V:tM - New Orleans by Night

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Post by Dahak »

((Just for the record, I haven't sired a new vamp (yet). He's still very human. I'm a law-abiding Tremere *g*. And I thought Darian was Tremere, too. ))

As Dachlan strode to the door, he heard the conversation. And he didn't like it at all, to say the least.
Dachlan looked to Anna, and then to Alec.
"Is the situation so...unpleasant as you describe it? A coup? I don't like that one bit. But you, and Anna, can be sure of my help. It just fills me with pleasure to thwart Giovanni plans. So, what do you propose?"
He remained attentive before Alec, with Josh standing several paces behind.
Last edited by Dahak on 2003-01-07 07:42pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Stormbringer »

(Darian is a Brujah according to what Kelly told me. I guess she goofed in the thread opener)
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Post by Captain Cyran »

Colin's eyes bulged at the mention of a coup and he suddenly grew very afraid as he tried to make himself as small as possible in his chair. Colin whispered to himself. "Damn it, not again, not now."

Flashbacks of the coup back at Albany ran through his mind, the dead laying around him, and the Giovanni once again in control. The Caitiff had been their first targets, and Colin had had to kill 3 Vampires before he'd managed to get out and back to St. Louis. After a moment swore under the mass of scarves, the words muffled enough so they could not be undestood, Colin looked at Alec.

"Sir, you have my guns, my bullets, my demolitions, and me by your side. The last thing I want to see is another Caitiff hunt after all I have worked for here." Colin got to his feet and gave a brief salute to Alec. He knew many would doubt his loyalties, he hadn't killed any of the Giovanni here, but that didn't matter, he just wanted to see more Giovanni burn in Hell.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Anna looked at Alec. "Calm," she said softly. He relaxed noticeably. She then turned to Jack. "Mr. Reese, if you would give me the address of your family, I give you my word they will be safe." The look in her eyes told him she would do anything to keep her word. "Those who wish to know a bit more about what is going on, please meet tomorrow evening around ten-ish at my antiques shop. I have a room there where we can make plans. Here is much too public." She handed each person her card with the address and her cell phone number.

Taking a deep breath, she moved over to the bar and sat down heavily. This evening had been quite draining.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

((Darian is a Brujah, I was mistaken in my first post. My apologies.))
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Post by Mark S »

"...The last thing I want is another Caitiff hunt..."

"I thought the name was 'Fucking Caitiff' kid," I said to Colin. "Least that's what I always hear."

I stood from the table and checked my watch. It WAS getting early. Taking the card that was offered me, I stood before the Lady I would be fighting for and introduced myself.

"Johan Schwartz," I bowed crisply. "Once blacksmith, swordsman, scout, sometime metaphysicist, and bloodthirsty servant of evil. At your service."

With a swift gesture I pocketed the card and started for the door.

"See you boyos tomorrow," I waved and rolled my eyes.

I hit the street and wasted no time finding the alley and taking the shape of the crow that I had flown in on. Dawn was coming. I could smell it in the air.

The crypt I was currently calling home wasn't far. Not as the crow flies anyway. I would have just enough time to grab my belongings and moveout secretly. Chances were no one out there would know who or where I was but I wasn't much for chances.
Last edited by Mark S on 2003-01-08 05:22pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dahak »

After Josh saw the lady giving Dachlan her card, he took out his mobile phone, talked shortly to someone on the other side, and walked over to Josh.
"Darling, we'll leaving now. I think your motorcycle will be appropriate." He nodded towards the back door, and started waling towards it, followed by Dachlan.

The bike was still there, and so Josh drove with his new, friend, master, partner? What was he, exactly?

They vanished into the night...
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Post by Oberleutnant »

((Real-life has been keeping me very busy lately and that has resulted my character becoming badly under developed... I'll try to be more active later))

Deeply troubled Anton left the club. He would've wanted to check out the famous Bourbon Street, but unfortunately time was not on his side. As he walked on the empty streets, his mind raced over many things. Technically, this was not his war at all and risks were high. He could easily change his surroundings and ditch these twats; nobody would miss him, nobody would care.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

(all the speaking below is in German. If your character doesn't know German, you have no idea what they're speaking.)

Katiana moved over to Anna and lay a hand on her shoulder. Anna turned and buried her head in her body as the blonde held her. "<It's alright Anna. We will figure out who is behind all this,>" Katiana said in German.

"<I am worried about Alec. You know how protective he is.>"

She frowned deeply. "<He is a fool to not have known the book was dangerous.">

"<Katja, please. You know you will always be first. Don't let jealousy get involved.>"

Katiana cupped her face with her hand. "<I am sorry. I am protective of you as well. Do you two want to go to the shop and stay the night? I will take care of things here.">

Anna smiled. "<I know.>" She leaned forward and kissed her. "<I will call you when I have the book translated. Take care.">

"<You too.>" Katiana smiled before finally letting Anna go. She wandered off towards the club area to see how business had been during the night.
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Post by Stormbringer »

Alec listened to the conversation between Anna and Katiana. Deep down he knew he had been a fool to come back. That book had merely been the spark that had set off the powder keg but he brought it back.

Despite the fact that he had know her for the better part of a century he had never really liked Katiana. She had been Anna's ghoul and she had not been Embraced lightly. He had met Anna and had been sired in a in a few whirlwind nights. Katiana resented that and he, for his part, had resented her for being first. Her cutting remark had not been entirely untrue which made it all the worse.

She's right. Damn her, she's right. I shouldn't have come back and now I'll get us all killed. Anna...... He shied away from that thought. It wouldn't happen I've brought a death sentence onto everyone I care about. And to top if off, I've brought down the city. This is insane.

We've got to do something. I've got to fight back. I have to defend Anna. I can't just let them snuff her out along with every one else caught in the crossfire.

Alec sat at the bar, his own guilt crushing him. He struggled with the hidden demons of his own mind. Over and over he cursed himself for his foolishness. If it wasn't bad enough Anna still cared, still worried.

As his inner struggle raged on he sat abosultely still, like one who had already died the final death.
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Post by Mark S »

((Am I crazy or didn't I read a post from Dahak that is no longer there? I guess this means something more has to happen first? Interesting...))
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Post by Stormbringer »

Mark S wrote:((Am I crazy or didn't I read a post from Dahak that is no longer there? I guess this means something more has to happen first? Interesting...))
((you're no more crazy than anyone on the board. And yes there is something that needs to be done. Not to mention he was getting quite a bit ahead of the rest of us))
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Post by Captain Cyran »

Colin looked and noticed the time, realizing that in all the excitment he hadn't gotten the drink he'd come here for i the first place, he sighed and pulled the scarves tight around his face before heading for the door. "The antique place...now I need to find the damned thing, and it looks like I better get all my supplies in order by tommorrow. This isn't good at all."

Colin exited the ruined bar and got to his car, pulled the door open with some effort after unlocking the doors and got in, he pulled out and was on his way home to sleep away the coming sun until the moon rose once more.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Anna walked over to where Alec was sitting and slid her arms over his shoulders. She leaned forward to kiss his neck. "Come on, love. Let's get that book and get to the shop." She felt how tense he was and frowned. "There's a little time left in the evening. I'm sure we can find *something* to do."
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Post by Stormbringer »

Anna's loving words broke the terrible spell. If she still loved him, still cared he couldn't leave. He smiled and kissed her back.

How could I have doubted. She still cares.

Still smiling he turned to the serious business at hand.

"I'll get the book and meet you back at the car. You'll have to be quick to get us over there before it gets light out" Alec gave her a wink as he dashed up to the office to get the book. "We certainly will find something to do."


The whole hurried drive to antique shop Alec stared at Anna. He was still in love with her as much as the night they met. There was a smile on his face still as they arrived.

Alec got out first and hurried around to Anna's door. He kissed her as he swept her into his arms and carried her into the store.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

The sun rose and traveled through the sky. If anyone had been cognizant, they would have seen a beautiful, quiet day in the city. The sun began its decent and Anna Bruck awoke. She untangled herself from her lover's arms and slipped a robe on. Going over to her desk, she took the book out and began translating.

She had been translating Latin since she was a child. This was a piece of cake. She had her notebook beside her, pen poised to write, as she read. It was second nature to write the translation at the same time.

The book continued on, talking about the first Giovanni. It expanded on through the years. And then... "Horus protect us..."
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Post by Dahak »

As Dachlan's eyes slowly opened, he immediately looked around him, but he was alone.
Just as he was about to heave himself out of the bed, the door opened and Josh came in, with a broad smile on his face.
"Godd evening," Josh said softly. "I was afraid you'd never wake up."
"Come here," Dachlan's voice was still coarse from his sleep. "I want you here with me." His face split in a sly grin.
"Now that was fun," he purred. "Good thing I found you." He laughed.
"Well, I can't say I didn't like it. Was even better than last night." Josh smiled.
He looked at the clock on the side board.
"We should get up, Josh," he said in a sterner voice. "We have an appointment tonight."
Josh looked up at him. He was clearly not looking forward to it.
"All those other vampires... They eye me so, well, strangely. What if they hu-"
"Hush, darling," he interrupted. "They won't do you anything. That's what I am for." He lowered his face towards his. "And they look so strange because of that tasty stuff in your veins." His lips touched his neck, and he bit him, just for a short snack. Josh sighed heavily, and his eyes glassed over with exhilaration.
"Yes," Dachlan said when he was finished, "you are definitely perfect. But now, we should really get dressed and all. I hope you have been shopping, as I told you?"
Josh's face was lit up by a huge smile. "Yes, went on a shopping spree. It was fun!"
"Good, now dress something. Oh, and do you have hunger? You could ask Paul for something."
"No, I'm not hungry. But this Paul... What exactly is he?"
"My butler, assistant, faktotum, whatever I need... He's been a long time with me."
"Ok, then I'll be gone," said, and flung himself out of bed and into the bath with astonishing speed.
As they were all dressed, Dachlan looked at his watch, and then back to Josh. He looked very nice in that grey suit and wine-red shirt, completed with a sophisticated leather jacket.
"Good looking," Dachlan observed. "But we still have some time. I should tell you some things about me, and what I am." He breathed heavily. "Well, were to start? I was born in London..."
"Now you know." Dachlan was visibly exhausted by the story telling.
"Thanks for telling me all this," Josh said. "A hell of a life..."
"Life." Dachlan sighed. "But we should be going now."
They walked to the garage, took the nearest car, and drove to the address Anna gave him.
After about half an hour driving they stopped before what seemed to be a antiques store. Dachlan walked up to the door, and knocked on it.
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Post by Captain Cyran »

Colin opened his eyes as the sun dissappeared over the horizon, and he was more than greatful, his dreams had been more than just a little bad, they'd been outright nightmares. He slowly got to his feet and opened the door to his windowless room and stepped out into the rest of his one-floor house. Colin lived off the bare nacesities, the only reason he could still afford his car and this house were the occasional black market sales he made. Colin walked into the kitchen, which stored all his weaponry in the various cupboards. Looking through them he picked up his baretta and his auto shotgun, if those Giovanni found them again he'd need some serious firepower. Holstering the Baretta he put on his jacket and spun his scarves around his face. Colin walked for the door, grabbing the sheet Anna had given him and headed out the door, last time he'd gotten there to late and missed all the fun, this time he wanted to make sure he got there to kill some Giovanni. Colin got into his car and started off, smiling as he thought that famous phrase. "Payback's a bitch."

Colin pulled up just after Dachlan and reached back to grab his shotgun, he slid it as inconspiculosly into his jacket as possible and got out of the car. Stopping just behind Josh, Colin waited for someone to open the door and let them in, Colin certainly did want more reason to get invovled than to kill Giovanni.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

((hey guys, first, it's a STORE, second it's New Orleans. Everything is open late. There's a sign that says OPEN.))
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Not bad not bad at all

Post by LT.Hit-Man »

I am starting to like this fic.
Sort of reminds me of times that me and a few friends used to play Vampire the masqrade and a few of the other tie in games such as Dark Ages and so on.

I'll be keeping my eye on this fic.
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Post by weemadando »

Dahak wrote: "Now you know." Dachlan was visibly exhausted by the story telling.
"Thanks for telling me all this," Josh said. "A hell of a life..."
"Life." Dachlan sighed. "But we should be going now."
They walked to the garage, took the nearest car, and drove to the address Anna gave him.
After about half an hour driving they stopped before what seemed to be a antiques store. Dachlan walked up to the door, and knocked on it.
Oswald heard the knock on the front door just as he closed the back.

Who could that possibly be at this time of night? Moving swiftly to the far corner of the block he then strolls around, acting like just another aimless wanderer on the streets.

It was one of the young ones from the club, obviously acting on the same information that he had been given by the owner of that quite mysterious tome.

Well, well, well... Maybe he wouldn't head to bed just yet.

[Oswald moves to a nice secluded vantage point, from where he can watch the comings and goings at the store].
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Post by Necro99 »

Three questions:
Can i play?
Is it bad if i dont have the manual?
How do i make a vamp?
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Post by haas mark »

(( Joshua and Michael begin to wonder whether anything else will involve them ))
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Post by Dahak »

Kelly Antilles wrote:((hey guys, first, it's a STORE, second it's New Orleans. Everything is open late. There's a sign that says OPEN.))
((Well, I'm a German, so it's "built-in" belief that shops close at 8 PM and should be very closed at 10 PM :D ))
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Post by Dahak »

Dachlan sensed that he was being observed. He looked around as if he heard something and spotted a man, just before he vanished into a secluded spot of the street.
My, my... It's already starting...

He opened the door, and walked in, Josh in tow. He looked around the shop and looked for Anna.
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
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