M-16 bullet
M-16 bullet #2
Both cases the ballistics gel wound is about ~5-6 cm in diameter. ASsuming 15 cm penetration (about what is needed to reach vital organs) the area effected will be about .4 kg
Assuming total vaporization/incineration, this comes out to around 1-2 MJ approximately, ignoring inefficiencies. going for mere "cauterization" with partial vaporization (300 C or so) is about 368 kilojoules. Given the difference between permanant and temporary cavities, I'd say that the former (vaporization) is more consistent. The cauterization would be bound to include temporary (since it will include surrounding flesh as well as what is removed to make the hole.)
Note as well that these bullets DO penetrate straight through, which I am ignoring, and which can affect the calcs (albeit slightly)
As you can see these bullets "tumble" a bit inside the body, so the wound cavities (permanant) are different. Nonetheless, its about the same mass and thus calc-wise as I did above. I simply included it for comparison's sake. Note, however, that in the case of a tumbling round, the larger diameter of the 40K bullets probably means bigger wound cavities than this.
.308 winchester bullet
buckshot from a 12-gaugeshotgun
These two are roughly consistent in diameters, much larger permanant wound cavies than above.. roughly "fist like" (~10-12 cm in diameter.)
Assuming 15 cm of penetration, that yields around 1-1.5 kg affected by area. Vaporization and incineration yields ~2-3 MJ minimum. Cauterization yields around .9 to 1.4 megajoules.