "But I wouldn't tell you anyway, don't know who is listening. Shouldn't be long, though. Our security is in order. And once she does show up, we'll finally be able to engage these other nations in some serious conversation."
- GuppyShark
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2830
- Joined: 2005-03-13 06:52am
- Location: South Australia
Grand Audience Hall
Royal Palace
New Avalon
Mr Defel smiled his most congenial smile and made his way through the throng. Hundreds of formally-clad nobility filled the audience hall, its titanic roof echoing softly with the sounds of polite chatter and clinking champagne glasses. Near the massive shining steel doors on the north wall stood a wooden podium, with the Davion sunburst prominentaly displayed. A live orchestra played classical, subtle music in one corner, providing an ambience that oozed class.
He tried not to let it get to him.
A lot of these people were just playing at it, their noble titles long since meaningless, relics of a prouder time when their families had been worth something. But honours were honours, and their descendants still bore them, though today they may wear rented garments and sell trinkets for a living.
Others, however, had earned their way into the nobility with fire and steel, determination and keen intellect. Mr Defel was here to speak with one of these.
"Mr Defel, good to see you."
"Sir Blake, good to be seen." He shook hands with Sir Winston Blake - Minister for Science.
"We'll have to catch up later, I'm afraid. It's almost time."
The sounds of conversation began to slowly quiet down. When the shining steel gates leading to the throne room began to silently swing open, every voice ceased.
The Prince's herald strode through the gates, and into the audience hall.
"Ladies and gentlemen of the nobility, I am pleased to present the First Prince, Aris Davion!"
A thunderous applause broke out as Prince Davion emerged from the steel gates. He greeted the applause with a smile and walked to the podium, shaking the hands of a carefully-managed line of well wishers as he did so. He was a young man, popular with the populace. His hair was receding in the back but but the camera operators knew better than to film it.
Eventually, he reached the podium. His statement now would be broadcast to every world of the Davion Federation.
"Citizens of the Federated Suns. It is my great pleasure to announce the recent signings of trade pacts with some of our galactic neighbours.
These agreements, the details of which will be released by the Honourable Minister for Commerce, represent an unprecedented opportunity for prosperity.
I urge you all to embrace this opportunity with both hands. Trade honourably and openly and reward will come of its own accord.
Remember the principles that built our civilisation - respect for one another's property, the rational, scientific method of analysis and inquiry - the capital marketplace - and open and honourable communication.
Acts of fraud perpetuated on our new trading partners will be dealt with even more harshly than ever. This is an opportunity I will not allow a malicious few to squander.
I look forward to enjoying a new golden age of prosperity with you. Good night."
The cameras recorded a few minutes more of the Prince being applauded by the crowd, and then he left the hall, returning to his throne room behind a phalanx of security guards. Defel made his way to the gates, and nodded to the head of the security detachment. He was waved through to see the Prince.
"Jolly good show, Your Majesty." Defel offered by way of greeting.
"Yes, yes. Now tell me what you really thought of it." The Price's expression was uncharacteristically glum.
"Fair enough. But that's not what's troubling you, is it, sir?"
"Not at all. Nevermind, it's a personal matter. I thought you'd like to look at these."
Defel glanced at the offered stack of communications.
The Prince turned his back to Defel and rummaged around in a minifridge. "The Ur-Quan were good for their word. There's communications channels for three more potential trading partners in there. Beer?"
"No thanks, milord. The French Stellar Imperium? Sacre bleu!"
"Oui, tres bien! Think it'll be worth playing the D'avyonne angle with them?"
"I'll get my boys looking at it, but that's likely. We'll have to see if they'd consider the ancient Anglicisation of the family to be worse than never having been French at all."
Royal Palace
New Avalon
Mr Defel smiled his most congenial smile and made his way through the throng. Hundreds of formally-clad nobility filled the audience hall, its titanic roof echoing softly with the sounds of polite chatter and clinking champagne glasses. Near the massive shining steel doors on the north wall stood a wooden podium, with the Davion sunburst prominentaly displayed. A live orchestra played classical, subtle music in one corner, providing an ambience that oozed class.
He tried not to let it get to him.
A lot of these people were just playing at it, their noble titles long since meaningless, relics of a prouder time when their families had been worth something. But honours were honours, and their descendants still bore them, though today they may wear rented garments and sell trinkets for a living.
Others, however, had earned their way into the nobility with fire and steel, determination and keen intellect. Mr Defel was here to speak with one of these.
"Mr Defel, good to see you."
"Sir Blake, good to be seen." He shook hands with Sir Winston Blake - Minister for Science.
"We'll have to catch up later, I'm afraid. It's almost time."
The sounds of conversation began to slowly quiet down. When the shining steel gates leading to the throne room began to silently swing open, every voice ceased.
The Prince's herald strode through the gates, and into the audience hall.
"Ladies and gentlemen of the nobility, I am pleased to present the First Prince, Aris Davion!"
A thunderous applause broke out as Prince Davion emerged from the steel gates. He greeted the applause with a smile and walked to the podium, shaking the hands of a carefully-managed line of well wishers as he did so. He was a young man, popular with the populace. His hair was receding in the back but but the camera operators knew better than to film it.
Eventually, he reached the podium. His statement now would be broadcast to every world of the Davion Federation.
"Citizens of the Federated Suns. It is my great pleasure to announce the recent signings of trade pacts with some of our galactic neighbours.
These agreements, the details of which will be released by the Honourable Minister for Commerce, represent an unprecedented opportunity for prosperity.
I urge you all to embrace this opportunity with both hands. Trade honourably and openly and reward will come of its own accord.
Remember the principles that built our civilisation - respect for one another's property, the rational, scientific method of analysis and inquiry - the capital marketplace - and open and honourable communication.
Acts of fraud perpetuated on our new trading partners will be dealt with even more harshly than ever. This is an opportunity I will not allow a malicious few to squander.
I look forward to enjoying a new golden age of prosperity with you. Good night."
The cameras recorded a few minutes more of the Prince being applauded by the crowd, and then he left the hall, returning to his throne room behind a phalanx of security guards. Defel made his way to the gates, and nodded to the head of the security detachment. He was waved through to see the Prince.
"Jolly good show, Your Majesty." Defel offered by way of greeting.
"Yes, yes. Now tell me what you really thought of it." The Price's expression was uncharacteristically glum.
"Fair enough. But that's not what's troubling you, is it, sir?"
"Not at all. Nevermind, it's a personal matter. I thought you'd like to look at these."
Defel glanced at the offered stack of communications.
The Prince turned his back to Defel and rummaged around in a minifridge. "The Ur-Quan were good for their word. There's communications channels for three more potential trading partners in there. Beer?"
"No thanks, milord. The French Stellar Imperium? Sacre bleu!"
"Oui, tres bien! Think it'll be worth playing the D'avyonne angle with them?"
"I'll get my boys looking at it, but that's likely. We'll have to see if they'd consider the ancient Anglicisation of the family to be worse than never having been French at all."
Paris, Earth
Federation Research Lab
"So what is your analysis?" Trevalyen said. The lead scientist in charge of Starfleet ship design, Dr. Gillian, bit her lip and ran her hand down the datapad. Then she gave it to Trevalyen.
"It's a complete reversal of traditional Federation ship design. Point-defense phasers, nuclear photon torpedoes. The thing's like no other ship the Federation's ever encountered not just in living memory but its entire history. And its name, Earthling cruiser--"
"I don't care about trivial details. Call it whatever the hell you want." No, wait. The name would have to placate one of the many power blocs in the Federation. "I'll get back to you on the nomenclature. But can the Federation manufacture such a vessel?"
"With extensive modification, yes sir."
"That's all I need to know."
"Sir, just one more thing."
What was it now? She wasn't going to ask him out to dinner was she? Too many women thought they could sleep their way to the top. "Yes?"
"Sir, the Chief Engineer asked me to relay you these power readings. The holodeck, it's been on continuously for days now."
"I gave strict orders that nobody was to approach the holodeck."
"Yes sir. But we've had to divert power from research labs, the aquarium, astrometrics. It's a serious drain on our resources."
Whatever that squid was doing, Trevalyen didn't want to know. But it was useful, and as long as it kept feeding them intelligence, he'd keep it happy. "The... security simulations in the holodeck are vital to the Federation. I want you to keep it running. I don't care if you have to divert power from the whole city."
"Yes sir."
It wanted a ship. A holoship. A tall order, but if the ship schematics and intelligence it gave would lead to promotions. His promotion. He'd finally teach that Dr. Sa'var his place once Starfleet made him a full admiral.
"Dr. Gillian, I want you to start a feasibility study of equipping an entire starship, preferably a civilian transport, with holoemitters. It's vital to the Federation's interests."
Gillian frowned. "I'll see what I can dig up. I read about something like that in the academy."
"Carry on."
Federation Research Lab
"So what is your analysis?" Trevalyen said. The lead scientist in charge of Starfleet ship design, Dr. Gillian, bit her lip and ran her hand down the datapad. Then she gave it to Trevalyen.
"It's a complete reversal of traditional Federation ship design. Point-defense phasers, nuclear photon torpedoes. The thing's like no other ship the Federation's ever encountered not just in living memory but its entire history. And its name, Earthling cruiser--"
"I don't care about trivial details. Call it whatever the hell you want." No, wait. The name would have to placate one of the many power blocs in the Federation. "I'll get back to you on the nomenclature. But can the Federation manufacture such a vessel?"
"With extensive modification, yes sir."
"That's all I need to know."
"Sir, just one more thing."
What was it now? She wasn't going to ask him out to dinner was she? Too many women thought they could sleep their way to the top. "Yes?"
"Sir, the Chief Engineer asked me to relay you these power readings. The holodeck, it's been on continuously for days now."
"I gave strict orders that nobody was to approach the holodeck."
"Yes sir. But we've had to divert power from research labs, the aquarium, astrometrics. It's a serious drain on our resources."
Whatever that squid was doing, Trevalyen didn't want to know. But it was useful, and as long as it kept feeding them intelligence, he'd keep it happy. "The... security simulations in the holodeck are vital to the Federation. I want you to keep it running. I don't care if you have to divert power from the whole city."
"Yes sir."
It wanted a ship. A holoship. A tall order, but if the ship schematics and intelligence it gave would lead to promotions. His promotion. He'd finally teach that Dr. Sa'var his place once Starfleet made him a full admiral.
"Dr. Gillian, I want you to start a feasibility study of equipping an entire starship, preferably a civilian transport, with holoemitters. It's vital to the Federation's interests."
Gillian frowned. "I'll see what I can dig up. I read about something like that in the academy."
"Carry on."
Chamber of the Thirteen Masters
"After vetoing the proposal for an open door policy, the Federation has sent a colony ship into the Quesstris system," Master Nine said. "They attempted to settle one of our worlds before discovering we had already claimed it."
"Outrageous," Master Five said. "Pity we didn't have a warship there to deal with it."
"That would likely have created a diplomatic crisis," Master Seven said. "There's no need for destruction. Not yet at any rate."
"I will send the Federation President a message, telling him to withdraw the ship," Master One said. "If he refuses, then we will move onto more forceful methods of removing the offending vessel."
Master One looked to Master Three, expecting protest, but his fellow Ur-Quan seemed preoccupied and was silent. Master One decided not to question small favors, and the Council moved on to other issues.
A warehouse in Central City
Several Hours Later
"Wonderful! Wonderful!" Bronk said, looking into the crate of huge firearms.
"Are you sure this is really neccessary?" DAK asked, hefting one of the plasma rifles.
"Yes," DOS 1.0 said. "Ur-Quan are tough mother fuckers. Laser pistols won't do anything more than annoy them. We'll need these if we want to take out the Thirteen."
"How did you get these?" Nargle asked.
"Trust me, you don't want to know," DOS 1.0 said.
"Should we go over the plan again?" Gorgon asked.
DOS 1.0 shrugged. "I've already arranged to have these smuggled into the Advirsory Board Chamber. We take them to Lord Genocide's office. At three o'clock, Lord Genocide will demand that the Thirteen accompany him to his office, saying he has something they need to see. He'll threaten to restart the Doctrinal Conflict if they resist. When they come in, we take them by surprise and blast them. Nothing simpler."
"Pity even simple plans can fail."
A blast of energy came from the shadows and struck the crate of plasma rifles. The crate exploded, sending sharpnel of wooden splinters and metal everywhere. Amazingly, while they were all scratched and bloody, none of the conspiritors were seriously wounded.
Masters Three, Four, Seven, and Thirteen emerged from the shadows. The New Sentient Milieu bloc.
DOS 1.0 was stunned. "How--?"
"Most Ur-Quan think so little of other races, especially the battle thralls," Master Three's Talking Pet said. "We are different. I have a higher opinion of other races' intelligence and potential for danger, so I had you followed. I knew what you were planning every step of the way."
DOS 1.0 resisted the urge to swear. Apparently, the Clone Revolt would remain the only successful rebellion he'd taken part in. "So that's it, then?"
"Perhaps," Master Three said, "and perhaps not."
Chamber of the Thirteen Masters
"After vetoing the proposal for an open door policy, the Federation has sent a colony ship into the Quesstris system," Master Nine said. "They attempted to settle one of our worlds before discovering we had already claimed it."
"Outrageous," Master Five said. "Pity we didn't have a warship there to deal with it."
"That would likely have created a diplomatic crisis," Master Seven said. "There's no need for destruction. Not yet at any rate."
"I will send the Federation President a message, telling him to withdraw the ship," Master One said. "If he refuses, then we will move onto more forceful methods of removing the offending vessel."
Master One looked to Master Three, expecting protest, but his fellow Ur-Quan seemed preoccupied and was silent. Master One decided not to question small favors, and the Council moved on to other issues.
A warehouse in Central City
Several Hours Later
"Wonderful! Wonderful!" Bronk said, looking into the crate of huge firearms.
"Are you sure this is really neccessary?" DAK asked, hefting one of the plasma rifles.
"Yes," DOS 1.0 said. "Ur-Quan are tough mother fuckers. Laser pistols won't do anything more than annoy them. We'll need these if we want to take out the Thirteen."
"How did you get these?" Nargle asked.
"Trust me, you don't want to know," DOS 1.0 said.
"Should we go over the plan again?" Gorgon asked.
DOS 1.0 shrugged. "I've already arranged to have these smuggled into the Advirsory Board Chamber. We take them to Lord Genocide's office. At three o'clock, Lord Genocide will demand that the Thirteen accompany him to his office, saying he has something they need to see. He'll threaten to restart the Doctrinal Conflict if they resist. When they come in, we take them by surprise and blast them. Nothing simpler."
"Pity even simple plans can fail."
A blast of energy came from the shadows and struck the crate of plasma rifles. The crate exploded, sending sharpnel of wooden splinters and metal everywhere. Amazingly, while they were all scratched and bloody, none of the conspiritors were seriously wounded.
Masters Three, Four, Seven, and Thirteen emerged from the shadows. The New Sentient Milieu bloc.
DOS 1.0 was stunned. "How--?"
"Most Ur-Quan think so little of other races, especially the battle thralls," Master Three's Talking Pet said. "We are different. I have a higher opinion of other races' intelligence and potential for danger, so I had you followed. I knew what you were planning every step of the way."
DOS 1.0 resisted the urge to swear. Apparently, the Clone Revolt would remain the only successful rebellion he'd taken part in. "So that's it, then?"
"Perhaps," Master Three said, "and perhaps not."
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
- Luke Starkiller
- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 789
- Joined: 2002-08-08 08:55pm
- Location: Ottawa, Canada
The military aide began his monthly briefing of the Emperor with what he considered the good news.
"My Lord, a number of other species have contacted us; one has even proposed a treaty with us. This Romulan Empire is offering much the same terms as we offered those Vampires; though they do not currently wish to negotiate for free passage through claimed territory."
"Very well Impkins, they are not asking for anything we had not already decided to offer anyway. Since they do not wish free passage, be sure to inform them of our current borders."
"Yes, my Lord. On that note, our defense ships are beginning to arrive at their respective destinations on our borders; there was an incident with a Twilight scout that turned and ran at first sight of our ship, which was unable to close the range and engage. If they spurn the treaty that you have proposed we should be able to detach a force of Retributions to chase it down."
"Was the ship at least able to get a detailed scan of the scout?"
"It was, my Lord. Unfortunately the information we gathered is of little use. The ship is clearly inferior to our own scouts, let alone our warships; our analysts are in agreement that this is at least partially deliberate, in order to facilitate mass production."
The Emperor sat back. The introduction of all of these other races on an equal footing would certainly require a change of plans. His people had just survived a cataclysmic civil war that had left an terrifying amount of the population sterile. He would do what he must to insure the future of the Farsi.
"Redouble our efforts on Project Mammoth and keep pushing the borders out behind our scouts."
"At your command, my Lord."
"My Lord, a number of other species have contacted us; one has even proposed a treaty with us. This Romulan Empire is offering much the same terms as we offered those Vampires; though they do not currently wish to negotiate for free passage through claimed territory."
"Very well Impkins, they are not asking for anything we had not already decided to offer anyway. Since they do not wish free passage, be sure to inform them of our current borders."
"Yes, my Lord. On that note, our defense ships are beginning to arrive at their respective destinations on our borders; there was an incident with a Twilight scout that turned and ran at first sight of our ship, which was unable to close the range and engage. If they spurn the treaty that you have proposed we should be able to detach a force of Retributions to chase it down."
"Was the ship at least able to get a detailed scan of the scout?"
"It was, my Lord. Unfortunately the information we gathered is of little use. The ship is clearly inferior to our own scouts, let alone our warships; our analysts are in agreement that this is at least partially deliberate, in order to facilitate mass production."
The Emperor sat back. The introduction of all of these other races on an equal footing would certainly require a change of plans. His people had just survived a cataclysmic civil war that had left an terrifying amount of the population sterile. He would do what he must to insure the future of the Farsi.
"Redouble our efforts on Project Mammoth and keep pushing the borders out behind our scouts."
"At your command, my Lord."
What kind of dark wizard in league with nameless forces of primordial evil ARE you that you can't even make a successful sanity check versus BOREDOM? - Red Mage
- Nephtys
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6227
- Joined: 2005-04-02 10:54pm
- Location: South Cali... where life is cheap!
Astro Lyons Space Command, Deep within the Dodecagon...
The light was dim across the massively circular table, where each of the Stellar Imperium's military heads sat, discussing new matters in the annual policy meeting. The lights were dim, with but a massive donut-shaped ring of lights luminating each individual's position, fading and intensifying for dramatic effect as each individual spoke.
Deep within the center was a marvelous carving of crystal, in which the space maps now possessed by the Imperium twirled with the ever increasing data brought in by deep space probes, exploratory ships and civilian traffic. The Big Board in the far distance was dark and unlit.
All of the big names in the Imperial French Navy were here of course. Minister of the Navy Joques Bouvier, Chief of Naval Construction Francois Dubois, Admiral Audrey Laroche of Frontier Command, and Admiral Reine Molyneux of the Home Fleet.
An uneasy silence hung over the room as another session began of the week-long conferences, until Bouvier was the first to speak.
"Bonjour, mes camarades. I know you are all thinking of ze Eris Crisis." he said. Heads nodded around the table silently. "We have lost contact with another Colonisateur near the perimeter of their space. This is worrying." he said, stating clearly the obvious with a twitch of muscle along aged but firm facial lines.
Bouvier continued. "Their colony in Home System remains. It has not yet been removed as they had promised the Empress, but rather has been reinforced by a small fighter group from a nearby frigate-carrier. How is home fleet responding to this?"
Admiral Molyneux's seat lit up, with the other lights dimming as the woman leaned forward. "We have equipped one of our older Fighters with an improved sensor package in place of it's ammunition. It will make a pass of the orbitting drones, to confirm if they are armed or not, as we had intoned to the Eris Imperium." she said coolly, watching over them.
"As it is, trois mere drones will not be able to harm Home Fleet's defenses. However, this remains a sore point. Our homeworlds are so close together, yet they have not yet provided us with IFF codes to prevent shooting incidents! I do not trust these.. Erisians." she blurted.
Bouvier smirked. "That is not vous job to trust them, Admiral. Leave that to the Imperial Court." he said, turning with a glance then to Dubois. "The status of Taillefer?"
Pressing up wire-rimmed spectacles, the man opened a thin film binder to view several flatcopy reports. "Notre deuxième génération bateaux... are all coming online within the month. Additional defense and patrol vessels, freighters, logistics and defense craft. Also, our simulations show that the new ships are exceeding expectations when compared to all known competition." he smiled with a boast. "Let ze enemies of ze Empress tangle with that." he said, tapping a hand on his binder. "Should zhey attack, we shall.. how do you say... catch them with leur pantalon vers le bas!" he smirked.
Minister of the Navy Bouvier grimmaced. As did some around the table. This was a tense time, and a sensitive one in the reassertion of French influence in it's home regions. He quietly hoped that Minister Dubois' assessment would be correct...
The light was dim across the massively circular table, where each of the Stellar Imperium's military heads sat, discussing new matters in the annual policy meeting. The lights were dim, with but a massive donut-shaped ring of lights luminating each individual's position, fading and intensifying for dramatic effect as each individual spoke.
Deep within the center was a marvelous carving of crystal, in which the space maps now possessed by the Imperium twirled with the ever increasing data brought in by deep space probes, exploratory ships and civilian traffic. The Big Board in the far distance was dark and unlit.
All of the big names in the Imperial French Navy were here of course. Minister of the Navy Joques Bouvier, Chief of Naval Construction Francois Dubois, Admiral Audrey Laroche of Frontier Command, and Admiral Reine Molyneux of the Home Fleet.
An uneasy silence hung over the room as another session began of the week-long conferences, until Bouvier was the first to speak.
"Bonjour, mes camarades. I know you are all thinking of ze Eris Crisis." he said. Heads nodded around the table silently. "We have lost contact with another Colonisateur near the perimeter of their space. This is worrying." he said, stating clearly the obvious with a twitch of muscle along aged but firm facial lines.
Bouvier continued. "Their colony in Home System remains. It has not yet been removed as they had promised the Empress, but rather has been reinforced by a small fighter group from a nearby frigate-carrier. How is home fleet responding to this?"
Admiral Molyneux's seat lit up, with the other lights dimming as the woman leaned forward. "We have equipped one of our older Fighters with an improved sensor package in place of it's ammunition. It will make a pass of the orbitting drones, to confirm if they are armed or not, as we had intoned to the Eris Imperium." she said coolly, watching over them.
"As it is, trois mere drones will not be able to harm Home Fleet's defenses. However, this remains a sore point. Our homeworlds are so close together, yet they have not yet provided us with IFF codes to prevent shooting incidents! I do not trust these.. Erisians." she blurted.
Bouvier smirked. "That is not vous job to trust them, Admiral. Leave that to the Imperial Court." he said, turning with a glance then to Dubois. "The status of Taillefer?"
Pressing up wire-rimmed spectacles, the man opened a thin film binder to view several flatcopy reports. "Notre deuxième génération bateaux... are all coming online within the month. Additional defense and patrol vessels, freighters, logistics and defense craft. Also, our simulations show that the new ships are exceeding expectations when compared to all known competition." he smiled with a boast. "Let ze enemies of ze Empress tangle with that." he said, tapping a hand on his binder. "Should zhey attack, we shall.. how do you say... catch them with leur pantalon vers le bas!" he smirked.
Minister of the Navy Bouvier grimmaced. As did some around the table. This was a tense time, and a sensitive one in the reassertion of French influence in it's home regions. He quietly hoped that Minister Dubois' assessment would be correct...
Vulcan Deep Space Probe
Code: Select all
"The Vulcans believe that peace, prosperity and goodwill is logical. Not only logical, but the very basis of civilization. However, the Vulcan people realize that the reality of warfare is civilian populations often are unfairly punished.
Therefore, the Vulcan High Command is extending an offer of five thousand standard units of minerals each stardate, to any world that will sign a treaty with the Federation agreeing to avoid deliberate bombardment of civilian populations from orbit. Vulcan merchants will deliver the metals every stardate the treaty is in effect.
This offer will be indefinitely extended to any power, no matter their current diplomatic relations with the Federation. Even the Romulans are encouraged to participate.
We hope this will convince the galaxy that the logical choice is peace."
Federation Council
"...and so, the Federation President has agreed to remove the colony ship from the disputed system--"
What bullshit. Time to leave these bureaucrats to their bickering. How could the Federation President believe the lairs, when the USS Monitor had detected the oxygen rock planet unoccupied before the Ur-Quan had colonized it. Therefore, by interstellar law, the Federation had first rights to the star system.
Of course, the Ur-Quan weren't from this universe.
He made sure to slam the door as he left the council room.
"Admiral," Ensign Yates said.
"Sir, the Romulans--"
"The Romulans aren't anywhere close to the Federation. Don't tell me that worm Shan is still worried."
"No sir. The Romulans... are in the Quesstris system."
"How many?"
"Fifty-three million of them."
Trevalyen swore. Fifty-three million Romulans, probably all spies, saboteurs and soldiers, right on the Federation's doorstep. The Ur-Quan, uniting with the Romulans. "How did so many Romulans get there so quickly?"
"A civilian transport dropped them off on its way to another star system."
If Starfleet had any presence there, that wouldn't have been allowed. But of course Starfleet was banned from the Quesstris system, in fear of a diplomatic incident. "Ensign, do we have the Monitor's latest sensor readings?"
"Yes sir." Yates said. She manipulated her padd and handed it to Trevalyen.
"We got them."
Minutes later, in his office with the annoying Ensign gone, Trevalyen sat down at his console. "Computer, prepare to transmit encrypted message."
Operation First-Defense. It had been his idea, ever since the first colony ship. And now it would protect the Federation from these would-be galactic dictators.
A Romulan Ur-Quan Alliance. The Federation would have to move quickly, to curb this new power bloc.
"...and so, the Federation President has agreed to remove the colony ship from the disputed system--"
What bullshit. Time to leave these bureaucrats to their bickering. How could the Federation President believe the lairs, when the USS Monitor had detected the oxygen rock planet unoccupied before the Ur-Quan had colonized it. Therefore, by interstellar law, the Federation had first rights to the star system.
Of course, the Ur-Quan weren't from this universe.
He made sure to slam the door as he left the council room.
"Admiral," Ensign Yates said.
"Sir, the Romulans--"
"The Romulans aren't anywhere close to the Federation. Don't tell me that worm Shan is still worried."
"No sir. The Romulans... are in the Quesstris system."
"How many?"
"Fifty-three million of them."
Trevalyen swore. Fifty-three million Romulans, probably all spies, saboteurs and soldiers, right on the Federation's doorstep. The Ur-Quan, uniting with the Romulans. "How did so many Romulans get there so quickly?"
"A civilian transport dropped them off on its way to another star system."
If Starfleet had any presence there, that wouldn't have been allowed. But of course Starfleet was banned from the Quesstris system, in fear of a diplomatic incident. "Ensign, do we have the Monitor's latest sensor readings?"
"Yes sir." Yates said. She manipulated her padd and handed it to Trevalyen.
"We got them."
Minutes later, in his office with the annoying Ensign gone, Trevalyen sat down at his console. "Computer, prepare to transmit encrypted message."
Operation First-Defense. It had been his idea, ever since the first colony ship. And now it would protect the Federation from these would-be galactic dictators.
A Romulan Ur-Quan Alliance. The Federation would have to move quickly, to curb this new power bloc.
- Arthur_Tuxedo
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 5637
- Joined: 2002-07-23 03:28am
- Location: San Francisco, California
Broadcast to entire quadrant wrote:Based on its recent discovery of a homeworld in the Remnorak system, the Romulan empire hereby revises its defended warp points. These warp points are protected by a variety of defenses. Instruct your ships not to enter these warp points.

"I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark." - Muhammad Ali
"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
- Luke Starkiller
- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 789
- Joined: 2002-08-08 08:55pm
- Location: Ottawa, Canada
"We have received another broadcast from the Romulans, sire; they are publicly declaring their borders to prevent inadvertent bloodshed."
"If we are to maintain the goodwill of our neighbours we should do the same; it would be a pity if we destroyed a ship full of civilians stupid enough to venture into unexplored space. What is the status of our colonisation project?"
"We have found several planets suitable for small outposts but only a handful of satisfactory colony worlds. Your military advisers feel that our current borders represent the feasible limit for our expansion at this time."
"Very well, we shall consolidate our hold on our current systems. We will continue to push our scouts outwards however, I want to know who else is out there."
"If we are to maintain the goodwill of our neighbours we should do the same; it would be a pity if we destroyed a ship full of civilians stupid enough to venture into unexplored space. What is the status of our colonisation project?"
"We have found several planets suitable for small outposts but only a handful of satisfactory colony worlds. Your military advisers feel that our current borders represent the feasible limit for our expansion at this time."
"Very well, we shall consolidate our hold on our current systems. We will continue to push our scouts outwards however, I want to know who else is out there."
Broadcast wrote:The borders of the Jargonian Empire are defined by Iolo, Tycho and Eridani. We hold our borders secure and will not tolerate the presence of unauthorised ships.
What kind of dark wizard in league with nameless forces of primordial evil ARE you that you can't even make a successful sanity check versus BOREDOM? - Red Mage
"What do you mean, 'perhaps not'?" DOS 1.0 demanded.
"I mean that depending upon what you choose to do, you could be useful to us and thus will not be executed slowly and painfully," Master Three explained.
DOS 1.0 crossed his arms, hoping he looked braver than he felt. "Talk."
"I expected this to happen ever since we arrived in this new universe," Master Three said. "The illusion of power created by the Advisory Board is a poor substitute for the autonomy you battle thralls once enjoyed."
"Go on," Nargle said.
"We Ur-Quan have lacked cultural definition ever since the Great Shame," Master Three said. "There is too much disagreement among the Thirteen to declare a new Doctrine. I think a coup is just what we need. You will carry it out as planned, except you will only kill the Path of Now and Forever bloc and Master One."
"What's in it for us?" DOS 1.0 asked. "You're the ones who are getting all touchy feely with every alien and human in space."
"You want militarization," Master Three replied. "Very well. We'll make it happen. We want to make the Hierarchy a more egalitarian society. You will have real power. And I'm sure we can find a place for Lord Genocide as well. We will NOT, however, recklessly pre-emptively invade other nations. We don't need war."
"How do you know we won't kill you all?" DOS 1.0 asked.
Master Three made a terrible sound that DOS 1.0 could only guess was laughter. "Because, we will leave very specific instructions to be carried out in the event of our untimely deaths. You and Lord Genocide would die shortly after us, and the power vacuum would ensure anarchy."
"And if we refuse to let you hijack our coup?" DOS 1.0 demanded.
Again, that terrible laughter from Master Three. "Then you will die, and we will wait until a group of would-be revolutionaries that is more amendable to my ideas surface. Master One would love to have an excuse to have Genocide disappeared."
"We don't have much of a choice," DAK whispered to DOS 1.0.
DOS 1.0 growled deep in his throat. "Bargain struck, Master Three."
"I mean that depending upon what you choose to do, you could be useful to us and thus will not be executed slowly and painfully," Master Three explained.
DOS 1.0 crossed his arms, hoping he looked braver than he felt. "Talk."
"I expected this to happen ever since we arrived in this new universe," Master Three said. "The illusion of power created by the Advisory Board is a poor substitute for the autonomy you battle thralls once enjoyed."
"Go on," Nargle said.
"We Ur-Quan have lacked cultural definition ever since the Great Shame," Master Three said. "There is too much disagreement among the Thirteen to declare a new Doctrine. I think a coup is just what we need. You will carry it out as planned, except you will only kill the Path of Now and Forever bloc and Master One."
"What's in it for us?" DOS 1.0 asked. "You're the ones who are getting all touchy feely with every alien and human in space."
"You want militarization," Master Three replied. "Very well. We'll make it happen. We want to make the Hierarchy a more egalitarian society. You will have real power. And I'm sure we can find a place for Lord Genocide as well. We will NOT, however, recklessly pre-emptively invade other nations. We don't need war."
"How do you know we won't kill you all?" DOS 1.0 asked.
Master Three made a terrible sound that DOS 1.0 could only guess was laughter. "Because, we will leave very specific instructions to be carried out in the event of our untimely deaths. You and Lord Genocide would die shortly after us, and the power vacuum would ensure anarchy."
"And if we refuse to let you hijack our coup?" DOS 1.0 demanded.
Again, that terrible laughter from Master Three. "Then you will die, and we will wait until a group of would-be revolutionaries that is more amendable to my ideas surface. Master One would love to have an excuse to have Genocide disappeared."
"We don't have much of a choice," DAK whispered to DOS 1.0.
DOS 1.0 growled deep in his throat. "Bargain struck, Master Three."
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
Chazzawar System
Nebular Mass 4
Starship Wings of Angel Moon
The report came to Karan in unusual form--written report. She had forgotton how slow reading by eye was, having grown accustomed to neural link. However, there was time to read it, and it was almost a luxury. She spent most of her time in discussion with various leaders that required her input, but this recent flare-up had required some time alone to read the appropriate matters. As a neuroscientist by profession, Karan's role as de-facto moral leader of her people came on the heels of a much more mundane form of research and experimentation than statecraft. Diplomacy was more difficult than either.
The reply came several hours later, in a response tinged with regret. The Hiigaran ambassador read it as most of his kind did, across electronic link to his ship, and was already enroute to Jokala by the time it had finished being relayed to him. The slipnode flared open, a cheap alternative to Farjumper technology and something that seemed common across this space, and he appeared in the Jokala border system a breath later.
The Ambassador's ship was covered with as much pomp as could be expected of the uniform of rank it was, studded with sensors and transmission spikes and plumply rotund in shape. Old-style Kushan corvettes formed up in rank over the contested planet, serving as escort. The Hiigarans would address the Federation directly, seeing as time was of the essence. It had been discovered that a Federation ship, large enough to create a military base or listening post, had been detected on an approach course to the small Oxygen-rich world. The sector had already been ceded to the Hiigarans by the Federation in exchange for the rights to share space in Cretirk, another border sector, and the right to bar any Hiigaran passage into the further gasfields. Being forced not to explore further was payment enough, they felt, and the shared colonization of Cretirk was merely a diplomatic necessity. However, robbing the Hiigarans of a secure sector and planting Federation forces on the ground next to a slipnode and several Maanani operations was completely unacceptable.
There had not even been a request for permission. The churlishness was startling, especially from people who claimed to be diplomatic in all things. This came on the heels of the Federation giving their location and transmission signals to all other known members of the Galaxy--and the immense bulk of new species was itself terrifying. The Taiidani, for all their violence, were of similar history and the Bentusi were worrisome but rare to find. Seeing an entire galactic disc of potential raiders required more lines in the sand to be drawn, and this act of blatant provocation couldn't be ignored, and even the kind Karan had never shirked from the expedience of force.
"Federation Vessel," the message began, "Your People have not arbited this world. It is Hiigaran territory. Turn back or you will be fired upon, and be forfeit of treaty. Word to your people has been sent of this incursion," and it had, beamed from the Wings of Angel Moon in concert with this warning, "and we will not consider you protected citizens. We repeat, this is an aggressive action, outside of treaty. This message will repeat until you move to within planetary orbit, at which time we will block you from landing. Then we will attempt to board your vessel and fly, or tow, you to your nearest jump location so you may return or await instructions. If you continue force your way, we will respond with fire." The Kushani corvettes spread out, and a mining team buzzed along, hoping to avoid the firefight.
"Federation Vessel..." and so it went. The message that was sent to the Federation directly was more urgent in tone, but less excited in delivery, offering diplomatic measures to resolving the crisis but making clearly plain the Hiigaran intent to dismantle the colony by force if the Federation would not do so on their own. Regardless, the Hiigarans felt that there was no way now to make themselves more clear than to preemtively begin bombarding the planet, or attempt to construct some variety of blockade out of asteroids to physically wall it off. If the Federation persisted, the stain of war would touch their hands first.
Nebular Mass 4
Starship Wings of Angel Moon
The report came to Karan in unusual form--written report. She had forgotton how slow reading by eye was, having grown accustomed to neural link. However, there was time to read it, and it was almost a luxury. She spent most of her time in discussion with various leaders that required her input, but this recent flare-up had required some time alone to read the appropriate matters. As a neuroscientist by profession, Karan's role as de-facto moral leader of her people came on the heels of a much more mundane form of research and experimentation than statecraft. Diplomacy was more difficult than either.
The reply came several hours later, in a response tinged with regret. The Hiigaran ambassador read it as most of his kind did, across electronic link to his ship, and was already enroute to Jokala by the time it had finished being relayed to him. The slipnode flared open, a cheap alternative to Farjumper technology and something that seemed common across this space, and he appeared in the Jokala border system a breath later.
The Ambassador's ship was covered with as much pomp as could be expected of the uniform of rank it was, studded with sensors and transmission spikes and plumply rotund in shape. Old-style Kushan corvettes formed up in rank over the contested planet, serving as escort. The Hiigarans would address the Federation directly, seeing as time was of the essence. It had been discovered that a Federation ship, large enough to create a military base or listening post, had been detected on an approach course to the small Oxygen-rich world. The sector had already been ceded to the Hiigarans by the Federation in exchange for the rights to share space in Cretirk, another border sector, and the right to bar any Hiigaran passage into the further gasfields. Being forced not to explore further was payment enough, they felt, and the shared colonization of Cretirk was merely a diplomatic necessity. However, robbing the Hiigarans of a secure sector and planting Federation forces on the ground next to a slipnode and several Maanani operations was completely unacceptable.
There had not even been a request for permission. The churlishness was startling, especially from people who claimed to be diplomatic in all things. This came on the heels of the Federation giving their location and transmission signals to all other known members of the Galaxy--and the immense bulk of new species was itself terrifying. The Taiidani, for all their violence, were of similar history and the Bentusi were worrisome but rare to find. Seeing an entire galactic disc of potential raiders required more lines in the sand to be drawn, and this act of blatant provocation couldn't be ignored, and even the kind Karan had never shirked from the expedience of force.
"Federation Vessel," the message began, "Your People have not arbited this world. It is Hiigaran territory. Turn back or you will be fired upon, and be forfeit of treaty. Word to your people has been sent of this incursion," and it had, beamed from the Wings of Angel Moon in concert with this warning, "and we will not consider you protected citizens. We repeat, this is an aggressive action, outside of treaty. This message will repeat until you move to within planetary orbit, at which time we will block you from landing. Then we will attempt to board your vessel and fly, or tow, you to your nearest jump location so you may return or await instructions. If you continue force your way, we will respond with fire." The Kushani corvettes spread out, and a mining team buzzed along, hoping to avoid the firefight.
"Federation Vessel..." and so it went. The message that was sent to the Federation directly was more urgent in tone, but less excited in delivery, offering diplomatic measures to resolving the crisis but making clearly plain the Hiigaran intent to dismantle the colony by force if the Federation would not do so on their own. Regardless, the Hiigarans felt that there was no way now to make themselves more clear than to preemtively begin bombarding the planet, or attempt to construct some variety of blockade out of asteroids to physically wall it off. If the Federation persisted, the stain of war would touch their hands first.
USS Orlando
Federation Colony Ship
Captain Rein played back the audio being transmitted from the frigate. He wasn't one of those pompous Starfleet Captains -- he was Survey Captain James Rein, exploring the galaxy with little more than a few unarmed shuttles and a hundred stalwart crew. Oh, and millions of civilians, in cryogenic stasis.
Competition at Survey was fierce. Whoever found a habitable planet got promotions. A promotion meant more money, more food, a bigger house, and early retirement. Some Captains even got to lead their colonies, which could be a boon or a curse. A boon if the colony was lush and rich in raw materials. A curse if the colony needed everybody to live under a transparent aluminum done, fearful of meteor strikes for the rest of their lives.
So when Rein had detected a habitable planet, he jumped at the chance. Oxygen, approximate Earth gravity. He'd become one of the few and proud to have discovered an oxygen world, name forever inscribed on the wall at Survey headquarters, and more importantly, his children guaranteed scholarships to the schools of their choice.
Rein didn't know much about these... Kushan. Some kind of nomadic aliens, who had been pushed from their homeworld. Regulations stated Rein had to contact headquarters before colonization attempts, but most Captains bent the rules. If these Kushan were nomadic, maybe they could be easily pushed around.
However, orbiting the planet, was a warship. This would make things more complicated.
He could try and sneak his way past them. These Kushan were supposed to be peaceful, or the Federation would never have gotten IFF codes from them. Maybe he could land and deploy mobile defenses before the frigate could do anything about it, especially if the frigate followed interstellar law regarding civilian vessels. But then again, it was Federation interstellar law, and who knew what these Kushan were capable of.
Would he dare risk millions of lives for his own glory? But it wasn't entirely his glory was it. It was the glory of the Federation, glorificus vita as the motto went. But what if they were killed? What if they resorted to bombarding the planet? These Kushan couldn't be so crass could they?
But the alternative, living in a sealed domed colony for the rest of his life with his family repairing micro-fractures and walking in emergency suits in perpetual fear of destruction eating replicator rations instead of fresh meat...
...Rein would have to think carefully tonight.
Federation Colony Ship
Captain Rein played back the audio being transmitted from the frigate. He wasn't one of those pompous Starfleet Captains -- he was Survey Captain James Rein, exploring the galaxy with little more than a few unarmed shuttles and a hundred stalwart crew. Oh, and millions of civilians, in cryogenic stasis.
Competition at Survey was fierce. Whoever found a habitable planet got promotions. A promotion meant more money, more food, a bigger house, and early retirement. Some Captains even got to lead their colonies, which could be a boon or a curse. A boon if the colony was lush and rich in raw materials. A curse if the colony needed everybody to live under a transparent aluminum done, fearful of meteor strikes for the rest of their lives.
So when Rein had detected a habitable planet, he jumped at the chance. Oxygen, approximate Earth gravity. He'd become one of the few and proud to have discovered an oxygen world, name forever inscribed on the wall at Survey headquarters, and more importantly, his children guaranteed scholarships to the schools of their choice.
Rein didn't know much about these... Kushan. Some kind of nomadic aliens, who had been pushed from their homeworld. Regulations stated Rein had to contact headquarters before colonization attempts, but most Captains bent the rules. If these Kushan were nomadic, maybe they could be easily pushed around.
However, orbiting the planet, was a warship. This would make things more complicated.
He could try and sneak his way past them. These Kushan were supposed to be peaceful, or the Federation would never have gotten IFF codes from them. Maybe he could land and deploy mobile defenses before the frigate could do anything about it, especially if the frigate followed interstellar law regarding civilian vessels. But then again, it was Federation interstellar law, and who knew what these Kushan were capable of.
Would he dare risk millions of lives for his own glory? But it wasn't entirely his glory was it. It was the glory of the Federation, glorificus vita as the motto went. But what if they were killed? What if they resorted to bombarding the planet? These Kushan couldn't be so crass could they?
But the alternative, living in a sealed domed colony for the rest of his life with his family repairing micro-fractures and walking in emergency suits in perpetual fear of destruction eating replicator rations instead of fresh meat...
...Rein would have to think carefully tonight.
Jokala System
Moist Rockwad's Planetary Orbit
Diplomat Starship Khar-S'jet
The ambassador leaned back against the pull of the neural probes, and felt new information strike the sensors--word from Karan and crew on the Angel Moon. It was not an usual offer among the financially-geared Kiith, but it was unusual for these kinds of corporate deals to be addressed to foreign powers, and the Ambassador was not sure how aliens would react to this kind of arbitration.
~Diplomatic Offer Sent, as Follows-
Possible Options for Fair Trade:
1. Optional Land-Adapted Outpost Vehicle: A land-capable outpost builder similar to the one headed into Jokala is something the Hiigarans currently do not posess. By allowing the Federation to choose a Hiigaran world in Jokala for habitation, the Federation would supply the Hiigarans with such a vessel to be deployed on the world of their choosing within their own space, at the time of their choosing. There would be no Federation forces aboard, and the Hiigaran crew would replace the Fedeartion crew on payment. Payment would be recieved at the Hiigaran border, and the ship must be capable of quick intersteller flight, so as not to require dismantling and analyzing the components which would be a breach of treaty.
2. Hydrogen Planet mining rights: A gas giant nebular mass object would be ceded to the Hiigarans, with the allowance that they deploy a mining team Outpost vessel to it and set up operations that will go unmolested by Federation interference. Optionally, a hydrogen gas object with a rocky surface--a hydrogen rock planet--could be given to the Hiigarans empty of Federation civilians. Either option would require an equal or greater value world, and be subject to review process.
3. Land Tax and Orbital Lease: A tax would be levied on the Federation for use of Hiigaran territory, the use of Hiigaran slipnodes for supply and transport, and for the cost of additional security required by Federation bases in proximity to Hiigaran worlds and slipnodes. These taxes would be non-negotiable.
Furthermore, Orbital Space extending past the atmosphere would be available only by Lease, and no unit of space is to be taken without permission of contract by the Hiigarans to the Federation, including possible stipulations on volume and fees for use. This lease would be enforced, and if the terms were not met or breached before termination, use of orbital space would be rescinded. In this case, no further incursion is warranted. If the Tax is not paid, back taxes will be computed for the following business cycle, and further lack of payment would incur the loss of land rights and the possible resettlement of Federation personnel.
4. Re-Distribution of Federation Assets Along Contested Systems:
Free use of the Jokala Oxygen Rockworld could be granted under lend-lease basing rights, as per the treaty, provided additionally that all further colonization in Cretirk, Jokala and any unstated Hiigaran territories the Federation may also attempted to covertly colonize. One rock world per system in Jokala and Cretirk, of the Federation's choosing, could be used for this purpose. It would be a non-military outpost with access to orbital space uncontested by Hiigaran vessels and considered Federation territory under diplomatic protection, meaning that it would be untaxed and it's transit (though only transit required for it's use) not subject to transit toll.
Ideally this accompanys a similar two worlds on the Federation side of the neutral border zone, but this is a request that is open for negotiation pending further treaty amendments.
And so it went down further into legal language, but that was what the Ambassador had requested, so he would be able to relay these messages to the Federation vessel. The repeating message broke off as he dialed up the transmitters, relaying the message.
"Federation Vessel, the following are a list of possible compromises that have been levied to your people. These fair and equitable trade offers are being relayed to you so you can see that you are not being unfairly treated. Revise your course so that you can recieve word from your people as to their intentions. We will still attempt to block, then board, any vessel refusing to acknowledge these requests long enough for confirmation."
The diplomat paused a moment. "There shouldn't be a rush," he added, and closed the channel, allowing the message to repeat. It was a small admission of personal interest in the affair, as any space scuffle could involve him being fired upon--it seemed that the Federation well-armed their so-called peaceful exploration vessels, while the Hiigarans had long made it a policy to have diplomatic and recon equipment unarmed. Even military scout vessels, which were designed to engage capitol vessels with their EMP generators, had only a small token weapon. An armed 'survey' ship, as he had informed it was being called, seemed to be as much an invasion lander as anything. He relaxed, and waited, safe behind his escorts and within friendly territory... at least, mostly friendly.
Moist Rockwad's Planetary Orbit
Diplomat Starship Khar-S'jet
The ambassador leaned back against the pull of the neural probes, and felt new information strike the sensors--word from Karan and crew on the Angel Moon. It was not an usual offer among the financially-geared Kiith, but it was unusual for these kinds of corporate deals to be addressed to foreign powers, and the Ambassador was not sure how aliens would react to this kind of arbitration.
~Diplomatic Offer Sent, as Follows-
Possible Options for Fair Trade:
1. Optional Land-Adapted Outpost Vehicle: A land-capable outpost builder similar to the one headed into Jokala is something the Hiigarans currently do not posess. By allowing the Federation to choose a Hiigaran world in Jokala for habitation, the Federation would supply the Hiigarans with such a vessel to be deployed on the world of their choosing within their own space, at the time of their choosing. There would be no Federation forces aboard, and the Hiigaran crew would replace the Fedeartion crew on payment. Payment would be recieved at the Hiigaran border, and the ship must be capable of quick intersteller flight, so as not to require dismantling and analyzing the components which would be a breach of treaty.
2. Hydrogen Planet mining rights: A gas giant nebular mass object would be ceded to the Hiigarans, with the allowance that they deploy a mining team Outpost vessel to it and set up operations that will go unmolested by Federation interference. Optionally, a hydrogen gas object with a rocky surface--a hydrogen rock planet--could be given to the Hiigarans empty of Federation civilians. Either option would require an equal or greater value world, and be subject to review process.
3. Land Tax and Orbital Lease: A tax would be levied on the Federation for use of Hiigaran territory, the use of Hiigaran slipnodes for supply and transport, and for the cost of additional security required by Federation bases in proximity to Hiigaran worlds and slipnodes. These taxes would be non-negotiable.
Furthermore, Orbital Space extending past the atmosphere would be available only by Lease, and no unit of space is to be taken without permission of contract by the Hiigarans to the Federation, including possible stipulations on volume and fees for use. This lease would be enforced, and if the terms were not met or breached before termination, use of orbital space would be rescinded. In this case, no further incursion is warranted. If the Tax is not paid, back taxes will be computed for the following business cycle, and further lack of payment would incur the loss of land rights and the possible resettlement of Federation personnel.
4. Re-Distribution of Federation Assets Along Contested Systems:
Free use of the Jokala Oxygen Rockworld could be granted under lend-lease basing rights, as per the treaty, provided additionally that all further colonization in Cretirk, Jokala and any unstated Hiigaran territories the Federation may also attempted to covertly colonize. One rock world per system in Jokala and Cretirk, of the Federation's choosing, could be used for this purpose. It would be a non-military outpost with access to orbital space uncontested by Hiigaran vessels and considered Federation territory under diplomatic protection, meaning that it would be untaxed and it's transit (though only transit required for it's use) not subject to transit toll.
Ideally this accompanys a similar two worlds on the Federation side of the neutral border zone, but this is a request that is open for negotiation pending further treaty amendments.
And so it went down further into legal language, but that was what the Ambassador had requested, so he would be able to relay these messages to the Federation vessel. The repeating message broke off as he dialed up the transmitters, relaying the message.
"Federation Vessel, the following are a list of possible compromises that have been levied to your people. These fair and equitable trade offers are being relayed to you so you can see that you are not being unfairly treated. Revise your course so that you can recieve word from your people as to their intentions. We will still attempt to block, then board, any vessel refusing to acknowledge these requests long enough for confirmation."
The diplomat paused a moment. "There shouldn't be a rush," he added, and closed the channel, allowing the message to repeat. It was a small admission of personal interest in the affair, as any space scuffle could involve him being fired upon--it seemed that the Federation well-armed their so-called peaceful exploration vessels, while the Hiigarans had long made it a policy to have diplomatic and recon equipment unarmed. Even military scout vessels, which were designed to engage capitol vessels with their EMP generators, had only a small token weapon. An armed 'survey' ship, as he had informed it was being called, seemed to be as much an invasion lander as anything. He relaxed, and waited, safe behind his escorts and within friendly territory... at least, mostly friendly.