Think about it. Radical Islam has gained in popularity in the last half century or so, and continues to do so. You have countries like Algeria and Morocco, for example, with strong fundamentalist movements, and broad popular support to make those countries offically Islamic theocracies. This is an ideal that is spreading in spite of the fact that it is anti-rational, and anti-intellectual. And despite teh fact that it will not make the lives of people in those countries better or freer. People are often swept up in popular movements despite their often irrational nature. That doesn't make them any less a force to be reckoned with.Vympel wrote: What does radical Islam have to threaten anyone with? It's backward dogmatic primitive theological nonsense perhaps, or the underdeveloped shitholes where it holds sway?
I have attempted to do so. You dismissed it as "vague scattergun claims". If you are looking for scientific type proof, I can't give it to you. The best I can do is point out certain trends which I believe show a connection. This is "social science" and despite its name, it's more art than science. It doesn't always admit of the same kind of concrete proof. I could go into greater detail in pointing out these trends, but for a subject as complex as this, it would literally require a book-length exposition to make a proper job of it, and no one would read that sort of thing here.Vympel wrote:Justify this assertion.I believe that between the years 1914 and 1918, Western Civilization cut its own throat. I think it is still in the process of bleeding to death. What remains to be seen is whether or not the wound can be closed before it is too late.
Why is patriotism not to be admired? Jingoism is not to be, I would agree, but these days, in America, it is kind of gauche to be openly patriotic - though somewhat less so since 9/11/01.Vympel wrote:And this is a BAD thing? I'd hate to burst your bubble, but the blithe, nonchalant, uber-patriotic way those masses of young men went off to war (BERLIN BY CHRISTMAS!) was not to be admired, and I applaud the demise of such moronic national sentiment- though you could argue it's making a comeback.
I'm talking about popular culture. The countries that made the opening moves in WWI were monarchies with more or less absolute rulers. Popular sentiment, patriotic or otherwise, had relatively little to do with whether or not their leaders were willing to embroil them in a war. It wasn't patriotic bombast that gave us WWI, it was mounting diplomatic tensions and an upset of the balance of power, which had existed in Europe since the Congress of Vienna in 1815. Patriotic bombast made the people a little more willing to march off to war, but that didn't last long once the reality of life in the trenches set in.Vympel wrote:Why do you mourn the passing of patriotic bombast. It's what gave us WW1 in the first place, and if we had a dash of it during the Cold War, the USA and Russia *might* just not be here.
World War One was a very great deal more than that. It signalled a fundamental shift in attitudes about a great many things (again, I can't give anything like a detailed account of all of this in the limited space of a message board). After people lost faith in the old ideals, many turned to new ones. Socialism enjoyed a huge rise in popularity for instance. The distrust of one's own government engendered by the war also had other negative consequences. A certain healthy skepticism of your govenment is a good thing, but after WWI, this distrust often reached near paranoia. This is one reason why liberal intellectuals - some of them truly brilliant minds - like George Bernard Shaw and Bertrand Russell were so ready to disbelieve what their own government was telling them about Communist Russia, and yet at the same time, were prepared to accept Soviet claims more or less uncritically. Shaw even went to Russia, and was taken on a tour of several Potemkin villages, and came back telling everyone what a great country the U.S.S.R. was, and how it was a progressive social democracy, full of happy, freedom-loving people. This spirit of "blame your own goventment first" is alive and well today. I keep hearing people tell me how it's basically our fault the Muslims hate us so much. America is such an arrogant cowboy that it's not wonder they can't stand us, and if our foreign policy were only more enlightened, all this could have been prevented, blah, blah, blah...Vympel wrote:Also, I fail to understand how you inextricably link the decline of Western civilization to a decline in foolish misplaced ultra-nationalism and a lack of knowledge of modern war (which is what WW1 was, essentially).
Vympel wrote:Vague scattergun claims without any supporting evidence. You must justify your assertions that such change in attitudes and ideals are bad. You sound like an old fogey whining about the good old days.
And you sound like a punk kid with no life experience displaying the knee-jerk scornful reaction of youth to anyone's sober reflection that not all changes in society are for the good, and who can't just respectfully disagree with someone, but who has to sneer at a different opinion than his own. Maybe politeness was another casualty of the war.
No shit Sherlock? It has? I'd never have guessed. Since I'm talking about things here that happened more than fifty years before I was even born, this is not exactly a case of me pining away for the good old days of my youth. I'm trying to take a look at certain trends in society over the course of the last century or so.Vympel wrote:What does WW1 have to do with changing morals? Identify, if you can, the difference between morals in 1920 and 1950. God you sound like an old man. I'd hate to break it to you, but the older generation has been complaining about the decadence of the younger generation since the beginning of time.
And better to compare 1920 to 1970. The seeds sown in the ashes of WWI really germinated with the baby boomer generation. The WWII generation was restrained somewhat by the Depression, when everyone had to tighten their belts and nobody had much of anything, and then the need to fight WWII, and everyone had to make sacrifices for the struggle against the Nazis and the Japanese. But with the baby boomers, you really get a generation living in untramelled prosperity, which gave them more room to indulge themselves. It was this generation that saw the rise of the real counterculture. There had always been a few people inclined to go against the mainstream before, but nothing as large as this.
Vympel wrote:The claim that modern Western society has no moral 'rudder' does not justify itself. What 'greater aspects' are lost?
Confidence in the future. Faith in human progress. Respect for one's elders. Not to mention the fact that the twentieth century had to cope with the horrors of Naziism and Bolshevism as a direct result of the war, and all the damage they did.
At the risk of soundling like a broken record, I can't begin to give a full accouting here of all the innumerable ways in which WWI changed the popular consciousness - it's too big a subject. I can only refer you to do some research into the matter yourself. Read "All Quiet on the Western Front" by Erich Maria Remarque, "Sagittarius Rising" by Cecil Lewis, or "Goodbye to All That", by Robert Graves. Probably the greatest single thing to come out of the war was a jarring sense of disillusionment. It was a trauma and left civilization as a whole traumatized. That's bound to have some severe negative effects.