Note: Edited to clearly show who is speaking when.Vyshinsky: "Is it true that every opposition to the Party is a struggle against the Party?"
Bukharin: "In general it is, factually it is."
Vyshinsky: "But a struggle against the Party cannot help but grow into a war against the Party."
Bukharin: "According to the logic of things -- yes, it must."
Vyshinsky: "And that means that in the end, given the existence of oppositionist beliefs, any foul deeds whatever might be perpetrated against the Party?"
Bukharin: "But wait a minute, none were actually committed."
Vyshinsky: "But they could have been?"
Bukharin: "Well, theoretically speaking."
Vyshinsky: "But for us the highest of all interests are those of the Party?"
Bukharin: "Yes, of course, of course!"
Vyshinsky: "So you see, only a very fine distinctions separates us: in the interest of discrediting for the future any idea of opposition, we are required to accept as having taken place what could only theoretically have taken place. After all, it could have, couldn't it?"
Bukharin: "It could have."
Vyshinsky: "And so it is necessary to recognize as actual what was possible; that's all. It's a philosophical transition. Are we in agreement? ... Yes, and one thing more, and it's not for me to explain to you, but if you retreat and say something different during the trial, you understand that it will only play into the hands of the world bourgeoisie and will only do the Party harm. Well, and it's clear that in that case you yourself will not die an easy death. But if everything goes off all right, we will, of course, allow you to go on living. We'll send you in secret to the island of Monte Cristo, and you can work on the economics of socialism there."
Bukharin: "But in previous trials, as I understand it, you did shoot them all?"
Vyshinsky: "But what comparison is there between you and them! And then, we also left many of them alive too. They were shot only in the newspapers."
Personally, this excerpt is singularly amusing and characteristic of absolutist and totalitarian thinking. Also of interest is the prevalence of this kind of thinking, if not this particular train of thought (few are ever so blunt with their obfuscatious "logic" as Vyshinsky, however).
There are no doubt many that see no flaws in Vyshinsky's argument about possibilities and facts. What in his thinking strikes you as being most egregiously offensive?
P.S. -- Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin was shot in 1938. It was in the newspapers.