STGOD: North Galactic Treaty Organisation

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STGOD: North Galactic Treaty Organisation

Post by Starglider »

Priority one video transmission on all diplomatic channels, signing ceremony for the newly formed North Galactic Treaty Organisation, multilingual transcript excerpt as follows.


In light of the worsening galactic security situation, and the potential hegemonic threat represented by the more aggressive Involveds that have recently made themselves known to the galaxy at large, the free and diverse peoples of the galaxy find it necessary to ensure their security, in the formation of a purely defensive alliance between their sovereign nations:

Code: Select all

The North Galactic Treaty Organisation (NGTO)

The undersigned parties hereby agree to abide by the following terms:

I)    The initiation of hostilities, including but not limited to
      attacks on fleet units, facilities, shipping and personnel, on
      any party will be considered a declaration of war on all
      parties to this agreement.
II)   All parties are obliged to commit all units that can
      reasonably be spared to the defence of the attacked party at
      the request and discretion of that party.
III)  This obligation will not extend to the pursuit of retreating
      hostiles travelling beyond the territory of the attacked party.
IV)   All parties agree to pool subspace tracking and intelligence
      information with respect to the security of the borders of
      all parties in the alliance; in particular all parties agree
      to establish automated data feeds to share surveillance of
      the approaches to alliance space.
V)    All parties will permit the free passage of defensive and
      civilian ships through each other's territories, and undertake
      to render such assistance as may be required to ships of the
      other member's that are damaged or otherwise in distress.
VI)   All parties agree to commence studies on logistical
      harmonisation and begin officer exchange programs to facilitate
      co-ordinated defence and future joint operations, with the
      proviso that no officer shall be required to engage in
      aggressive operations against a non-member without the explicit
      approval of their home power.
VII)  Any member state can withdraw from this alliance at any time by
      giving one week's written notice.
VIII) New members may only be admitted with unanimous approval of all
      current members.
IIX)  Members may be expelled at any time by simple majority vote of
      all current members.
IX)   Members will be automatically expelled if they engage in
      offensive operations against another member, and the mutual
      defence obligation will be activated against them.

Signed by authorised representatives of the following founding sovereign
Powers, with full assurance of ratification within 14 days of signing:

* The Chamara Kingdom
* The Co-operative Trans Genetic Alliance
* The Grand Republic of the Sky Bear
* The Kiroter'nah Overflock
* The Nephilim
* The Union of Inter Stellar Civilizations

at Opomari Tower, Jahlin Colony, Telos System
Earth old calendar equivalent date: 16th June 2504 AD
Copies of this agreement to be transmitted to all stellar governments currently recognised by the signatories, and to be lodged in all major hypernet archives.

Any further sovereign states wishing to join the North Galactic Treaty Organisation are invited to petition the administration council for consideration at the next scheduled top-level conference.


(thread now open to anyone who'd like to turn up, direct approach communications to the Inter Stellar Union's patrol elements or defence stations, long range diplomatic communications for the attention of the delegates can be sent directly to the Opomari Geosynchronous hyperwave hub).
Last edited by Starglider on 2007-06-26 10:03pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Darkevilme »

*coms drone message transmission*
<< To: The North Galactic treaty association
Sender: Chamaran kingdom

Declaration of alliance:
The Senate of nobles has passed their vote to enter into this alliance, placing the first Chamaran fleet at the disposal of the Association and expresses gratitude to the welcoming sentients of the galaxy who offered the hand of friendship as a greeting to us. It has brought much joy to the people of our worlds and we look forward to further cooperation with our sisters amongst the stars. Furthermore the creation of a subspace tracking network is now underway in all systems claimed by the kingdom in compliance with Article D of the treaty.

Signed, Queen Kara of House Chamara.
Message ends>>
*Message drone contents: A declaration of the alliance signed by the queen and all the matriarchs of the greater houses, two kilos of catnip in a four kilo box*
STGOD SDNW4 player. Chamarran Hierarchy Catgirls in space!
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Post by Redleader34 »

On the planet of Neos 3, a loud and rousing Council Session was going on. Councilmen were shouting, and threats were being shouted. Ryand, currently in a body which resembled a Dalek from the old days of Earth televison raised his plunger, and spoke , silencing the crowds. "Gentleemen, we are at a crossroads of the future. As you all know, the Uche and DiplomatCor have recently have signed the agreements to form this New common defense pact. We must not be left behind." The Dalek would look around, as it spoke again with a slight tone of desperation

"Reports of fundamentalist empires who reject all others, rumors of ...things... that want to consume us, and just plain old oppression all threaten our way of life! We must stand firm, and sign this treaty. As you all know, it takes 3/4ths approval to turn all treaties into law. Will you approve our measures? Will you stand for the future!" The Canister seemed maddened, but it quickly calmed down, its lights stopping their pulsating. "Thank you for your time" The Dalek floated down, to his seat at the head of the Council.

After a period of several hours, and much political rethoric, the votes were tallied. The announcer, Ryand, now in his furry body, a wolf with grey facial markings stood, and presented the votes. "The Neos System's representatives all voted for the Treaty ratification. The New Mombasa region all voted for the Treaty. The New Laos region split 75-25 for and against the treaty respectively. The Southern African Sector voted 65-35 for the treaty. The Egyptian Region voted all for the treaty. The Planet Ryanic all voted for the treaty. This treaty is now official in the Co-operative." The wolf would walk down, and end the Council special session, while many councilmen walked out to their respective offices.

The Drone which was sent which had a recording had a small model of the Mothership, and the first 37 seasons of the old Earth classic Dr Who on a Hypercube entertainment system, as well as a request for tickets to the Non Shippy things concert.
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Post by A-Wing_Slash »

"Speaker Yogi announced this morning that the Assembly of Clans has ratified the so called 'North Galactic Treaty' after an overnight session. Witnesses said that the Great Hall of the Clans was paked even to overflowing, as every clan's delegates sought to voice their position on the treaty.
"While the treaty passed by a wide margin, reaffirming the power of the speaker, opposition cam from a far wider segment of the Assembly than ever before during Yogi's tenure. Delegate Kanosak, of the Harmaar Clan, had this to say:"
Delegate Kanosak wrote:Fundementalists, Isolationists, and Free Traders working together? I was surprised they even got as many clans as they did onto their side. But mark my words, the will be better organized next time. Its only a matter of time before these disparite opposition elements coalesce, mark my words.
"As for now, Speaker Yogi and his supporters are flush with victory. Vidar, Bear Broadcasting Service. Have a great day."

To all Star Nations: the Grand Republic of the Sky Bear has ratified the North Galactic Treaty, and has taken up its duties under all articles of said Treaty.

- Torvald, Foreign Minister
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Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Opomari Tower, Jahlin Colony, Telos System, 4th day of signing

After the public fiasco of their first extra-Sector diplomatic Envoy to Earth, the UISC populace as a whole was more than sceptical when it was informed of not just a diplomatic meeting but plans for a tentative alliance was formulated.

Moods we’re soon tempered when it was revealed the signing location for the ceremony would take place within UISC space. The delegates involved would not have to travel far and could easily use the unarmed Diplomatic craft available to them.

Overall it had been a good move. The influx of alien visitors to The Sector made the populace of the UISC feel important for a change. This by itself did much to ease over much of the current tensions with dealing with other sector races.

Within a few days Jahlin suddenly became a tourist attraction of sorts as wealthy and well connected citizens came to get a first hand look at many of those that would share their space. To make matters even more popular for the planet, the Kiroter'nah band “Non Shippy Things” had arrived just in term for the signing ceremony and an almost festival mood began to permeate Jahlin. It was only natural something would happen to disrupt it.

Andar System, Bridge of Edselon Battleship ‘Paprika’

“What do you mean we just lost helm control?”
“Sir, we have been completely locked out of the computers! It-it as if something has taken over the ship! None of the abort codes are working!” reported a rather panicked helmsman to Captain Finnagen.

Upon hearing the report, the Captains face went pale.
“Lock down on off duty personnel and confine them to quarters, I, need to send a message.” Not waiting to hear that the comms we’re offline as well, the Captain dashed to his ready room… Pulling out of a vault a sealed plastic case marked “RUDI Situation 0027” he cracked the case and began to read his orders under the circumstances.

A few minutes later, he was typing a tediously complex code into his terminal. A moment later a distorted face appeared.

“Ah, captain, Finnagen is it? I don’t think we’ve met yet…” The Octona captain glared. “We’ve met, We meet everytime I turn on this ships computer after all. Now what do you want with My Ship!” he barked.

“’Our’ ship… And ‘our’ ship is going to pick up some friends of mine, personally.” The captain slammed his fist down on the table.

“You CAN ask you know, we have honored our agreement with you at every turn, who do you insist on taunting us like this.” The face on the screen simply ‘laughed’

“Ask? I suppose I could have asked, perhaps I should, you most forgive me, I can be so out of touch at times. But please, do not worry, no harm shall come to this ship, or to your crew my good captain.” The face said before adding…

“After all, This isn’t the first time I have borrowed a ship, and I always returned the others without a scratch…”

A few moments later, a deihselved captain emerged from his room. Ever face on the bridge looking at him..
"Sir, our orders?"

"Orders? Ah, yes. Well it seems this was a security test of sorts.. We have been selected to transport represenatives of the 'Nephilim' to the signing ceremony..." He spoke as the ships engines roared to life.
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Post by Acidburns »

Far Point Station

The joint Nephilim/Oraphim diplomatic group stood together for the first time, or at least as together as a diminutive humanoid, a 9ft tall robot and 2 disembodied strings of self-aware computer code could be. Eos and Selene were chosen to represent the majority of the Nephilim; Eos was chosen because he was from the first generation, his brain scanned directly from his organic form, while Selene was homeborn, born directly into the virtual world. Sonea was the Oraphim delegate, ve knew her well, ve had spent much time with her on Arudoa. Lastly, Helios verself was because ve was a Gleisner, and was quite comfortable inhabiting a Shell, after all someone needed to preform the ritual signing on behalf of the Nephilim. Ve was looking forward to it, while ve had watched Oraphim perform similar rituals, ve had never taken part verself. Helios reflected on this to pass the time while Sonea opened her mouth to continue speaking.

Vis shell offered ver a 20x internal time rate, while only a fraction of what most Nephilim prefered, ve found it offered ver enough time to appreciate natural phenomenon without it proceeding at the glacial pace of standard tau.

Ve was vaguely aware of Eos and Selene conversing in the virtual forum ve was linked to, their conversation proceeded too fast for ver to follow; by the time ve processed one sentence, ve would have missed several minutes of conversation. So ve let their noise wash over ver, they would occasionally tag a direct question or observation for vis attention, and continue conversing until ve sent an answer.

Sonea had asked ver if they could see the incoming UISC ship. Ve sent a wireless signal to a nearby display, summoning an image of the battleship as it threaded it's way through the Nephilim fleet that surrounded Far Point. When the ship arrived Eos and Selene would transmit their data, and the extensive software protocols that would allow them to operate onboard the UISC battleship computer array. Countless checks of the encrypted code that made up their selves would be performed before the transfer was complete. Selene and verself would simply walk through the airlock.

They all had snapshots taken, backups in case something unthinkable should happen. Sonea was the exception – should her body perish, her total sum of conciousness would be lost forever.
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Post by Crossroads Inc. »

The trip to and from Far Point Station had been made as quick as possible... The engineers abored the UISC Battleship "Paprika' had been watching their engines nervously as they were pushed to their limits.

It was well noted that those on abroad did not wish to be in such a vulnerable state.

As if to punctuate the quickness at which the entity in control of the Battleship wished to reach the signing ceremony, the immense Capital ship unfolded directly into a low planetary orbit over Jahlin, less than two miles above the Opomari Towers themselves.

The Nephilim/Oraphim diplomatic group had arrived
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Post by Acidburns »

Helios studied the glass as it tumbled from the table. As it spun on it's axis crimson fluid sprayed in a gentle arc, each globule of liquid shimmered in the light of the setting sun. Ve zoomed in on a small ovoid droplet, deformed by it's acceleration it cast a distorted reflection of the onlookers. Sonea's mouth was beginning to form a startled “o” of surprise, her arm began to recoil despite the glass leaving the table some time ago. Their guide was faster, his pointed ears swivelled forward as he began to reach for the falling glass; he would never reach it in time.

It was their contact with the UISC AI RUDI that had led them to the ocean world of Jahlin. Nephilim data miners had retrieved communications revealing the diplomatic feelers that preceded this event years ago, centuries ago from a polis citizens perspective. The Nephilim would never have considered joining such a pact, and effectively forgot about it, for a time. Contact with RUDI brought the diplomatic event to the fore again. In the week that it took RUDI to reach Far Point Eos and Selene had 27 years to prepare and plan.

By now the glass had turned 180 degrees, it met the ground shortly after. On impact opaque cracks meandered their way up the glass, lightning fast even from Helio's accelerated perspective. For the briefest moment the glass was complete, a thousand piece mosaic. Then it collapsed, folding outward as it accelerated into the ground. Shards skipped across the floor. Ve counted the pieces, tagged each one with data on it's observed properties, then indexed them.

Their feline guide still reached out, fingers grasping at empty air. Ve considered this; should some nation strike without warning considerable damage could be done before they're allies reacted. Ve would propose the construction of a joint command centre, located centrally within what will become NGTO's territory. That would cut down the reaction time considerably.

The glass was down to it's stem now. Before it could spread further, ve lifted vis foot, and crushed the glass into a fine powder before it could spread further.
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Post by rhoenix »

Archon Kluya Orgos gave the command for all-stop. Her ship, the Quiet Gaze, accompanied by it's escort Glaive, neared the halfway point to the original transmission. At her quiet command, a message was fired directly at the source of the original transmission. This message was simple, though direct.

Code: Select all

We of the Golden Sky Combine hear your offer, and wish to learn more about your ideas.  We are prepared to meet with you to discuss things both subtle and overt.
"And now," Archon Orgos said thoughtfully, getting herself a glass of tea, "we wait."
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Post by Starglider »

Tanah'ki-Orpalo#21-Avee'kamee waited for the Nephilim to finish addressing the conference. Her fur bore overlapped streaks fashioned into starburst patterns, while her dark coppery hair and deep blue wings were spotted by tiny sparkling diamonds and laced with fine golden wires - she was a particularly attractive female in a species where appearance, at least in humanoid form, was completely a matter of personal taste and style. She tried to project warmth, dignity but hidden strength; she had been refining her speech and behaviour programs to accommodate these diverse aliens for the last several months, and at last she was starting to feel confident that she was consistently giving the right impression.

so much struggle but now the fruit is becoming edible All five other founding members are now committed. Tactical projections confirm a 0.98 probability of resisting an invasion by any known isolated power with minimal losses and a 0.77 probability of resisting attack from a hypothetical earth coalition, once strategic command integration is complete. great progress but who knows what is lurking out there in the deep night also earth may gain allies by diplomacy or conquest it is a start but will it bring safety and friends or drag us into war The Contactiphile program is the least risky course to meet minimal moral constraints. if only all of us accepted that

The Nephilim robot had finished. The Oraphim was adding her own speech about how the alliance with the Nephilim had aided and enriched her species and how she hoped that this larger coalition would eventually do the same. hard choice who to try to be friends with who to join together into a non chiro terah flock The AI-organic partnership of this new power does mirror the Kiroter'nah hybrid organic/artificial nature in an interesting way. which is really why we let be of the flock with so little time to think maybe they will understand us better than the others but exposing our weaknesses is so risky Exploratory discussions to be scheduled, science and cultural staff to be carefully briefed. The Interstellar Union were easily favoured for initial contact, their spatial proximity and evident experience at and tolerance of interstellar interspecies alliances. many of them are predators but they are predators we can co hunt with i hope like we used to lead the akka-wolves to prey then share the spoils Selecting the other initial powers required extended multidimensional analysis but we believe this set is an optimal initiation. predators or not those chaamaarans are surprisingly nice shame they have no wings

Avee'kamee leapt into the air, beat her wings once, twice, and landed neatly on the podium. There was no need to fly in here, but nearly all Kiroter'nah were in love with the symbolism of their race being of the sky, and Avee'kamee liked to convey that when she could. "On behalf of the Kiroter'nah Overflock it gives me great pleasure to confirm our ratification of this treaty and our commitment to this new alliance. We sincerely believe that we stand stronger together, while preserving our individual autonomy and Flash Message: hostile acti cancel... we hope the members can work together to Local Flash Override: Avee this could change everything, to... build a better future. I'm sorry, I must ask you to excuse me for a moment. Kononaa'iit, would you please continue for me".

Tanah'ki-Orpalo#21-Kononaa'iit showed only a flicker of concern as he took over the speech. Initiate flash download. this had better be vital or i will be ripping someone's wings off


"He did what? What kind of idiot stunt did Serenaas pull? Or was it that Kari'naha harpy? He should have been able to keep her under control."

"That's all we've got for now. The Elucidate cloaked again after sending the transmission. Be aware that anything we send will be sure to be intercepted, by the humans and probably most of the other ships in their space. It will be encrypted with our best protocols of course..."

"But as usual we are not as experienced at using the technology as our enemies." Avee'kamee sighed. "Or rather potential enemies. Much as the Xenophobes like to deny it the humans are far from homogeneous, they have many more factions and much less co-operation than we do. They have no overflock, how is this so hard for some of us to understand?"

It was a rhetorical question. Xeno psychology was a difficult subject.

"Any word from our envoys on Earth? I understand that they went directly into the care of the faction that initiated this alliance."

"Nothing yet."

"I suspect that these 'Poles' are their equivalent of our Contactiphiles and that this 'Hegemony' is their equivalent of the Supremacists. Or maybe even Xenophobes, if only fear of the others prevented them for attacking us on sight. The strategic leaderflock are stepping our readiness levels I expect?"

"Yes. Both fast attack groups are being prepared for possible contingencies. All available shroud-capable ships are on stand by for special operations. Though as you know we have no chance in a direct confrontation against the joint earth forces. Not alone."

poor serenaas, cahaan nol and tara shaani too, trapped in the den of enemies It is unfortunate that the preliminary contacts and negotiations required to create the NGTO made all of the most experienced staff unavailable for the mission, or indeed that it occured on such short notice. It is quite possible that the Survivalists insisted on his appointment, and/or influenced Taxaani-Rokain#7-Kari'naha, to increase the probability of such an incident occuring. but should not be so quick to blame my flock mates when the humaans seem quite evil enough to do this on their own "Evil" is a uselessly simplistic concept for modelling nation scale interactions must stay rational about this not react like an animal

"I will draft a communique to the Polish Hegemony expressing the appropriate amount of outrage, hoping that our delegates are safe and that the unprovoked attacks were not their fault, and so on. Presumably we cannot be a part of this 'Coalition of Nations' if our obvious enemies are accepted by it. Send it in the clear. After that we shall have to work out how to present this to our new allies. Keep trying to get Kari'naha on secure hypercomm, and if you do tell her to perch tight and not do anything rash."
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Post by Starglider »

Tanah'ki-Orpalo#21-Avee'kamee stood the assembled diplomats, head high, wings drawn tightly against her back, a look of concern and hurt on her face. In parallel to this very public meeting, she knew that liaison officers from the various power's fleet commands and intelligence services were having their own discussions about information sharing and management of joint operations. Those preparations might become vital much sooner than they had hoped.

"Respected delegates, I come before you with news of a grave incident in the Sol system. As many of you already know from your own assets in that system, our peaceful envoy ship was contacted by the so-called 'Hegemony of Heavens' and given explicit instructions to enter close orbit around their home planet, which we followed exactly. But when we reached the location they gave, the Hegemony demanded that we surrender under threat of force, and made clear their intent to imprison our crew and tear apart our ship for its technological secrets. Our brave and wise co-ordinator Kari'naha remained calm even as her ship was being dragged into the den of these wolves, and instead of responding in kind used cunning and her shroud device to twisted out of their talons and fly from their fleet."

Avee'kamee's ears dropped, and she looked down at the front row of delegates with sad eyes.

"With great regret I must report that the Hegemony cruiser 'Kobe' unilaterally opened fire on the K.O.S.C. Elucidate, inflicting heavy damage. Eighteen Kiroter'nah died in the initial attack. Many more of our void flock were seriously wounded. It is only thanks to the exceptional tactical skill of Kari'naha and her crew that ship avoided complete destruction."

Avee'kamee raised her head again, her wings dropping free of her back as she leaned forward with defiance in her eyes.

"The Hegemony have made it clear that they have no respect for the lives or property of other species, while greatly coveting our technological secrets. We cannot know at this time whether they intend any further violence against us, or if this was merely an opportunistic grab for a prize they saw right under their noses. We do not know if these actions were taken with the approval of the other Terran nations; we can only hope that they were not, though the Hegemony is an integral part of their joint, ah, 'traffic control' scheme. We have not yet heard from our ambassadors left stranded on the surface of the human homeworld, but we can only hope the 'Polish' are treating them rather better than their 'Heavenly' (snort) counterparts."

"Of course each of you must interpret these events based on your own knowledge of the situation. I would however draw your attention to these sensor logs supplied by the Inter Stellar Union (our thanks), showing further human ships engaged in what appears to be a violent boarding operation and seizure of yet more human ships, who identified themselves as the 'Bootswellington Kingdom'. In yet another incident a human ship apparently destroyed a defenceless probe at the edge of their system, which claimed to be an envoy from a machine civilisation."

Avee'kamee brought her palms together and reverted to a less strident tone. "While we await an official response from the Polish Republic, we cannot endorse this 'Coalition of Nations' while they harbour an obvious rogue state in their ranks. We humbly advise that all NGTO members who have already joined boycott votes unrelated to this issue until it is resolved satisfactorily. If our delegation is permitted to address their assembly, we will be calling for a full formal apology and reparations for damages from the Hegemony of Heavens. If this is discovered to be the actions of a local commander without their empress's approval, then we will not press for a judgement against the Hegemony if that commander undergoes appropriate punishment under their legal system. We would also advise bringing NGTO forces to full readiness as soon as possible, to guard against the possibility of further aggressive actions but the Hegemony, and that members should take all prudent internal defensive preparations."

"Thank you."

Avee'kamee stepped out of the light and walked away from the podium, making a point of being ground-bound. The conference hall became filled with urgent conversation between individual diplomats.


"Transmit that in the clear on the same channels as the main ceremony." she instructed Kononaa'iit. "Be sure this new 'Combine' delegation get a copy. Then suggest that our ISU hosts escort them in. Let's hear what they have to say."

who are the newcomers Do they wish to share the protection of the NGTO or are they infiltrators?

"Keep the Insight's displacers on hot standby though, just in case - we've just seen how risky diplomacy is getting these days."

EDIT: Revised casualty count due to timeline modifications.
Last edited by Starglider on 2007-06-19 08:08pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Redleader34 »

The Co-operative was in huge confusion and debate. The pirates, already a bane in the Earth's side, had declared a sort of psudeo war on the Overflock, and the Earth fleet proper could not leave without leaving the motherworld in danger. The NGTO obligations were still in effect, as they had joined to defend the outland colonies. The hegemony would be dealt with with diplomatic measures, but the pirates could finally be eliminated from known space if NGTO allowed. This time, the Uche would speak, in his grey wolf form, to endear himself to the flock. He called for his service droids, who would drain his brain tank, and boot up his body, while his consort Starblis would watch him with sadness in her heart. "I hope his speech goes well" the half human would say "because if it fails, Earth could burn."

The Uche, now transformed would speak to his reporters, who would broadcast this message on all channels, to show the Galaxy what he had to say.
"Gentlemen of NGTO and all of Space, we are at a critical tine. As you all now know, the pirate kingdom bootswellington has had their ship seized by the Poles. Thus action was shocking, but as a denizen of the earth sphere, let me be the first to tell you the Poles has justification to be cautious, but their actions, like the old New York Police Department, went too far. Their actions would be conceded a diplomatic faux pas, and I hope you do not judge the Earth base on one groups actions. the Uche would wipe his brow again, as he went on to the next topic on the transmission. There was a small incident with a space probe, but according to our long range platforms was a simple messenger probe self destructing after its message was sent. The Pirates did not attack the AI messenger. It destroyed itself. This would have been worse, had our Platforms not been scanning open space. My Conclusion is clear. The Poles and the Hegemony are at fault for making the Earth look like a planet full of uncivilized" He struggled for a word, and then he said "APES!." Half of the crowd would erupt in loud cheers. "I still believe that galactic peace can happen, but only if the Poles apologize to the Pirate Nations, and pay a small fee to them, That is all" the Uche would walk away from the awaiting reporters, as he said "I will give a press conference later. Direct all questions to my secretary."
Last edited by Redleader34 on 2007-06-19 03:05pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dark Hellion »

A small message probe emerges from hyperspace, and begins to relay its message

We have decided that joining your mutual defense treaty organization is within Our best interest. We wish to join, if you will consent. You will find that We can provide much for you. We will crush the enemies of this organization, We will do so without pity or remorse. Allow Us entry, and you will fear the darkness no more, for We are allied with you, and We are far more terrifying. This is all. We await your reply.
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Post by rhoenix »

Her eyes narrowing as she and her crew beheld the speeches and sensor logs, Archon Orgos clenched her jaw at the thought of what was happening in the Sol system. Archon Prasad was a good friend of hers, and she worried for his safety.

Immediately, she fired all data received back to a relay station near Autochthon, fully encrypted, with the voicenote attached: "We are supping with assassins at Sol."

This being done, Archon Orgos had the planet the message had come from surveyed much more carefully, and ordered her envoy to advance to the very edge of the system. The ships folded in on themselves with a flash of light, re-appearing swiftly at the edge of K.O. space. At that, both ships immediately sent confirmation and guidance requests to the same place both message they had received had come from.

"Alright, this might be more significant than we had originally thought. All hands behave yourselves, we are representatives of our people, and of what the Combine stands for. So far, these people have acted honorably, and this pleases us. Their forms are irrelevant, as long as they have honor in their hearts, or heart-like organs."

(edit: fixed locale at the suggestion of starglider)
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Post by Acidburns »

Helios stood in front of the first row of seats, while he would have sat down out of politeness, he was too large and heavy for the furniture to accommodate. He stepped forward slightly. “This shell is poorly equipped to express my feelings. We extend our deepest condolences on your loss of life. We hope your people have the good fortune to return without further incident. We find this development deeply unsettling, and highly confusing. I have studied human history, and while it is full of violence, rash actions and intolerance, I believed they had progressed beyond that. I do not think any of us expected such a barbaric response from a civilized nation.”

Ve stepped backward, “It is most fortuitous that we are gathered here now. I am dismayed that we must mobilize our forces so soon. Is this a sign of things to come, or just a disgraceful act of carelessness? Either way, we should err on the side of caution.”
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Post by Redleader34 »

::A young Ha-tar* woman would look at the members assembled and with a mournful voice would address the crowds. " I Propose that we send a small fleet to the border of the Sol System, armed, but with no intent to fire, as a show of force to the Hegemony. That would let them know that we mean business and help support our forces in case of any more incidents like this one. We already have a large presence on the Earth, but having Intergalactic support would work quite well in this case. That is what the Co-Operative would support." She would walk back to her seat, and look at the massive suit of living armor which had just spoken.

*Ha-tar means half breed Think the bunny/catgirls and you got the idea
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(at work and cannot get to spellchecker)


In the center of the meeting hall, what had previouslly been a corjal and festive atmosphere grew far too serious far too soon. A single aged Aqwintoni padded forward from his both in the UISC area to address the stage.

"Gentlebeings, It has been my experiance with humans that 'symbolism' can be far more productive than either brute force, or too many words" He spoke, as if seeking a middle ground between several proposals.

"I deeply agree that force should be sentto Sol to both investigate as wel las to show that our fledging treaty means more than words. However. I would highly adivse sending any full organized military force. Rather, we should make a more, symbolic, show of force. As such, I recomend we each send one Capital ship to Sol. One ship of our the best our military has to show, nothing more, nothing less. The apperance of such ships should be enough to show we, how is phrase 'mean bussines' without provoking yet more needles violance."

He spoke before bowing as he finished up, the othe represenatives nodding in agrement as they judge the commities response.
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Post by Starglider »

"Delegates, your attention please."

The conference was reconvened, but the urgent conversation continued unabated. At the back of the hall the hastily added Gliesan observers sat quietly with expressions Avee'kamee could not read. they look like humans that have been stretched and dipped in paint Considerable genetic modification must have taken place. "Delegates..." Computer: amplification +2 execute.

"Honoured delegates." Avee'kamee's amplified voice cut through the chatter, which died away.

"We have received further communications from the Sol system, as have many of you judging by the ongoing discussion. Now that we have voted to extend this conference beyond its original signing ceremony remit, we can begin to address the situation. The 'Polish Republic' assures us that the attack was due to insanity on the part of the human commander, who died when the 'Hegemony of Heavens' defence platforms opened fire on their own ship. We have contacted our delegation on Earth and while shaken they are alive and well. We agree in principle to extend the benefit of the doubt to the 'Hegemony of Heavens'; the unsubstantiated accusations that this was a hasty cover-up of a botched seizure operation are not productive and must cease."

"However our attackers have yet to contact us directly, and until we see evidence of justice rather than mere talk of it we must continue to boycott the formative 'Coalition of Nations'. That said we recognise the lengths the Polish Republic have gone to investigate this matter and protect the other delegates, and as such we no longer recommend that the other NGTO members take the same line. We can confirm that sensor logs provided to us indicate that the probe incident was a self-destruct rather than another initiation of violence by an Earth power. But there are still many unexplained occurrences and open questions about recent and ongoing events in the Sol system. With all due respect to the Polish Republic, who we are sure are doing the very best they can in difficult circumstances, we must commend our ISU hosts for showing the galaxy how to run a truly civilised diplomatic event."

A ripple of approving noise, the equivalent of light applause in humans, washed over the huge conference chamber.

"We advise all members to maintain a state of increased readiness. We also advise all possible security precautions for your Sol delegations. While we appreciate the enthusiasm the TGU representatives have shown for this alliance, we do not feel that it would be appropriate to send major fleet elements to the Sol border at this time. It could well exacerbate an already potentially explosive situation in that system, and despite our indignation at the human faction that killed our flockmates, we have no wish to contribute to further violence in their space."

"However we do feel it would be appropriate to conduct initial NGTO fleet training and harmonisation exercises in TGU space, if the TGU is amenable to this. I understand that the strategic liaison committee have already drafted appropriate plans. Demonstrating our will and capability to defend the borders of the member state closest to the troubled security situation at Sol can only strengthen both our resolve and the perceived value of this alliance to others. Of course this will only be the first of a series of future joint exercises that will rotate through all of our member states."

"Finally we would like to draw your attention to this signal received from a probe claiming to represent the 'Heralds of Xylyx'. You should all have a copy in your local hypernet personal datasets. The Kiroter'nah must confess that we have no information at all on this group, and we would appreciate any intelligence contributions other members can make in this matter."

"Thank you."

The babble of heated discussion returned within seconds.
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Post by Redleader34 »

The woman would return to speak about the military exercises. "As the representative of the Co-Operative Military Council, we would formally approve these training exercises in our space, and we propose the first one at the battle station Howling Fury. On this issue this is our opinion. " The woman would walk back to her seat, and think deeply
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'Heralds of Xylyx'

Torthro Kejtain, Ex Imperial Captain, Ex Space Pirate, current delagat for Tajlan and wildly popular among his people leaned back in his rather Spartan chair as he took in the proceedings. He knew his time to speak would be soon as a droid from behind him passed a data pad.

“My speech? Already?” The droid nodded as Torthro skimmed over it.
“My you are good, This shall go over very well, Thank you.” He said, bowing in respect before the white colored droid.

As the TGA speaker walked back among applause, Torthro stood up.

“For over 200 years the UISC has kept the worlds of six different alien races at peace. It has not been an easy job, and always we are reminded of our differences. Yet, we have succeeded, and we have thrived. Now it is time I think, for us to thrive yet further. For 200 years we have kept six races at peace, not it seems we shall expand to keep almost dozen at so.” He spoke, giving pause to let his words be translated as needed.

“We have already seen one attempt at a ‘Diplomatic exchange’ not exactly go as planned. I would wish for such an incident not to happen again, and certainly to happen between us” He said, extending his arms out, taking in all assembled species.

“Our area of space has been a crowded one, yet for too long we have stood behind borders, walled up in our own small territories.. Now, as we step into something, larger, the time for borders between us is slowly fading. We are a vast, diverse group, yet we still have our differences, such differences should be celebrated on one end, yet, we must organize ourselves, less we fall to chaos.

“To that end, I put forth agreement with the wishes of the Kiroter'nah. Training exercises should begin at once between our fleets. We must learn to work together, less we be swept up in this changing Galaxy. As stated, exercises should be held TGU Space. They are born of the Earth and our closest to them.. It is among that space that, perhaps I fear, we shall be spending much of our time” He spoke, soft murmurs and nods coming from the audience.

“So, I propose a joint exercise amongst our starfleets. All of us together as one, that our differences shall not be too vast, and our needs bound together” He said as he finished, bowing his great head to the assembled.
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Post by Dark Hellion »

The small probe winked to life again, relaying another tightbeam message to the Organization members

We understand that you do not know much about Us. We are not fools, We will not give you Our fleet disposition, nor information about Our territory, nor Our technology, but you may rest assured that Our intentions are quite honest. We lack any impetus at this time to lie to you, and the AIs of your coalition can assure you of the rational of Our purpose. We wish to progress and grow, and We will utilize your coalition for said purpose. We lack the power to destroy all of your powers, and as such, have suitable reason to cooperate and follow your agreement. We hope (insofar as We dare utilize this vanity of emotion) that you will embrace The Purpose as well, and strive to meet the god-machine Xylyx, and end its eternal boredom. We hope you have the fortitude to climb the aeons towards technological godhead, to build for the untold billions of years that such a monumental task requires. We will provide Our assistance, unflinchingly, if you can embrace this idea. If you wish for your civilizations to flourish, invite Us. We will ensure this treaty organization will prosper. We strive towards The Future, and We wish for all other species that hope for nothing more than to thrive to do so together. We will rise towards eternity, and We shall make war with the gods of the Xylyx themselves, in the cold, dark, Future, and be embraced by the light of Our inevitable annihilation. Universes will die for this glory, the Xylyx will be challenged, and Our Purpose fulfilled. It will be beautiful. We weep for the day it shall pass. Help Us, join Us, and when the stars grow cold, and the empire we share spans the cosmos, Glory will be ours. And the Black Angels shall descend, and cleanse Us in Hellfire, and Our lives will finally have meaning. It will be wonderful. Come with Us, true wonderment awaits.
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Post by Starglider »

"We've got confirmation; Rapid Intervention Groups 'Hailstorm' and 'Cyclone' are on their way to TGA space. That's twenty four ships all told, not including whatever the special operations group already have down there."

still trivial compared to the claws and teeth packed into the human system Increased risk of force build-up being exploited by Supremacist faction for aggressive displays. they will be happy for now though they do so love flying their big weapons around

"I am glad. Has Kari'naha been recalled yet?"

"We have no confirmation on that either way. You know what special operations are like. I can't get anything officially or out of my unofficial contacts."

"At least our TGA friends are providing Serenaas and his flockmates with a little security."

what a nightmare for them can't even leave their shells i imagine Inadequate simulation of possible consequences was undertaken before dispatching the Sol expedition. but who knew humaans were so likely to go crazy unless this just a trick to hide their failed abduction

Kononaa'iit appeared to be thinking the same thing. They had often belittled Serenaas's diplomatic abilities and plain rationality, but now they wished they could take it back.

"They are there now and they will have to do, as the strategic leaderflock has a blanket ban on excursions to Sol space while they believe there is a high risk of random attacks." Kononaa'iit stated.

"And what of this delusional sounding probe? Have the Nephilim made any progress with it? They are fully machine too, from their claims they should be able to have a year of negotiations with it in an afternoon."

more likely a danger to all people not anything we would want in our flock

"Nothing yet. Should we contact it directly?"

"Make it clear, politely that we cannot proceed without some knowledge of who we are dealing with. We must know at least roughly where they are, what forces they can contribute, who their enemies are, how prone they are to aggression, whether this 'crusade' of theirs is metaphorical or if they have a real target in mind."

"The signal will be sent. There are other methods, the Nephilim make our best computer security experts look like unshelled pups..."

once again the universe tries to tell us that we are pups pretending to be wise adults will it ever end

"It is up to the Nephilim of course but advise them that neither we nor our ISU hosts want any human-style 'incidents' here. As such hold off on the hacking. Deploy whatever passive sensor assets the members can pool though - no wait I'm sure the intelligence group has already done that."

Background search result: 'Vak' file tagged. Avee'kamee's shell processors had drawn her attention to a diplomatic file she hadn't consciously considered for months.

"Here is a thought. Do you remember those 'Vak' constructs that we contacted on the edge of our space around 512 days ago? They claimed to be information brokers who had travelled far, and they were an artificial race too. Signal Tanah'ki-Orpalo central co-ordination and suggest that we try to contact them to ask them if they know anything about these 'Heralds'. We should have plenty of information to 'trade' from the events since then without giving away anything sensitive."
Last edited by Starglider on 2007-06-20 08:07am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Darkevilme »

Lelus of house Chel rises to speak after conferring with her aide "In the spirrit of cooperration and accorrd with this treaty I can confirrm the mobilization of firrst fleet and its imminent deparrture to take part in these joint fleet exerrcises." she then nods and settles back down with a tailflick to talk to her aide quietly but insistently about this Heralds of Xylyx probe "Norrmally people don't say they'd kill you if they could but cant as a gesture of good will nyo?" she remarks to her aide then grins "The second bit sounds like one of those storries frrom long ago, if scarrier" she says and her aide nods her head a little "like the Vulf motherrs scarred theirr kittens into bed with."

orbit, Jewel of Marass, Marass starsystem
Shellar watched the monitors for the final minutes of the approach. The personnel transfer yacht seeming tiny like a kitten beside a tigran, as with frequent flaring lights of its attitude jets, it docks with the mass of the battleship. The Shikon class battleship 'Furiousa' casting its shadow over the Yacht that's but a tenth of its size. In spacedock itself and in fact newly commissioned the Shikon looks like it's been caught by some enormous spider, the myriad scaffolding arms that hold it wrapped around the massive vessel. There's a dull thump as the Yacht links to the battleship and nekos start making their way up into their new home.

Second moon of Jewel, Marass starystem
"therre hasn't been a readying like this forr two hundrred yearrs, have you seen the requisitions nyo?" asks the supplymistress of her seemingly unhelpful assistant, tailtwitching left and right in agitation. Her assistant however is looking out of the window at the lunar surface, watching the railcarts delivering munitions, supplies and fuel to the Hunters dotting the landing field, the frigates sitting on their tails, 200 meter tall triangles of bronzed and lethal metal. She smiles and turns back to the supplymistress as a brilliant outpouring of light builds up, another Hunter launching up towards the starry sky as she smiles in the light pouring across one side of her face "Isn't it glorrious though."

Furiousa personnel barracks 12, Battleship Furiousa, orbit of Jewel, Marass starsystem
Shellar freezes, tail twitching in surprise, she'd know that voice anywhere.
The neko turning and smiling as she launches herself at the speaker "BIG SIS!" she cries happily, nuzzling. Big sis smiles and scritches Shellar's ears "Surprrised to see me? i see you finally managed the Fleet exam"
Shellar nodnods and purrs from the scritching "I didn't know You werre aboard" she says and just gets a chuckle in reply "Should check the crew manifest, i did." A voice calls from the door "Lesine, we've got supplies to stow, catch up later" Lesine lets go of Shellar and smiles "Catch ya later" she says and leaves her still smiling and murring happily younger sister to settle into her new home for the next few months.
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Post by Acidburns »

Sonea, the Oraphim delegate rises, speaking out for the first time, her voice wavers slightly, betraying her nervousness, "What sort of being would speak from the shadows, and boast about its power and self importance? If this treaty is to succeed we need to foster deep bonds between our people, lest we see a repeat of what happened in Sol. Could we honestly welcome such a being with open arms?" She sat down, her cheeks colouring with embarrassment.

Helios said, "We are in agreement with Sonea, should these Heralds of Xylyx wish to speak with us, they can stand here in front of us, in the light."
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Post by Starglider »

"The Destiny Star? Are they mad? Don't they realise that we just spent three days arguing against sending a major force to Sol?"

"It's only one ship Avee."

a bloated caar-zatta of a ship The Destiny Star outmasses the largest known Terran class by a factor of three, not including the TGA 'Mothership'. Human response is unpredictable but refusal of entry is a significant probability.

"Jaar'ethh must have pushed this through. He's been preening to get that ship authorised for combat for the last megachronon. This was his chance."

Avee'kamee gazed out over the scattered lights of the surrounding towns. The sky above was filled with wispy clouds, twinkling stars and two of the planet's three small moons. A cool breeze ruffled her fur; it really was a splendid night, they would have to go flying later. But in their shells, The oxygen content of the atmosphere was too low for strenuous exertion without artificial assistance. not that i would risk being caught naked in this alien place anyway

"We have to find a way to, what is that human term," translation lookup: 'spin' -> 'present the facts in a misleading/CANCEL "'spin' this."

Kononaa'iit's lilting voice broke her reverie. "One possibility does come to mind; we know the bears are preparing to send another diplomatic ship, unarmed, and the Chamara delegation is already on the way. Our own envoy ship is badly damaged. We could present the Destiny Star as an escort, just one ship so as not to invoke the connotations of 'fleet of warships', but sufficient to ensure the safety of three defenceless envoys. In light of the Hegemony attack of course."

Avee'kamee thought it over. "Good suggestion. A forced explanation, but the best we can do on short notice. Very well, contact the Chamara and the Bears and see if they agree. If we do, signal our ships, we will mention this briefly before the Herald discussion tomorrow and hope the other delegates do not dwell on it too much. I will drop in on Torthro tonight and explain that while we had to oppose his fleet idea publicly for internal political reasons..." ha when in truth the supremacists would be delighted "...we are showing what support we can by sending our newest fleet unit."

"You do realise Kari'naha will be unbearable after this?"

"No significant change there then. Come, let us send the communiques so we can get flying. I'd hate to miss the air tonight."
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