32 Reasons why PCs are better than Macs....

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32 Reasons why PCs are better than Macs....

Post by atg »

....and 10 reasons why Macs are better than PCs.

Disclaimer: I own both PCs and Macs.

The following article is from Australian mag "PC Authority" (ugh).
Bear in mind that prices are in Aussie dollars and that it was written two months ago - explaining the comment about the iPhone.

I had to type it so apologies for any spelling/grammar errors.
PC Authority wrote:Apple's ads may be funny, but they're woefully inaccurate. Here we reveal dozens of reasons why the PC outclasses the Mac.

Advertising is the modern substitute for argument; its function is to make the worse appear the better." So claimed Spanish philosopher, George Santanyana, long before Steve Jobs was an apple in his mother's eye. But Santanyana's prophetic sound bite perfectly describes Apple's omnipresent "I'm a PC, I'm a Mac" campaign.

For the benefit of those readers who've been droving in the Dandenongs for the last few months, the campaign portrays the PC as a crash-prone, virus ridden, boring, office workhorse. A stereotype that's so 1995, we're amazed. How has the victim of those laughable slurs reacted? Aside from a few catty comments from Bill Gates, the world's richest company - a corporation renowned for bullying it competitors - has meekly rolled with the punched. So, in light of Microsoft's total lack of response, PC Authority has stepped in to defend the Windows corner. We've got 32 solid reasons why the PC is better than the Mac, ranging from the over-inflated price tag on Apple's hardware to the under-valued ability to build your own PC from scratch. And we demolish the vast majority of the spurious claims made by Apple's ad gurus in the process.

Of course, PC Authority isn't immune to the Mac's charms. Recently, we found that an Apple computer was one of the fastest systems we'd ever tested. So to prove we're not PC bigots, we've invited or colleagues from MacUser magazine to offer ten reasons why the Mac is superior. Following this feature we've also provided an in-depth guide to running Windows on a Mac, allowing you to reap the benefits of both platforms.

1. Service Packs don't cost $199
Since Mac OS X was launched in 2001, there have been four "new versions" of the operating system - Puma, Jaguar, Panther and Tiger - with a fifth, Leopard, due imminently. That's almost one a year, each costing a princely $199 - racking up a total bill of close to $1000 for anyone who's bought every version. And they say Windows is expensive.
Apple has effectively introduced the first subscription operating system, and has somehow gotten away with it. If Microsoft had done likewise, Bill Gates would have been before the anti-competition courts quicker than you could say, "isn't $199 a bit steep for a service pack?". The Mac zealots claim that each new cat really is a new operating system, but that argument doesn't bear scrutiny. Take Panther (Mac OS X 10.3): the Apple press release hails "more than 150 breakthrough new features:, the pick of which are a new "Finder", a way to see all your open windows at once, and bundled video messaging software. God knows how insignificant the other 147 were.

2. No price premium for wflashy design.
There still isn't a PC maker on the planet that can hold a candle to Apple when it comes to product design. But not everyone wants or needs a computer that looks like it fell off the back of a Bang & Olufsen lorry. Macs routinely cost more than their PC equivalents. The cheapest Mac you can buy, the Mac mini, costs $949 and comes with a piddling 60GB hard disk, a meagre 512MB RAM and no screen. Pop over to Dell, and that same $949 will buy you a Dimension E520 Vista pC with a 160GB hard disk, 1GB or RAM and a 19in flat panel display. Dell's cheapest system costs just $898 at the time of writing. We're no expecting Dell's bargain basement model to trouble our A List anytime soon, and Kate Moss wouldn't be seen dead near one, byt they'll suffice for a cheap office PC that sits under a desk all day or a computer for the kids' homework. Mac buyers simply don't have that choice.

3. Thousands of decent games.
"I was designed for the home," scream the Mac ads. You were? Then how come you've got such a poor bunch of games? At the time of writing, the top-selling Mac games on Amazon.com were World of Warcraft (yawn), Crazy Machines: The Wacky Contraptions Game (That the?!) and The Sims II - a two year-old title designed for loners who need imaginary friends to compensate for the lack of actual people in their pitiful lives. Want the adrenaline-filled 3D action and spectacular graphics of Rainbow Six:Vegas? Or, a spin round that track at high velocity in a beautifully rendered Porsche in Test Drive Unlimited? Want to revisit a seminal classic such as Half Life 2? Sorry, you can't. Computer says no. That's not to mention the fact that the PC has a near-monopoly on all the decent graphics hardware. And even if you did want to upgrade your Mac's graphics, you probably couldn't anyway. "Nvidia graphics options for Apple desktops and notebooks can only be purchased through Apple or as Apple update kits," warns Nvidia's website. If you're even halfway serious about gaming, you need a PC.

4. Two Mouse buttons.
Yes, we know Macs are meant to be so simple your Grandma could partition the hard disk while solving the Countdown conundrum, but do they rally need to be dumbed down to use only one mouse button? A monkey with Attention Deficit Disorder could master two buttons, but Apple's (seemingly not ironically named) Mighty Mouse resorts to a single mouse click by default. Yes, you can easily tweak the driver for two buttons or simply plug in a normal mouse, but a firing squad is too lenient for the imbecile who decided that pressing Ctrl and left-click was a better out-of-the-box solution than a single press of the right button.

5. Broadband just works.
It's hardly their fault, but our poor Mac friends aren't always well served by IPSs. Broadband modems can fail to work properly on Macs (especially BigPond cable), and when customers attempt to phone the tech-support lines for assistance, they're none too amused when the script-reading persona at the other end tells them to "click on the star button and select Control Panel". Finding a reliable ISP is hard enough; finding one that also supports Macs is a headache you really don't need.

6. Custom made systems.
Gaming PCs, video workstations, media centers, digital photo PCs, build-your-own, mini-chassis, midi-towers, business PCs... need we go on? There are dozens of different desktop PC configurations that can be fine0tailored with thousands of specialist components to meet a buyer's requirements. How many flavors do Mac desktops come in? Three, Mac mini, iMac and Mac Pro. If none of those meets your needs, take a hike.
The open architecture of the PC platform, on the other hand, give you access to an immense range of configurations, enabling you to tailor a PC yo your needs without wasting money on capabilities your won't use. It also means you can make modular upgrades, such as fitting a new CPU and motherboard without having to replace your existing graphics card and hard drives. Try that with an iMac.

7 Macs are months behind.
If you want cutting-edge hardware, you need a PC. Remember when the Intel Core CPU was released? Apple finally jumped ship from IBM processors, even though PC processors had been outstripping the PowerPC G5 CPU for years. But even though the agreement was trumpeted from the rooftops by Intel and Apple, it still took months for the complete Mac range to go fully Intel. Core 2 was even worse, with almost the whole PC market having them before Apple shipped a single Core 2 Mac. The same is true of almost all new technology. Not only is there no option to buy a desktop or laptop Mac with an internal HD DVD or Blu-ray drive, you can't buy an internal Mac-compatible one at all. The same is again rue of graphics: while the PC has up-to-the-minute 3D video hardware, Macs are an entire generation behind. And while PC users have had super-fast draft 802.11n wireless for nearly two years, Apple users have only just acquired it.

8 Life beyond January 1st.
It isn't only children's sticky fingers that will take the gloss off the shiny new MacBook you got for Christmas - the new line-up of laptops announced at the annual MacWorld show every January will leave your cutting-edge gift looking so last year, almost immediately. Yes, consumer-friendly, cuddly-wuddly Apple decides to spring new products onto its customers just days after the peak buying period every single year, and there;s little point in trying to second-guess what the company is about to launch, because it cloaks its announcements with an iron curtain the USSR would have been proud of. Thankfully, there's no such Christmas Microsoft jamboree.

9 Superior Search facilities.
Our counterparts over at MacUser swear blind that the Macintosh Finder is just as good as Windows Explorer. Yet even after five major releases of Mac OS X, it lacks many feature that Windows power users take for granted, such as resizing windows from any corner or edge, using cut and paste to move files around, and renaming files from within a file requester, It doesn't even offer a working "maximize windows" button. If your just want a computer that looks pretty then the Finder might suit you, but if you actually want to manipulate the files then Windows Explorer wins hands down.

10 Safety in numbers.
While having one company controlling both the hardware and operating system undoubtedly has its advantages, it also leaves Mac fans with all their eggs in one titanium-clad basket. Apple could, for example, decide to drop Mac OS X at any time - not entirely out of the question now that Intel-based Macs are perfectly capable of running Windows (see p34). what would happen to Mac OS devotees and developers then? It also leaves Apple remarkably vulnerable when innovations go wrong - the ill-fated Cube placed the company in deep trouble, for example, whereas international giants such as HP and Sony can tinker with experimental for factors such as smart displays and UMPCs, without worrying that commercial failure could potentially cripple the company.

11. Sensible support costs.
Macs never crash or go wrong obviously. Which is just as well, because the standard Apple technical support offering is nothing short of scandalous. You could pay $25,664 for an absolute top-of-the-range Mac Pro or $949 for a Mac mini, and you're still lumbered with Apple's standard warrant, which comprises a pitiful 90-days, telephone support and just one year's return-to-base hardware warranty. You can, naturally, pay extra for Apple's three-year protection plan, which costs $229 for Mac minis, right through to a ridiculous $419 for the MacBook Pro. By comparison, our A-Listed Dell Latitude ultra portable laptop and Dell Optiplex desktop PC both include three-year, on-site warranties as standard.
It isn't only manufacturer repairs you have to worry about. Take your PC down to your local computer shop and, chances are, they could replace the hard disk or slot in extra RAM without bating an eyelid, with little in the way of labor costs. That same repair shop may well blanch at the prospect of prizing open the sealed iMac casing, however.

12 Microsoft's on your team.
Microsoft may be the company everyone loves to ate, and it doesn't always play by the Queensbury rules, but if there's going to be a domineering, cash-rich, mega-corporation in the industry, you definitely want it to be on your team. The PC is, of course, Microsoft's platform of choice, and so the Windows market is the first to benefit from ground-breaking new products such as Office 2007. Mac owners will have to wait until later this year for a new version of Office, and even then it will be largely devoid of the well-received Ribbon interface that Microsoft first introduced into the PC version in January.
Similarly, PC owners with an XBox 360 nestled under their television can turn their console into a Media Center Extender, allowing them to play music, video or photos stored on their computer through their television - all because Microsoft has its fat fingers in so many pies.

13 Black's still the new black.
A veteran IT journalist, who shall remain nameless, was rather taken aback when a fellow commuter plonked down his spanking new black MacBook, before sneering at our man's slightly weathered, older white model. the other Mac owner was clearly a first-rate pillock, but it does highlight the problem of your IT equipment becoming a fashion accessory. PC owners are rarely subject to such style snobbery - we've never heard of anyone being publicly lampooned for sporting last season's VAIO for instance.

14 The CD-ROM had an eject button.
Want to take the DVD out of your Mac's disc drive before it shuts down? Go on then press the eject button. Hang about, there's no effing button on the disc drive! No, it's far more sensible to put the eject button on the keyboard and rely on the operating system to spit out your disc. And what happens on those occasions when the Max refuses to open the disc drawer? "If you can't get is to eject, then just hold down the mouse button next time you reboot," says one of our MacUser colleagues. Brilliant.

15 No confusing Version numbers.
Here are the operating system requirements for Apple's iLife 06 suite: "Mac OS X v10.3.9 or v10.4.3 or later; v10.4.4 recommended." Aperture, meanwhile demands "Mac OS X v10.4.7 (or later)"; while Logic Express 7 recommends "Mac OS X v10.4.3 or later for PowerPC based systems; Mac OS X v10.4.4 or later for Intel-based systems." And yet Apple's website proudly proclaims, "there is only one version of Mac OS X". Come again? Even the most complicated Windows system requirements will only specify a service pack, and considering they're only released once every few years, that's hardly likely to confuse your Dad when he's browsing the software shelve in Harvey Norman.

16 What the hell was that?
If you've been sitting on a train recently and heard an unholy BLAAANG sound, the reason is simple there was a Mac owner somewhere in the carriage. For, in Apple's infinite wisdom, it decided that a simple PC-like "beep" from the hardware to indicate the successful start of the boot process wasn't annoying enough. instead, it substituted the most appalling metallic clanging noise you've ever heard. And you can't turn it off unless you mute the whole machine before you shut it down. Classy.

17 Cheap OEM versions.
Although, strictly, it breaches Microsoft's licensing terms and conditions, in practice threre's little to stop experienced PC owners buying the vastly discounted OEM versions of Windows. www.engit.com.au, for example, is selling Vista Home Premium OEM for $150.40, which makes it more than $48.60 cheaper that the latest version of OS X. OEM versions come without the retail packaging and don't include support from Microsoft, but for the average PC Authority reader, that won't cause too much distress.

18 Far better media capability.
Media-Center PCs have come on leaps and bounds over the past year or so, with a selection of attractive units that won't look horribly out of place underneath the svelte 32in LCD screen in the lounge, nor make a noise like a 747 preparing for take-off. Windows Media Center is now built into Vista Home Premium and Ultimate, and turns your PC into a very effective personal video recorder, with its excellent on-screen television guide and the option to record all the episodes in a series. Apple's Front Row, on the other hand, doesn't offer any television feature - in fact, it's little more than a flashy front end for its iTunes software.

19 IT support expertise
When it comes to the workplace, Windows is the predominant OS by a mile. And while its vagaries may drive IT departments up the wall, there's an army of support professionals out there with vast experience of making it work. Switch platforms, however, and you can kiss all of that goodbye: experienced Mac OS systems engineers are like gold dust. Couple the PCs comparative ease of support with the fact that almost all business apps are either cross-platform or Windows-only, and you don't need an MBA to spot the smart investment.

20 Not so insecure.
Apple makes a great fuss about the Mac's supposed immunity to viruses, and it's true that the platform has historically\been less vulnerable to virus attack than the PC. However, to suggest, as it does, that your PC is at risk from more than 100,000 viruses, is ludicrous. Make sure your Windows XP or Vista system is up to date, get a decent virus checker (such as the free AVG Antivirus package or the A-Lister F-Secure 2007 suite) and we sincerely doubt you'll be troubled by one virus a year, let alone 100,000.

21 Copious amounts of freeware
One of the advantages of Windows' long tenure at the top is the vse quantity of freely downloadable software now available. To be sure, there's an active Mac shareware community as well, but the number speak for themselves: the download.com file repository lists more than 55,000 packages for Windows, compared to just 4,586 for the Mac. Which library would you rather have access to?

22. What is it with Steve Jobs?
Has there ever been such a self-serving, egotistical, irritating man as Apple CEO, Steve Jobs? Yes, he brilliantly rescued the company from the doldrums in the late-1990s, but boy he doesn't half band on about it. then there are the Jobs sermons from the mount: earlier this year, for example, he decided to upbraid the music industry for it addiction to DRM with a public statement on Apple's website, which was lapped up by the mass media that hangs one his every word. this, despite the fact that Apple has successfully locked people into the iPod upgrade cycle by applying its own proprietary DRM - but did anyone get to question the great man on this? Of course not, he doesn't do tough interviews. he continually makes bold claims about his own products, and attacks other, without any basis. take the claim that the iPhone will "revolutionize the industry". Had anyone even played with a fully working model yet? No.
The PC camp , meanwhile, has the fine, upstanding role models of Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer. Need we say more?

23 The menu is where?
For an interface that's supposed to be intuitive, design-led, and superior to Windows, Mac OS has some pretty odd quirks. One of the most annoying is that the menu bar for any given application isn't actually attached to the app itself: it sits at the top of the screen in one of the most bizarre forms or conceptual detachment we've seen in a long time.

24 Full selection of peripherals
Macs are shut out from a wide range of products and services, from Windows only home security kits to music download stores and MP3 players - including the Creative Zen Vision:M. Even relatively simple peripherals, such as the handy U3 memory sticks, are persona non grata on MAC OS X.

25 Build your own computer.
Macs are like happy meals, there's a shiny menu to choose from, but very little real variety on offer. the open architecture of the PC platform, on the other hand, means you can build your own PC form the ground up (or pay someone to do it for you). With your own choice of case, CPU, monitor and other components, you might even end up with a system designed for your personal workspace, rather than for a penthouse condo on the expensive side of town.

26 The apps don't crash
We're not denying that Mac OS X is a stable operating system with its Unix underpinnings. But a stable operating system doesn't make a stable overall computing experience, which you'll soon discover if you use Mac OS C as your day-to-day system. The OS is stable; lots of the application (especially those no designed by Apple) aren't. Random crashes, hangs and programs quitting for no apparent reason are, in our experience, far more common on the Mac than PC. And it often takes a restart to get the errant application to launch again.

27 Tablets and touchscreens
We're certainly not about to claim that tablet Pcs have been a runaway success for Microsoft, but for certain purposes - medical, warehouse management, as an architectural took - they've become an integral part of the business. Yet, while there's been a tablet version of Windows since 2002, Apple stubbornly claims it isn't interested in touchscreen technology on the PC. Thats a shame, because as HP's IQ770 TouchSmart PC proves, touchscreen PC technology can certainly have its advantages in consumer applications, such as photo editing and web browsing. Indeed, if we were feeling bold, we could even predict that touchscreens will be an integral part of consumer PCs within the next decade.

28 You don't need as much RAM.
From the very early days of Mac OS, Windows' virtual memory has always been better implemented than the Mac's. That means a PC that's low on memory might be slow, but is won't be any less reliable. A Mac with low memory has a terrible tendency to fall over in a stiff breeze, which widens the price gap between comparable Mac and PC specifications even more.

29 A Mac's delete key doesn't delete.
No, really! Click on a file in Mac OS X's equivalent of Windows Explorer. Now, press the delete key. Nothing will happen. A logical, intuitive OS? Is it hell. What you have to do is press the Apple and the backspace keys together, or drag the file to the trash can. That a big fat load of rubbish!

30 Apple doesn't like tinkering
Mac users like to boast about how, rather than a traditional BIOS, they have something known as EFI (extensible firmware interface). All very well, but if you actually try to get into the EFI setup to tweak your hardware, you'll find it's damn near impossible. not so with a PC: just reboot, hit the delete key when prompted, and you'll have low level access to your hardware. tweak it for maximum speed or maximum stability, the choice is yours.

31 PCs are greener
Apple is currently bottom of the pile in greenpeace's green electronics guide rankings. Greenpeace claims the company "scores badly on almost all criteria", including the use of hazardous chemicals, product take back and recycling.

32 Best for Beginners
For years Apple has been peddling the myth that Macs are better suited to computing novices, without any independent evidence to backup its claims. In our experience, ti doesn't matter whether you sit a computing beginner in front pf a PC or a Mac, they'll be equally at home or perplexed. And when they do need help, there are ten times more Windows users than Macolytes to lend them a helping hand. window seven includes a Remote Access Assistance tool, so you can take control of their computer, without having to trek across to their house when they accidentally delete their printer driver.

10 Reasons why Macs are better than PCs

1 Cheaper in the long run
The oldest Mac that can run Apple's latest operating system have just calibrated their eighth birthday, yet all but a handful of the oldest Vista-ready PCs were still just kit and components this time last year. Macs are often criticized for being overpriced, but when you spread the cost over their respective working lives, the Mac comes out cheaper than a PC.

2 greater stability
Macs to crash, and anyone who tells you they don't is a liar, but the tightly controlled UNIX-based operating system is far more capable when it comes isolating and terminating problematic applications than Windows. PCs come from the baby-and-bathwater school of conflict management and throw out the whole lot - data, app and OS - in exchange for a garish blue screen and a force reboot.

3 Mac Office is better
The very first version of Office was out a year before the PC, and it continues to innovate under Mac OS X, with many features appearing on Apple hardware first. Plus, the operating system's built in support of creating PDFs means Max users have been rolling out their spreadsheet as acrobat files for more the half a decade, while Windows workers have only just been granted that feature with Office 2007 ( and even then it s and optional download).

4 More secure
For one thing the operating system is built of a UNIX core, with all the restricted and tiered permissions management that affords. For another, the fact it has a smaller user base than windows counts in its favor, since for the last 20 years hackers and script kiddies have largely left it alone. Long may that continue.

5 Triple booting.
There are Mac-specific builds of several Linux distributions, but the real feather in the Mac's cap is the fact you can run Windows, Linux and Mac OS X simultaneously, using virtualisation. This is a world away from the lame emulation afforded PC users by Virtual PC, and it gives alternative operating systems direct access to the Apple hardware. So, while Windows can barely run three native applications at once, with a Mac you can run The GIMP under Red Hat, Keynote under OS X, and Access under Windows on the same screen at the same time.

6 One Company controls everything
The hardware and the operating system (and often the software too) are all made by a single company - Apple - and so they're guaranteed to work well together. The OS is optimized for the computer line-up, the mouse and hardware are designed with the OS in mind, and the applications are tuned to take advantage of every tweak and innovation in both. Only a Mac can deliver a smooth, well-thought-out experience end-to-end, and only with a Mac do you know exactly where to go for help and support. With a PC you'll be batted back and forth between Microsoft and whoever made your ugly beige box, as they spend the next month blaming each other for your problem.

7 Macs are faster
PC Authority's own labs tests proved that the Mac Pro, the current top-end machine in Apple's line up, was faster running Windows XP than any conventional PC at that time.

8 Lively developer community
Use a Mac and you have access to the fruits of an incredibly vibrant developers community. The same is true of the PC, of course, but the PC shareware, freeware and donationware market is riddled with ugly, poorly designed, unconventional applications. Mac OS X has so many hooks and resources hidden under the surface that it's one of the quickest platforms on which to develop, and as finished applications draw on Apple resources rather than being designed from scrathc, they look as good as any other Mac app.

9 Mods don't rule
Nobody ever thought a Mac would look better with neon lighting and a glowing water cooling system. What does that say about Apple's eye for design?

10 Goodies use Macs, Baddies use PCs
Sutdies have shown that Hollywood has a tenancy to make its baddies use PCs, and its heroes use Macs. Fact. That's why Jack Bauer and his CTU colleagues on 24 solve major terrorist threats using machines built for OS X. And when Jeff Goldblum wanted to infect the Independence Day mothership with a virus to save the world from destruction, what did he use? A PowerBook 5300. Except, of course, you won't find a virus on a Mac.

I think like all Apple vs PC debates, some of the points are good, some are bad, I agree with some, I disagree with others. But in the end it boils down to which you like better.
Marcus Aurelius: ...the Swedish S-tank; the exception is made mostly because the Swedes insisted really hard that it is a tank rather than a tank destroyer or assault gun
Ilya Muromets: And now I have this image of a massive, stern-looking Swede staring down a bunch of military nerds. "It's a tank." "Uh, yes Sir. Please don't hurt us."
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Post by Uraniun235 »

My god, I've seen the light! I'll immediately switch from this stupid old [product] to a clearly superior [competitive product]!
"There is no "taboo" on using nuclear weapons." -Julhelm
What is Project Zohar?
"On a serious note (well not really) I did sometimes jump in and rate nBSG episodes a '5' before the episode even aired or I saw it." - RogueIce explaining that episode ratings on SDN tv show threads are bunk
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Post by Zixinus »

I prefer PCs because I know how they work better, have a much wider acceptance and experience among IT technicians (there are few service shops where PCs won't be served), cheaper, more costumizeable and I can actually buy it and not import it because I never seen a Mac on sale around here.

Oh, and *sniff*, I've been saving this for a long time.

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Post by Uraniun235 »

Where do you live that you have to import Apple products?

Also, you should have kept saving that webcomic.
"There is no "taboo" on using nuclear weapons." -Julhelm
What is Project Zohar?
"On a serious note (well not really) I did sometimes jump in and rate nBSG episodes a '5' before the episode even aired or I saw it." - RogueIce explaining that episode ratings on SDN tv show threads are bunk
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Post by Praxis »

WOW. Was this written by children? I think so. One of the stupidest things I've ever seen (thanks for posting, too, good laugh :) ).

They claim to be stepping up to defend Windows; it's a pity that most of the claims are simply made-up lies and myths about the Mac platform, instead of actually talking about the strengths of the Windows platform.
1. Service Packs don't cost $199
Incredible. Not only is each OS release much more than a service pack (entirely redesigned GUI, 64-bit top-to-bottom, etc are features of the new release), but they pick on the most insignificant features trying to make it sound like less than it is.

Windows Service Packs mostly fix broken functionality, and add small features (like the security center) and fix security holes.

Granted, Apple's OS releases are usually less major than new Windows releases (even that can be argued; I think the difference between Panther and Tiger is much greater than the difference between Windows 98 and Windows ME), generally, but they also cost way less. And they're much more major than a service pack.

The really funny part is that they even got the price wrong! $199 is a FAMILY PACK. The new OS is $129, or $70 for students.
2. No price premium for wflashy design.
And of course, they pick on the Mac Mini, which hasn't been updated in almost a year, is expected to be dropped from Apple's lineup any day now, and is intended as a small-form-factor PC with mobile parts, rather than a decent desktop PC.

I'd rather see an iMac compared to Dell/HP. I've gone into CompUSA and compared them myself; at the same price point, the HP PC was the same speed processor-wise, and had more RAM and a slightly bigger hard drive. Meanwhile, the iMac included a monitor, and had a Radeon X1600 (vs an Intel Integrated) and a camera. I'd give the iMac the win.

MacBook vs Dell laptops are usually pretty much equal.
3. Thousands of decent games.
This is true, granted. Although the claim that you need to buy a PC is incorrect; you can simply dual-boot Windows on an iMac or Mac Pro and it becomes a pretty good gaming machine.
4. Two Mouse buttons.
Are these people freakin' BLIND? Did they not notice that Apple has shipped a two button mouse with every Mac for the last two years, or perhaps that you could plug a two-button USB mouse into a Mac and it would work out of the box for the last TWELVE YEARS?

They even go so far as to claim you have to apply a driver hack to use a two button mouse. This is a blatant lie.
5. Broadband just works.
...I have yet to see a broadband line that does not work when you plug the cable modem into the Mac.
6. Custom made systems.
This is a valid point. However, once again, in their description, they lie about it. He implies that you cannot replace the CPU or hard drive in an iMac, which is again a blatant lie. The video card and mother board are the only parts he is correct on; but in the Mac Pro you CAN replace everything but the motherboard.
7 Macs are months behind.
2-3 months...is he just nitpicking now?
He claims PC users have had super-fast draft N for two years; but the reality is that nobody shipped it in their machines as standard till this last year, and Mac users have had it for about a year, but more importantly, it's not even ratified yet, so I am frankly wary about it.
8 Life beyond January 1st.
Totally invalid complaint; Apple has a regular 6-month release schedule, but their new releases don't automatically make the old one obsolete. In fact, Macs tend to have much higher resale values on eBay, and each MacOS outperforms the previous one instead of getting slower, so you could argue Macs have a LONGER life; I know original iMac G3's from 1999 that are running the current OS, Tiger.
9 Superior Search facilities.
This is utterly incredible; the entire argument consists of either "It doesn't work exactly the same as Windows, wah!" or outright lies. The writer claims Macs don't even have cut and paste; has this guy even used the OS? Then he nitpicks because you can't resize from the left corner of a window, and completely ignores stuff like Expose, Smart Folders, and other advantages of Finder.

Basically, his entire argument is, "It's different than what I'm used to so it sucks!!!"

10 Safety in numbers.
This is entirely theoretical. "Apple could drop OS X at any time and switch to Windows". Um, okay...right. He's just grasping at straws.
11. Sensible support costs.
Depends on the company. Dell's warranties are definitely longer, and their business support contracts are better, but I'd never want to deal with them; the entire support line is in India (while Apple's is in the U.S.) and I've known people with Dell horror stories.

AppleCare's price is actually pretty reasonable. $169 (US) for a 3-year warranty and 3-year support on a $1999 machine, with one-dead-pixel-replacement (IIRC) is a lot cheaper than the support plans Best Buy or CompUSA offer (around $300 for a similarly-priced machine).
12 Microsoft's on your team.
This is just stupid. Office for Mac has features the Windows version doesn't and vice versa, it just comes out a year later and has extras. More importantly, this is just one piece of software; you can say "Apple's on your team" and point to Final Cut, iWork, Logic, etc.

As for XBox 360; you can do the same thing with a Mac, you know.
13 Black's still the new black.
This is just stupid.
14 The CD-ROM had an eject button.
Equally stupid. It's a slot loading drive, there's nothing wrong with running that through the software as there's no tray to stick a button on. And since you can open it during boot I don't see the complaint.
15 No confusing Version numbers.
ROFL, come on, the version numbers are free updates, almost everyone has the latest. More importantly, how can you possibly make this argument in the face of Vista's naming scheme?
16 What the hell was that?
Complaining about the boot sound? Is he playing limbo with journalistic integrity?
17 Cheap OEM versions.
Cheap education versions are cheaper tha Microsoft's OEM versions, and DON'T breach the license.
18 Far better media capability.
A Mac Mini + $99 EyeTV is pretty much just as good. But I'll grant that native TV tuner support would be nice.
19 IT support expertise
Granted. But most Mac users have to call on the IT guys less often. In general, Windows runs well if well maintained, and the Mac requires less maintenance to run well. The users that are calling on the IT guys usually do so because they don't know how to maintain the system and things go bad.

20 Not so insecure.
:shock: Did anyone even proof read this thing? "Okay, we admit Macs have NO VIRUSES and PCs have 10,000 a year popping up, but if you get an antivirus you're less likely to get a PC virus, compared to a Mac where you CAN'T get one, so PCs are better!"
21 Copious amounts of freeware
Mac freeware actually tends to be a lot higher quality- PC freeware tends to bog down and slow down the PC as you get more of it.

There is nothing on Windows like Handbrake, which has been Mac-exclusive for around four years now; They JUST released a Windows beta, but when I tried it I got bluescreens.

Handbrake and MacTheRipper are way better than any Windows equivilants, for example.
22. What is it with Steve Jobs?
Don't get me started on Steve Ballmer.
23 The menu is where?
"It's different than Windows, WAAAAH!"
24 Full selection of peripherals
Granted, there are less available for the Mac, but just about anything you'll find at least one of the type that'll work with Mac, so I really don't feel left out.

It's Microsoft's own fault their MP3 players don't work on the Mac.
25 Build your own computer.
26 The apps don't crash
:lol: :lol: :lol: Is he serious?
Apps can crash in either OS. I've seen it plenty of times both ways.
27 Tablets and touchscreens
Granted, although with the way Apple's going with the iPhone this might change.

28 You don't need as much RAM.
BWAHAHA! Have these people ever used Vista?
Further, it's a blatant lie. Yes, Windows has always had better memory management; before Apple switched to UNIX. Now, granted, OS X does use more RAM than Windows XP (although it'll run better on computers with slower processors in my experience if you bring the RAM up), but not by that much; Vista takes way, WAY more RAM than Mac OS X.

29 A Mac's delete key doesn't delete.
Another "wah wah it's different". And has this guy only used the laptop? The Delete key on Macs is the same thing as Backspace on Windows. There's a separate key on the desktop Macs that functions as delete; on the laptops you hold the Command key.
30 Apple doesn't like tinkering
All the while ignoring the blatant superiority of EFI which he attests to, he pretty much says "EFI is better but you can't overclock from firmware!"...yeah, but you can still overclock, and 99% of users don't ever overclock, so how is it relevant?
31 PCs are greener
Granted only because I'm too lazy to check.
32 Best for Beginners
Wait, the argument here is that if you get a computer noob both Mac or Windows will be equally hard; why is this a point AGAINST the Mac?

If you get two people with similar computer knowledge, the guy on the Mac will be able to create picture books and burn their movies to professional-looking DVDs whereas the PC user will have a very hard time doing so. I've tested this with my parents. My dad knows more about computers than my mom but my mom's on a Mac and does much more complex things despite being practically computer-illiterate.
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Post by Praxis »

Zixinus wrote:I prefer PCs because I know how they work better, have a much wider acceptance and experience among IT technicians (there are few service shops where PCs won't be served), cheaper, more costumizeable and I can actually buy it and not import it because I never seen a Mac on sale around here.

Oh, and *sniff*, I've been saving this for a long time.
If you need to take your PC to a shop, then you shouldn't care how customizable it is because you clearly don't know how to make the upgrades.

Where do you live where you need to import them?
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Post by Vendetta »

Praxis wrote: The really funny part is that they even got the price wrong! $199 is a FAMILY PACK. The new OS is $129, or $70 for students.
I presume, being an australian mag, they quoted the prices in Australian dollars, which are whittled out of woodchips.
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Post by Zixinus »

Also, you should have kept saving that webcomic.
It displays my opinion on the matter rather well. Mac or Pc, does it really matter that darn much?
Granted only because I'm too lazy to check.
Actually, that one may not be true. I recall that there was an article regarding this, stating that Greenpeace (surprise, surprise!) didn't get the facts straight.
If you need to take your PC to a shop, then you shouldn't care how customizable it is because you clearly don't know how to make the upgrades.
There are problems that you cannot fix with knowing how to pop in a PCI card.
Where do you live where you need to import them?
I live in Hungary. I have yet to see a Mac store. There might be one or two in the capitol, but not where I live.
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Post by Manus Celer Dei »

Praxis wrote: OS X does use more RAM than Windows XP (although it'll run better on computers with slower processors in my experience if you bring the RAM up), but not by that much; Vista takes way, WAY more RAM than Mac OS X.
Doesn't Vista handle RAM in a totally different way, making normal comparisons of RAM usage mostly pointless? Superfetch or something, IIRC.
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Post by General Zod »

Manus Celer Dei wrote:
Praxis wrote: OS X does use more RAM than Windows XP (although it'll run better on computers with slower processors in my experience if you bring the RAM up), but not by that much; Vista takes way, WAY more RAM than Mac OS X.
Doesn't Vista handle RAM in a totally different way, making normal comparisons of RAM usage mostly pointless? Superfetch or something, IIRC.
If by "different" you mean "consumes a fair amount more" you might be right.
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Post by Praxis »

Vendetta wrote:
Praxis wrote: The really funny part is that they even got the price wrong! $199 is a FAMILY PACK. The new OS is $129, or $70 for students.
I presume, being an australian mag, they quoted the prices in Australian dollars, which are whittled out of woodchips.
Ah, makes sense.
Zixinus wrote:
Also, you should have kept saving that webcomic.
It displays my opinion on the matter rather well. Mac or Pc, does it really matter that darn much?
Granted only because I'm too lazy to check.
Actually, that one may not be true. I recall that there was an article regarding this, stating that Greenpeace (surprise, surprise!) didn't get the facts straight.
If you need to take your PC to a shop, then you shouldn't care how customizable it is because you clearly don't know how to make the upgrades.
There are problems that you cannot fix with knowing how to pop in a PCI card.
Where do you live where you need to import them?
I live in Hungary. I have yet to see a Mac store. There might be one or two in the capitol, but not where I live.
Don't look for Apple stores, but resellers. There's got to be SOMEONE in town that carries them...does Apple have a Hungary site? Use the "where to buy" store locator.

Doesn't Vista handle RAM in a totally different way, making normal comparisons of RAM usage mostly pointless? Superfetch or something, IIRC.
No. Superfetch uses memory sticks for RAM to cache stuff. It works better than caching to the hard drive, but is still nowhere near as good as RAM and the difference is really miniscule.
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Post by General Zod »

Praxis wrote:
Don't look for Apple stores, but resellers. There's got to be SOMEONE in town that carries them...does Apple have a Hungary site? Use the "where to buy" store locator.
Indeed they do.
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Post by Spyder »

Where are these two button Mac mice I keep hearing about? Everytime I drop in to the local store everything's all monobutton, including the Mac books, which is annoying.
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Post by Beowulf »

Praxis wrote:
Doesn't Vista handle RAM in a totally different way, making normal comparisons of RAM usage mostly pointless? Superfetch or something, IIRC.
No. Superfetch uses memory sticks for RAM to cache stuff. It works better than caching to the hard drive, but is still nowhere near as good as RAM and the difference is really miniscule.
Yuo = wrong

You're thinking of ReadyBoost. Superfetch is Vista caching much more data in RAM than XP does, improving performance. A side effect is that you never actually have much RAM free.
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Post by General Zod »

Destructionator XIII wrote:
General Zod wrote:mean "consumes a fair amount more" you might be right.
On this computer, I currently report 1.5 GiB of RAM used.
If I take this hard drive and plug it into my older computer, and run exactly the same programs, it will report closer to 30 MiB. But performance on this computer is much better.

Using more memory is not necessarily a bad thing. If you have it, might as well use it; free RAM is wasted RAM.
On the other hand locked up ram is a crashed computer.
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Post by Ford Prefect »

This is just stupid.
Because they're clearly bullshitting. Apart from the story being about as credible as Creationism, the simple fact of the matter is that PCs do have much broader 'culture' of being pimped out, so to speak. Looking at the purchases my friends make, there is certainly a heavy leaning towards good looking cases and totally superfluous lighting. I have a friend who wishes to modify is back-lit keyboard so that it glows red, as opposed to blue.

Seriously, what do you need LEDs on a cooling fan for? Jesus.
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Post by Mobius »

Spyder wrote:Where are these two button Mac mice I keep hearing about? Everytime I drop in to the local store everything's all monobutton, including the Mac books, which is annoying.
Mighty Mouse.
and you can make right click on the new macbook.

Praxis wrote:...I have yet to see a broadband line that does not work when you plug the cable modem into the Mac.
i can tell you that a lot of our ISP are still giving USB modems that doesn't come with any kind of mac support ;)

as a recent mac buyer; i have a few complains so i might as well rant here:

1/ Apple's Keyboard are utter shit (no i'm not speaking of the layout), they are a pain to use; i've ordered a Das Keyboard to get rid of mine.
2/ Front Row sucks donkey balls, i much prefer to use connect360 and stream from my 360
3/ RAM: you need a lot and a lot of ram: i have a hard time watching a DVD, browsing the web and chatting without having some lapses in either safari or the DVD playback; sometimes the dashboard takes 5seconds to appear; drives me crazy
(which makes the mac mini a really bad deal: the cost of a working useful machine is around 900€; that pretty close of the Macbook)
4/ The finder is broken; it's SLOW, like 3 minutes to mount my USB2 hard-drive and it's still manage to change some folders in files (had to go in terminal to see if everything was fine); i haven't any clue how this could happen... i much prefer the Windows Explorer
5/ not enough options
6/the lacks of automation i iSync is annoying, i want him to automatically connect to my phone, i don't want to have to do it myself.
**/ i won't even talk about the fact that i had to reinstall the systems OOB since it wouldn't boot.

But it's nonetheless a fun machine once i trashed idvd, garageband and the other useless junk but i'm very about installing an office suite before jumping the ram to 1GB at least.
but the small footprint is a worthy trade for the living. (but i'll keep my R60 to work)
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Post by Stark »

I have had problems with Bigpond Cable on Macs. By this, I mean 'problems finding a lameass heartbeat soft to replace the Windows dialler', not any problem with OSX. All other forms of broadband I have ever worked with 'just work', and I find the OSX layout of network config far, far superior to the piles of nested windows of the XP version. Bigpond doesn't use the Evil Heartbeat anymore, so this is now a worthless thing to mention.

Front Row does suck, but if you've got a 360 there's absolutely no reason why you'd want to use it anyway. I've found with the 3rd-party remote software you can get Front Row to be a bit more useful, and of course it's fully portable, unlike the 360 media solution.

If your Finder takes 2m to mount a USB disk, you've got problems. The four Macs I use regularly mount USB volumes in similar times to XP. Sounds like you got a suck one - I would never, ever keep any computer product I had to reinstall out of the box, certainly not an Apple one. I would have been on the phone getting a replacement and free Applecare.
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Post by Mobius »

they didn't want to exchange it since it wasn't faulty hardware.
and in no way i'd hand them my mini for 3 weeks so they could just reinstall the OS
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Post by Stark »

Mobius wrote:they didn't want to exchange it since it wasn't faulty hardware.
WHAT? Your Apple distributor must SUCK: I've never had any problem of this nature. I would have demanded a refund and keyed their car if my $3000 laptop didn't work out of the box.
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Post by Mobius »

the 2 specialized one in Brussels indeed sucks (i had very bad review of the other one); i had been better off buying it a regular generalist IT shop
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Post by RThurmont »

WHAT? Your Apple distributor must SUCK: I've never had any problem of this nature. I would have demanded a refund and keyed their car if my $3000 laptop didn't work out of the box.
One might observe that the sensible course of action would be to merely contact your bank/credit card and reverse the charges...

The stupid thing about the article btw is that it propagates this whole myth that Macs are somehow different from typical client computers. In the case of the Intel Macs, the only difference is the default operating system and the presence of the Apple logo on the case. The EFI firmware is also unusual, but is not a roadblock to the installation of other OSes, and mainstream PCs will likely increasingly use EFI instead of BIOS in the years ahead, so that does not really count as a point of justification from a hardware perspective.

Ultimately, a better title for the article would be "32 Reasons why Windows Is Better than OS X" and vice versa, since we're really, at this point, talking more about operating systems than anything. Of course, the ability to install Windows on any computer that will run it is a definite benefit.
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Post by Praxis »

Spyder wrote:Where are these two button Mac mice I keep hearing about? Everytime I drop in to the local store everything's all monobutton, including the Mac books, which is annoying.
That mouse has touch sensors. It knows if you are clicking on the right or left side, even though there is only one physical button.

You can turn it from a one to a two- or even four mouse button in software. Some stores disable it, I think by default it is two-button though.

The MacBooks have a multitouch trackpad. You can right click using two fingers on the trackpad instead of one (again this has to be enabled under System Preferences). I like this WAY better than any two-finger setup I've ever seen on a laptop.
3/ RAM: you need a lot and a lot of ram: i have a hard time watching a DVD, browsing the web and chatting without having some lapses in either safari or the DVD playback; sometimes the dashboard takes 5seconds to appear; drives me crazy
(which makes the mac mini a really bad deal: the cost of a working useful machine is around 900€; that pretty close of the Macbook)
How much do you have? 512 MB is unbearable, but 1 GB runs fine. 2 GB runs perfectly.

Considering you can buy 2 GB for $80 for the MacBook, that's not bad.
Last edited by Praxis on 2007-07-06 08:39pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Stark »

RThurmont wrote:One might observe that the sensible course of action would be to merely contact your bank/credit card and reverse the charges...
Who pays credit? I didn't think anyone would be able to reverse an arbitrary payment, however. Isn't that just for stolen cards etc?
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Post by Praxis »

Stark wrote:
Mobius wrote:they didn't want to exchange it since it wasn't faulty hardware.
WHAT? Your Apple distributor must SUCK: I've never had any problem of this nature. I would have demanded a refund and keyed their car if my $3000 laptop didn't work out of the box.
He's talking about a Mini though.

And European resellers tend to suck. Ours sucked when I bought my first Mac while in Holland, a complaint straight to Apple going around the reseller took care of it.
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