In light of the worsening galactic security situation, and the potential hegemonic threat represented by the more aggressive Involveds that have recently made themselves known to the galaxy at large, the free and diverse peoples of the galaxy find it necessary to ensure their security, in the formation of a purely defensive alliance between their sovereign nations:
Code: Select all
The North Galactic Treaty Organisation (NGTO)
The undersigned parties hereby agree to abide by the following terms:
I) The initiation of hostilities, including but not limited to
attacks on fleet units, facilities, shipping and personnel, on
any party will be considered a declaration of war on all
parties to this agreement.
II) All parties are obliged to commit all units that can
reasonably be spared to the defence of the attacked party at
the request and discretion of that party.
III) This obligation will not extend to the pursuit of retreating
hostiles travelling beyond the territory of the attacked party.
IV) All parties agree to pool subspace tracking and intelligence
information with respect to the security of the borders of
all parties in the alliance; in particular all parties agree
to establish automated data feeds to share surveillance of
the approaches to alliance space.
V) All parties will permit the free passage of defensive and
civilian ships through each other's territories, and undertake
to render such assistance as may be required to ships of the
other member's that are damaged or otherwise in distress.
VI) All parties agree to commence studies on logistical
harmonisation and begin officer exchange programs to facilitate
co-ordinated defence and future joint operations, with the
proviso that no officer shall be required to engage in
aggressive operations against a non-member without the explicit
approval of their home power.
VII) Any member state can withdraw from this alliance at any time by
giving one week's written notice.
VIII) New members may only be admitted with unanimous approval of all
current members.
IIX) Members may be expelled at any time by simple majority vote of
all current members.
IX) Members will be automatically expelled if they engage in
offensive operations against another member, and the mutual
defence obligation will be activated against them.
Signed by authorised representatives of the following founding sovereign
Powers, with full assurance of ratification within 14 days of signing:
* The Chamara Kingdom
* The Co-operative Trans Genetic Alliance
* The Grand Republic of the Sky Bear
* The Kiroter'nah Overflock
* The Nephilim
* The Union of Inter Stellar Civilizations
at Opomari Tower, Jahlin Colony, Telos System
Earth old calendar equivalent date: 16th June 2504 AD
Any further sovereign states wishing to join the North Galactic Treaty Organisation are invited to petition the administration council for consideration at the next scheduled top-level conference.
(thread now open to anyone who'd like to turn up, direct approach communications to the Inter Stellar Union's patrol elements or defence stations, long range diplomatic communications for the attention of the delegates can be sent directly to the Opomari Geosynchronous hyperwave hub).