Fail. I missed the very beginning but it goes something like this:Bounty wrote:A barbecue got between me and the Doctor. Could someone spoil the hell out of this episode for me, please?
Captain Jack jumps on the TARDIS' outside and the TARDIS trying to shake him off zooms to the very end of time. Sadly sans restaurant. Martha and the Doctor find Jack dead but a few seconds later he comes back to life. There is some banter and then they see a huma nbeing chased and try to help them out. All of them eventually flee from sharp teethed people into a human compound and meet derek jaccobi who is trying to build a space ship to ship all the pure humans to 'utopia.' The Doctor helps him finish the ship and it takes off. Near the end of the episode Martha notices the professor has a watch and runs off to tell the Doctor. The Professor opens the watch and becomes the master. He locks the doctor, Captain Jack and Martha out of his control room and let in the evil sharp teth creatures. But is shot by his assisstant, He legs into the TARDIS and regenerates in to Sam Tyler. Who banters with the Doctor for a but before departing in the TARDIS.
Oh And Captain Jack has the Doctor's severed hand from 'THe Christmas Invasion" which the Master snuggled with for a bit before leaving.