Someone explain Hulk tearing Wolverine in half

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Post by Napoleon the Clown »

havokeff wrote:
Also, Storm would conceivably toss lightning bolts faster than Cyclops can move his head. Drop one per square foot for forty feet in every direction and all the spidey sense in the world won't help him. Unless of course it warns him far enough in advance to avoid someone who can control the weather. Storm's a fucking Omega-level. She's nearly a god.
Please provide evidence of your conclusion, of how Storm can manipulate the weather, which is what she does, to get lightning to strike faster than Cyclops can hit a button on his palm?
And jeebus. While you were on Wiki, did you read about Spider-Man at all? How about what his spider-sense does. It WARNS HIM OF DANGER. One lightning strike or one per square foot for forty feet, he is going to know about it, and YES avoid it.
Are you familiar with the term "Omega-level mutant"? It's short hand for "we'll let the writer wank the character out as much as he or she wants to and still keep in line with canon." Limitless potential.

In regards to Cyclops, he also needs to aim his head. Even if it were his eyes and that's it Spiderman is fast enough to avoid a look.
I'd like to see a good indication on just how much lightning he can dodge at once. I don't follow the comic close enough to see just how obscenely wanked the guy has gotten. If he can dodge a shitload of lightning like that he should build himself a lightsaber and go Jedi Master on some asses.
The thing with Spider-Man, is that he has actually stayed pretty steady over the years when it comes to his abilities. Aside from Cosmic Spidey that is.
He has always been fast enough to dodge bullets, lightning, optic blasts etc.. He can jump straight up at least 2 or 3 stories. He can throw cars. Like I said earlier, he can run almost 90 mph. He has practicaly perfect balance, he can stick to walls, he can lift/press 10 tons, which is actually more now. 15 I think.
Writers over the years have been pretty decent in staying within these guide lines. His abillities and powers have been fleshed out and explained a little more and he has improved on his skills combining and creating new ones, but that should be expected of someone as intelligent as Peter Parker.
Actually Spidey is usually taken for granted by the rest of the Marvel Super Heroes as a light weight, on par with the likes of Dare Devil, since so much of his history has been fighting normal humans like muggers, bank robbers or his "theme" villans.
So how is he going to dodge something with the kind of spread? Especially when each attack is nearly simultaneous. Besides, unless I completely misunderstand Storm's powers she can just make Spiderman himself charged differently enough from the atmosphere that no amount of Spidey-sense short of "At X time and Y date Storm will make it so you are going to get hit by lightning." will save him. His best chance with what is, essentially, a demi-god, is to take it out before it even knows you're a threat.

In regards to dodging bullets, the Wikipedia page says he needs to be far enough away. Unless you can point out a time when he's dodged at close range (preferably including a picture and the comic it happened in) I'm just seeing claims about his abilities with nothing but your own say-so. I'll back down if you show me when and where he's dodged the kinds of things someone like Storm can bring down on him.

More on Storm's abilities: "Storm has also shown that she can transcend into a goddess-like elemental being when properly provoked." Unsourced and I haven't heard of that till now. Grain of salt.

In regards to her power level: "Storm's abilities are limited by her willpower and the strength of her body"

From "Storm’s control over the atmosphere is such that she can create certain effects over a specific area while shielding smaller areas within that region. For example, she can create a rainstorm around herself but prevent the raindrops from touching her. Storm can also create atmospheric phenomena over very small areas, such as creating a rainstorm small enough to water a single potted plant." and "The limit to the size of the area over which Storm can manipulate the weather is not yet known. However, she once diverted the jet stream so as to create storms over the entire East Coast of the United States. She can create weather effects within indoor areas or within artificially maintained environments. Storm is limited by the force of her will and the strength of her body. It once took her several hours to stop a savage blizzard sweeping over much of Canada, and she nearly died from exhaustion in the process." Link.

Not to ommit her limitations: "Storm can only manipulate weather patterns as they exist in nature. For example, she can end a drought in one area by creating torrential rains there, but that would necessitate robbing all available moisture from the surrounding areas. Storm is not able to create atmospheric conditions that do not exist naturally on the planet she is on. For example, Storm is unable to lower temperatures as far as absolute zero or raise them to solar intensities on Earth." (And she's claustrophobic, which Spiderman could take advantage of. Unfortunately if she loses control of her fear she may well go overboard and drop and F5 or two on whatever is confining her.)

Spiderman would need to take her down immediately to have a chance. Peter Parker's smart enough to pull it off, yes. But the margin of error is very slim. Especially with Professor X and Jean there to mentally rape him.
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Post by SCRawl »

Napoleon the Clown wrote: {Much snippage} Spiderman would need to take her {Storm} down immediately to have a chance. Peter Parker's smart enough to pull it off, yes. But the margin of error is very slim. Especially with Professor X and Jean there to mentally rape him.
Jean wasn't there in the encounter we're discussing. If she had been, as a telekinetic, it would have been a simple matter to hold him in mid-air for a second or two, long enough for Cyclops to draw a bead and fire.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Napoleon the Clown wrote: Are you familiar with the term "Omega-level mutant"? It's short hand for "we'll let the writer wank the character out as much as he or she wants to and still keep in line with canon." Limitless potential.
So's Iceman and he's not so uber Limitless potential doesn't mean much if you don't know how to use it.

Besides we're not talking about Spidey vs modern uberwanked X-Men, we're discussing the Secret Wars scenario, when they were at saner power levels.
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Post by Molyneux »

havokeff wrote:
Gustav32Vasa wrote:
Shroom Man 777 wrote:Why can't he kill Rogue with a punch? It's not like he's naked.
Because she is invulnerable, 5 times stronger then him and is precognitive.
Well she isn't quite precog. She had a sixth sense, where she could anticipate her opponents moves in a fight but that is about the extent of it. Obviously it didn't work out to well for her since she didn't anticipate getting caught up in Spidey's webs. :wink:
...Since when does Rogue have anything other than power-thieving and (at that point) Ms. Marvel's powers?
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Post by SCRawl »

Molyneux wrote:
havokeff wrote:
Gustav32Vasa wrote: Because she is invulnerable, 5 times stronger then him and is precognitive.
Well she isn't quite precog. She had a sixth sense, where she could anticipate her opponents moves in a fight but that is about the extent of it. Obviously it didn't work out to well for her since she didn't anticipate getting caught up in Spidey's webs. :wink:
...Since when does Rogue have anything other than power-thieving and (at that point) Ms. Marvel's powers?
Well, at that time Ms. Marvel's power suite included what they called a "seventh sense", as seen here at wikipedia:
Wikipedia wrote:Carol Danvers becomes Ms. Marvel after she is subjected to the "psyche-magnitron," a device of Kree origin. The device alters her DNA to resemble that of the Kree, and in the process, she gains superhuman strength and durability, the ability to fly, the ability to instantly change to her costume and back, and a precognitive "seventh sense" that provides her with a feeling of what is immediately about to happen (for example, where a foe is about to hit her).
I've seen Rogue put that to use, but it's often forgotten by the writers.
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Post by Havok »

Napoleon the Clown wrote:*Snip*
:roll: How hard is it to pay attention to the thread and previous posts. This is Spider-Man circa 1984 vs Professor X, Cyclops, Storm, Colossus, Rogue, Nightcrawler and Wolverine circa 1984, on the Secret Wars Battleworld. No Omega-Level mutants, no Rogue with Sunfire's power and no Phoenix/Jean Grey/Marvel Girl present. He isn't fighting every X-Man that ever existed. :roll:

Spidey dodging bullets. ... eedli3.jpg ... ed1kf2.jpg ... eedfm4.jpg ... ed1ym0.jpg ... ed2kl1.jpg ... eednr9.jpg ... eedey7.jpg ... ed1fv1.jpg ... ed2tl0.jpg ... eedox7.jpg ... ed1kp1.jpg ... ed2fe1.jpg ... eedkt9.jpg

Sorry I couldn't find any older examples, my Spidey's are in storage so I had to get these of the intraweb.
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Post by lance »

havokeff wrote:
Again with this Nightcrawler business. What exactly would Nightcrawler do if if he did manage to teleport onto Spidey aside from get a whole mess of broken tail. NC doesn't posses super strength or any kind of invulnerability what so ever. SM could snap his neck before he even teleported again, if he were so inclined.
If NC could teleport he could port off with spidey's head or something like he did in AoA with deadpool.
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Post by Napoleon the Clown »

Thank you for posting pics of Spiderman dodging bullets and not optic blasts.

Okay, yes, 1984 versions Spidey could take out. I didn't even know when that fight took place. Though it still doesn't stop one of the X-Men from having the jet just shoot a missile at Spiderman. Area of Effect is a real bitch.

In regards to NC, when he teleports someone with himself it often leaves them nauseated and disoriented. There's an off chance of that being enough distraction for a heavy hitter to take Spiderman out. Or, if killing is kosher for NC at that time, bamf upwards by several thousand feet and let go. Or stick high explosives to Spiderman and get the hell out of there. I don't know that NC would be willing to do that in any incarnation though. Spiderman is one of those characters that there's little choice between going so far as to possibly kill him and letting him just beat your ass to a pulp.

Wanked X-Men would give Spiderman fits. That era, I agree. Spiderman's too damned fast and smart for anything shy of overkill.
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Post by Havok »

Napoleon the Clown wrote:Thank you for posting pics of Spiderman dodging bullets and not optic blasts.
I'm sorry? I DIDNT post pics of Spidey dodging optic blasts? Do you even read the thread? Selective memory perhaps?
Okay, yes, 1984 versions Spidey could take out. I didn't even know when that fight took place. Though it still doesn't stop one of the X-Men from having the jet just shoot a missile at Spiderman. Area of Effect is a real bitch.
So you admit that you are wrong. Thank you. One thing I have learned on this board is that if you are not aware of what you are talking about you should shut the fuck up about it. And yet you still don't. Can someone please post a pic of the Blackbird the X-Men were flying on the Secret Wars battle world, please? I seem to have lost the secret 13th issue of the 12 issue series. :roll:
In regards to NC, when he teleports someone with himself it often leaves them nauseated and disoriented. There's an off chance of that being enough distraction for a heavy hitter to take Spiderman out. Or, if killing is kosher for NC at that time, bamf upwards by several thousand feet and let go. Or stick high explosives to Spiderman and get the hell out of there. I don't know that NC would be willing to do that in any incarnation though. Spiderman is one of those characters that there's little choice between going so far as to possibly kill him and letting him just beat your ass to a pulp.
If you are going to do all your comic book reading on The Marvel Wiki, which I think is what you are doing, make sure you read the whole article. "Nightcrawler can use his powers offensively by grappling with an enemy and teleporting him or her in a series of rapid jumps. The strain of these "multiple ports" can exhaust foes without superhuman endurance while Nightcrawler remains strong enough to continue fighting." I think Spidey would fall in the latter category. Why don't you go finish reading the Spider-Man article if you aren't sure.
Wanked X-Men would give Spiderman fits. That era, I agree. Spiderman's too damned fast and smart for anything shy of overkill.
Fine, since you just can't keep your argument in the constraints of the timeframe established, I call Cosmic Spidey!!! WIN!!
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Post by lance »

lance wrote:
havokeff wrote:
Again with this Nightcrawler business. What exactly would Nightcrawler do if if he did manage to teleport onto Spidey aside from get a whole mess of broken tail. NC doesn't posses super strength or any kind of invulnerability what so ever. SM could snap his neck before he even teleported again, if he were so inclined.
If NC could teleport he could port off with spidey's head or something like he did in AoA with deadpool.
That should say " If NC could teleport onto spider-man then he could teleport off with a chunk of his body like he did to deadpool in Age of Apocalypse.
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