And what do you do with the crap that's already canon and can't be contradicted in later work?
Live with it.
The current canon interpretations of Boba Fett's and Palpatine's demises in ROTJ are loopholes. They exist because authors needed a way to resurrect these characters. You can't get those interpretations just from what you see on screen.
The movies do not conflict with either DE or whatever source Boba Fett escaped from the Sarlaac in (long time ago) in any way. You merely
want them to because you don't like them.
That makes them idiots who haven't watched the movies properly.
Try finishing the quote.
Mon Mothma in ROTJ wrote:"...with the Imperial Fleet spread throughout the galaxy..."
" a vain effort to engage us, the Death Star is relatively unprotected."
Or did you miss the part where Endor was a trap?
Nothing in the movies disproves that specific interpretation of the movies.
Your opinion, unsupported.
Vs. your unsupported opinion.
Of course, that's ignoring all the trouble caused
merely be Lucas modifying the OT. Try imagining how much of a catastrophe rewritting and discarding books would do.
Which means Lucas caters, or at least tolerates LFL catering to, fanwhores. That makes it a good idea from a storytelling as opposed to a moneymaking POV how?
So it's bad to cater to Fett fans, but good to cater to you?
No, not at all.
Then stop wasting my time.
I actually meant the good guys eventually winning in the end, as per the them of the OT.
Right. Because, in DE, Luke and Leia died and Palpatine reigned forever as god-king of a universe-wide Dark Side empire.
and that's where the prophesy ends as far as the movies are concerned.
And that's where the prophecy ends as far as
anyone is concerned. Dark Empire came out almost a decade before Lucas ever concocted the idea of the "Chosen One".
You will now show me the part of the PT that references DE.
Such a stupidly arbitrary and completely irrelevant demand is barely worth my time dismissing.
So Lucas had in mind a really shitty idea for the last three episodes (assuming that's true, which I doubt rather fiercely). Your point being?
How dense are you? You support (presumably) a project where the EU would be brought back in line with how Lucas meant it to be, regardless of the fact some of the sources you want eliminated are more closely in line with that Lucas wanted to begin with.
I note a distinct lack of rebuttal.
I'm sorry, I forgot I had to present a rebuttal to a completely unsupported argument. Prove Star Wars has been made unrecognizable and I'll give you the rebuttal you want.
Then why mention it in the first place?
Gee, maybe because
General_Soontir_Fel BROUGHT IT UP?
Reading is fun. You ought to try it.
No implied connection my ass.
Reality is fun. You should take part in it.
A redo of the Prequels on the other hand... that I could get behind.
So you think Traviss doesn't need to be told what Star Wars is about, but George Lucas does.
Don't be foolish. You're the one coming up with a thread about what Lucas should or should not do.
You think George Lucas made the prequels wrongly, but that Traviss shouldn't be smacked by LFL for her bullshit because of some abstract threat this poses against all authors.
My post implied a connection because you're either to lazy or stupid to read. I'm not the one obsessing over Traviss and trying to draw sinister connections with her in everything.
I think the PT blew. I think everything Traviss wrote post-RC:HC blows. I don't think everything you don't like should be removed or re-written. Or at least don't present it in a serious argument on a public forum.
Methinks that's a large part of what the Baron is talking about...
It's not. Otherwise he would have said it.
Maybe-MT HTLs. TIEs that can be killed with AMRAAMS. Or moving wrongly in atmosphere. 3 million clones. 5 figure c hyperdrives. 200 dreadnoughts making a difference. Shieldless TIEs. Darth Vader...Vadering 20 years before Luke and Leia's birth. The Clone Masters and the time they needed to grow a clone without it going insane. Executor nearly bancrupting the Empire. Outbound Flight being the first time the OR tried to get outside the galaxy. Yeah, no contradictions whatsoever.
That might have meant something had I ever said there were no contradictions between the films and EU.
Quite the contrary, actually.
That's nice. I can claim completely baseless assertions about anything just as well as you can.
I've supported my side of the argument. Try doing it yourself or shut up and stop wasting my time. Your opinions might be nice but they mean nothing.
"He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot, but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot."
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."