Well, I think the issue is slightly confused there. That's an issue for me too--I don't want someone to do, as Brian is doing, and claim "My ships will kick the shit out of any other 50 pointer evenly no matter what BS he says about it" even though I've specified that my vessels are dedicated ultra-beam platforms. I've specified it in points AND in descriptions, so I've covered every angle. It's a 50 point battleship and it is listed as such, and I'm treating it as such--but I listed the +value so that people can tell at a glance just how seriously it's supposed to be specialized.Hawkwings wrote:So what's to stop you from saying in one battle "This BB is specialized against DDs" but in another battle saying "50 points! 1 to 1! My BB tears up your 49pt BB!"Bugsby wrote:You state that this is a 50-point BB with armaments that are specifically designed to take out destroyer-size ships. Then you go into combat, and you RP IT OUT. If you are against 50 points worth of destroyers, you can expect to win the battle. If you are against another 50-point BB, you should probably look into retreat.Hawkwings wrote:What about the destroyers vs battleship example earlier? What if you spend points making that battleship into a destroyer-eating monster? It's still 50 pts, and should be able to kick another battleship's ass, right? Except that it's only got weapons suited for taking out destroyers. Oops. How do you properly say that without putting it into the OOB and giving it points?
It will, of course, bear mentioning in your combat posts that you are maneuvering in such a way as to expose the enemy destroyers to as much fire from this anti-DE BB as you can, as its guns are specialized in that direction.
See the problem here? And of course you could say you have to be consistent, get people to call you out for it, but honestly, who's going to remember? Putting it in the OOB and assigning points is so much easier and makes referencing easier and cuts down on potential griefing.
And yes, that means, outside of it's situation that it suffers. If I have a 50 point ship that had put 5 points into EW, then it fights similar to a 45. In a fight, a 50 would kill it. That's the way it's supposed to be. Specialization has a side effect, but it lets us tell at a glance what those side effects are, and it bases it with in-game costs so that nobody creates ships that will massively destabilize the game due to retarded 'lolz i win' funky tech.
That's for RP, and for mod purposes. So when I RP that my ship fires a massive blast at Brian's, after setting him up, I'd be a bit peeved if he says it digs into the side and does 'moderate damage.' And it won't be peevage because of the denial of my points spent, it'll be peevage on account of a poor RPing.
If I've specialized my ships and stated it, I expect people to respect that. I intend to RP it out, of course, but the point values give some quantification to it that they would otherwise lack. So when I say my ship is a giant super beam platform, I really do expect people to believe me and not just state: "I fully expect my 50 point battleship to kick another 50's ass, no matter how much min-maxing the other guy's done by mentioning obscure subsystems."
That's a really frustrating subject. Obscure systems? If by obscure you don't mean the +cap points, but EW systems, how is that obscure? Do people not agree that Electronic Warfare vessels could really turn the tide of a battle? That Jammers and hacker ships or whatever you're RPing your EW boats to be are utterly useless? What is this, the age of sail?
These things provide RP hooks and they add extra good fluff. They also add quantifiable fluff. Even though Bugsby said he supports Brian 100 percent, I think he's wrong, as this paragraph illustrates what I'm trying to say:
That's exactly what I mean. The points on my Tharsis class, for example, are not to be used literally to decide what it does. It's to base RP on. So when someone looks at my post he can check my OOB and go "Oh my, that's awful against fighters, send in the carriers!" and have some general idea of what the hell is going on. I think Brian is pushing for too great a literalism when it comes to point totals. Specializations add a lot more complexity in a good way, as they encourage people to really do a lot more unusual tactics and give them a tangible reason for it.Bugsby wrote:These advantages and disadvantages are not determined by points, per se. Points serve as guidelines to demonstrate the rough capabilities of your ships. With those capabilities in mind, you RP out the battle and take losses accordingly. The numbers work as a guideline and reference for relative strengths. They are not a combat engine.
I'm all for RP'd specializations, but I want some way of documenting them and making them fair. If the Mods want to remove the +points system and go through each OOB and decide with the player what kind of power level we're talking about, okay. But I really can't think of a more horrifying situation to be in then someone else telling me, after combat started, that they refuse to believe that my specialized beam platforms are better one-on-one against another 50 point battleship. That's just the nightmare situation that really proves how useful rules are.