I'd kind of ruled it out; my part-time IT paid internship pays well enough, but I'm a penny-pincher and trying to put money away for the future. The only HDTVs in stores for under $1000 are 30" or below and really don't look much better than a SDTV in many cases (and don't have HD tuners, which is another $100-$200). So I just ruled it out with a shrug and a "I'll get one eventually" attitude.
I was poking around Craigslist and found quite a number of decent priced HDTVs. Several people in the area are moving and trying to sell off equipment or have moved and have no place for the new equipment or just have too much, etc.
I've found a number of 46"-60" HDTVs for $500-$700, usually with built in HD tuners. Most of them look like they are in good condition; at worst, cosmetic blemishes in the corner of the base where movers bumped them. Most are 1.5-3 years old.
A lot of them say "you can have it for $500 if you can move it".
It seems legitimate to me, but having Aspergers I tend to have a measure of gullibility when it comes to intentions

What are the dangers of buying an HDTV off of Craigslist, where you can meet the person and inspect the TV in person? If there is no scam danger, then what should I look for in the TV that would indicate sub-parity?