Favorite flavor of ice cream

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Favorite Flavor?

Rocky Road
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Favorite flavor of ice cream

Post by Exonerate »

Mine has got to be Vanilla. Coffee is a close second.

Edit: Stupid spelling error.

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Post by God Emperor »

Mint Bon-Bon :D
Followed closely by Cookie Dough :)
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Vanilla...which is not how I like anything but ice cream...
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Post by XaLEv »

Baskin Robbins Daiquiri Ice. Too bad they don't have it here any more. :(
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Post by Temjin »

Heavenly Hash.

You could you say no to something that has chocolate ice cream, streaks of marshmellow and chocolate chips?
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Post by Frank Hipper »

Chocolate chip, let it all melt in yo' mouth. Mmmmmm
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

Vanilla for me. I hate it when people act like something is wrong because you like Vanilla.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Tin Roof Sundae (vanilla ice cream with fudge and chocolate-covered peanuts).
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Post by Sriad »

Phish Food by Ben & Jerry, but I voted for Rocky Road because it's pretty close.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Vanilla and then chocolate.
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Post by Dalton »

Phish Food fuckin rocks.
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Cookie Dough and/or FrenchVanilla with graham cracker and oreo cookies,

If we're talking malts though, thats when I swing to chocolate. that and Tyra Banks
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Post by Damaramu »


But I love to add toppings to it!

Like that strawberry goo you get at Dairy Queen or Sonic......or chocolate syrup....or butterscotch......or whatever! 8)
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Post by Coyote »

Coffee tops it for me, but comin' in close is Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup. I also love Cookie Dough. Mmmmmm....

Vanillla's good when it is covered in choclate and M&Ms...
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Post by Zaia »

Chubby Hubby by Ben & Jerry--don't think they make it any more, though. :( Vanilla ice cream, fudge & peanut butter swirls and peanut butter filled, chocolate covered pretzels---MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

*looks around at the ice creams mentioned here and ponders the possible serving suggestions*
<homer>Mmmmmmmmmm icecream</homer>
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Post by Exonerate »

I've always been a sucker for vanilla ice cream with lots of hot fudge and M&Ms on it.

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Post by jegs2 »

Mine's mint chocolate chip
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Post by Master of Ossus »

I like Mint Chocolate Chip the best, which is kind of interesting because I normally do not like chocolate.

After that, I like rasberry sorbet, strawberry, apple (they make the BEST apple-ice cream in Switzerland if you buy the premium stuff), vanilla bean, and banana splits.
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Post by Cal Wright »

Vanilla. I'm a plain fella folks.

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Post by EmperorMing »

Mocha-Almond Fudge. Yum.

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Post by Datana »

Coconut. On the other hand, almost no major company seems able to produce a good one here in the States.
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Post by Vertigo1 »

Fudge Sundae followed closely by Peach. :)
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Post by Shinova »

Cookies n' cream!!
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Post by Alex Moon »

Strawberry. Second is Mint Chocolate Chip topped with Chocolate syrup, chocolate chips, and oreo cookies.
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