Logically, there is no BoS on the East Coast.Vympel wrote:Nothing to do with the suit's condition. Who says the BoS on the East Coast is anything resembling that as originally conceived in Fallout?
Any Paladin there would be from the Lost Hills bunker just as much as a Paladin in California would.
That is unless Bethesda have seen fit to anally rape canon.
I'm saying that the specific armour and character models are superior. Nothing more.Then you're simply a bloody idiot, plain and simple. Anyone can compare Morrowind to the Van Buren screenshot earlier in the thread and say in two seconds flat which is the superior, and it ain't fucking Van Buren.
Have you even bothered to look at other screenshots?Compared to Van Buren, you fanatic, it's a bloody masterpiece. Considering it's two years older than the Van Buren build, it's an even sillier result. Low-resolution textures? Have you looked at your screenshots?
When did I ever say that? I said that the armour model in question was superior to armour from Morrowind. How does this translate to the game's overall graphics beating Morrowinds? Which is in fact something we'll never know since like it or not, the engine was vastly incomplete. It's a tech demo for crying out loud. It's something the public was never intended to see!Yeah, right. By all means, present your evidence that THE GAME was 95% complete miraculously somehow didn't include the engine, which for some reason you expect people to believe was barely complete and would somehow blow Morrowind out of the water.
Oh really? Then do show me where. You're not the only Fallout fanboy here, the only difference is the rest of us are rational.

What you consider to be a sprite is irrelevant.To call a miniscule sprite a "design" is a joke.
It did have a scaling system. It didn't have Oblivion's. Which is what Todd claims. Oblivion's scaling affected all monsters, all npcs, all loot, all bosses. Everything. No other TES has done that.You're full of shit. Everything he said is entirely accurate. Morrowind did have a scaling system, any idiot can see that when the Dremora and Golden Saints etc went from Dwemer to Glass to Ebony to Daedric as the game progressed. It just didn't scale armor.
Or do you think it's logical that Mannimarco, immortal necromancer and King of Worms, a god amongst mortals, can be killed by a level 1 character with a rusty iron sword?
That is the most extreme example, but they do in fact scale.Or are you saying that the rats do scale to a Level 30 player character
Bullshit bullshit bullshit! The interface was terrible overall. Stats and skills were rendered useless (e.g. Persuasion and Security), dialogue was reduced to nothing, you couldn't delete spells.Depends on what you mean by "unaffected". The level of player choice in Morrowind was entirely the same as that in Oblivion. The interface is another issue, and has nothing to do with "dumbing down", since the gripe involved the huge text-size more than anything else.
Everything was molded into being the perfect Xbox game. Simplified controls, twitch-gaming, no consequence for actions, etc. etc.
When a game is only playable after 100+ user mods are added. When a game thinks that axes are somehow blunt. When a game has quests that tell you exactly where everything is with a bloody compass pointer. When a game sacrifices all of it's depth for an Xbox owner's ease of use then yes, it is a disaster.Oh yes, because Oblivion was such a terrible disaster, how could we let them get away with that abomination ...
Bethesda have only ever developed one series in house.Their past repeated actions of buying a franchise and then turning it into a carbon copy of their own games, with guns?
Stop being a fucking moron.
They turned TES from a deep, varied RPG to a consolised hybrid mess.
Explain why I should think they won't do the same for Fallout?