Comedy gold.
Incidentally - you can see where CaoCao got his spittle-flecked raving against Todd Howard- just a dev before his company bought the Fallout licence, and now
the greatest villain of all time to this collection of sad fanatics.
From my own little cursory glance at their little cesspit, it's not surprising where they get their sad, overblown sense of injury and entitlement from:
Fallout 3 is not disliked because it's new. While alot of cynical comments about "Shiny graphics, nukular catapultz and 1mm3rshUn" may make it seem that way. The truth is over the years long time Fallout Fans have managed to deduce what it really is that makes Fallout, what it's about, and what made it uniquely "Fallout". Given recent preveiws, many fans feel that Bethesda is missing the point of Fallout. That the emphasis on swearing and gore and nuclear explosions (cars, the fatman) contradicts the original games.
Did you get that? Like scientists hard at work in a lab, Fallout Fans (note the capitals) have cracked the atom - er - managed to
deduce What Fallout Really Is.
Then you've got their reaching for the smelling salts at Todd Howard saying that Fallout's violence is funny:-
Okay, but why all the really mean comments about Todd Howard himself?
A) He's the lead developer.
B) He's also at the front of the hype machine surrounding Fallout 3.
C) He goes on and on about some of the features fans hate the most. Talking about how "violence is funny like Jackass" and seemingly totally missing the point about
D) Listen to the stuff he says and how he acts some time. He does not seem like the brightest of people.
is funny, you dumbfucks! What, you think those exaggerated animations are